{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hint.Extensions(extensionsHint) where
import Hint.Type
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Data
import Refact.Types
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Prelude
extensionsHint :: ModuHint
extensionsHint _ x =
[ rawIdea Warning "Unused LANGUAGE pragma"
(srcInfoSpan sl)
(prettyPrint o)
(Just newPragma)
( [RequiresExtension $ prettyExtension gone | x <- before \\ after, gone <- Map.findWithDefault [] x disappear] ++
[ Note $ "Extension " ++ prettyExtension x ++ " is " ++ reason x
| x <- explainedRemovals])
[ModifyComment (toSS o) newPragma]
| o@(LanguagePragma sl exts) <- modulePragmas x
, let before = map (parseExtension . prettyPrint) exts
, let after = filter (`Set.member` keep) before
, before /= after
, let explainedRemovals
| null after && not (any (`Map.member` implied) before) = []
| otherwise = before \\ after
, let newPragma = if null after then "" else prettyPrint $ LanguagePragma sl $ map (toNamed . prettyExtension) after
usedTH = used TemplateHaskell x || used QuasiQuotes x
extensions = Set.fromList [parseExtension $ fromNamed e | LanguagePragma _ exts <- modulePragmas x, e <- exts]
useful = if usedTH then extensions else Set.filter (`usedExt` x) extensions
implied = Map.fromList
[ (e, a)
| e <- Set.toList useful
, a:_ <- [filter (`Set.member` useful) $ extensionImpliedBy e]]
keep = useful `Set.difference` Map.keysSet implied
disappear =
Map.fromListWith (++) $
nubOrdOn snd
[ (e, [a])
| e <- Set.toList $ extensions `Set.difference` keep
, a <- extensionImplies e
, a `Set.notMember` useful
, usedTH || usedExt a x
reason x =
case Map.lookup x implied of
Just a -> "implied by " ++ prettyExtension a
Nothing -> "not used"
deriveHaskell = ["Eq","Ord","Enum","Ix","Bounded","Read","Show"]
deriveGenerics = ["Data","Typeable","Generic","Generic1","Lift"]
deriveCategory = ["Functor","Foldable","Traversable"]
noDeriveNewtype =
delete "Enum" deriveHaskell ++
deriveStock = deriveHaskell ++ deriveGenerics ++ deriveCategory
usedExt :: Extension -> Module_ -> Bool
usedExt (EnableExtension x) = used x
usedExt (UnknownExtension "NumDecimals") = hasS isWholeFrac
usedExt (UnknownExtension "DeriveLift") = hasDerive ["Lift"]
usedExt (UnknownExtension "DeriveAnyClass") = not . null . derivesAnyclass . derives
usedExt _ = const True
used :: KnownExtension -> Module_ -> Bool
used RecursiveDo = hasS isMDo ||^ hasS isRecStmt
used ParallelListComp = hasS isParComp
used FunctionalDependencies = hasT (un :: FunDep S)
used ImplicitParams = hasT (un :: IPName S)
used TypeApplications = hasS isTypeApp
used EmptyDataDecls = hasS f
where f (DataDecl _ _ _ _ [] _) = True
f (GDataDecl _ _ _ _ _ [] _) = True
f _ = False
used EmptyCase = hasS f
where f (Case _ _ []) = True
f (LCase _ []) = True
f (_ :: Exp_) = False
used KindSignatures = hasT (un :: Kind S)
used BangPatterns = hasS isPBangPat
used TemplateHaskell = hasT2 (un :: (Bracket S, Splice S)) ||^ hasS f ||^ hasS isSpliceDecl
where f VarQuote{} = True
f TypQuote{} = True
f _ = False
used ForeignFunctionInterface = hasT (un :: CallConv S)
used PatternGuards = hasS f
where f (GuardedRhs _ xs _) = g xs
g [] = False
g [Qualifier{}] = False
g _ = True
used StandaloneDeriving = hasS isDerivDecl
used PatternSignatures = hasS isPatTypeSig
used RecordWildCards = hasS isPFieldWildcard ||^ hasS isFieldWildcard
used RecordPuns = hasS isPFieldPun ||^ hasS isFieldPun
used NamedFieldPuns = hasS isPFieldPun ||^ hasS isFieldPun
used UnboxedTuples = has (not . isBoxed)
used PackageImports = hasS (isJust . importPkg)
used QuasiQuotes = hasS isQuasiQuote ||^ hasS isTyQuasiQuote
used ViewPatterns = hasS isPViewPat
used DefaultSignatures = hasS isClsDefSig
used DeriveDataTypeable = hasDerive ["Data","Typeable"]
used DeriveFunctor = hasDerive ["Functor"]
used DeriveFoldable = hasDerive ["Foldable"]
used DeriveTraversable = hasDerive ["Traversable","Foldable","Functor"]
used DeriveGeneric = hasDerive ["Generic","Generic1"]
used GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving = not . null . derivesNewtype . derives
used LambdaCase = hasS isLCase
used TupleSections = hasS isTupleSection
used OverloadedStrings = hasS isString
used Arrows = hasS f
where f Proc{} = True
f LeftArrApp{} = True
f RightArrApp{} = True
f LeftArrHighApp{} = True
f RightArrHighApp{} = True
f _ = False
used TransformListComp = hasS f
where f QualStmt{} = False
f _ = True
used MagicHash = hasS f ||^ hasS isPrimLiteral
where f (Ident _ s) = "#" `isSuffixOf` s
f _ = False
used x = usedExt $ UnknownExtension $ show x
hasDerive :: [String] -> Module_ -> Bool
hasDerive want = any (`elem` want) . derivesStock . derives
data Derives = Derives
{derivesStock :: [String]
,derivesAnyclass :: [String]
,derivesNewtype :: [String]
instance Semigroup Derives where
Derives x1 x2 x3 <> Derives y1 y2 y3 =
Derives (x1++y1) (x2++y2) (x3++y3)
instance Monoid Derives where
mempty = Derives [] [] []
mappend = (<>)
addDerives :: Maybe (DataOrNew S) -> Maybe (DerivStrategy S) -> [String] -> Derives
addDerives _ (Just s) xs = case s of
DerivStock{} -> mempty{derivesStock = xs}
DerivAnyclass{} -> mempty{derivesAnyclass = xs}
DerivNewtype{} -> mempty{derivesNewtype = xs}
DerivVia{} -> mempty
addDerives nt _ xs = mempty
{derivesStock = stock
,derivesAnyclass = other
,derivesNewtype = if maybe True isNewType nt then filter (`notElem` noDeriveNewtype) xs else []}
where (stock, other) = partition (`elem` deriveStock) xs
derives :: Module_ -> Derives
derives m = mconcat $ map decl (childrenBi m) ++ map idecl (childrenBi m)
idecl :: InstDecl S -> Derives
idecl (InsData _ dn _ _ ds) = g dn ds
idecl (InsGData _ dn _ _ _ ds) = g dn ds
idecl _ = mempty
decl :: Decl_ -> Derives
decl (DataDecl _ dn _ _ _ ds) = g dn ds
decl (GDataDecl _ dn _ _ _ _ ds) = g dn ds
decl (DataInsDecl _ dn _ _ ds) = g dn ds
decl (GDataInsDecl _ dn _ _ _ ds) = g dn ds
decl (DerivDecl _ strategy _ hd) = addDerives Nothing strategy [ir hd]
decl _ = mempty
g dn ds = mconcat [addDerives (Just dn) strategy $ map ir rules | Deriving _ strategy rules <- ds]
ir (IRule _ _ _ x) = ih x
ir (IParen _ x) = ir x
ih (IHCon _ a) = prettyPrint $ unqual a
ih (IHInfix _ _ a) = prettyPrint $ unqual a
ih (IHParen _ a) = ih a
ih (IHApp _ a _) = ih a
un = undefined
hasT t x = not $ null (universeBi x `asTypeOf` [t])
hasT2 ~(t1,t2) = hasT t1 ||^ hasT t2
hasS :: (Data x, Data (f S)) => (f S -> Bool) -> x -> Bool
hasS test = any test . universeBi
has f = any f . universeBi
isWholeFrac :: Literal S -> Bool
isWholeFrac (Frac _ v _) = denominator v == 1
isWholeFrac _ = False