{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ViewPatterns #-}

module HSE.Util(module HSE.Util, def) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Data.List
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Util
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Data hiding (Fixity)
import System.FilePath
import HSE.Type
import Data.Functor
import Prelude


ellipses :: QName S
ellipses = UnQual an $ Ident an "..." -- Must be an Ident, not a Symbol

opExp :: QOp S -> Exp_
opExp (QVarOp s op) = Var s op
opExp (QConOp s op) = Con s op

expOp :: Exp_ -> Maybe (QOp S)
expOp (Var s op) = Just $ QVarOp s op
expOp (Con s op) = Just $ QConOp s op
expOp _ = Nothing

moduleDecls :: Module_ -> [Decl_]
moduleDecls (Module _ _ _ _ xs) = xs
moduleDecls _ = [] -- XmlPage/XmlHybrid

moduleName :: Module_ -> String
moduleName (Module _ Nothing _ _ _) = "Main"
moduleName (Module _ (Just (ModuleHead _ (ModuleName _ x) _ _)) _ _ _) = x
moduleName _ = "" -- XmlPage/XmlHybrid

moduleImports :: Module_ -> [ImportDecl S]
moduleImports (Module _ _ _ x _) = x
moduleImports _ = [] -- XmlPage/XmlHybrid

modulePragmas :: Module_ -> [ModulePragma S]
modulePragmas (Module _ _ x _ _) = x
modulePragmas _ = [] -- XmlPage/XmlHybrid

moduleExtensions :: Module_ -> [Name S]
moduleExtensions x = concat [y | LanguagePragma _ y <- modulePragmas x]

fromModuleName :: ModuleName S -> String
fromModuleName (ModuleName _ x) = x

fromChar :: Exp_ -> Maybe Char
fromChar (Lit _ (Char _ x _)) = Just x
fromChar _ = Nothing

fromPChar :: Pat_ -> Maybe Char
fromPChar (PLit _ _ (Char _ x _)) = Just x
fromPChar _ = Nothing

fromString :: Exp_ -> Maybe String
fromString (Lit _ (String _ x _)) = Just x
fromString _ = Nothing

fromPString :: Pat_ -> Maybe String
fromPString (PLit _ _ (String _ x _)) =  Just x
fromPString _ = Nothing

fromParen :: Exp_ -> Exp_
fromParen (Paren _ x) = fromParen x
fromParen x = x

fromPParen :: Pat s -> Pat s
fromPParen (PParen _ x) = fromPParen x
fromPParen x = x

fromTyParen :: Type s -> Type s
fromTyParen (TyParen _ x) = fromTyParen x
fromTyParen x = x

fromTyBang :: Type s -> Type s
fromTyBang (TyBang _ _ _ x) = x
fromTyBang x = x

fromDeriving :: Deriving s -> [InstRule s]
fromDeriving (Deriving _ _ x) = x

-- is* :: Exp_ -> Bool
-- is* :: Decl_ -> Bool
isVar Var{} = True; isVar _ = False
isCon Con{} = True; isCon _ = False
isApp App{} = True; isApp _ = False
isInfixApp InfixApp{} = True; isInfixApp _ = False
isAnyApp x = isApp x || isInfixApp x
isParen Paren{} = True; isParen _ = False
isIf If{} = True; isIf _ = False
isLambda Lambda{} = True; isLambda _ = False
isMDo MDo{} = True; isMDo _ = False
isBoxed Boxed{} = True; isBoxed _ = False
isDerivDecl DerivDecl{} = True; isDerivDecl _ = False
isPBangPat PBangPat{} = True; isPBangPat _ = False
isPFieldPun PFieldPun{} = True; isPFieldPun _ = False
isFieldPun FieldPun{} = True; isFieldPun _ = False
isPWildCard PWildCard{} = True; isPWildCard _ = False
isPFieldWildcard PFieldWildcard{} = True; isPFieldWildcard _ = False
isFieldWildcard FieldWildcard{} = True; isFieldWildcard _ = False
isPViewPat PViewPat{} = True; isPViewPat _ = False
isParComp ParComp{} = True; isParComp _ = False
isTypeApp TypeApp{} = True; isTypeApp _ = False
isPatTypeSig PatTypeSig{} = True; isPatTypeSig _ = False
isQuasiQuote QuasiQuote{} = True; isQuasiQuote _ = False
isTyQuasiQuote TyQuasiQuote{} = True; isTyQuasiQuote _ = False
isSpliceDecl SpliceDecl{} = True; isSpliceDecl _ = False
isNewType NewType{} = True; isNewType _ = False
isRecStmt RecStmt{} = True; isRecStmt _ = False
isClsDefSig ClsDefSig{} = True; isClsDefSig _ = False
isTyBang TyBang{} = True; isTyBang _ = False
isLCase LCase{} = True; isLCase _ = False
isTupleSection TupleSection{} = True; isTupleSection _ = False
isString String{} = True; isString _ = False
isRecUpdate RecUpdate{} = True; isRecUpdate _ = False
isRecConstr RecConstr{} = True; isRecConstr _ = False

isSection LeftSection{} = True
isSection RightSection{} = True
isSection _ = False

isPrimLiteral PrimInt{} = True
isPrimLiteral PrimWord{} = True
isPrimLiteral PrimFloat{} = True
isPrimLiteral PrimDouble{} = True
isPrimLiteral PrimChar{} = True
isPrimLiteral PrimString{} = True
isPrimLiteral _ = False

allowRightSection x = x `notElem` ["-","#"]
allowLeftSection x = x /= "#"

unqual :: QName S -> QName S
unqual (Qual an _ x) = UnQual an x
unqual x = x

fromQual :: QName a -> Maybe (Name a)
fromQual (Qual _ _ x) = Just x
fromQual (UnQual _ x) = Just x
fromQual _ = Nothing

isSpecial :: QName S -> Bool
isSpecial Special{} = True; isSpecial _ = False

isDol :: QOp S -> Bool
isDol (QVarOp _ (UnQual _ (Symbol _ "$"))) = True
isDol _ = False

isDot :: QOp S -> Bool
isDot (QVarOp _ (UnQual _ (Symbol _ "."))) = True
isDot _ = False

isDotApp :: Exp_ -> Bool
isDotApp (InfixApp _ _ dot _) | isDot dot = True
isDotApp _ = False

dotApp :: Exp_ -> Exp_ -> Exp_
dotApp x = InfixApp an x (QVarOp an $ UnQual an $ Symbol an ".")

dotApps :: [Exp_] -> Exp_
dotApps [] = error "HSE.Util.dotApps, does not work on an empty list"
dotApps [x] = x
dotApps (x:xs) = dotApp x (dotApps xs)

isReturn :: Exp_ -> Bool
-- Allow both pure and return, as they have the same semantics
isReturn (Var _ (UnQual _ (Ident _ x))) = x == "return" || x == "pure"
isReturn _ = False

isLexeme Var{} = True
isLexeme Con{} = True
isLexeme Lit{} = True
isLexeme _ = False

isAssocLeft AssocLeft{} = True; isAssocLeft _ = False
isAssocNone AssocNone{} = True; isAssocNone _ = False

isWHNF :: Exp_ -> Bool
isWHNF Con{} = True
isWHNF (Lit _ x) = case x of String{} -> False; Int{} -> False; Frac{} -> False; _ -> True
isWHNF Lambda{} = True
isWHNF Tuple{} = True
isWHNF List{} = True
isWHNF (Paren _ x) = isWHNF x
isWHNF (ExpTypeSig _ x _) = isWHNF x
-- other (unknown) constructors may have bang patterns in them, so approximate
isWHNF (App _ c@Con{} _) | prettyPrint c `elem` ["Just","Left","Right"] = True
isWHNF _ = False

-- | Like needBracket, but with a special case for a . b . b, which
--   was removed from haskell-src-exts-util-0.2.2
needBracketOld :: Int -> Exp_ -> Exp_ -> Bool
needBracketOld i parent child
    | isDotApp parent, isDotApp child, i == 1 = False
    | otherwise = needBracket i parent child

transformBracketOld :: (Exp_ -> Maybe Exp_) -> Exp_ -> Exp_
transformBracketOld op = snd . g
        g = f . descendBracketOld g
        f x = maybe (False,x) ((,) True) (op x)

-- | Descend, and if something changes then add/remove brackets appropriately
descendBracketOld :: (Exp_ -> (Bool, Exp_)) -> Exp_ -> Exp_
descendBracketOld op x = descendIndex g x
        g i y = if a then f i b else b
            where (a,b) = op y

        f i (Paren _ y) | not $ needBracketOld i x y = y
        f i y           | needBracketOld i x y = addParen y
        f _ y           = y

descendIndex :: Data a => (Int -> a -> a) -> a -> a
descendIndex f x = flip evalState 0 $ flip descendM x $ \y -> do
    i <- get
    modify (+1)
    return $ f i y


isKindHash :: Type_ -> Bool
isKindHash (TyParen _ x) = isKindHash x
isKindHash (TyApp _ x _) = isKindHash x
isKindHash (TyCon _ (fromQual -> Just (Ident _ s))) = "#" `isSuffixOf`  s
isKindHash _ = False

getEquations :: Decl s -> [Decl s]
getEquations (FunBind s xs) = map (FunBind s . (:[])) xs
getEquations x@PatBind{} = [toFunBind x]
getEquations x = [x]

toFunBind :: Decl s -> Decl s
toFunBind (PatBind s (PVar _ name) bod bind) = FunBind s [Match s name [] bod bind]
toFunBind x = x

-- case and if both have branches, nothing else does
replaceBranches :: Exp s -> ([Exp s], [Exp s] -> Exp s)
replaceBranches (If s a b c) = ([b,c], \[b,c] -> If s a b c)
replaceBranches (Case s a bs) = (concatMap f bs, Case s a . g bs)
        f (Alt _ _ (UnGuardedRhs _ x) _) = [x]
        f (Alt _ _ (GuardedRhss _ xs) _) = [x | GuardedRhs _ _ x <- xs]
        g (Alt s1 a (UnGuardedRhs s2 _) b:rest) (x:xs) = Alt s1 a (UnGuardedRhs s2 x) b : g rest xs
        g (Alt s1 a (GuardedRhss s2 ns) b:rest) xs =
                Alt s1 a (GuardedRhss s2 [GuardedRhs a b x | (GuardedRhs a b _,x) <- zip ns as]) b : g rest bs
            where (as,bs) = splitAt (length ns) xs
        g [] [] = []
        g _ _ = error "HSE.Util.replaceBranches: internal invariant failed, lists are of differing lengths"
replaceBranches x = ([], \[] -> x)


apps :: [Exp_] -> Exp_
apps = foldl1 (App an)

fromApps :: Exp_ -> [Exp_]
fromApps = map fst . fromAppsWithLoc

fromAppsWithLoc :: Exp_ -> [(Exp_, S)]
fromAppsWithLoc (App l x y) = fromAppsWithLoc x ++ [(y, l)]
fromAppsWithLoc x = [(x, ann x)]

-- Rule for the Uniplate Apps functions
-- Given (f a) b, consider the children to be: children f ++ [a,b]

childrenApps :: Exp_ -> [Exp_]
childrenApps (App s x y) = childrenApps x ++ [y]
childrenApps x = children x

descendApps :: (Exp_ -> Exp_) -> Exp_ -> Exp_
descendApps f (App s x y) = App s (descendApps f x) (f y)
descendApps f x = descend f x

descendAppsM :: Monad m => (Exp_ -> m Exp_) -> Exp_ -> m Exp_
descendAppsM f (App s x y) = liftM2 (App s) (descendAppsM f x) (f y)
descendAppsM f x = descendM f x

universeApps :: Exp_ -> [Exp_]
universeApps x = x : concatMap universeApps (childrenApps x)

transformApps :: (Exp_ -> Exp_) -> Exp_ -> Exp_
transformApps f = f . descendApps (transformApps f)

transformAppsM :: Monad m => (Exp_ -> m Exp_) -> Exp_ -> m Exp_
transformAppsM f x = f =<< descendAppsM (transformAppsM f) x


universeS :: (Data x, Data (f S)) => x -> [f S]
universeS = universeBi

childrenS :: (Data x, Data (f S)) => x -> [f S]
childrenS = childrenBi

-- return the parent along with the child
universeParentExp :: Data a => a -> [(Maybe (Int, Exp_), Exp_)]
universeParentExp xs = concat [(Nothing, x) : f x | x <- childrenBi xs]
    where f p = concat [(Just (i,p), c) : f c | (i,c) <- zip [0..] $ children p]


showSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> String
showSrcLoc (SrcLoc file line col) = take 1 file ++ f (drop 1 file) ++ ":" ++ show line ++ ":" ++ show col
    where f (x:y:zs) | isPathSeparator x && isPathSeparator y = f $ x:zs
          f (x:xs) = x : f xs
          f [] = []

an :: SrcSpanInfo
an = def

dropAnn :: Functor f => f SrcSpanInfo -> f ()
dropAnn = void


-- enforce all being on S, as otherwise easy to =~= on a Just, and get the wrong functor

x /=~= y = not $ x =~= y

elem_, notElem_ :: (Annotated f, Eq (f ())) => f S -> [f S] -> Bool
elem_ x = any (x =~=)
notElem_ x = not . elem_ x

nub_ :: (Annotated f, Eq (f ())) => [f S] -> [f S]
nub_ = nubBy (=~=)

delete_ :: (Annotated f, Eq (f ())) => f S -> [f S] -> [f S]
delete_ = deleteBy (=~=)

intersect_ :: (Annotated f, Eq (f ())) => [f S] -> [f S] -> [f S]
intersect_ = intersectBy (=~=)

eqList, neqList :: (Annotated f, Eq (f ())) => [f S] -> [f S] -> Bool
neqList x y = not $ eqList x y
eqList (x:xs) (y:ys) = x =~= y && eqList xs ys
eqList [] [] = True
eqList _ _ = False

eqMaybe:: (Annotated f, Eq (f ())) => Maybe (f S) -> Maybe (f S) -> Bool
eqMaybe (Just x) (Just y) = x =~= y
eqMaybe Nothing Nothing = True
eqMaybe _ _ = False


getFixity :: Decl a -> [Fixity]
getFixity (InfixDecl sl a mp ops) = [Fixity (void a) (fromMaybe 9 mp) (UnQual () $ void $ f op) | op <- ops]
    where f (VarOp _ x) = x
          f (ConOp _ x) = x
getFixity _ = []

toInfixDecl :: Fixity -> Decl ()
toInfixDecl (Fixity a b c) = InfixDecl () a (Just b) $ maybeToList $ VarOp () <$> fromQual c