{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Geometry.SegmentTree.Generic
-- Copyright   :  (C) Frank Staals
-- License     :  see the LICENSE file
-- Maintainer  :  Frank Staals
-- Description :  Implementation of SegmentTrees
module Data.Geometry.SegmentTree.Generic( NodeData(..), splitPoint, range, assoc
                                        , LeafData(..), atomicRange, leafAssoc

                                        , SegmentTree(..), unSegmentTree
                                        , Assoc(..)

                                        , createTree, fromIntervals
                                        , insert, delete

                                        , search, stab

                                        , I(..), fromIntervals'

                                        , Count(..)
                                        ) where

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Lens
import           Data.BinaryTree
import           Data.Geometry.Interval
import           Data.Geometry.IntervalTree (IntervalLike(..))
import           Data.Geometry.Properties
import qualified Data.List as List
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)


-- | Internal nodes store a split point, the range, and an associated data structure
data NodeData v r = NodeData { _splitPoint :: !(EndPoint r)
                             , _range      :: !(Range r)
                             , _assoc      :: !v
                             } deriving (Show,Eq,Functor,Generic)
makeLenses ''NodeData
instance (NFData v, NFData r) => NFData (NodeData v r)

-- | We store atomic ranges a bit more efficiently.
data AtomicRange r = Singleton !r | AtomicRange deriving (Show,Eq,Functor,Generic)
instance NFData r => NFData (AtomicRange r)

-- | Leaf nodes store an atomic range, and an associated data structure.
data LeafData v r = LeafData  { _atomicRange :: !(AtomicRange r)
                              , _leafAssoc   :: !v
                              } deriving (Show,Eq,Functor,Generic)
makeLenses ''LeafData
instance (NFData v, NFData r) => NFData (LeafData v r)


-- | Segment tree on a Fixed set of endpoints
newtype SegmentTree v r =
  SegmentTree { _unSegmentTree :: BinLeafTree (NodeData v r) (LeafData v r) }
    deriving (Show,Eq,Generic,NFData)
makeLenses ''SegmentTree

-- rangeOf :: BinLeafTree (NodeData v r) (LeafData v r) -> Range (UnBounded r)
-- rangeOf (Node _ x _) = Val <$> x^.range
-- rangeOf (Leaf x)     = case x^.atomicRange of
--                         Singleton r -> ClsoedRange (Val r)     (Val r)
--                         AtomicRange -> OpenRange   MinInfinity MaxInfinity

data BuildLeaf a = LeafSingleton a | LeafRange a a deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Given a sorted list of endpoints, without duplicates, construct a segment tree
-- \(O(n)\) time
createTree                      :: NonEmpty r -> v -> SegmentTree v r
-- createTree (r NonEmpty.:| []) v = SegmentTree . Leaf $ LeafData (Singleton r) v
createTree pts                v = SegmentTree . fmap h . foldUpData f g . fmap _unElem
                                . asBalancedBinLeafTree $ ranges
    h (LeafSingleton r) = LeafData (Singleton r) v
    h (LeafRange   _ _) = LeafData AtomicRange   v

    f l _ r = let m  = l^.range.upper
                  ll = l^.range.lower
                  rr = r^.range.upper
              in NodeData m (Range ll rr) v
    -- | Singletons map to closed singleton ranges, Ranges map to open ranges
    g (LeafSingleton r) = NodeData (Closed r) (ClosedRange r r) v
    g (LeafRange   s r) = NodeData (Open r)   (OpenRange   s r) v

    ranges  = interleave (fmap LeafSingleton pts) ranges'
    ranges' = zipWith LeafRange (NonEmpty.toList pts) (NonEmpty.tail pts)

-- | Interleaves the two lists
-- >>> interleave (NonEmpty.fromList ["0","1","2"]) ["01","12"]
-- "0" :| ["01","1","12","2"]
interleave                       :: NonEmpty a -> [a] -> NonEmpty a
interleave (x NonEmpty.:| xs) ys = x NonEmpty.:| concat (zipWith (\a b -> [a,b]) ys xs)

-- | Build a SegmentTree
-- \(O(n \log n)\)
fromIntervals      :: (Ord r, Eq p, Assoc v i, IntervalLike i, Monoid v, NumType i ~ r)
                   => (Interval p r -> i)
                   -> NonEmpty (Interval p r) -> SegmentTree v r
fromIntervals f is = foldr (insert . f) (createTree pts mempty) is
    endPoints (toRange -> Range' a b) = [a,b]
    pts = nub' . NonEmpty.sort . NonEmpty.fromList . concatMap endPoints $ is
    nub' = fmap NonEmpty.head . NonEmpty.group1

-- | lists all intervals
toList :: SegmentTree v r -> [i]
toList = undefined

-- * Searching

-- | Search for all intervals intersecting x
-- \(O(\log n + k)\) where \(k\) is the output size
search   :: (Ord r, Monoid v) => r -> SegmentTree v r -> v
search x = mconcat . stab x

inAtomicRange                   :: Eq r => r -> AtomicRange r -> Bool
x `inAtomicRange` (Singleton r) = x == r
_ `inAtomicRange` AtomicRange   = True

-- | Returns the associated values of the nodes on the search path to x
-- \(O(\log n)\)
stab                   :: Ord r => r -> SegmentTree v r -> [v]
stab x (SegmentTree t) = stabRoot t
    stabRoot (Leaf (LeafData rr v))
      | x `inAtomicRange` rr = [v]
      | otherwise            = []
    stabRoot (Node l (NodeData m rr v) r) = case (x `inRange` rr, Closed x <= m) of
      (False,_)   -> []
      (True,True) -> v : stab' l
      _           -> v : stab' r

    stab' (Leaf (LeafData rr v))      | x `inAtomicRange` rr = [v]
                                      | otherwise            = []
    stab' (Node l (NodeData m _ v) r) | Closed x <= m        = v : stab' l
                                      | otherwise            = v : stab' r

-- * Inserting intervals

-- | Class for associcated data structures
class Measured v i => Assoc v i where
  insertAssoc :: i -> v -> v
  deleteAssoc :: i -> v -> v

-- | Gets the range associated with this node
getRange  :: BinLeafTree (NodeData v r) (LeafData t r) -> Maybe (Range r)
getRange (Leaf (LeafData (Singleton r) _)) = Just $ Range (Closed r) (Closed r)
getRange (Leaf _)                          = Nothing
getRange (Node _ nd _)                     = Just $ nd^.range

coversAtomic                      :: Ord r
                                  => Range r -> Range r -> AtomicRange r -> Bool
coversAtomic ri _   (Singleton r) = r `inRange` ri
coversAtomic ri inR AtomicRange   = ri `covers` inR

-- | Pre: the interval should have one of the endpoints on which the tree is built.
insert                   :: (Assoc v i, NumType i ~ r, Ord r, IntervalLike i)
                         => i -> SegmentTree v r -> SegmentTree v r
insert i (SegmentTree t) = SegmentTree $ insertRoot t
    ri@(Range a b) = toRange i
    insertRoot t' = maybe t' (flip insert' t') $ getRange t'

    insert' inR         lf@(Leaf nd@(LeafData rr _))
      | coversAtomic ri inR rr = Leaf $ nd&leafAssoc %~ insertAssoc i
      | otherwise              = lf
    insert' (Range c d) (Node l nd@(NodeData m rr _) r)
      | ri `covers` rr       = Node l (nd&assoc %~ insertAssoc i) r
      | otherwise            = Node l' nd r'
           -- check if the range intersects the range of the left subtree
        l'  = if a <= m then insert' (Range c          m) l else l
        r'  = if m < b  then insert' (Range (toOpen m) d) r else r

    toOpen = Open . view unEndPoint

-- | Delete an interval from the tree
-- pre: The segment is in the tree!
delete :: (Assoc v i, NumType i ~ r, Ord r, IntervalLike i)
          => i -> SegmentTree v r -> SegmentTree v r
delete i (SegmentTree t) = SegmentTree $ delete' t
    (Range a b) = toRange i

    delete' (Leaf ld) = Leaf $ ld&leafAssoc %~ deleteAssoc i
    delete' (Node l nd@(_splitPoint -> m) r)
      | b <= m    = Node (delete' l) (nd&assoc %~ deleteAssoc i) r
      | otherwise = Node l           (nd&assoc %~ deleteAssoc i) (delete' r)

    -- delete'' (Leaf ld)     = Leaf $ ld&leafAssoc %~ deleteAssoc i
    -- delete'' (Node l nd r) = Node l (nd&assoc %~ deleteAssoc i) r

    -- deleteL (Leaf ld)     = Leaf $ ld&leafAssoc %~ deleteAssoc i
    -- deleteL (Node l nd@(_splitPoint -> m) r)
    --   | a <= m    = Node (deleteL l) (nd&assoc %~ deleteAssoc i) (delete'' r)
    --   | otherwise = Node l nd (deleteL r)

    -- deleteR (Leaf ld)     = Leaf $ ld&leafAssoc %~ deleteAssoc i
    -- deleteR (Node l nd@(_splitPoint -> m) r)
    --   | m <= b    = Node (delete'' l) (nd&assoc %~ deleteAssoc i) (deleteR r)
    --   | otherwise = Node (deleteR l) nd r

-- * Listing the intervals stabbed

-- | Interval
newtype I a = I { _unI :: a} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Generic,NFData)

type instance NumType (I a) = NumType a

instance Measured [I a] (I a) where
  measure = (:[])

instance Eq a => Assoc [I a] (I a) where
  insertAssoc = (:)
  deleteAssoc = List.delete

-- instance Measured [Interval p r] (Interval p r) where
--   measure = (:[])

-- instance (Eq p, Eq r) => Assoc [Interval p r] (Interval p r) where
--   insertAssoc = (:)
--   deleteAssoc = List.delete

instance IntervalLike a => IntervalLike (I a) where
  toRange = toRange . _unI

fromIntervals' :: (Eq p, Ord r)
               => NonEmpty (Interval p r) -> SegmentTree [I (Interval p r)] r
fromIntervals' = fromIntervals I

-- * Counting the number of segments intersected

newtype Count = Count { getCount :: Word }
              deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Num,Integral,Enum,Real,Generic,NFData)

newtype C a = C { _unC :: a} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Generic,NFData)

instance Semigroup Count where
  a <> b = Count $ getCount a + getCount b
instance Monoid Count where
  mempty = 0
  mappend = (<>)

instance Measured Count (C i) where
  measure _ = 1

instance Assoc Count (C i) where
  insertAssoc _ v = v + 1
  deleteAssoc _ v = v - 1

-- * Testing stuff

-- test'' = fromIntervals' . NonEmpty.fromList $ test
-- test = [Interval (Closed (238 :+ ())) (Open (309 :+ ())), Interval (Closed (175 :+ ())) (Closed (269 :+ ())),Interval (Closed (255 :+ ())) (Open (867 :+ ())),Interval (Open (236 :+ ())) (Closed (863 :+ ())),Interval (Open (150 :+ ())) (Closed (161 :+ ())),Interval (Closed (35 :+ ())) (Closed (77 :+ ()))]

-- -- q =        [78]

-- -- test = fromIntervals' . NonEmpty.fromList $ [ closedInterval 0 10
-- --                                             , closedInterval 5 15
-- --                                             , closedInterval 1 4
-- --                                             , closedInterval 3 9
-- --                                             ]
-- tst = fromIntervals' . NonEmpty.fromList $ [ closedInterval 1 6
--                                            , closedInterval 2 6
--                                            -- , Interval (Closed $ ext 0) (Open $ ext 1)
--                                            ]

-- closedInterval a b = ClosedInterval (ext a) (ext b)

-- showT :: (Show r, Show v) => SegmentTree v r -> String
-- showT = drawTree . _unSegmentTree

-- test' :: (Show r, Num r, Ord r, Enum r) => SegmentTree [I (Interval () r)] r
-- test' = insert (I $ closedInterval 6 14) $ createTree (NonEmpty.fromList [2,4..20]) []