haspara- A library providing definitions to work with monetary values.
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides base data definitions and functions for Haspara library.



Data Definition

data Money (s :: Nat) Source #


Instances details
Eq (Money s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haspara.Internal.Money


(==) :: Money s -> Money s -> Bool #

(/=) :: Money s -> Money s -> Bool #

Ord (Money s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haspara.Internal.Money


compare :: Money s -> Money s -> Ordering #

(<) :: Money s -> Money s -> Bool #

(<=) :: Money s -> Money s -> Bool #

(>) :: Money s -> Money s -> Bool #

(>=) :: Money s -> Money s -> Bool #

max :: Money s -> Money s -> Money s #

min :: Money s -> Money s -> Money s #

KnownNat s => Show (Money s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Haspara.Internal.Money


showsPrec :: Int -> Money s -> ShowS #

show :: Money s -> String #

showList :: [Money s] -> ShowS #

KnownNat s => ToJSON (Money s) Source #

ToJSON instance for Money.

>>> Aeson.encode (MoneySome (read "2021-01-01") ("USD" :: Currency) (42 :: Quantity 0))
>>> Aeson.encode (MoneyZero :: Money 2)
>>> Aeson.encode (MoneyFail "oops" :: Money 2)
Instance details

Defined in Haspara.Internal.Money

KnownNat s => FromJSON (Money s) Source #

FromJSON instance for Money.

>>> Aeson.decode "{\"qty\":42,\"ccy\":\"USD\",\"date\":\"2021-01-01\"}" :: Maybe (Money 2)
Just (MoneySome 2021-01-01 USD 42.00)
>>> Aeson.decode "0" :: Maybe (Money 2)
Just MoneyZero
>>> Aeson.decode "{\"error\": \"oops\"}" :: Maybe (Money 2)
Just (MoneyFail "oops")
Instance details

Defined in Haspara.Internal.Money



convert :: (KnownNat s, KnownNat k) => Money s -> Currency -> Quantity k -> Money s Source #

Converts the given Money value to another given currency with the given rate.

>>> import Haspara
>>> let eur = either error id $ currency "EUR"
>>> let usd = either error id $ currency "USD"
>>> let date = read "2021-01-01" :: Date
>>> let eurmoney = mkMoney date eur (quantity 0.42 :: Quantity 2) :: Money 2
>>> convert eurmoney eur (quantity 1 :: Quantity 4)
MoneySome 2021-01-01 EUR 0.42
>>> convert eurmoney usd (quantity 1 :: Quantity 4)
MoneySome 2021-01-01 USD 0.42
>>> convert eurmoney usd (quantity 1.1516 :: Quantity 4)
MoneySome 2021-01-01 USD 0.48

convertWithQuote :: (KnownNat s, KnownNat k) => Money s -> FXQuote k -> Money s Source #

Converts the given Money value to another currency with the given FXQuote.