{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module HIE.Bios.Ghc.Load ( loadFileWithMessage, loadFile, setTargetFiles, setTargetFilesWithMessage) where

import CoreMonad (liftIO)
import GHC
import qualified GHC as G
import qualified GhcMake as G
import qualified HscMain as G
import HscTypes
import Outputable
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import Data.IORef

import System.Directory
import Hooks
import TcRnTypes (FrontendResult(..))
import Control.Monad (forM, void)
import GhcMonad
import HscMain
import Debug.Trace
import Data.List

import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified HIE.Bios.Ghc.Gap as Gap

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
pprTraceM :: Monad m => String -> SDoc -> m ()
pprTraceM x s = pprTrace x s (return ())

-- | Obtaining type of a target expression. (GHCi's type:)
loadFileWithMessage :: GhcMonad m
         => Maybe G.Messager
         -> (FilePath, FilePath)     -- ^ A target file.
         -> m (Maybe TypecheckedModule, [TypecheckedModule])
loadFileWithMessage msg file = do
  dir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
  pprTraceM "loadFile:2" (text dir)
  df <- getSessionDynFlags
  pprTraceM "loadFile:3" (ppr $ optLevel df)
  (_, tcs) <- collectASTs $ do
    (setTargetFilesWithMessage msg [file])
  pprTraceM "loaded" (text (fst file) $$ text (snd file))
  let get_fp = ml_hs_file . ms_location . pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module
  traceShowM ("tms", (map get_fp tcs))
  let findMod [] = Nothing
      findMod (x:xs) = case get_fp x of
                         Just fp -> if fp `isSuffixOf` (snd file) then Just x else findMod xs
                         Nothing -> findMod xs
  return (findMod tcs, tcs)

loadFile :: (GhcMonad m)
         => (FilePath, FilePath)
         -> m (Maybe TypecheckedModule, [TypecheckedModule])
loadFile = loadFileWithMessage (Just G.batchMsg)

fileModSummary :: GhcMonad m => FilePath -> m ModSummary
fileModSummary file = do
    mss <- getModSummaries <$> G.getModuleGraph
    let [ms] = filter (\m -> G.ml_hs_file (G.ms_location m) == Just file) mss
    return ms

setTargetFiles :: GhcMonad m => [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> m ()
setTargetFiles = setTargetFilesWithMessage (Just G.batchMsg)

msTargetIs :: ModSummary -> Target -> Bool
msTargetIs ms t = case targetId t of
  TargetModule m -> moduleName (ms_mod ms) == m
  TargetFile f _ -> ml_hs_file (ms_location ms) == Just f

-- | We bump the times for any ModSummary's that are Targets, to
-- fool the recompilation checker so that we can get the typechecked modules
updateTime :: MonadIO m => [Target] -> ModuleGraph -> m ModuleGraph
updateTime ts graph = liftIO $ do
  cur_time <- getCurrentTime
  let go ms
        | any (msTargetIs ms) ts = ms {ms_hs_date = cur_time}
        | otherwise = ms
  pure $ Gap.mapMG go graph

-- | Set the files as targets and load them.
setTargetFilesWithMessage :: (GhcMonad m)  => Maybe G.Messager -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> m ()
setTargetFilesWithMessage msg files = do
    targets <- forM files guessTargetMapped
    pprTrace "setTargets" (vcat (map (\(a,b) -> parens $ text a <+> text "," <+> text b) files) $$ ppr targets) (return ())
    G.setTargets (map (\t -> t { G.targetAllowObjCode = False }) targets)
    mod_graph <- updateTime targets =<< depanal [] False
    pprTrace "modGraph" (ppr $ Gap.mgModSummaries mod_graph) (return ())
    pprTrace "modGraph" (ppr $ map ms_location $ Gap.mgModSummaries mod_graph) (return ())
    dflags1 <- getSessionDynFlags
    pprTrace "hidir" (ppr $ hiDir dflags1) (return ())
    void $ G.load' LoadAllTargets msg mod_graph

collectASTs :: (GhcMonad m) => m a -> m (a, [TypecheckedModule])
collectASTs action = do
  dflags0 <- getSessionDynFlags
  ref1 <- liftIO $ newIORef []
  let dflags1 = dflags0 { hooks = (hooks dflags0)
                          { hscFrontendHook = traceShow "Use hook" $ Just (astHook ref1) }
  void $ setSessionDynFlags $ dflags1 -- gopt_set dflags1 Opt_ForceRecomp
  res <- action
  tcs <- liftIO $ readIORef ref1
  return (res, tcs)

astHook :: IORef [TypecheckedModule] -> ModSummary -> Hsc FrontendResult
astHook tc_ref ms = ghcInHsc $ do
  p <- G.parseModule ms
  tcm <- G.typecheckModule p
  let tcg_env = fst (tm_internals_ tcm)
  liftIO $ modifyIORef tc_ref (tcm :)
  return $ FrontendTypecheck tcg_env

ghcInHsc :: Ghc a -> Hsc a
ghcInHsc gm = do
  hsc_session <- getHscEnv
  session <- liftIO $ newIORef hsc_session
  liftIO $ reflectGhc gm (Session session)

guessTargetMapped :: (GhcMonad m) => (FilePath, FilePath) -> m Target
guessTargetMapped (orig_file_name, mapped_file_name) = do
  t <- G.guessTarget orig_file_name Nothing
  return (setTargetFilename mapped_file_name t)

setTargetFilename :: FilePath -> Target -> Target
setTargetFilename fn t =
  t { targetId = case targetId t of
                  TargetFile _ p -> TargetFile fn p
                  tid -> tid }