hledger-web-0.25: A web interface for the hledger accounting tool.

Safe HaskellNone





data App Source

The site argument for your application. This can be a good place to keep settings and values requiring initialization before your application starts running, such as database connections. Every handler will have access to the data present here.




settings :: AppConfig DefaultEnv Extra
getStatic :: Static

Settings for static file serving.

httpManager :: Manager
appOpts :: WebOpts
appJournal :: IORef Journal

Creates the route datatype AppRoute. Every valid URL in your

Creates the associated type:

Creates the value resourcesApp which contains information on the

type AppRoute = Route App Source

A convenience alias.

getExtra :: Handler Extra Source

Get the Extra value, used to hold data from the settings.yml file.

data ViewData Source

A bundle of data useful for hledger-web request handlers and templates.




opts :: WebOpts

the command-line options at startup

here :: AppRoute

the current route

msg :: Maybe Html

the current UI message if any, possibly from the current request

today :: Day

today's date (for queries containing relative dates)

j :: Journal

the up-to-date parsed unfiltered journal

q :: String

the current q parameter, the main query expression

m :: Query

a query parsed from the q parameter

qopts :: [QueryOpt]

query options parsed from the q parameter

am :: Query

a query parsed from the accounts sidebar query expr ("a" parameter)

aopts :: [QueryOpt]

query options parsed from the accounts sidebar query expr

showpostings :: Bool

current p parameter, 1 or 0 shows/hides all postings where applicable

showsidebar :: Bool

current showsidebar cookie value

nullviewdata :: ViewData Source

Make a default ViewData, using day 0 as today's date.

viewdataWithDateAndParams :: Day -> String -> String -> String -> ViewData Source

Make a ViewData using the given date and request parameters, and defaults elsewhere.

getViewData :: Handler ViewData Source

Gather data used by handlers and templates in the current request.

getLastMessage :: Handler (Maybe Html) Source

Get the message that was set by the last request, in a referentially transparent manner (allowing multiple reads).

addform :: Text -> ViewData -> HtmlUrl AppRoute Source

Add transaction form.