{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ViewPatterns, RecordWildCards, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hint.Match(readMatch) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Config.Type
import Hint.Type
import Control.Monad
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import HSE.Unify
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Prelude
import qualified Refact.Types as R
fmapAn = fmap (const an)
readMatch :: [HintRule] -> DeclHint
readMatch settings = findIdeas (concatMap readRule settings)
readRule :: HintRule -> [HintRule]
readRule (m@HintRule{hintRuleLHS=(fmapAn -> hintRuleLHS), hintRuleRHS=(fmapAn -> hintRuleRHS), hintRuleSide=(fmap fmapAn -> hintRuleSide)}) =
(:) m{hintRuleLHS=hintRuleLHS,hintRuleSide=hintRuleSide,hintRuleRHS=hintRuleRHS} $ do
(l,v1) <- dotVersion hintRuleLHS
(r,v2) <- dotVersion hintRuleRHS
guard $ v1 == v2 && l /= [] && (length l > 1 || length r > 1) && Set.notMember v1 (freeVars $ maybeToList hintRuleSide ++ l ++ r)
if r /= [] then
[m{hintRuleLHS=dotApps l, hintRuleRHS=dotApps r, hintRuleSide=hintRuleSide}
,m{hintRuleLHS=dotApps (l++[toNamed v1]), hintRuleRHS=dotApps (r++[toNamed v1]), hintRuleSide=hintRuleSide}]
else if length l > 1 then
[m{hintRuleLHS=dotApps l, hintRuleRHS=toNamed "id", hintRuleSide=hintRuleSide}
,m{hintRuleLHS=dotApps (l++[toNamed v1]), hintRuleRHS=toNamed v1, hintRuleSide=hintRuleSide}]
else []
dotVersion :: Exp_ -> [([Exp_], String)]
dotVersion (view -> Var_ v) | isUnifyVar v = [([], v)]
dotVersion (App l ls rs) = first (ls :) <$> dotVersion (fromParen rs)
dotVersion (InfixApp l x op y) = (first (LeftSection l x op :) <$> dotVersion y) ++
(first (RightSection l op y:) <$> dotVersion x)
dotVersion _ = []
findIdeas :: [HintRule] -> Scope -> Module S -> Decl_ -> [Idea]
findIdeas matches s _ decl =
[ (idea (hintRuleSeverity m) (hintRuleName m) x y [r]){ideaNote=notes}
| decl <- case decl of InstDecl{} -> children decl; _ -> [decl]
, (parent,x) <- universeParentExp decl, not $ isParen x
, m <- matches, Just (y,notes, subst) <- [matchIdea s decl m parent x]
, let r = R.Replace R.Expr (toSS x) subst (prettyPrint $ hintRuleRHS m) ]
matchIdea :: Scope -> Decl_ -> HintRule -> Maybe (Int, Exp_) -> Exp_ -> Maybe (Exp_, [Note], [(String, R.SrcSpan)])
matchIdea s decl HintRule{..} parent x = do
let nm a b = scopeMatch (hintRuleScope,a) (s,b)
u <- unifyExp nm True hintRuleLHS x
u <- validSubst (=~=) u
let e = substitute u hintRuleRHS
res = addBracket parent $ performSpecial $ substitute u $ unqualify hintRuleScope s hintRuleRHS
guard $ (freeVars e Set.\\ Set.filter (not . isUnifyVar) (freeVars hintRuleRHS))
`Set.isSubsetOf` freeVars x
guard $ checkSide hintRuleSide $ ("original",x) : ("result",res) : fromSubst u
guard $ checkDefine decl parent res
return (res, hintRuleNotes, [(s, toSS pos) | (s, pos) <- fromSubst u, ann pos /= an])
checkSide :: Maybe Exp_ -> [(String, Exp_)] -> Bool
checkSide x bind = maybe True f x
f (InfixApp _ x op y)
| opExp op ~= "&&" = f x && f y
| opExp op ~= "||" = f x || f y
f (App _ x y) | x ~= "not" = not $ f y
f (Paren _ x) = f x
f (App _ cond (sub -> y))
| 'i':'s':typ <- fromNamed cond
= isType typ y
f (App _ (App _ cond (sub -> x)) (sub -> y))
| cond ~= "notIn" = and [x `notElem` universe y | x <- list x, y <- list y]
| cond ~= "notEq" = x /=~= y
f x | x ~= "noTypeCheck" = True
f x | x ~= "noQuickCheck" = True
f x = error $ "Hint.Match.checkSide, unknown side condition: " ++ prettyPrint x
isType "Compare" x = True
isType "Atom" x = isAtom x
isType "WHNF" x = isWHNF x
isType "Wildcard" x = any isFieldWildcard $ universeS x
isType "Nat" (asInt -> Just x) | x >= 0 = True
isType "Pos" (asInt -> Just x) | x > 0 = True
isType "Neg" (asInt -> Just x) | x < 0 = True
isType "NegZero" (asInt -> Just x) | x <= 0 = True
isType ('L':'i':'t':typ@(_:_)) (Lit _ x) = head (words $ show x) == typ
isType typ x = head (words $ show x) == typ
asInt :: Exp_ -> Maybe Integer
asInt (Paren _ x) = asInt x
asInt (NegApp _ x) = negate <$> asInt x
asInt (Lit _ (Int _ x _)) = Just x
asInt _ = Nothing
list :: Exp_ -> [Exp_]
list (List _ xs) = xs
list x = [x]
sub :: Exp_ -> Exp_
sub = transform f
where f (view -> Var_ x) | Just y <- lookup x bind = y
f x = x
checkDefine :: Decl_ -> Maybe (Int, Exp_) -> Exp_ -> Bool
checkDefine x Nothing y = fromNamed x /= fromNamed (transformBi unqual $ head $ fromApps y)
checkDefine _ _ _ = True
performSpecial :: Exp_ -> Exp_
performSpecial = transform fNoParen . fEval
fEval (App _ e x) | e ~= "_eval_" = reduce x
fEval x = x
fNoParen (App _ e x) | e ~= "_noParen_" = fromParen x
fNoParen x = x
unqualify :: Scope -> Scope -> Exp_ -> Exp_
unqualify from to = transformBi f
f x@(UnQual _ (Ident _ s)) | isUnifyVar s = x
f x = scopeMove (from,x) to
addBracket :: Maybe (Int,Exp_) -> Exp_ -> Exp_
addBracket (Just (i,p)) c | needBracketOld i p c = Paren an c
addBracket _ x = x