hipe- Support for reading and writing ipe7 files (http://ipe7.sourceforge.net)

Safe HaskellNone




class IsConvertableToIGC c => RunWith c whereSource

A class expressing that we can run a computation on the data stored in this part of the ipe drawing. A minimum implementation implements replaceIGC and extend.


replaceIGC :: Eq a => IGC a -> c a -> c aSource

given a IGC, replace whatever I'm storing with the contents of the IGC

extend :: Eq a => IGC a -> c a -> c aSource

add everything from the given IGC to whatever I'm storing allready.

runAndReplace :: Eq a => (IGC a -> IGC a) -> c a -> c aSource

Given a function, run the function on my contents, and replace my contents with the results.

runWith :: Eq a => (IGC a -> IGC a) -> c a -> c aSource

Given a function, run the computation on my contents, and replace my contents with te results.

runAndExtend :: Eq a => (IGC a -> IGC a) -> c a -> c aSource

Given a function, run the computation on my contents, and store the result together with the stuff I'm allready storing.

runSimple :: Eq a => (IGC a -> IGC a) -> IpeDrawing a -> IpeDrawing aSource

shorthand to run a computation on a given drawing, and extend the input drawing with the results

runSimple' :: (IGC a -> b) -> IpeDrawing a -> bSource

Run a computation on an Ipe drawing

runSimpleIO :: (Eq a, Coordinate a) => (IGC a -> IGC a) -> FilePath -> IO (IpeDrawing a)Source

Load an drawing from a file path, and run the given computation on it.

runSimpleIO' :: (Eq a, Coordinate a) => (IGC a -> IGC a) -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()Source

runSimpleIO' f inPath outPath runs loads a drawing from inPath, runs function f on it, extending the drawing with the result. The resulting drawing is stored in as outPath.