module Language.Haskell.Format.Utilities

  ( defaultFormatter

  , hunitTest

  , showDiff

  , wasReformatted

  ) where

import System.IO.Unsafe

import Language.Haskell.Format

import Language.Haskell.Source.Enumerator

import Conduit

import Control.Monad

import Data.Algorithm.DiffContext

import Data.List

import Data.Maybe

import Test.HUnit

import Text.PrettyPrint

type ErrorString = String

data CheckResult

  = InvalidCheckResult HaskellSource


  | CheckResult HaskellSource


checkResultPath :: CheckResult -> FilePath

checkResultPath (InvalidCheckResult (HaskellSource filepath _) _) = filepath

checkResultPath (CheckResult (HaskellSource filepath _) _)        = filepath

hunitTest :: FilePath -> Test

hunitTest filepath = TestLabel filepath . unsafePerformIO . testPath $ filepath

testPath :: FilePath -> IO Test

testPath filepath = do

  formatter <- defaultFormatter

  TestList <$>

    runConduit (check formatter filepath .| mapC makeTestCase .| sinkList)

makeTestCase :: CheckResult -> Test

makeTestCase result =

  TestLabel (checkResultPath result) . TestCase $ assertCheckResult result

assertCheckResult :: CheckResult -> IO ()

assertCheckResult result =

  case result of

    (InvalidCheckResult _ errorString) ->

      assertFailure ("Error: " ++ errorString)

    (CheckResult source reformatted) ->

      when (wasReformatted source reformatted) $

      assertFailure (showReformatted source reformatted)


    showReformatted :: HaskellSource -> Reformatted -> String

    showReformatted source reformatted =

      intercalate "\n" $


        [ showSourceChanges source reformatted

        , showSuggestions source reformatted


    showSourceChanges source reformatted =


        (sourceChanged source reformatted)

        (showDiff source (reformattedSource reformatted))

    showSuggestions _ reformatted =


        (hasSuggestions reformatted)

        (concatMap show (suggestions reformatted))

    whenMaybe :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a

    whenMaybe cond val = const val <$> guard cond

showDiff :: HaskellSource -> HaskellSource -> String

showDiff (HaskellSource _ a) (HaskellSource _ b) = render (toDoc diff)


    toDoc = prettyContextDiff (text "Original") (text "Reformatted") text

    diff = getContextDiff linesOfContext (lines a) (lines b)

    linesOfContext = 1

check :: Formatter -> FilePath -> ConduitT () CheckResult IO ()

check formatter filepath =

  enumeratePath filepath .| mapMC readSourceFile .|

  mapC (checkFormatting formatter)

readSourceFile :: FilePath -> IO HaskellSource

readSourceFile filepath = HaskellSource filepath <$> readFile filepath

checkFormatting :: Formatter -> HaskellSource -> CheckResult

checkFormatting (Formatter doFormat) source =

  case doFormat source of

    Left err          -> InvalidCheckResult source err

    Right reformatted -> CheckResult source reformatted

defaultFormatter :: IO Formatter

defaultFormatter = mconcat <$> (autoSettings >>= formatters)

wasReformatted :: HaskellSource -> Reformatted -> Bool

wasReformatted source reformatted =

  hasSuggestions reformatted || sourceChanged source reformatted

sourceChanged :: HaskellSource -> Reformatted -> Bool

sourceChanged source reformatted = source /= reformattedSource reformatted

hasSuggestions :: Reformatted -> Bool

hasSuggestions reformatted = not (null (suggestions reformatted))