-- Adapted from https://github.com/alanz/ghc-exactprint.git.

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module GHC.Util.Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types
  ( -- * Core Types
  , emptyAnns
  , Annotation(..)
  , annNone

  , KeywordId(..)
  , Comment(..)
  -- * Positions
  , Pos
  , DeltaPos(..)
  , deltaRow, deltaColumn
  -- * AnnKey
  , AnnKey(..)
  , mkAnnKey
  , AnnConName(..)
  , annGetConstr

  -- * Other

  , Rigidity(..)
  , AstContext(..),AstContextSet,defaultACS
  , ACS'(..)
  , ListContexts(..)

  -- * For managing compatibility
  , Constraints

  -- * GHC version compatibility
  , GhcPs
  , GhcRn
  , GhcTc

  -- * Internal Types
  , LayoutStartCol(..)
  , declFun

  ) where

import Data.Data (Data, Typeable, toConstr,cast)

import qualified DynFlags      as GHC
import qualified HsSyn         as GHC
import qualified Outputable    as GHC
import           SrcLoc        as GHC
import           ApiAnnotation as GHC

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

type Constraints a = (Data a,Data (GHC.SrcSpanLess a),GHC.HasSrcSpan a)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A Haskell comment. The @AnnKeywordId@ is present if it has been converted
-- from an @AnnKeywordId@ because the annotation must be interleaved into the
-- stream and does not have a well-defined position
data Comment = Comment
      commentContents   :: !String -- ^ The contents of the comment including separators

    -- AZ:TODO: commentIdentifier is a misnomer, should be commentSrcSpan, it is
    -- the thing we use to decide where in the output stream the comment should
    -- go.
    , commentIdentifier :: !GHC.SrcSpan -- ^ Needed to uniquely identify two comments with the same contents
    , commentOrigin     :: !(Maybe GHC.AnnKeywordId) -- ^ We sometimes turn syntax into comments in order to process them properly.
  deriving (Eq,Typeable,Data,Ord)
instance Show Comment where
  show (Comment cs ss o) = "(Comment " ++ show cs ++ " " ++ showGhc ss ++ " " ++ show o ++ ")"

instance GHC.Outputable Comment where
  ppr x = GHC.text (show x)

type Pos = (Int,Int)

-- | A relative positions, row then column
newtype DeltaPos = DP (Int,Int) deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data)

deltaRow, deltaColumn :: DeltaPos -> Int
deltaRow (DP (r, _)) = r
deltaColumn (DP (_, c)) = c

-- | Marks the start column of a layout block.
newtype LayoutStartCol = LayoutStartCol { getLayoutStartCol :: Int }
  deriving (Eq, Num)

instance Show LayoutStartCol where
  show (LayoutStartCol sc) = "(LayoutStartCol " ++ show sc ++ ")"

annNone :: Annotation
annNone = Ann (DP (0,0)) [] [] [] Nothing Nothing

data Annotation = Ann
    -- The first three fields relate to interfacing up into the AST
    annEntryDelta      :: !DeltaPos
    -- ^ Offset used to get to the start of the SrcSpan, from whatever the prior
    -- output was, including all annPriorComments (field below).
  , annPriorComments   :: ![(Comment,  DeltaPos)]
    -- ^ Comments coming after the last non-comment output of the preceding
    -- element but before the SrcSpan being annotated by this Annotation. If
    -- these are changed then annEntryDelta (field above) must also change to
    -- match.
  , annFollowingComments   :: ![(Comment,  DeltaPos)]
    -- ^ Comments coming after the last output for the element subject to this
    -- Annotation. These will only be added by AST transformations, and care
    -- must be taken not to disturb layout of following elements.

  -- The next three fields relate to interacing down into the AST
  , annsDP             :: ![(KeywordId, DeltaPos)]
    -- ^ Annotations associated with this element.
  , annSortKey         :: !(Maybe [GHC.SrcSpan])
    -- ^ Captures the sort order of sub elements. This is needed when the
    -- sub-elements have been split (as in a HsLocalBind which holds separate
    -- binds and sigs) or for infix patterns where the order has been
    -- re-arranged. It is captured explicitly so that after the Delta phase a
    -- SrcSpan is used purely as an index into the annotations, allowing
    -- transformations of the AST including the introduction of new Located
    -- items or re-arranging existing ones.
  , annCapturedSpan    :: !(Maybe AnnKey)
    -- ^ Occasionally we must calculate a SrcSpan for an unlocated list of
    -- elements which we must remember for the Print phase. e.g. the statements
    -- in a HsLet or HsDo. These must be managed as a group because they all
    -- need eo be vertically aligned for the Haskell layout rules, and this
    -- guarantees this property in the presence of AST edits.

  } deriving (Typeable,Eq)

instance Show Annotation where
  show (Ann dp comments fcomments ans sk csp)
    = "(Ann (" ++ show dp ++ ") " ++ show comments ++ " "
        ++ show fcomments ++ " "
        ++ show ans ++ " " ++ showGhc sk ++ " "
        ++ showGhc csp ++ ")"

-- | This structure holds a complete set of annotations for an AST
type Anns = Map.Map AnnKey Annotation

emptyAnns :: Anns
emptyAnns = Map.empty

-- | For every @Located a@, use the @SrcSpan@ and constructor name of
-- a as the key, to store the standard annotation.
-- These are used to maintain context in the AP and EP monads
data AnnKey   = AnnKey GHC.SrcSpan AnnConName
                  deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)

-- More compact Show instance
instance Show AnnKey where
  show (AnnKey ss cn) = "AnnKey " ++ showGhc ss ++ " " ++ show cn

mkAnnKeyPrim :: (Constraints a)
             => a -> AnnKey
mkAnnKeyPrim (GHC.dL->GHC.L l a) = AnnKey l (annGetConstr a)

type GhcPs = GHC.GhcPs
type GhcRn = GHC.GhcRn
type GhcTc = GHC.GhcTc

-- |Make an unwrapped @AnnKey@ for the @LHsDecl@ case, a normal one otherwise.
mkAnnKey :: (Constraints a) => a -> AnnKey
mkAnnKey ld =
  case cast ld :: Maybe (GHC.LHsDecl GhcPs) of
    Just d -> declFun mkAnnKeyPrim d
    Nothing -> mkAnnKeyPrim ld

-- Holds the name of a constructor
data AnnConName = CN { unConName :: String }
                 deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)

-- More compact show instance
instance Show AnnConName where
  show (CN s) = "CN " ++ show s

annGetConstr :: (Data a) => a -> AnnConName
annGetConstr a = CN (show $ toConstr a)

-- | The different syntactic elements which are not represented in the
-- AST.
data KeywordId = G GHC.AnnKeywordId  -- ^ A normal keyword
               | AnnSemiSep          -- ^ A separating comma
               | AnnTypeApp          -- ^ Visible type application annotation
               | AnnComment Comment
               | AnnString String    -- ^ Used to pass information from
                                     -- Delta to Print when we have to work
                                     -- out details from the original
                                     -- SrcSpan.
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)

instance Show KeywordId where
  show (G gc)          = "(G " ++ show gc ++ ")"
  show AnnSemiSep      = "AnnSemiSep"
  show AnnTypeApp      = "AnnTypeApp"
  show (AnnComment dc) = "(AnnComment " ++ show dc ++ ")"
  show (AnnString s)   = "(AnnString " ++ s ++ ")"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance GHC.Outputable KeywordId where
  ppr k     = GHC.text (show k)

instance GHC.Outputable AnnConName where
  ppr tr     = GHC.text (show tr)

instance GHC.Outputable Annotation where
  ppr a     = GHC.text (show a)

instance GHC.Outputable AnnKey where
  ppr a     = GHC.text (show a)

instance GHC.Outputable DeltaPos where
  ppr a     = GHC.text (show a)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Flag used to control whether we use rigid or normal layout rules.
-- NOTE: check is done via comparison of enumeration order, be careful with any changes
data Rigidity = NormalLayout | RigidLayout deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

Rigidity logic. The same type is used for two different things

1. As a flag in Annotate to the "SetLayoutFlag" operation, which specifies
   NormalLayout - Layout should be captured unconditionally

   RigidLayout - Layout should be captured or not depending on a parameter kept
                 in the interpreter Read state

2. As the controlling parameter for the optional (Rigid) layout

The nett effect is the following, where flag is the hard-coded flag value in
Annotate, and param is the interpreter param set when the interpreter is run

   flag         |  param       | result
   NormalLayout |  either      | layout captured
   RigidLayout  | NormalLayout | layout NOT captured
   RigidLayout  | RigidLayout  | layout captured

The flag is only used on HsIf and HsCase


   state                       | HsCase    | HsIf
   before rigidity flag (AZ)   | no layout | layout
   param NormalLayout          | no layout | no layout
   param RigidLayout           | layout    | layout
   desired future HaRe         | no layout | layout
   desired future apply-refact | layout    | layout

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

data ACS' a = ACS
  { acs :: !(Map.Map a Int) -- ^ how many levels each AstContext should
                            -- propagate down the AST. Removed when it hits zero
  } deriving (Show)

instance Semigroup (ACS' AstContext) where
  (<>) = mappend

instance Monoid (ACS' AstContext) where
  mempty = ACS mempty
  -- ACS a `mappend` ACS b = ACS (a `mappend` b)
  ACS a `mappend` ACS b = ACS (Map.unionWith max a b)
  -- For Data.Map, mappend == union, which is a left-biased replace for key collisions

type AstContextSet = ACS' AstContext
-- data AstContextSet = ACS
--   { acs :: !(Map.Map AstContext Int) -- ^ how many levels each AstContext should
--                                      -- propagate down the AST. Removed when it
--                                      -- hits zero
--   } deriving (Show)

defaultACS :: AstContextSet
defaultACS = ACS Map.empty

-- instance GHC.Outputable AstContextSet where
instance (Show a) => GHC.Outputable (ACS' a) where
  ppr x = GHC.text $ show x

data AstContext = LambdaExpr
                | CaseAlt
                | NoPrecedingSpace
                | HasHiding
                | AdvanceLine
                | NoAdvanceLine
                | Intercalate -- This item may have a list separator following
                | InIE -- possible 'type' or 'pattern'
                | PrefixOp
                | PrefixOpDollar
                | InfixOp -- RdrName may be used as an infix operator
                | ListStart -- Identifies first element of a list in layout, so its indentation can me managed differently
                | ListItem -- Identifies subsequent elements of a list in layout
                | TopLevel -- top level declaration
                | NoDarrow
                | AddVbar
                | Deriving
                | Parens -- TODO: Not currently used?
                | ExplicitNeverActive
                | InGadt
                | InRecCon
                | InClassDecl
                | InSpliceDecl
                | LeftMost -- Is this the leftmost operator in a chain of OpApps?
                | InTypeApp -- HsTyVar in a TYPEAPP context. Has AnnAt
                          -- TODO:AZ: do we actually need this?

                -- Next four used to identify current list context
                | CtxOnly
                | CtxFirst
                | CtxMiddle
                | CtxLast
                | CtxPos Int -- 0 for first, increasing for subsequent

                -- Next are used in tellContext to push context up the tree
                | FollowingLine
                deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data ListContexts = LC { lcOnly,lcInitial,lcMiddle,lcLast :: !(Set.Set AstContext) }
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- data LayoutContext = FollowingLine -- ^Indicates that an item such as a SigD
--                                    -- should not have blank lines after it
--                 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

declFun :: (forall a . Data a => GHC.Located a -> b) -> GHC.LHsDecl GhcPs -> b

declFun f (GHC.L l de) =
  case de of
      GHC.TyClD _ d       -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.InstD _ d       -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.DerivD _ d      -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.ValD _ d        -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.SigD _ d        -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.DefD _ d        -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.ForD _ d        -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.WarningD _ d    -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.AnnD _ d        -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.RuleD _ d       -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.SpliceD _ d     -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.DocD _ d        -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.RoleAnnotD _ d  -> f (GHC.L l d)
      GHC.XHsDecl d       -> f (GHC.L l d)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Duplicated here so it can be used in show instances
showGhc :: (GHC.Outputable a) => a -> String
showGhc = GHC.showPpr GHC.unsafeGlobalDynFlags

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------