hasmtlib-1.1.0: A monad for interfacing with external SMT solvers
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data SMTSort Source #

Sorts in SMTLib2 - used as promoted type (data-kind).



Sort of Bool


Sort of Int


Sort of Real

BvSort Nat

Sort of BitVec with length n

ArraySort SMTSort SMTSort

Sort of Array with indices k and values v


Instances details
GCompare SSMTSort Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


gcompare :: forall (a :: k) (b :: k). SSMTSort a -> SSMTSort b -> GOrdering a b #

GEq SSMTSort Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


geq :: forall (a :: k) (b :: k). SSMTSort a -> SSMTSort b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

newtype SMTVar (t :: SMTSort) Source #

An internal SMT variable with a phantom-type which holds an Int as it's identifier.





Instances details
Show (SMTVar t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


showsPrec :: Int -> SMTVar t -> ShowS #

show :: SMTVar t -> String #

showList :: [SMTVar t] -> ShowS #

Eq (SMTVar t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


(==) :: SMTVar t -> SMTVar t -> Bool #

(/=) :: SMTVar t -> SMTVar t -> Bool #

Ord (SMTVar t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


compare :: SMTVar t -> SMTVar t -> Ordering #

(<) :: SMTVar t -> SMTVar t -> Bool #

(<=) :: SMTVar t -> SMTVar t -> Bool #

(>) :: SMTVar t -> SMTVar t -> Bool #

(>=) :: SMTVar t -> SMTVar t -> Bool #

max :: SMTVar t -> SMTVar t -> SMTVar t #

min :: SMTVar t -> SMTVar t -> SMTVar t #

Render (SMTVar t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


render :: SMTVar t -> Builder Source #

varId :: forall t t. Iso (SMTVar t) (SMTVar t) Int Int Source #

type family HaskellType (t :: SMTSort) = (r :: Type) | r -> t where ... Source #

Injective type-family that computes the Haskell Type of an SMTSort.

data Value (t :: SMTSort) where Source #

A wrapper for values of SMTSorts.


Instances details
Show (Value t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


showsPrec :: Int -> Value t -> ShowS #

show :: Value t -> String #

showList :: [Value t] -> ShowS #

Render (Value t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


render :: Value t -> Builder Source #

unwrapValue :: Value t -> HaskellType t Source #

Unwrap a value from Value.

wrapValue :: forall t. KnownSMTSort t => HaskellType t -> Value t Source #

Wrap a value into Value.

data SSMTSort (t :: SMTSort) where Source #

Singleton for SMTSort.


Instances details
GCompare SSMTSort Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


gcompare :: forall (a :: k) (b :: k). SSMTSort a -> SSMTSort b -> GOrdering a b #

GEq SSMTSort Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


geq :: forall (a :: k) (b :: k). SSMTSort a -> SSMTSort b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

Show (SSMTSort t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


showsPrec :: Int -> SSMTSort t -> ShowS #

show :: SSMTSort t -> String #

showList :: [SSMTSort t] -> ShowS #

Eq (SSMTSort t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


(==) :: SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t -> Bool #

(/=) :: SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t -> Bool #

Ord (SSMTSort t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


compare :: SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t -> Ordering #

(<) :: SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t -> Bool #

(<=) :: SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t -> Bool #

(>) :: SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t -> Bool #

(>=) :: SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t -> Bool #

max :: SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t #

min :: SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t -> SSMTSort t #

Render (SSMTSort t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


render :: SSMTSort t -> Builder Source #

class KnownSMTSort (t :: SMTSort) where Source #

Compute singleton SSMTSort from it's promoted type SMTSort.

sortSing' :: forall prxy t. KnownSMTSort t => prxy t -> SSMTSort t Source #

Wrapper for sortSing which takes a Proxy

data SomeSMTSort cs f where Source #

An existential wrapper that hides some SMTSort and a list of Constraints holding for it.


SomeSMTSort :: forall cs f (t :: SMTSort). AllC cs t => f t -> SomeSMTSort cs f 

type SomeKnownSMTSort f = SomeSMTSort '[KnownSMTSort] f Source #

An existential wrapper that hides some known SMTSort.

data Expr (t :: SMTSort) Source #

A SMT expression. For internal use only. For building expressions use the corresponding instances (Num, Boolean, ...).


Instances details
Bounded (Expr 'BoolSort) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr

KnownNat n => Bounded (Expr ('BvSort n)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


minBound :: Expr ('BvSort n) #

maxBound :: Expr ('BvSort n) #

Floating (Expr 'RealSort) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr.Num

KnownNat n => Num (Expr ('BvSort n)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr.Num


(+) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) #

(-) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) #

(*) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) #

negate :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) #

abs :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) #

signum :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Expr ('BvSort n) #

Num (Expr 'IntSort) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr.Num

Num (Expr 'RealSort) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr.Num

Fractional (Expr 'RealSort) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr.Num

Show (Expr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


showsPrec :: Int -> Expr t -> ShowS #

show :: Expr t -> String #

showList :: [Expr t] -> ShowS #

Boolean (Expr 'BoolSort) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr

KnownNat n => Boolean (Expr ('BvSort n)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


bool :: Bool -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

true :: Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

false :: Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

(&&) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

(||) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

(==>) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

not :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

xor :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

KnownSMTSort t => Codec (Expr t) Source #

Decode and evaluate expressions

Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Codec

Associated Types

type Decoded (Expr t) Source #


decode :: Solution -> Expr t -> Maybe (Decoded (Expr t)) Source #

encode :: Decoded (Expr t) -> Expr t Source #

(KnownSMTSort t, Eq (HaskellType t)) => Equatable (Expr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Equatable


(===) :: Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr 'BoolSort Source #

(/==) :: Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr 'BoolSort Source #

KnownNat n => Integraled (Expr ('BvSort n)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr.Num


quot :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

rem :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

div :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

mod :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) Source #

quotRem :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> (Expr ('BvSort n), Expr ('BvSort n)) Source #

divMod :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> (Expr ('BvSort n), Expr ('BvSort n)) Source #

Integraled (Expr 'IntSort) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr.Num

KnownSMTSort t => Render (Expr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Internal.Expr


render :: Expr t -> Builder Source #

KnownNat n => Orderable (Expr ('BvSort n)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Orderable


(<=?) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr 'BoolSort Source #

(>=?) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr 'BoolSort Source #

(<?) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr 'BoolSort Source #

(>?) :: Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr ('BvSort n) -> Expr 'BoolSort Source #

Orderable (Expr 'IntSort) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Orderable

Orderable (Expr 'RealSort) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Orderable

KnownSMTSort t => Variable (Expr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Variable


variable :: MonadSMT s m => m (Expr t) Source #

Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> () -> () -> () Source #

Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (Seq a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a Source #

Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (Tree a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a Source #

Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (Expr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr t Source #

Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (Maybe a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a Source #

Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] Source #

(Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) b) => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (a, b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> (a, b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) Source #

(Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) b, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) c) => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (a, b, c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) Source #

(Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) b, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) c, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) d) => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (a, b, c, d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) Source #

(Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) b, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) c, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) d, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) e) => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (a, b, c, d, e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

(Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) b, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) c, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) d, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) e, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) f) => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source #

(Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) b, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) c, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) d, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) e, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) f, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) g) => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source #

(Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) a, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) b, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) c, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) d, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) e, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) f, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) g, Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) h) => Iteable (Expr 'BoolSort) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Iteable


ite :: Expr 'BoolSort -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source #

type Decoded (Expr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Hasmtlib.Codec

type Decoded (Expr t) = HaskellType t

for_all :: forall t. KnownSMTSort t => (Expr t -> Expr BoolSort) -> Expr BoolSort Source #

A universal quantification for any specific SMTSort. If the type cannot be inferred, apply a type-annotation. Nested quantifiers are also supported.


  assert $
     for_all @IntSort $ x ->
        x + 0 === x && 0 + x === x 

The lambdas x is all-quantified here. It will only be scoped for the lambdas body.

exists :: forall t. KnownSMTSort t => (Expr t -> Expr BoolSort) -> Expr BoolSort Source #

An existential quantification for any specific SMTSort If the type cannot be inferred, apply a type-annotation. Nested quantifiers are also supported.


  assert $
     for_all @(BvSort 8) $ x ->
         exists $ y ->
           x - y === 0 

The lambdas y is existentially quantified here. It will only be scoped for the lambdas body.

select :: (KnownSMTSort k, KnownSMTSort v, Ord (HaskellType k)) => Expr (ArraySort k v) -> Expr k -> Expr v Source #

Select a value from an array.

store :: (KnownSMTSort k, KnownSMTSort v, Ord (HaskellType k)) => Expr (ArraySort k v) -> Expr k -> Expr v -> Expr (ArraySort k v) Source #

Store a value in an array.

bvShL :: KnownNat n => Expr (BvSort n) -> Expr (BvSort n) -> Expr (BvSort n) Source #

Bitvector shift left

bvLShR :: KnownNat n => Expr (BvSort n) -> Expr (BvSort n) -> Expr (BvSort n) Source #

Bitvector logical shift right

bvConcat :: (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Expr (BvSort n) -> Expr (BvSort m) -> Expr (BvSort (n + m)) Source #

Concat two bitvectors

bvRotL :: (KnownNat n, KnownNat i, KnownNat (Mod i n)) => Proxy i -> Expr (BvSort n) -> Expr (BvSort n) Source #

Rotate bitvector left

bvRotR :: (KnownNat n, KnownNat i, KnownNat (Mod i n)) => Proxy i -> Expr (BvSort n) -> Expr (BvSort n) Source #

Rotate bitvector right