hip- Haskell Image Processing (HIP) Library.

Safe HaskellNone




type GifDelay = Int

Delay to wait before showing the next Gif image. The delay is expressed in 100th of seconds.

data GifLooping :: *

Help to control the behaviour of GIF animation looping.



The animation will stop once the end is reached


The animation will restart once the end is reached

LoopingRepeat Word16

The animation will repeat n times before stoping

data PaletteOptions :: *

To specify how the palette will be created.




paletteCreationMethod :: PaletteCreationMethod

Algorithm used to find the palette

enableImageDithering :: Bool

Do we want to apply the dithering to the image. Enabling it often reduce compression ratio but enhance the perceived quality of the final image.

paletteColorCount :: Int

Maximum number of color we want in the palette

data PaletteCreationMethod :: *

Define which palette creation method is used.



MedianMeanCut method, provide the best results (visualy) at the cost of increased calculations.


Very fast algorithm (one pass), doesn't provide good looking results.

data PNG Source



Portable Network Graphics image with .png extension.


ImageFormat PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Double => Writable (Image arr RGBA Double) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable (Image arr RGB Double) PNG 
ManifestArray arr YA Double => Writable (Image arr YA Double) PNG 
ManifestArray arr Y Double => Writable (Image arr Y Double) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word16 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word16) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word8) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word16 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word16) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word8) PNG 
ManifestArray arr YA Word16 => Writable (Image arr YA Word16) PNG 
ManifestArray arr YA Word8 => Writable (Image arr YA Word8) PNG 
ManifestArray arr Y Word16 => Writable (Image arr Y Word16) PNG 
ManifestArray arr Y Word8 => Writable (Image arr Y Word8) PNG 
ManifestArray arr Binary Bit => Writable (Image arr Binary Bit) PNG 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) PNG 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) PNG 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) PNG 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) PNG 
Array arr RGBA Word16 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word16) PNG 
Array arr RGBA Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word8) PNG 
Array arr RGB Word16 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word16) PNG 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word8) PNG 
Array arr YA Word16 => Readable (Image arr YA Word16) PNG 
Array arr YA Word8 => Readable (Image arr YA Word8) PNG 
Array arr Y Word16 => Readable (Image arr Y Word16) PNG 
Array arr Y Word8 => Readable (Image arr Y Word8) PNG 
(Array arr Y Word8, Array arr Binary Bit) => Readable (Image arr Binary Bit) PNG 
data SaveOption PNG 

data TIF Source



Tagged Image File Format image with .tif or .tiff extension.


ImageFormat TIF 
ManifestArray arr CMYK Double => Writable (Image arr CMYK Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YCbCr Double => Writable (Image arr YCbCr Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Double => Writable (Image arr RGBA Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable (Image arr RGB Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YA Double => Writable (Image arr YA Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr Y Double => Writable (Image arr Y Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr Binary Bit => Writable (Image arr Binary Bit) TIF 
ManifestArray arr CMYK Word16 => Writable (Image arr CMYK Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr CMYK Word8 => Writable (Image arr CMYK Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YCbCr Word8 => Writable (Image arr YCbCr Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word16 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word16 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YA Word16 => Writable (Image arr YA Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YA Word8 => Writable (Image arr YA Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr Y Word16 => Writable (Image arr Y Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr Y Word8 => Writable (Image arr Y Word8) TIF 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) TIF 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) TIF 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) TIF 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) TIF 
Array arr CMYK Word16 => Readable (Image arr CMYK Word16) TIF 
Array arr CMYK Word8 => Readable (Image arr CMYK Word8) TIF 
Array arr RGBA Word16 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word16) TIF 
Array arr RGBA Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word8) TIF 
Array arr RGB Word16 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word16) TIF 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word8) TIF 
Array arr YA Word16 => Readable (Image arr YA Word16) TIF 
Array arr YA Word8 => Readable (Image arr YA Word8) TIF 
Array arr Y Word16 => Readable (Image arr Y Word16) TIF 
Array arr Y Word8 => Readable (Image arr Y Word8) TIF 
(Array arr Y Word8, Array arr Binary Bit) => Readable (Image arr Binary Bit) TIF 
data SaveOption TIF 

data PBM Source



Netpbm: portable bitmap image with .pbm extension.

data PGM Source



Netpbm: portable graymap image with .pgm extension.

data PPM Source



Netpbm: portable pixmap image with .ppm extension.

data InputFormat Source

A collection of all image formats that can be read into HIP images with Double precision pixel channels.

data OutputFormat Source

A collection of all image formats that can be written from HIP images with Double precision pixel channels.

class ImageFormat format => Readable img format where Source


decode :: format -> ByteString -> Either String img Source


Array arr RGBA Double => Readable [Image arr RGBA Double] [GIF] 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable [Image arr RGB Double] [GIF] 
Array arr YA Double => Readable [Image arr YA Double] [GIF] 
Array arr Y Double => Readable [Image arr Y Double] [GIF] 
Array arr RGBA Word8 => Readable [Image arr RGBA Word8] [GIF] 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable [Image arr RGB Word8] [GIF] 
Array arr RGB Word16 => Readable [Image arr RGB Word16] [PPM] 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable [Image arr RGB Word8] [PPM] 
Array arr Y Word16 => Readable [Image arr Y Word16] [PGM] 
Array arr Y Word8 => Readable [Image arr Y Word8] [PGM] 
Array arr Binary Bit => Readable [Image arr Binary Bit] [PBM] 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) TIF 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) TIF 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) TIF 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) TIF 
Array arr CMYK Word16 => Readable (Image arr CMYK Word16) TIF 
Array arr CMYK Word8 => Readable (Image arr CMYK Word8) TIF 
Array arr RGBA Word16 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word16) TIF 
Array arr RGBA Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word8) TIF 
Array arr RGB Word16 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word16) TIF 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word8) TIF 
Array arr YA Word16 => Readable (Image arr YA Word16) TIF 
Array arr YA Word8 => Readable (Image arr YA Word8) TIF 
Array arr Y Word16 => Readable (Image arr Y Word16) TIF 
Array arr Y Word8 => Readable (Image arr Y Word8) TIF 
(Array arr Y Word8, Array arr Binary Bit) => Readable (Image arr Binary Bit) TIF 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) TGA 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) TGA 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) TGA 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) TGA 
Array arr RGBA Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word8) TGA 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word8) TGA 
Array arr Y Word8 => Readable (Image arr Y Word8) TGA 
(Array arr Y Word8, Array arr Binary Bit) => Readable (Image arr Binary Bit) TGA 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) PNG 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) PNG 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) PNG 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) PNG 
Array arr RGBA Word16 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word16) PNG 
Array arr RGBA Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word8) PNG 
Array arr RGB Word16 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word16) PNG 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word8) PNG 
Array arr YA Word16 => Readable (Image arr YA Word16) PNG 
Array arr YA Word8 => Readable (Image arr YA Word8) PNG 
Array arr Y Word16 => Readable (Image arr Y Word16) PNG 
Array arr Y Word8 => Readable (Image arr Y Word8) PNG 
(Array arr Y Word8, Array arr Binary Bit) => Readable (Image arr Binary Bit) PNG 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) JPG 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) JPG 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) JPG 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) JPG 
Array arr YCbCr Word8 => Readable (Image arr YCbCr Word8) JPG 
Array arr CMYK Word8 => Readable (Image arr CMYK Word8) JPG 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word8) JPG 
Array arr YA Word8 => Readable (Image arr YA Word8) JPG 
Array arr Y Word8 => Readable (Image arr Y Word8) JPG 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) HDR 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) HDR 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) HDR 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) HDR 
Array arr RGB Float => Readable (Image arr RGB Float) HDR 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) GIF 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) GIF 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) GIF 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) GIF 
Array arr RGBA Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word8) GIF 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word8) GIF 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) BMP 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) BMP 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) BMP 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) BMP 
Array arr RGBA Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGBA Word8) BMP 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word8) BMP 
Array arr Y Word8 => Readable (Image arr Y Word8) BMP 
(Array arr Y Word8, Array arr Binary Bit) => Readable (Image arr Binary Bit) BMP 
Array arr RGB Word16 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word16) PPM 
Array arr RGB Word8 => Readable (Image arr RGB Word8) PPM 
Array arr Y Word16 => Readable (Image arr Y Word16) PGM 
Array arr Y Word8 => Readable (Image arr Y Word8) PGM 
Array arr Binary Bit => Readable (Image arr Binary Bit) PBM 
Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) PPM 
Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) PPM 
Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) PPM 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) PPM 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) PGM 
Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) PBM 
(Readable (Image arr cs Double) BMP, Readable (Image arr cs Double) GIF, Readable (Image arr cs Double) HDR, Readable (Image arr cs Double) JPG, Readable (Image arr cs Double) PNG, Readable (Image arr cs Double) TGA, Readable (Image arr cs Double) TIF, Readable (Image arr cs Double) PPM) => Readable (Image arr cs Double) InputFormat 

class ImageFormat format => Writable img format where Source


encode :: format -> [SaveOption format] -> img -> ByteString Source


ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable [(GifDelay, Image arr RGB Double)] [GIF] 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word8 => Writable [(GifDelay, Image arr RGB Word8)] [GIF] 
ManifestArray arr CMYK Double => Writable (Image arr CMYK Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YCbCr Double => Writable (Image arr YCbCr Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Double => Writable (Image arr RGBA Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable (Image arr RGB Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YA Double => Writable (Image arr YA Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr Y Double => Writable (Image arr Y Double) TIF 
ManifestArray arr Binary Bit => Writable (Image arr Binary Bit) TIF 
ManifestArray arr CMYK Word16 => Writable (Image arr CMYK Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr CMYK Word8 => Writable (Image arr CMYK Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YCbCr Word8 => Writable (Image arr YCbCr Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word16 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word16 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YA Word16 => Writable (Image arr YA Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr YA Word8 => Writable (Image arr YA Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr Y Word16 => Writable (Image arr Y Word16) TIF 
ManifestArray arr Y Word8 => Writable (Image arr Y Word8) TIF 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Double => Writable (Image arr RGBA Double) TGA 
ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable (Image arr RGB Double) TGA 
ManifestArray arr YA Double => Writable (Image arr YA Double) TGA 
ManifestArray arr Y Double => Writable (Image arr Y Double) TGA 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word8) TGA 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word8) TGA 
ManifestArray arr Y Word8 => Writable (Image arr Y Word8) TGA 
ManifestArray arr Binary Bit => Writable (Image arr Binary Bit) TGA 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Double => Writable (Image arr RGBA Double) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable (Image arr RGB Double) PNG 
ManifestArray arr YA Double => Writable (Image arr YA Double) PNG 
ManifestArray arr Y Double => Writable (Image arr Y Double) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word16 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word16) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word8) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word16 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word16) PNG 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word8) PNG 
ManifestArray arr YA Word16 => Writable (Image arr YA Word16) PNG 
ManifestArray arr YA Word8 => Writable (Image arr YA Word8) PNG 
ManifestArray arr Y Word16 => Writable (Image arr Y Word16) PNG 
ManifestArray arr Y Word8 => Writable (Image arr Y Word8) PNG 
ManifestArray arr Binary Bit => Writable (Image arr Binary Bit) PNG 
ManifestArray arr YCbCr Double => Writable (Image arr YCbCr Double) JPG 
ManifestArray arr CMYK Double => Writable (Image arr CMYK Double) JPG 
ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable (Image arr RGB Double) JPG 
ManifestArray arr YA Double => Writable (Image arr YA Double) JPG 
ManifestArray arr Y Double => Writable (Image arr Y Double) JPG 
ManifestArray arr YCbCr Word8 => Writable (Image arr YCbCr Word8) JPG 
ManifestArray arr CMYK Word8 => Writable (Image arr CMYK Word8) JPG 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word8) JPG 
ManifestArray arr Y Word8 => Writable (Image arr Y Word8) JPG 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Double => Writable (Image arr RGBA Double) HDR 
ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable (Image arr RGB Double) HDR 
ManifestArray arr YA Double => Writable (Image arr YA Double) HDR 
ManifestArray arr Y Double => Writable (Image arr Y Double) HDR 
ManifestArray arr RGB Float => Writable (Image arr RGB Float) HDR 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Double => Writable (Image arr RGBA Double) GIF 
ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable (Image arr RGB Double) GIF 
ManifestArray arr YA Double => Writable (Image arr YA Double) GIF 
ManifestArray arr Y Double => Writable (Image arr Y Double) GIF 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word8) GIF 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Double => Writable (Image arr RGBA Double) BMP 
ManifestArray arr RGB Double => Writable (Image arr RGB Double) BMP 
ManifestArray arr YA Double => Writable (Image arr YA Double) BMP 
ManifestArray arr Y Double => Writable (Image arr Y Double) BMP 
ManifestArray arr Binary Bit => Writable (Image arr Binary Bit) BMP 
ManifestArray arr RGBA Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGBA Word8) BMP 
ManifestArray arr RGB Word8 => Writable (Image arr RGB Word8) BMP 
ManifestArray arr Y Word8 => Writable (Image arr Y Word8) BMP 
(Writable (Image arr cs Double) BMP, Writable (Image arr cs Double) GIF, Writable (Image arr cs Double) HDR, Writable (Image arr cs Double) JPG, Writable (Image arr cs Double) PNG, Writable (Image arr cs Double) TGA, Writable (Image arr cs Double) TIF) => Writable (Image arr cs Double) OutputFormat