module HeadedMegaparsec
  -- * Types
  -- * Execution
  -- * Transformation
  -- * Construction

import HeadedMegaparsec.Prelude hiding (try, head, tail, filter)
import Control.Applicative.Combinators
import Text.Megaparsec (Parsec, Stream)
import qualified HeadedMegaparsec.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Debug as Megaparsec
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MegaparsecChar
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as MegaparsecLexer
import qualified Data.Text as Text

{- $setup

>>> :set -XApplicativeDo


-- * Types

Headed parser.

Abstracts over explicit composition between consecutive megaparsec `try` blocks,
providing for better error messages.

With headed parser you don't need to use `try` at all.


>>> :{
    select :: HeadedParsec Void Text (Maybe [Either Char Int], Maybe Int)
    select = do
      head (string' "select")
      _targets <- optional (head space1 *> targets)
      _limit <- optional (head space1 *> limit)
      return (_targets, _limit)
        targets = sepBy1 target commaSeparator
        target =
          head (Left <$> char '*') <|>
          head (Right <$> Lexer.decimal)
        commaSeparator = head (space *> char ',' *> space)
        limit =
          head (string' "limit" *> space1) *>
          tail Lexer.decimal
    test :: Text -> IO ()
    test = parseTest (toParsec select <* eof)

>>> test "select 1, "
unexpected ','

>>> test "select limit "
unexpected end of input
expecting integer or white space

>>> test "select 1, 2 limit 2"
(Just [Right 1,Right 2],Just 2)

newtype HeadedParsec err strm a = HeadedParsec (Parsec err strm (Either a (Parsec err strm a)))

A helper required for hacking `dbg`.
data Showable a = Showable String a

-- * Instances

-- ** Showable

instance Show (Showable a) where
  show (Showable msg _) = msg

-- ** HeadedParsec

instance Functor (HeadedParsec err strm) where
  fmap fn (HeadedParsec p) = HeadedParsec (fmap (bimap fn (fmap fn)) p)

instance (Ord err, Stream strm) => Applicative (HeadedParsec err strm) where
  pure = HeadedParsec . pure . Left
  (<*>) (HeadedParsec p1) (HeadedParsec p2) = HeadedParsec $ do
    junction1 <- p1
    case junction1 of
      Left aToB -> do
        junction2 <- p2
        case junction2 of
          Left a -> return (Left (aToB a))
          Right tailP2 -> return $ Right $ do
            a <- tailP2
            return (aToB a)
      Right tailP1 -> return $ Right $ do
        aToB <- tailP1
        junction2 <- p2
        case junction2 of
          Left a -> return (aToB a)
          Right tailP2 -> do
            a <- tailP2
            return (aToB a)

instance (Ord err, Stream strm) => Selective (HeadedParsec err strm) where
  select (HeadedParsec p1) (HeadedParsec p2) = HeadedParsec $ do
    junction1 <- p1
    case junction1 of
      Left eitherAOrB -> case eitherAOrB of
        Right b -> return (Left b)
        Left a -> do
          junction2 <- p2
          case junction2 of
            Left aToB -> return (Left (aToB a))
            Right tailP2 -> return (Right (fmap ($ a) tailP2))
      Right tailP1 -> return $ Right $ do
        eitherAOrB <- tailP1
        case eitherAOrB of
          Right b -> return b
          Left a -> do
            junction2 <- p2
            case junction2 of
              Left aToB -> return (aToB a)
              Right tailP2 -> fmap ($ a) tailP2

instance (Ord err, Stream strm) => Monad (HeadedParsec err strm) where
  return = pure
  (>>=) (HeadedParsec p1) k2 = HeadedParsec $ do
    junction1 <- p1
    case junction1 of
      Left a -> case k2 a of HeadedParsec p2 -> p2
      Right tailP1 -> return $ Right $ do
        a <- tailP1
        Megaparsec.contPossibly $ case k2 a of HeadedParsec p2 -> p2

Alternation is performed only the basis of heads.
Bodies do not participate.
instance (Ord err, Stream strm) => Alternative (HeadedParsec err strm) where
  empty = HeadedParsec empty
  (<|>) (HeadedParsec p1) (HeadedParsec p2) = HeadedParsec (Megaparsec.try p1 <|> p2)

Alternation is performed only the basis of heads.
Bodies do not participate.
instance (Ord err, Stream strm) => MonadPlus (HeadedParsec err strm) where
  mzero = empty
  mplus = (<|>)

instance (Ord err, Stream strm) => MonadFail (HeadedParsec err strm) where
  fail = HeadedParsec . fail

-- * Execution

Convert headed parser into megaparsec parser.
toParsec :: (Ord err, Stream strm) => HeadedParsec err strm a -> Parsec err strm a
toParsec (HeadedParsec p) = Megaparsec.contPossibly p

-- * Helpers

mapParsec :: (Parsec err1 strm1 (Either res1 (Parsec err1 strm1 res1)) -> Parsec err2 strm2 (Either res2 (Parsec err2 strm2 res2))) -> HeadedParsec err1 strm1 res1 -> HeadedParsec err2 strm2 res2
mapParsec fn (HeadedParsec p) = HeadedParsec (fn p)

-- * Transformation

Wrap a parser to be usable as a whole in a head block,
allowing it in effect to be composed with the following parsers into a single `try` when executed,
no matter whether it contains `endHead` or not.
wrapToHead :: (Ord err, Stream strm) => HeadedParsec err strm a -> HeadedParsec err strm a
wrapToHead = mapParsec $ fmap Left . Megaparsec.contPossibly

Label a headed parser.
Works the same way as megaparsec's `Megaparsec.label`.
label :: (Ord err, Stream strm) => String -> HeadedParsec err strm a -> HeadedParsec err strm a
label label = mapParsec (Megaparsec.label label)

Make a parser print debugging information when evaluated.
The first parameter is a custom label.

This function is a wrapper around `Megaparsec.dbg`.
It generates two debugging entries: one for head and one for tail.
dbg :: (Ord err, Megaparsec.ShowErrorComponent err, Stream strm, Show a) => String -> HeadedParsec err strm a -> HeadedParsec err strm a
dbg label = mapParsec $ \ p -> do
  Showable _ junction <- Megaparsec.dbg (label <> "/head") (fmap (either (\ a -> Showable (show a) (Left a)) (Showable "<tail parser>" . Right)) p)
  case junction of
    Left a -> return (Left a)
    Right tailP -> return $ Right $ Megaparsec.dbg (label <> "/tail") tailP

Filter the results of parser based on a predicate,
failing with a parameterized message.
filter :: (Ord err, Stream strm) => (a -> String) -> (a -> Bool) -> HeadedParsec err strm a -> HeadedParsec err strm a
filter err pred = mapParsec $ \ p -> do
  junction <- p
  case junction of
    Left a -> if pred a
      then return (Left a)
      else fail (err a)
    Right tailP -> return $ Right $ do
      a <- tailP
      if pred a
        then return a
        else fail (err a)

-- *

Lift a megaparsec parser as a head parser.
head :: (Ord err, Stream strm) => Parsec err strm a -> HeadedParsec err strm a
head = HeadedParsec . fmap Left

Lift a megaparsec parser as a tail parser.

Composing consecutive tails results in one tail.

Composing consecutive head and tail leaves the head still composable with preceding head.
tail :: (Stream strm) => Parsec err strm a -> HeadedParsec err strm a
tail = HeadedParsec . return . Right

Lift both head and tail megaparsec parsers, composing their results.
headAndTail :: (Ord err, Stream strm) => (head -> tail -> a) -> Parsec err strm head -> Parsec err strm tail -> HeadedParsec err strm a
headAndTail fn headP tailP = HeadedParsec $ do
  a <- headP
  return $ Right $ do
    b <- tailP
    return (fn a b)

Lift a megaparsec parser.
parse :: (Ord err, Stream strm) => Parsec err strm a -> HeadedParsec err strm a
parse = head

-- * Control

Make all the following parsers compose as tail.
endHead :: (Stream strm) => HeadedParsec err strm ()
endHead = HeadedParsec (return (Right (return ())))