{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Hedgehog.Internal.Shrink (
  , towardsFloat
  , list

  , halves
  , removes
  , consNub
  ) where

-- | Shrink an integral number by edging towards a destination.
--   >>> towards 0 100
--   [0,50,75,88,94,97,99]
--   >>> towards 500 1000
--   [500,750,875,938,969,985,993,997,999]
--   >>> towards (-50) (-26)
--   [-50,-38,-32,-29,-27]
--   /Note we always try the destination first, as that is the optimal shrink./
towards :: Integral a => a -> a -> [a]
towards destination x =
  if destination == x then
      -- Halve the operands before subtracting them so they don't overflow.
      -- Consider 'minBound' and 'maxBound' for a fixed sized type like 'Int64'.
      diff =
        (x `quot` 2) - (destination `quot` 2)
      destination `consNub` fmap (x -) (halves diff)

-- | Shrink a floating-point number by edging towards a destination.
--   >>> take 7 (towardsFloat 0.0 100)
--   [0.0,50.0,75.0,87.5,93.75,96.875,98.4375]
--   >>> take 7 (towardsFloat 1.0 0.5)
--   [1.0,0.75,0.625,0.5625,0.53125,0.515625,0.5078125]
--   /Note we always try the destination first, as that is the optimal shrink./
towardsFloat :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> [a]
towardsFloat destination x =
  if destination == x then
      diff =
        x - destination

      ok y =
        y /= x && not (isNaN y) && not (isInfinite y)
      takeWhile ok .
      fmap (x -) $
      iterate (/ 2) diff

-- | Shrink a list by edging towards the empty list.
--   >>> list [1,2,3]
--   [[],[2,3],[1,3],[1,2]]
--   >>> list "abcd"
--   ["","cd","ab","bcd","acd","abd","abc"]
--   /Note we always try the empty list first, as that is the optimal shrink./
list :: [a] -> [[a]]
list xs =
   (\k -> removes k xs)
   (halves $ length xs)

-- | Produce all permutations of removing 'k' elements from a list.
--   >>> removes 2 "abcdef"
--   ["cdef","abef","abcd"]
removes :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
removes k0 xs0 =
    loop k n xs =
        (hd, tl) =
          splitAt k xs
        if k > n then
        else if null tl then
          tl : fmap (hd ++) (loop k (n - k) tl)
    loop k0 (length xs0) xs0

-- | Produce a list containing the progressive halving of an integral.
--   >>> halves 15
--   [15,7,3,1]
--   >>> halves 100
--   [100,50,25,12,6,3,1]
--   >>> halves (-26)
--   [-26,-13,-6,-3,-1]
halves :: Integral a => a -> [a]
halves =
  takeWhile (/= 0) . iterate (`quot` 2)

-- | Cons an element on to the front of a list unless it is already there.
consNub :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
consNub x ys0 =
  case ys0 of
    [] ->
      x : []
    y : ys ->
      if x == y then
        y : ys
        x : y : ys