Changelog for highlighting-kate-

highlighting-kate (29 Nov 2009) * Modified ParseSyntaxFiles to use UTF8, since otherwise hscolour compiled with GHC 6.12 will choke on the latin1 characters in some of the comments giving the authors of the original kate syntax files. Thanks to Sergei Trofimovich for pointing out the problem. * Fixed regexp in single line comment detector so infix ops like --> are not treated as comments. (Thanks to Dmitri Golubovsky for the patch, also contributed to kate upstream.) * Use Cabal to get version instead of hardcoding it. highlighting-kate 0.2.5 (04 Jul 2009) * Changed highlightAs to go by file extension if unambiguous. * New Relaxngcompact syntax definition. * Removed unused mkIdentifier in ParseSyntaxFiles. * Moved 'capitalize' to ParseSyntaxFiles and fixed its defn. * Removed list of supported languages from description. Spell 50 as "fifty" in description. highlighting-kate 0.2.4 (15 Mar 2009) * Fixed bug in literate-haskell-xml. Also fixed now upstream. (Bjorn Buckwalter) * Modified ParseSyntaxFiles.hs to allow regeneration of individual syntax files. With the change ParseSyntaxFiles accepts any number of arguments. Those ending with .xml are assumed to be files while the rest are assumed to be directories containing .xml files. The syntaxes included in Syntax.hs are based on the contents of destDir rather than the arguments, this allows regenerating a subset of syntaxes but still having all syntaxes in Syntax.hs. (Bjorn Buckwalter) * ParseSyntaxFiles.hs: Change deprecated pragma, remove obsolete import. (Bjorn Buckwalter) highlighting-kate 0.2.3 (9 Jul 2008) * Removed -O2 in Ghc-Options, as it provides very little speedup highlighting-kate 0.2.2 (9 Jul 2008) * Added Cc-options -O0 to cabal file. This is needed to prevent gcc from using enormous amounts of memory on platforms that lack a native code generator and compile via C. See * Depend on parsec < 3, because parsec 3 is much slower. * normalizeHighlighting now strips out empty strings highlighting-kate 0.2.1 (10 Feb 2008) * Implemented lookAhead in parsers, which fixed bugs in perl, bash, and other parsers. highlighting-kate 0.2 (10 Feb 2008) * Initial release