Fields - scale :: Rational
the number by which the figure size should be magnified over its natural size - width :: Maybe LatexLength
specifies the width to which the figure should be scaled to; if height not given,
it is scaled with the same factor as the width - height :: Maybe LatexLength
specifies the height to which the figure should be scaled to; if width is not given,
it is scaled with the same factor as the height - totalheight :: Maybe LatexLength
like height but specifies the height plus depth of the figure; should always be used
in place of height if the figure has been otated - keepaspectratio :: Bool
if both height and width are specified, this flag ensures that the original height/width
ratio remains unchanged; the figure will not exceed either of the given dimensions - angle :: Rational
the angle by which the figure is to be rotated counterclockwise, in degrees; any height
or width specifications coming before this key are also rotated, so that the height becomes
the width, while the width becomes either the height (positive angle) or depth (negative angle) - origin :: Loc
determines the point about which the rotation occurs; default is bl for bottom left
corner; also possible are c for center, t for top, r for right, and B for baseline;
any sensible combination, such as tr, is allowed - draft :: Bool
like the draft package option but applied to the one graphics file; the figure is not
imported, but rather a framed box of the correct size is printed containing the name of
the file - clip :: Bool
suppresses the printing of any graphic outside the bounding box - bb :: Maybe (Coord, Coord)
((llx, lly) (urx, ury)); enters the coordinates of the bounding box manually,
if they are missing or incorrect in the graphics file, or to be deliberately altered;
the specifications are four lengths separated by blanks; units may be given, but if
omitted, big points (bp) are assumed - viewport :: Maybe (Coord, Coord)
((llx, lly), (urx, ury)); specifies the bounding box but relative to the lower left
corner of the existing one; useful for correcting the bounding box, or (with clip) to
select only a portion of the whole figure - trim :: Maybe (Coord, Coord)
((dllx, dlly), (durx, dury)); reduces the existing bounding box by the amounts specified - hiresbb :: Bool
like the hiresbb package option but applied to the one graphics file; reads bounding box
information from the %%HiResBoundingBox line in the graphics file.