Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- amsmath :: PackageName
- charToMath :: Char -> Maybe MathItem
- stringToMath :: String -> MathItem
- mchar :: XChar -> XChar
- mstring :: String -> LatexItem
- mathlift :: (LatexItem -> LatexItem) -> MathItem -> MathItem
- protect :: String -> LatexItem
- protector :: XChar -> String -> LatexItem
- verb :: String -> LatexItem
- _Delta :: MathItem
- _Gamma :: MathItem
- _Lambda :: MathItem
- _Leftarrow :: MathItem
- _Leftrightarrow :: MathItem
- _Omega :: MathItem
- _Phi :: MathItem
- _Pi :: MathItem
- _Pr :: MathItem
- _Rightarrow :: MathItem
- _Sigma :: MathItem
- _Theta :: MathItem
- _Xi :: MathItem
- acute :: MathItem -> MathItem
- aleph :: MathItem
- alpha :: MathItem
- approx :: MathItem
- array :: [RowSpec MathItem] -> [Row MathItem] -> MathItem
- at :: MathItem
- backslash :: MathItem
- bar :: MathItem -> MathItem
- beta :: MathItem
- between :: Char -> Char -> MathItem -> MathItem
- bigcap :: MathItem
- bigcup :: MathItem
- bigvee :: MathItem
- bigwedge :: MathItem
- bmod :: MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem
- bot :: MathItem
- braces :: MathItem -> MathItem
- brackets :: MathItem -> MathItem
- breve :: MathItem -> MathItem
- bullet :: MathItem
- cal :: MathDecl
- cap :: MathItem
- cdots :: MathItem
- cdotp :: MathItem
- check :: MathItem -> MathItem
- chi :: MathItem
- circ :: MathItem
- cong :: MathItem
- cos :: MathItem
- cosh :: MathItem
- cot :: MathItem
- csc :: MathItem
- cup :: MathItem
- ddot :: MathItem -> MathItem
- ddots :: MathItem
- delta :: MathItem
- det :: MathItem
- diamond :: MathItem
- dim :: MathItem
- displaystyle :: MathDecl
- div :: MathItem
- divide :: MathItem
- dot :: MathItem -> MathItem
- downarrow :: MathItem
- emptyset :: MathItem
- epsilon :: MathItem
- eq :: MathItem
- neq :: MathItem
- equiv :: MathItem
- eta :: MathItem
- exists :: MathItem
- forall_ :: MathItem
- frac :: MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem
- gamma :: MathItem
- gcd :: MathItem
- ge :: MathItem
- geq :: MathItem
- grave :: MathItem -> MathItem
- group :: MathItem -> MathItem
- hat :: MathItem -> MathItem
- iff :: MathItem
- imath :: MathItem -> MathItem
- implies :: MathItem
- in_ :: MathItem
- inf :: MathItem
- infty :: MathItem
- int :: MathItem
- iota :: MathItem
- jmath :: MathItem -> MathItem
- kappa :: MathItem
- lambda :: MathItem
- langle :: MathItem
- lbrace :: MathItem
- lceil :: MathItem
- lcm :: MathItem
- ldots :: MathItem
- ldotp :: MathItem
- le :: MathItem
- leftarrow :: MathItem
- leftrightarrow :: MathItem
- leq :: MathItem
- lfloor :: MathItem
- lim :: MathItem
- liminf :: MathItem
- limsup :: MathItem
- ln :: MathItem
- log :: MathItem
- lparen :: MathItem
- mathBinOp :: String -> MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem
- longleftarrow :: MathItem
- longrightarrow :: MathItem
- longleftrightarrow :: MathItem
- mathBinOps :: [MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem]
- mathCmd :: String -> MathItem
- mathCmdArg :: String -> AnyItem -> MathItem
- mathCmdArgs :: String -> [Arg AnyItem] -> MathItem
- mathCmdMathArg :: String -> MathItem -> MathItem
- mathCmdMathArgs :: String -> [Arg MathItem] -> MathItem
- mathCmdsArg :: [MathItem -> MathItem]
- mathDecl :: String -> MathDecl
- mathGroup :: MathItem -> MathItem
- allMathItems :: [MathItem]
- allMathDecls :: [MathDecl]
- rawDecls :: [MathDecl] -> MathItem
- decl :: MathDecl -> MathItem -> MathItem
- decls :: [MathDecl] -> MathItem -> MathItem
- mathbb :: MathItem -> MathItem
- mathbf :: MathItem -> MathItem
- mathnormal :: MathItem -> MathItem
- mathrm :: MathItem -> MathItem
- mathsf :: MathItem -> MathItem
- mathit :: MathItem -> MathItem
- mathscr :: MathItem -> MathItem
- mathcal :: MathItem -> MathItem
- mathfrak :: MathItem -> MathItem
- mathtt :: MathItem -> MathItem
- max :: MathItem
- mbox :: LatexItem -> MathItem
- min :: MathItem
- mit :: MathDecl
- mleft :: Char -> MathItem
- mediumspace :: MathItem
- negthinspace :: MathItem
- mod :: MathItem
- models :: MathItem
- mrat :: Rational -> MathItem
- mright :: Char -> MathItem
- msup :: MathItem
- thickspace :: MathItem
- thinspace :: MathItem
- mu :: MathItem
- nabla :: MathItem
- ne :: MathItem
- neg :: MathItem
- notin :: MathItem
- nu :: MathItem
- oint :: MathItem
- omega :: MathItem
- omicron :: MathItem
- oplus :: MathItem
- otimes :: MathItem
- overbrace :: MathItem -> MathItem
- overline :: MathItem -> MathItem
- parenChar :: Char -> LatexM String
- parens :: MathItem -> MathItem
- partial :: MathItem
- phi :: MathItem
- pi :: MathItem
- pm :: MathItem
- pmod :: MathItem -> MathItem
- prec :: MathItem
- prod :: MathItem
- propto :: MathItem
- psi :: MathItem
- quad :: MathItem
- rangle :: MathItem
- rbrace :: MathItem
- rceil :: MathItem
- rfloor :: MathItem
- rho :: MathItem
- rightarrow :: MathItem
- rparen :: MathItem
- scriptscriptstyle :: MathDecl
- scriptstyle :: MathDecl
- sec :: MathItem
- sigma :: MathItem
- sin :: MathItem
- sinh :: MathItem
- space :: MathItem
- sqrt :: MathItem -> MathItem
- sqrt' :: MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem
- square :: MathItem
- stackrel :: MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem
- sub :: MathItem -> MathItem
- subset :: MathItem
- subseteq :: MathItem
- succ :: MathItem
- sum :: MathItem
- sup :: MathItem -> MathItem
- supset :: MathItem
- supseteq :: MathItem
- tan :: MathItem
- tanh :: MathItem
- tau :: MathItem
- text :: LatexItem -> MathItem
- textstyle :: MathDecl
- theta :: MathItem
- tilde :: MathItem -> MathItem
- times :: MathItem
- to :: MathItem
- top :: MathItem
- underbrace :: MathItem -> MathItem
- underline :: MathItem -> MathItem
- uparrow :: MathItem
- upsilon :: MathItem
- varepsilon :: MathItem
- varphi :: MathItem
- vartheta :: MathItem
- vdash :: MathItem
- vdots :: MathItem
- vec :: MathItem -> MathItem
- vee :: MathItem
- wedge :: MathItem
- widehat :: MathItem -> MathItem
- widetilde :: MathItem -> MathItem
- xi :: MathItem
- zeta :: MathItem
- a :: MathItem
- b :: MathItem
- c :: MathItem
- d :: MathItem
- e :: MathItem
- f :: MathItem
- g :: MathItem
- h :: MathItem
- i :: MathItem
- j :: MathItem
- k :: MathItem
- l :: MathItem
- m :: MathItem
- n :: MathItem
- o :: MathItem
- p :: MathItem
- q :: MathItem
- r :: MathItem
- s :: MathItem
- t :: MathItem
- u :: MathItem
- v :: MathItem
- w :: MathItem
- x :: MathItem
- y :: MathItem
- z :: MathItem
- _A :: MathItem
- _B :: MathItem
- _C :: MathItem
- _D :: MathItem
- _E :: MathItem
- _F :: MathItem
- _G :: MathItem
- _H :: MathItem
- _I :: MathItem
- _J :: MathItem
- _K :: MathItem
- _L :: MathItem
- _M :: MathItem
- _N :: MathItem
- _O :: MathItem
- _P :: MathItem
- _Q :: MathItem
- _R :: MathItem
- _S :: MathItem
- _T :: MathItem
- _U :: MathItem
- _V :: MathItem
- _W :: MathItem
- _X :: MathItem
- _Y :: MathItem
- _Z :: MathItem
- _Downarrow :: MathItem
- _Uparrow :: MathItem
- vartriangleright :: MathItem
- phantom :: MathItem -> MathItem
- cells :: [a] -> Row a
- cell :: a -> Row a
- vline :: RowSpec a
- hline :: Row a
- cline :: Int -> Int -> Row a
stringToMath :: String -> MathItem Source #
mathlift :: (LatexItem -> LatexItem) -> MathItem -> MathItem Source #
Deprecated: The use of M.text should be done with care (mbox is an alternative)
mathCmdsArg :: [MathItem -> MathItem] Source #
allMathItems :: [MathItem] Source #
allMathDecls :: [MathDecl] Source #
mathnormal :: MathItem -> MathItem Source #
In LaTeX math mode omicron is just o
it is exported as omicron here as well just
for convinience.
underbrace :: MathItem -> MathItem Source #