hexpat-0.6: wrapper for expat, the fast XML parserSource codeContentsIndex
Parser Setup
Parser Callbacks
Lower-level interface

Low-level interface to Expat. Unless speed is paramount, this should normally be avoided in favour of the interface provided by Text-XML-Expat-Tree. Basic usage is:

  1. Make a new parser: newParser.
  2. Set up callbacks on the parser: setStartElementHandler, etc.
  3. Feed data into the parser: parse or parseChunk.
data Parser
newParser :: Maybe Encoding -> IO Parser
parse :: Parser -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe XMLParseError)
parseChunk :: Parser -> ByteString -> Bool -> IO (Maybe XMLParseError)
data Encoding
| UTF8
| UTF16
| ISO88591
data XMLParseError = XMLParseError String XMLParseLocation
data XMLParseLocation = XMLParseLocation {
xmlLineNumber :: Int64
xmlColumnNumber :: Int64
xmlByteIndex :: Int64
xmlByteCount :: Int64
type StartElementHandler = CString -> [(CString, CString)] -> IO Bool
type EndElementHandler = CString -> IO Bool
type CharacterDataHandler = CStringLen -> IO Bool
setStartElementHandler :: Parser -> StartElementHandler -> IO ()
setEndElementHandler :: Parser -> EndElementHandler -> IO ()
setCharacterDataHandler :: Parser -> CharacterDataHandler -> IO ()
unsafeParseChunk :: Parser -> ByteString -> Bool -> IO (Maybe XMLParseError)
withHandlers :: Parser -> IO a -> IO a
unsafeSetHandlers :: Parser -> IO ExpatHandlers
unsafeReleaseHandlers :: ExpatHandlers -> IO ()
data ExpatHandlers
encodingToString :: Encoding -> String
Parser Setup
data Parser Source
show/hide Instances
newParser :: Maybe Encoding -> IO ParserSource
Create a Parser. The encoding parameter, if provided, overrides the document's encoding declaration.
parse :: Parser -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe XMLParseError)Source
parse data feeds lazy bytestring data into a parser. It returns Nothing on success, or Just the parse error.
parseChunk :: Parser -> ByteString -> Bool -> IO (Maybe XMLParseError)Source
parseChunk data False feeds strict ByteString data into a Parser. The end of the data is indicated by passing True for the final parameter. It returns Nothing on success, or Just the parse error.
data Encoding Source
Encoding types available for the document encoding.
data XMLParseError Source
Parse error, consisting of message text and error location
XMLParseError String XMLParseLocation
show/hide Instances
data XMLParseLocation Source
Specifies a location of an event within the input text
xmlLineNumber :: Int64Line number of the event
xmlColumnNumber :: Int64Column number of the event
xmlByteIndex :: Int64Byte index of event from start of document
xmlByteCount :: Int64The number of bytes in the event
show/hide Instances
Parser Callbacks
type StartElementHandler = CString -> [(CString, CString)] -> IO BoolSource
The type of the "element started" callback. The first parameter is the element name; the second are the (attribute, value) pairs. Return True to continue parsing as normal, or False to terminate the parse.
type EndElementHandler = CString -> IO BoolSource
The type of the "element ended" callback. The parameter is the element name. Return True to continue parsing as normal, or False to terminate the parse.
type CharacterDataHandler = CStringLen -> IO BoolSource
The type of the "character data" callback. The parameter is the character data processed. This callback may be called more than once while processing a single conceptual block of text. Return True to continue parsing as normal, or False to terminate the parse.
setStartElementHandler :: Parser -> StartElementHandler -> IO ()Source
Attach a StartElementHandler to a Parser.
setEndElementHandler :: Parser -> EndElementHandler -> IO ()Source
Attach an EndElementHandler to a Parser.
setCharacterDataHandler :: Parser -> CharacterDataHandler -> IO ()Source
Attach an CharacterDataHandler to a Parser.
Lower-level interface
unsafeParseChunk :: Parser -> ByteString -> Bool -> IO (Maybe XMLParseError)Source
This variant of parseChunk must either be called inside withHandlers (safest), or between unsafeSetHandlers and unsafeReleaseHandlers, and this will give you better performance than parseChunk if you process multiple chunks inside.
=> Parser
-> IO aComputation where unsafeParseChunk may be used
-> IO a
unsafeParseChunk is required to be called inside withHandlers. Safer than using unsafeSetHandlers / unsafeReleaseHandlers.
unsafeSetHandlers :: Parser -> IO ExpatHandlersSource
unsafeReleaseHandlers :: ExpatHandlers -> IO ()Source
data ExpatHandlers Source
encodingToString :: Encoding -> StringSource
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