{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- redundant-constraints: False positive in default signature for `toRawValue`
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}

#ifdef __GHCIDE__
# define NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(mm,m,p) 1

module Hercules.CNix.Expr
  ( init,

    -- * Re-exports
    module Hercules.CNix.Store,
    module Hercules.CNix.Expr.Typed,
    type EvalState,

-- TODO: No more Ptr EvalState
-- TODO: No more NixStore when EvalState is already there
-- TODO: Map Nix-specific C++ exceptions to a CNix exception type

import Conduit
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as H
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Scientific as Sci
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Foreign (nullPtr)
import qualified Foreign.C.String
import Hercules.CNix.Encapsulation (moveToForeignPtrWrapper)
import Hercules.CNix.Expr.Context
import Hercules.CNix.Expr.Raw
import Hercules.CNix.Expr.Typed
import Hercules.CNix.Store
import Hercules.CNix.Store.Context
import qualified Language.C.Inline.Cpp as C
import qualified Language.C.Inline.Cpp.Exception as C
import Protolude hiding (evalState)
import System.Directory (makeAbsolute)
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap (toMapText)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS

C.context (Hercules.CNix.Store.Context.context <> Hercules.CNix.Expr.Context.evalContext)

C.verbatim "#define GC_THREADS 1"

C.include "<stdio.h>"

C.include "<cstring>"

C.include "<math.h>"

C.include "<nix/config.h>"

C.include "<nix/shared.hh>"

C.include "<nix/eval.hh>"

C.include "<nix/eval-inline.hh>"

C.include "<nix/store-api.hh>"

C.include "<nix/common-eval-args.hh>"

C.include "<nix/get-drvs.hh>"

C.include "<nix/derivations.hh>"

C.include "<nix/globals.hh>"

C.include "<nix/flake/flake.hh>"

C.include "<nix/flake/flakeref.hh>"

#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,19,0)
C.include "<nix/args/root.hh>"

C.include "hercules-ci-cnix/expr.hxx"

C.include "hercules-ci-cnix/string.hxx"

C.include "<gc/gc.h>"

C.include "<gc/gc_cpp.h>"

C.include "<gc/gc_allocator.h>"

C.using "namespace nix"

C.using "namespace hercules_ci_cnix"

C.verbatim "\nGC_API void GC_CALL GC_throw_bad_alloc() { throw std::bad_alloc(); }\n"

init :: IO ()
init :: IO ()
init =
  IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
    [C.throwBlock| void {
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,15,0)
      globalConfig.set("extra-experimental-features", "flakes");
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,5,0)
      std::set<nix::ExperimentalFeature> features(nix::settings.experimentalFeatures.get());
      Strings features(nix::settings.experimentalFeatures.get());
    } |]

-- | Initialize the current (main) thread for stack overflow detection.
initThread :: IO ()
initThread =
    [C.throwBlock| void {

-- | Configure the garbage collector to support threads.
-- This is not needed when all evaluation happens on the main thread.
allowThreads :: IO ()
allowThreads =
    [C.block| void {

-- | Run in a thread from which GC may be triggered safely.
-- This also installs the stack overflow handler.
-- NOTE: Before using this, you must call 'allowThreads' once.
runGcRegisteredThread :: IO a -> IO a
runGcRegisteredThread io =
  runInBoundThread do
      (const end)
      (const io)
    start =
        [C.block| void {
          struct GC_stack_base sb;
          int r = GC_get_stack_base(&sb);
          assert(r == GC_SUCCESS);
    end =
        [C.block| void {

{- | Configure the stack overflow handler to sleep before returning, allowing
  other threads to continue for a bit.

  No-op before Nix 2.12
setExtraStackOverflowHandlerToSleep :: IO ()
setExtraStackOverflowHandlerToSleep =
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,12,0)
    [C.throwBlock| void {
      nix::stackOverflowHandler = [](siginfo_t *info, void *ctx) {
        Error error("stack overflow");

        // This is risky for a signal handler.
        // Note that the original thread is now in a permanently blocked state
        // so we can easily create a deadlock.
        // Allow the rest of the process to continue for a bit.

setTalkative :: IO ()
setTalkative =
  [C.throwBlock| void {
    nix::verbosity = nix::lvlTalkative;
  } |]

setDebug :: IO ()
setDebug =
  [C.throwBlock| void {
    nix::verbosity = nix::lvlVomit;
  } |]

setGlobalOption :: Text -> Text -> IO ()
setGlobalOption opt value = do
  let optionStr = encodeUtf8 opt
      valueStr = encodeUtf8 value
  [C.throwBlock| void {
    globalConfig.set($bs-cstr:optionStr, $bs-cstr:valueStr);

setOption :: Text -> Text -> IO ()
setOption opt value = do
  let optionStr = encodeUtf8 opt
      valueStr = encodeUtf8 value
  [C.throwBlock| void {
    settings.set($bs-cstr:optionStr, $bs-cstr:valueStr);

logInfo :: Text -> IO ()
logInfo t = do
  let bstr = encodeUtf8 t
  [C.throwBlock| void {

-- | (private) Make an EvalState and leak it.
newEvalState :: MonadIO m => Store -> m (Ptr EvalState)
newEvalState (Store store) = liftIO
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,17,0)
  [C.throwBlock| EvalState* {
    nix::SearchPath searchPaths;
    return new EvalState(searchPaths, *$(refStore* store));
  } |]
  [C.throwBlock| EvalState* {
    Strings searchPaths;
    return new EvalState(searchPaths, *$(refStore* store));
  } |]

-- | (private) Don't leak it.
deleteEvalState :: MonadIO m => (Ptr EvalState) -> m ()
deleteEvalState st = liftIO [C.throwBlock| void { delete $(EvalState* st); } |]

withEvalState ::
  Store ->
  (Ptr EvalState -> IO a) ->
  IO a
withEvalState store = bracket (newEvalState store) deleteEvalState

withEvalStateConduit ::
  MonadResource m =>
  Store ->
  (Ptr EvalState -> ConduitT i o m r) ->
  ConduitT i o m r
withEvalStateConduit store = bracketP (newEvalState store) deleteEvalState

-- | Insert an allowed path. Only has an effect when in restricted or pure mode.
addAllowedPath :: Ptr EvalState -> ByteString -> IO ()
addAllowedPath evalState path =
  [C.throwBlock| void {
    std::string path = std::string($bs-ptr:path, $bs-len:path);
    EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,20,0)
    if (evalState.allowedPaths) {

addInternalAllowedPaths :: Ptr EvalState -> IO ()
addInternalAllowedPaths evalState = do

evalFile :: Ptr EvalState -> FilePath -> IO RawValue
evalFile evalState filename = do
  filename' <- Foreign.C.String.newCString filename
    =<< [C.throwBlock| Value* {
      EvalState & state = *$(EvalState *evalState);
      Value value;
      auto cstr = $(const char *filename');
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,19,0)
      SourcePath path {state.rootPath(CanonPath(cstr))};
#elif NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,16,0)
      SourcePath path = CanonPath(cstr);
      std::string path = cstr;
      state.evalFile(path, value);
      return new (NoGC) Value(value);

-- leaks
newStrings :: IO (Ptr Strings)
newStrings = [C.exp| Strings* { new (NoGC) Strings() }|]

appendString :: Ptr Strings -> ByteString -> IO ()
appendString ss s =
  [C.block| void {
    $(Strings *ss)->push_back(std::string($bs-ptr:s, $bs-len:s));

#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,19,0)
C.verbatim "struct EvalArgs : nix::RootArgs, nix::MixEvalArgs { };"
C.verbatim "struct EvalArgs : nix::MixEvalArgs { };"

evalArgs :: Ptr EvalState -> [ByteString] -> IO (Value NixAttrs)
evalArgs evalState args = do
  argsStrings <- newStrings
  forM_ args $ appendString argsStrings
  fmap unsafeAssertType . mkRawValue
    =<< [C.throwBlock| Value * {
      Strings *args = $(Strings *argsStrings);
      struct EvalArgs evalArgs;
      Bindings *autoArgs;
      EvalState &state = *$(EvalState *evalState);

      autoArgs = evalArgs.getAutoArgs(state);
      if (!autoArgs) {
        throw nix::Error("Could not evaluate automatic arguments");
      Value *r = new (NoGC) Value ();
      return r;

autoCallFunction :: Ptr EvalState -> RawValue -> Value NixAttrs -> IO RawValue
autoCallFunction evalState (RawValue fun) (Value (RawValue autoArgs)) =
    =<< [C.throwBlock| Value* {
          Value result;
          $(EvalState *evalState)->autoCallFunction(
                  *$(Value *autoArgs)->attrs,
                  *$(Value *fun),
          return new (NoGC) Value (result);

isDerivation :: Ptr EvalState -> RawValue -> IO Bool
isDerivation evalState (RawValue v) =
0 CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
    (CInt -> Bool) -> IO CInt -> IO Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [C.throwBlock| int {
          if ($(Value *v) == NULL) { throw std::invalid_argument("forceValue value must be non-null"); }
          $(EvalState *evalState)->forceValue(*$(Value *v), nix::noPos);
          return $(EvalState *evalState)->isDerivation(*$(Value *v));

isFunctor :: Ptr EvalState -> RawValue -> IO Bool
isFunctor evalState (RawValue v) =
  (0 /=)
    <$> [C.throwBlock| int {
          if ($(Value *v) == NULL) { throw std::invalid_argument("forceValue value must be non-null"); }
          return $(EvalState *evalState)->isFunctor(*$(Value *v));

getRecurseForDerivations :: Ptr EvalState -> Value NixAttrs -> IO Bool
getRecurseForDerivations evalState (Value (RawValue v)) =
  (0 /=)
    <$> [C.throwBlock| int {
          Value *v = $(Value *v);
          EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
          Bindings::iterator iter = v->attrs->find(evalState.sRecurseForDerivations);
          if (iter == v->attrs->end()) {
            return 0;
          } else {
            // Previously this bool was unpacked manually and included a special
            // case to return true when it is not a bool. That logic was added
            // because an empty attrset was found here, observed in
            // nixpkgs master 67e2de195a4aa0a50ffb1e1ba0b4fb531dca67dc
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,14,0)
            return evalState.forceBool(*iter->value, iter->pos, "while evaluating whether to traverse into an attribute set to find more derivations");
#elif NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,9,0)
            return evalState.forceBool(*iter->value, iter->pos);
            return evalState.forceBool(*iter->value, *iter->pos);
        } |]

getAttr :: Ptr EvalState -> Value NixAttrs -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe RawValue)
getAttr evalState (Value (RawValue v)) k =
    =<< [C.throwBlock| Value *{
      Value &v = *$(Value *v);
      EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
      Symbol k = evalState.symbols.create($bs-cstr:k);
      Bindings::iterator iter = v.attrs->find(k);
      if (iter == v.attrs->end()) {
        return nullptr;
      } else {
        return iter->value;

-- | Converts 'nullPtr' to 'Nothing'; actual values to @Just (a :: 'RawValue')@
mkNullableRawValue :: Ptr Value' -> IO (Maybe RawValue)
mkNullableRawValue p | p == nullPtr = pure Nothing
mkNullableRawValue p = Just <$> mkRawValue p

getAttrs :: Ptr EvalState -> Value NixAttrs -> IO (Map ByteString RawValue)
getAttrs evalState (Value (RawValue v)) = do
  begin <- [C.exp| Attr *{ $(Value *v)->attrs->begin() }|]
  end <- [C.exp| Attr *{ $(Value *v)->attrs->end() }|]
  let gather :: Map ByteString RawValue -> Ptr Attr' -> IO (Map ByteString RawValue)
      gather acc i | i == end = pure acc
      gather acc i = do
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,9,0)
        name <- BS.unsafePackMallocCString =<< [C.block| const char *{
          EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
          SymbolStr str = evalState.symbols[$(Attr *i)->name];
          return stringdup(static_cast<std::string>(str));
        name <- BS.unsafePackMallocCString =<< [C.exp| const char *{ stringdup(static_cast<std::string>($(Attr *i)->name)) } |]
        value <- mkRawValue =<< [C.exp| Value *{ new (NoGC) Value(*$(Attr *i)->value) } |]
        let acc' = M.insert name value acc
        seq acc' pass
        gather acc' =<< [C.exp| Attr *{ &$(Attr *i)[1] }|]
  gather mempty begin

getDrvFile :: MonadIO m => Ptr EvalState -> RawValue -> m StorePath
getDrvFile evalState (RawValue v) = liftIO do
    =<< [C.throwBlock| nix::StorePath *{
      EvalState &state = *$(EvalState *evalState);
      auto drvInfo = getDerivation(state, *$(Value *v), false);
      if (!drvInfo)
        throw EvalError("Not a valid derivation");

#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,7,0)
      StorePath storePath = drvInfo->requireDrvPath();
      std::string drvPath = drvInfo->queryDrvPath();
      StorePath storePath = state.store->parseStorePath(drvPath);

      // write it (?)
      auto drv = state.store->derivationFromPath(storePath);

      return new StorePath(storePath);

getAttrBool :: Ptr EvalState -> Value NixAttrs -> ByteString -> IO (Either SomeException (Maybe Bool))
getAttrBool evalState attrset attrName = do
  attrMaybe <- getAttr evalState attrset attrName
  attrMaybe & maybe (pure (Right Nothing)) \attr -> do
    match evalState attr >>= \case
      Left e -> do
        pure $ Left e
      Right (IsBool r) -> do
        b <- getBool r
        pure $ Right (Just b)
      Right _ -> do
        pure $ Right Nothing

getList :: Value NixList -> IO [RawValue]
getList (Value (RawValue nixList)) = do
  len <- [C.exp| int { $(Value *nixList)->listSize() }|]
  let getElem i = mkRawValue =<< [C.exp| Value * { $(Value *nixList)->listElems()[$(int i)] }|]
  for [0 .. (len - 1)] \i -> do
    getElem i

getAttrList :: Ptr EvalState -> Value NixAttrs -> ByteString -> IO (Either SomeException (Maybe [RawValue]))
getAttrList evalState attrset attrName = do
  attrMaybe <- getAttr evalState attrset attrName
  attrMaybe & maybe (pure (Right Nothing)) \attr -> do
    match evalState attr >>= \case
      Left e -> do
        pure $ Left e
      Right (IsList r) -> do
        b <- getList r
        pure $ Right (Just b)
      Right _ -> do
        pure $ Right Nothing

-- | Parse a string and eval it.
valueFromExpressionString ::
  Ptr EvalState ->
  -- | The string to parse
  ByteString ->
  -- | Base path for path exprs
  ByteString ->
  IO RawValue
valueFromExpressionString evalState s basePath = do
    =<< [C.throwBlock| Value *{
      EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
      std::string basePathStr = std::string($bs-ptr:basePath, $bs-len:basePath);
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,19,0)
      SourcePath basePath {evalState.rootPath(CanonPath(basePathStr))};
#elif NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,16,0)
      SourcePath basePath = CanonPath(basePathStr);
      auto & basePath = basePathStr;
      Expr *expr = evalState.parseExprFromString(std::string($bs-ptr:s, $bs-len:s), basePath);
      Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
      evalState.eval(expr, *r);
      return r;

-- | 'apply' but strict.
callFunction :: Ptr EvalState -> RawValue -> RawValue -> IO RawValue
callFunction evalState (RawValue f) (RawValue a) = do
    =<< [C.throwBlock| Value *{
      EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
      Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
      evalState.callFunction(*$(Value *f), *$(Value *a), *r, noPos);
      return r;

apply :: RawValue -> RawValue -> IO RawValue
apply (RawValue f) (RawValue a) = do
    =<< [C.throwBlock| Value *{
      Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
      r->mkApp($(Value *f), $(Value *a));
      return r;

mkPath :: Ptr EvalState -> ByteString -> IO (Value NixPath)
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,19,0)
mkPath evalState path =
mkPath _evalState path =
    <$> ( mkRawValue
            =<< [C.throwBlock| Value *{
      Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
      std::string s($bs-ptr:path, $bs-len:path);
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,19,0)
      EvalState & state = *$(EvalState *evalState);
      return r;

getFlakeFromFlakeRef :: Ptr EvalState -> ByteString -> IO RawValue
getFlakeFromFlakeRef evalState flakeRef = do
  [C.throwBlock| Value *{
    EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
    Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
    std::string flakeRefStr($bs-ptr:flakeRef, $bs-len:flakeRef);
    auto flakeRef = nix::parseFlakeRef(flakeRefStr, {}, true);
      nix::flake::lockFlake(evalState, flakeRef,
        nix::flake::LockFlags {
          .updateLockFile = false,
          .useRegistries = false,
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,13,0)
          .allowUnlocked = false,
          .allowMutable = false,
    return r;
    >>= mkRawValue

getLocalFlake :: Ptr EvalState -> Text -> IO RawValue
getLocalFlake evalState path = do
  absPath <- encodeUtf8 . toS <$> makeAbsolute (toS path)
    =<< [C.throwBlock| Value *{
    EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
    Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
    std::string path($bs-ptr:absPath, $bs-len:absPath);
    auto flakeRef = nix::parseFlakeRef(path, {}, true);
      nix::flake::lockFlake(evalState, flakeRef,
        nix::flake::LockFlags {
          .updateLockFile = false,
          .useRegistries = false,
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,13,0)
          .allowUnlocked = false,
          .allowMutable = false,
    return r;

getFlakeFromGit :: Ptr EvalState -> Text -> Text -> Text -> IO RawValue
getFlakeFromGit evalState url ref rev =
    urlb = encodeUtf8 url
    refb = encodeUtf8 ref
    revb = encodeUtf8 rev
  in [C.throwBlock| Value *{
    EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
    Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
    std::string url($bs-ptr:urlb, $bs-len:urlb);
    std::string ref($bs-ptr:refb, $bs-len:refb);
    std::string rev($bs-ptr:revb, $bs-len:revb);

    fetchers::Attrs attrs;
    attrs.emplace("type", "git");
    attrs.emplace("url", url);
    attrs.emplace("ref", ref);
    attrs.emplace("rev", rev);

    auto flakeRef = nix::FlakeRef::fromAttrs(attrs);
      nix::flake::lockFlake(evalState, flakeRef,
        nix::flake::LockFlags {
          .updateLockFile = false,
          .useRegistries = false,
#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,13,0)
          .allowUnlocked = false,
          .allowMutable = false,
    return r;
    >>= mkRawValue

getFlakeFromArchiveUrl :: Ptr EvalState -> Text -> IO RawValue
getFlakeFromArchiveUrl evalState url = do
  srcArgs <-
    toRawValue evalState $
      ("url" :: ByteString) =: url
  fn <- valueFromExpressionString evalState "builtins.fetchTarball" "/"
  pValue <- apply fn srcArgs
  p <- assertType evalState pValue
  p' <- getStringIgnoreContext p
  getFlakeFromFlakeRef evalState p'

traverseWithKey_ :: Applicative f => (k -> a -> f ()) -> Map k a -> f ()
traverseWithKey_ f = M.foldrWithKey (\k a more -> f k a *> more) (pure ())

class ToRawValue a where
  toRawValue :: Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
  default toRawValue :: ToValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
  toRawValue evalState a = rtValue <$> toValue evalState a

class ToRawValue a => ToValue a where
  type NixTypeFor a :: Type
  toValue :: Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor a))

-- | Marshall values from Nix into Haskell. Instances must satisfy the
-- requirements that:
--  - Only a single Nix value type is acceptable for the Haskell type.
--  - Marshalling does not fail, as the Nix runtime type has already been checked.
class FromValue n a | a -> n where
  fromValue :: Value NixInt -> IO NixInt
fromValue :: Value n -> IO a

instance FromValue Bool Bool where
  fromValue = getBool

instance FromValue NixList [RawValue] where
  fromValue = getList

instance FromValue NixInt Int64 where
  fromValue = getInt

-- | Identity
instance ToRawValue RawValue where
  toRawValue _ = pure

-- | Upcast
instance forall (a :: Type). ToRawValue (Value a)

-- | Identity
instance forall (a :: Type). ToValue (Value a) where
  type NixTypeFor (Value a) = a
  toValue _ = pure

instance ToRawValue C.CBool

instance ToValue C.CBool where
  type NixTypeFor C.CBool = Bool
  toValue _ b =
      <$> [C.block| Value *{
      Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
      r->mkBool($(bool b));
      return r;

instance ToRawValue Bool

instance ToValue Bool where
  type NixTypeFor Bool = Bool
  toValue :: Ptr EvalState -> NixInt -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor NixInt))
toValue es False = toValue es (0 :: C.CBool)
  toValue es True = toValue es (1 :: C.CBool)

-- | The native Nix integer type
instance ToRawValue Int64

-- | The native Nix integer type
instance ToValue Int64 where
  type NixTypeFor Int64 = NixInt
  toValue _ i =
      <$> [C.block| Value *{
    Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
    r->mkInt($(int64_t i));
    return r;

instance ToRawValue Int

instance ToValue Int where
  type NixTypeFor Int = NixInt
  toValue es i = toValue es (fromIntegral i :: Int64)

instance ToRawValue C.CDouble

instance ToValue C.CDouble where
  type NixTypeFor C.CDouble = NixFloat
  toValue _ f =
      <$> [C.block| Value *{
        Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
        r->mkFloat($(double f));
        return r;

instance ToRawValue Double

instance ToValue Double where
  type NixTypeFor Double = NixFloat
  toValue es f = toValue es (fromRational (toRational f) :: C.CDouble)

-- | Nix String
instance ToValue ByteString where
  type NixTypeFor ByteString = NixString
  toValue _ s =
    -- TODO simplify when r->mkString(string_view) is safe in all supported Nix versions
      <$> [C.block| Value *{
    Value *r = new (NoGC) Value();
    std::string_view s($bs-ptr:s, $bs-len:s);
    // If empty, the pointer may be invalid; don't use it.
    if (s.size() == 0) {
    else {
      r->mkString(GC_STRNDUP(s.data(), s.size()));
    return r;

-- | Nix String
instance ToRawValue ByteString

-- | UTF-8
instance ToRawValue Text

-- | UTF-8
instance ToValue Text where
  type NixTypeFor Text = NixString
  toValue es s = toValue es (encodeUtf8 s)

instance ToRawValue a => ToRawValue (Map ByteString a)

#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,6,0)
withBindingsBuilder :: Integral n => Ptr EvalState -> n -> (Ptr BindingsBuilder' -> IO ()) -> IO (Value NixAttrs)
withBindingsBuilder evalState n f = do
  withBindingsBuilder' evalState n \bb -> do
    f bb
    v <- [C.block| Value* {
      auto v = new (NoGC) Value();
      v->mkAttrs(*$(BindingsBuilder *bb));
      return v;
    Value <$> mkRawValue v

withBindingsBuilder' :: Integral n => Ptr EvalState -> n -> (Ptr BindingsBuilder' -> IO a) -> IO a
withBindingsBuilder' evalState n =
  let l :: C.CInt
      l = fromIntegral n
      [C.block| BindingsBuilder* {
        auto &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
        return new BindingsBuilder(evalState, evalState.allocBindings($(int l)));
      \bb -> [C.block| void { delete $(BindingsBuilder *bb); }|]

instance ToRawValue a => ToValue (Map ByteString a) where
  type NixTypeFor (Map ByteString a) = NixAttrs

#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,6,0)
  toValue evalState attrs = withBindingsBuilder evalState (length attrs) \bb -> do
    attrs & traverseWithKey_ \k a -> do
      RawValue aRaw <- toRawValue evalState a
      [C.block| void {
          EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
          std::string k($bs-ptr:k, $bs-len:k);
          Value &a = *$(Value *aRaw);
          $(BindingsBuilder *bb)->alloc(evalState.symbols.create(k)) = a;
  toValue evalState attrs = do
    let l :: C.CInt
        l = fromIntegral (length attrs)
    v <-
      [C.block| Value* {
          EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
          Value *v = new (NoGC) Value();
          evalState.mkAttrs(*v, $(int l));
          return v;
    attrs & traverseWithKey_ \k a -> do
      RawValue aRaw <- toRawValue evalState a
      [C.block| void {
          EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
          std::string k($bs-ptr:k, $bs-len:k);
          Value &a = *$(Value *aRaw);
          *evalState.allocAttr(*$(Value *v), evalState.symbols.create(k)) = a;
    [C.block| void {
        $(Value *v)->attrs->sort();
    Value <$> mkRawValue v

instance ToRawValue a => ToRawValue (Map Text a)

instance ToRawValue a => ToValue (Map Text a) where
  type NixTypeFor (Map Text a) = NixAttrs
  toValue :: Ptr EvalState -> Map Text a -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor (Map Text a)))
toValue Ptr EvalState
evalState Map Text a
attrs = Ptr EvalState
-> Map ByteString a -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor (Map ByteString a)))
forall a.
ToValue a =>
Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor a))
toValue Ptr EvalState
evalState ((Text -> ByteString) -> Map Text a -> Map ByteString a
forall k2 k1 a. Ord k2 => (k1 -> k2) -> Map k1 a -> Map k2 a
M.mapKeys Text -> ByteString
encodeUtf8 Map Text a

mkNull :: IO RawValue
mkNull :: IO RawValue
mkNull =
  Ptr Value' -> RawValue
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
    (Ptr Value' -> RawValue) -> IO (Ptr Value') -> IO RawValue
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> IO (Ptr Value')
[C.block| Value* {
          Value *v = new (NoGC) Value();
          return v;

instance ToRawValue A.Value where
  toRawValue :: Ptr EvalState -> Value -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (A.Bool Bool
b) = Ptr EvalState -> Bool -> IO RawValue
forall a. ToRawValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es Bool
  toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (A.String Text
s) = Ptr EvalState -> Text -> IO RawValue
forall a. ToRawValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es Text
  toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (A.Object Object
fs) = Ptr EvalState -> Map Text Value -> IO RawValue
forall a. ToRawValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (Map Text Value -> IO RawValue) -> Map Text Value -> IO RawValue
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Object -> Map Text Value
forall v. KeyMap v -> Map Text v
toMapText Object
  toRawValue Ptr EvalState
_es Value
A.Null = IO RawValue
  toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (A.Number Scientific
n) | Just NixInt
i <- Scientific -> Maybe NixInt
forall i. (Integral i, Bounded i) => Scientific -> Maybe i
Sci.toBoundedInteger Scientific
n = Ptr EvalState -> NixInt -> IO RawValue
forall a. ToRawValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (NixInt
i :: Int64)
  toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (A.Number Scientific
f) = Ptr EvalState -> Double -> IO RawValue
forall a. ToRawValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (Scientific -> Double
forall a. RealFloat a => Scientific -> a
Sci.toRealFloat Scientific
f :: Double)
  toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (A.Array Array
a) = Ptr EvalState -> Array -> IO RawValue
forall a. ToRawValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es Array

-- | For deriving-via of 'ToRawValue' using 'ToJSON'.
newtype ViaJSON a = ViaJSON {forall a. ViaJSON a -> a
fromViaJSON :: a}
  deriving newtype (ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
(ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool)
-> (ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool) -> Eq (ViaJSON a)
forall a. Eq a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: forall a. Eq a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
== :: ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
$c/= :: forall a. Eq a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
/= :: ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
Eq, Eq (ViaJSON a)
Eq (ViaJSON a) =>
(ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Ordering)
-> (ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool)
-> (ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool)
-> (ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool)
-> (ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool)
-> (ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a)
-> (ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a)
-> Ord (ViaJSON a)
ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Ordering
ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall a. Ord a => Eq (ViaJSON a)
forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Ordering
forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a
$ccompare :: forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Ordering
compare :: ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Ordering
$c< :: forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
< :: ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
$c<= :: forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
<= :: ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
$c> :: forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
> :: ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
$c>= :: forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
>= :: ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> Bool
$cmax :: forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a
max :: ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a
$cmin :: forall a. Ord a => ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a
min :: ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a -> ViaJSON a
Ord, ReadPrec [ViaJSON a]
ReadPrec (ViaJSON a)
Int -> ReadS (ViaJSON a)
ReadS [ViaJSON a]
(Int -> ReadS (ViaJSON a))
-> ReadS [ViaJSON a]
-> ReadPrec (ViaJSON a)
-> ReadPrec [ViaJSON a]
-> Read (ViaJSON a)
forall a. Read a => ReadPrec [ViaJSON a]
forall a. Read a => ReadPrec (ViaJSON a)
forall a. Read a => Int -> ReadS (ViaJSON a)
forall a. Read a => ReadS [ViaJSON a]
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
$creadsPrec :: forall a. Read a => Int -> ReadS (ViaJSON a)
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (ViaJSON a)
$creadList :: forall a. Read a => ReadS [ViaJSON a]
readList :: ReadS [ViaJSON a]
$creadPrec :: forall a. Read a => ReadPrec (ViaJSON a)
readPrec :: ReadPrec (ViaJSON a)
$creadListPrec :: forall a. Read a => ReadPrec [ViaJSON a]
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [ViaJSON a]
Read, Int -> ViaJSON a -> ShowS
[ViaJSON a] -> ShowS
ViaJSON a -> FilePath
(Int -> ViaJSON a -> ShowS)
-> (ViaJSON a -> FilePath)
-> ([ViaJSON a] -> ShowS)
-> Show (ViaJSON a)
forall a. Show a => Int -> ViaJSON a -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => [ViaJSON a] -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => ViaJSON a -> FilePath
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> FilePath) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: forall a. Show a => Int -> ViaJSON a -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> ViaJSON a -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall a. Show a => ViaJSON a -> FilePath
show :: ViaJSON a -> FilePath
$cshowList :: forall a. Show a => [ViaJSON a] -> ShowS
showList :: [ViaJSON a] -> ShowS

instance A.ToJSON a => ToRawValue (ViaJSON a) where
  toRawValue :: Ptr EvalState -> ViaJSON a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (ViaJSON a
a) = Ptr EvalState -> Value -> IO RawValue
forall a. ToRawValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
es (a -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
A.toJSON a

hmTraverseWithKey_ :: Applicative f => (k -> a -> f ()) -> H.HashMap k a -> f ()
hmTraverseWithKey_ :: forall (f :: * -> *) k a.
Applicative f =>
(k -> a -> f ()) -> HashMap k a -> f ()
hmTraverseWithKey_ k -> a -> f ()
f = (k -> a -> f () -> f ()) -> f () -> HashMap k a -> f ()
forall k v a. (k -> v -> a -> a) -> a -> HashMap k v -> a
H.foldrWithKey (\k
k a
a f ()
more -> k -> a -> f ()
f k
k a
a f () -> f () -> f ()
forall a b. f a -> f b -> f b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b
*> f ()
more) (() -> f ()
forall a. a -> f a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())

instance ToRawValue a => ToRawValue (H.HashMap Text a)

instance ToRawValue a => ToValue (H.HashMap Text a) where
  type NixTypeFor (H.HashMap Text a) = NixAttrs

#if NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(2,6,0)
  toValue :: Ptr EvalState
-> HashMap Text a -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor (HashMap Text a)))
toValue Ptr EvalState
evalState HashMap Text a
attrs = Ptr EvalState
-> Int -> (Ptr BindingsBuilder' -> IO ()) -> IO (Value NixAttrs)
forall n.
Integral n =>
Ptr EvalState
-> n -> (Ptr BindingsBuilder' -> IO ()) -> IO (Value NixAttrs)
withBindingsBuilder Ptr EvalState
evalState (HashMap Text a -> Int
forall a. HashMap Text a -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length HashMap Text a
attrs) \Ptr BindingsBuilder'
bb -> do
    HashMap Text a
attrs HashMap Text a -> (HashMap Text a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (Text -> a -> IO ()) -> HashMap Text a -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) k a.
Applicative f =>
(k -> a -> f ()) -> HashMap k a -> f ()
hmTraverseWithKey_ \Text
k' a
a -> do
      RawValue Ptr Value'
aRaw <- Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
forall a. ToRawValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
evalState a
      let k :: ByteString
k = Text -> ByteString
encodeUtf8 Text
      [C.block| void {
          EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
          std::string k($bs-ptr:k, $bs-len:k);
          Value &a = *$(Value *aRaw);
          $(BindingsBuilder *bb)->alloc(evalState.symbols.create(k)) = a;
  toValue evalState attrs = do
    let l :: C.CInt
        l = fromIntegral (length attrs)
    v <-
      [C.block| Value* {
          EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
          Value *v = new (NoGC) Value();
          evalState.mkAttrs(*v, $(int l));
          return v;
    attrs & hmTraverseWithKey_ \k' a -> do
      RawValue aRaw <- toRawValue evalState a
      let k = encodeUtf8 k'
      [C.block| void {
          EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
          std::string k($bs-ptr:k, $bs-len:k);
          Value &a = *$(Value *aRaw);
          *evalState.allocAttr(*$(Value *v), evalState.symbols.create(k)) = a;
    [C.block| void {
        $(Value *v)->attrs->sort();
    Value <$> mkRawValue v

instance ToRawValue a => ToRawValue (Vector a)

instance ToRawValue a => ToValue (Vector a) where
  type NixTypeFor (Vector a) = NixList
  toValue :: Ptr EvalState -> Vector a -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor (Vector a)))
toValue Ptr EvalState
evalState Vector a
vec =
    Value Any -> Value NixList
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (Value Any -> Value NixList)
-> IO (Value Any) -> IO (Value NixList)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> do
      let l :: C.CInt
          l :: CInt
l = Int -> CInt
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Vector a -> Int
forall a. Vector a -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length Vector a
      Ptr Value'
v <-
        [C.block| Value* {
          EvalState &evalState = *$(EvalState *evalState);
          Value *v = new (NoGC) Value();
          evalState.mkList(*v, $(int l));
          return v;
      Vector a
vec Vector a -> (Vector a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (Int -> a -> IO ()) -> Vector a -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(Int -> a -> m b) -> Vector a -> m ()
V.imapM_ \Int
i a
a -> do
        RawValue Ptr Value'
aRaw <- Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
forall a. ToRawValue a => Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO RawValue
toRawValue Ptr EvalState
evalState a
        let ix :: CInt
ix = Int -> CInt
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
        [C.block| void {
          Value &v = *$(Value *v);
          v.listElems()[$(int ix)] = $(Value *aRaw);
      RawValue -> Value Any
forall a. RawValue -> Value a
Value (RawValue -> Value Any) -> IO RawValue -> IO (Value Any)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Ptr Value' -> IO RawValue
mkRawValue Ptr Value'

instance ToRawValue a => ToRawValue [a]

instance ToRawValue a => ToValue [a] where
  type NixTypeFor [a] = NixList
  toValue :: Ptr EvalState -> [a] -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor [a]))
toValue Ptr EvalState
es [a]
l = Ptr EvalState -> Vector a -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor (Vector a)))
forall a.
ToValue a =>
Ptr EvalState -> a -> IO (Value (NixTypeFor a))
toValue Ptr EvalState
es ([a] -> Vector a
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
V.fromList [a]