{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module HSE.All(
module X,
CppFlags(..), ParseFlags(..), defaultParseFlags,
parseFlagsAddFixities, parseFlagsSetLanguage,
ParseError(..), ModuleEx(..),
freeVars, vars, varss, pvars
) where
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Util hiding (freeVars, Vars(..))
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Util as X
import HSE.Util as X
import HSE.Reduce as X
import HSE.Type as X
import HSE.Match as X
import HSE.Scope as X
import Util
import Data.Char
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Timing
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.IO.Extra
import Data.Functor
import Prelude
import GHC.Util
import qualified "ghc-lib-parser" HsSyn
import qualified "ghc-lib-parser" FastString
import qualified "ghc-lib-parser" SrcLoc as GHC
import qualified "ghc-lib-parser" ErrUtils
import qualified "ghc-lib-parser" Outputable
vars :: FreeVars a => a -> [String]
freeVars :: FreeVars a => a -> Set String
varss, pvars :: AllVars a => a -> [String]
vars = Set.toList . Set.map prettyPrint . X.freeVars
varss = Set.toList . Set.map prettyPrint . X.free . X.allVars
pvars = Set.toList . Set.map prettyPrint . X.bound . X.allVars
freeVars = Set.map prettyPrint . X.freeVars
data CppFlags
= NoCpp
| CppSimple
| Cpphs CpphsOptions
data ParseFlags = ParseFlags
{cppFlags :: CppFlags
,hseFlags :: ParseMode
lensFixities :: [Fixity]
lensFixities = concat
[infixr_ 4 ["%%@~","<%@~","%%~","<+~","<*~","<-~","<//~","<^~","<^^~","<**~"]
,infix_ 4 ["%%@=","<%@=","%%=","<+=","<*=","<-=","<//=","<^=","<^^=","<**="]
,infixr_ 2 ["<<~"]
,infixr_ 9 ["#."]
,infixl_ 8 [".#"]
,infixr_ 8 ["^!","^@!"]
,infixl_ 1 ["&","<&>","??"]
,infixl_ 8 ["^.","^@."]
,infixr_ 9 ["<.>","<.",".>"]
,infixr_ 4 ["%@~",".~","+~","*~","-~","//~","^~","^^~","**~","&&~","<>~","||~","%~"]
,infix_ 4 ["%@=",".=","+=","*=","-=","//=","^=","^^=","**=","&&=","<>=","||=","%="]
,infixr_ 2 ["<~"]
,infixr_ 2 ["`zoom`","`magnify`"]
,infixl_ 8 ["^..","^?","^?!","^@..","^@?","^@?!"]
,infixl_ 8 ["^#"]
,infixr_ 4 ["<#~","#~","#%~","<#%~","#%%~"]
,infix_ 4 ["<#=","#=","#%=","<#%=","#%%="]
,infixl_ 9 [":>"]
,infixr_ 4 ["</>~","<</>~","<.>~","<<.>~"]
,infix_ 4 ["</>=","<</>=","<.>=","<<.>="]
,infixr_ 4 [".|.~",".&.~","<.|.~","<.&.~"]
,infix_ 4 [".|.=",".&.=","<.|.=","<.&.="]
otherFixities :: [Fixity]
otherFixities = concat
[infix_ 1 ["`shouldBe`","`shouldSatisfy`","`shouldStartWith`","`shouldEndWith`","`shouldContain`","`shouldMatchList`"
,infixr_ 0 ["==>"]
,infix_ 4 ["==="]
,infix_ 4 ["==."]
,infixr_ 5 ["\\/"]
,infixr_ 6 ["/\\"]
baseNotYetInHSE :: [Fixity]
baseNotYetInHSE = concat
[infixr_ 9 ["`Compose`"]
,infixr_ 6 ["<>"]
,infixr_ 5 ["<|"]
,infixl_ 4 ["<$!>","<$","$>"]
,infix_ 4 [":~:", ":~~:"]
customFixities :: [Fixity]
customFixities =
infixl_ 1 ["`on`"]
defaultParseFlags :: ParseFlags
defaultParseFlags = ParseFlags NoCpp defaultParseMode
{fixities = Just $ customFixities ++ baseFixities ++ baseNotYetInHSE ++ lensFixities ++ otherFixities
,ignoreLinePragmas = False
,ignoreFunctionArity = True
,extensions = defaultExtensions}
parseFlagsNoLocations :: ParseFlags -> ParseFlags
parseFlagsNoLocations x = x{cppFlags = case cppFlags x of Cpphs y -> Cpphs $ f y; y -> y}
where f x = x{boolopts = (boolopts x){locations=False}}
parseFlagsAddFixities :: [Fixity] -> ParseFlags -> ParseFlags
parseFlagsAddFixities fx x = x{hseFlags=hse{fixities = Just $ fx ++ fromMaybe [] (fixities hse)}}
where hse = hseFlags x
parseFlagsSetLanguage :: (Language, [Extension]) -> ParseFlags -> ParseFlags
parseFlagsSetLanguage (l, es) x = x{hseFlags=(hseFlags x){baseLanguage = l, extensions = es}}
runCpp :: CppFlags -> FilePath -> String -> IO String
runCpp NoCpp _ x = return x
runCpp CppSimple _ x = return $ unlines [if "#" `isPrefixOf` trimStart x then "" else x | x <- lines x]
runCpp (Cpphs o) file x = dropLine <$> runCpphs o file x
dropLine (line1 -> (a,b)) | "{-# LINE " `isPrefixOf` a = b
dropLine x = x
data ParseError = ParseError
{ parseErrorLocation :: SrcLoc
, parseErrorMessage :: String
, parseErrorContents :: String
data ModuleEx = ModuleEx {
pm_hsext :: (Module SrcSpanInfo, [Comment])
, pm_ghclib :: Located (HsSyn.HsModule HsSyn.GhcPs)
mkMode :: ParseFlags -> String -> ParseMode
mkMode flags file = (hseFlags flags){parseFilename = file,fixities = Nothing }
failOpParseModuleEx :: String
-> ParseFlags
-> FilePath
-> String
-> SrcLoc
-> String
-> Maybe (GHC.SrcSpan, ErrUtils.MsgDoc)
-> IO (Either ParseError ModuleEx)
failOpParseModuleEx ppstr flags file str sl msg ghc =
case ghc of
Just err ->
ghcFailOpParseModuleEx ppstr file str err
Nothing ->
hseFailOpParseModuleEx ppstr flags file str sl msg
hseFailOpParseModuleEx :: String
-> ParseFlags
-> FilePath
-> String
-> SrcLoc
-> String
-> IO (Either ParseError ModuleEx)
hseFailOpParseModuleEx ppstr flags file str sl msg = do
flags <- return $ parseFlagsNoLocations flags
ppstr2 <- runCpp (cppFlags flags) file str
let pe = case parseFileContentsWithMode (mkMode flags file) ppstr2 of
ParseFailed sl2 _ -> context (srcLine sl2) ppstr2
_ -> context (srcLine sl) ppstr
return $ Left $ ParseError sl msg pe
ghcFailOpParseModuleEx :: String
-> FilePath
-> String
-> (GHC.SrcSpan, ErrUtils.MsgDoc)
-> IO (Either ParseError ModuleEx)
ghcFailOpParseModuleEx ppstr file str (loc, err) = do
let sl =
case loc of
GHC.RealSrcSpan r ->
SrcLoc { srcFilename = FastString.unpackFS (GHC.srcSpanFile r)
, srcLine = GHC.srcSpanStartLine r
, srcColumn = GHC.srcSpanStartCol r }
GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _ ->
SrcLoc { srcFilename = file
, srcLine = 1 :: Int
, srcColumn = 1 :: Int }
pe = context (srcLine sl) ppstr
msg = Outputable.showSDoc baseDynFlags $
ErrUtils.pprLocErrMsg (ErrUtils.mkPlainErrMsg baseDynFlags loc err)
return $ Left $ ParseError sl msg pe
parseModuleEx :: ParseFlags -> FilePath -> Maybe String -> IO (Either ParseError ModuleEx)
parseModuleEx flags file str = timedIO "Parse" file $ do
str <- case str of
Just x -> return x
Nothing | file == "-" -> getContentsUTF8
| otherwise -> readFileUTF8' file
str <- return $ fromMaybe str $ stripPrefix "\65279" str
ppstr <- runCpp (cppFlags flags) file str
dynFlags <- parsePragmasIntoDynFlags baseDynFlags file ppstr
case dynFlags of
Right ghcFlags ->
case (parseFileContentsWithComments (mkMode flags file) ppstr, parseFileGhcLib file ppstr ghcFlags) of
(ParseOk (x, cs), POk _ a) ->
return $ Right (ModuleEx (applyFixity fixity x, cs) a)
(ParseOk _, PFailed _ loc err) ->
ghcFailOpParseModuleEx ppstr file str (loc, err)
(ParseFailed sl msg, pfailed) ->
failOpParseModuleEx ppstr flags file str sl msg $ fromPFailed pfailed
Left msg -> do
let loc = SrcLoc file (1 :: Int) (1 :: Int)
return $ Left (ParseError loc msg (context (srcLine loc) ppstr))
fromPFailed (PFailed _ loc err) = Just (loc, err)
fromPFailed _ = Nothing
fixity = fromMaybe [] $ fixities $ hseFlags flags
context :: Int -> String -> String
context lineNo src =
unlines $ dropWhileEnd (all isSpace) $ dropWhile (all isSpace) $
zipWith (++) ticks $ take 5 $ drop (lineNo - 3) $ lines src ++ ["","","","",""]
where ticks = [" "," ","> "," "," "]
applyFixity :: [Fixity] -> Module_ -> Module_
applyFixity base modu = descendBi f modu
f x = fromMaybe (cheapFixities fixs x) $ applyFixities fixs x :: Decl_
fixs = concatMap getFixity (moduleDecls modu) ++ base
cheapFixities :: [Fixity] -> Decl_ -> Decl_
cheapFixities fixs = descendBi (transform f)
ask = askFixity fixs
f o@(InfixApp s1 (InfixApp s2 x op1 y) op2 z)
| p1 == p2 && (a1 /= a2 || isAssocNone a1) = o
| p1 > p2 || p1 == p2 && (isAssocLeft a1 || isAssocNone a2) = o
| otherwise = InfixApp s1 x op1 (f $ InfixApp s1 y op2 z)
(a1,p1) = ask op1
(a2,p2) = ask op2
f x = x
askFixity :: [Fixity] -> QOp S -> (Assoc (), Int)
askFixity xs = \k -> Map.findWithDefault (AssocLeft (), 9) (fromNamed k) mp
mp = Map.fromList [(s,(a,p)) | Fixity a p x <- xs, let s = fromNamed $ fmap (const an) x, s /= ""]