{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

Find bindings within a let, and lists of statements
If you have n the same, error out

main = do a; a; a; a
main = do a; a; a; a; a; a -- ???
main = do a; a; a; a; a; a; a -- ???
main = do (do b; a; a; a); do (do c; a; a; a) -- ???
main = do a; a; a; b; a; a; a -- ???
main = do a; a; a; b; a; a
foo = a where {a = 1; b = 2; c = 3}; bar = a where {a = 1; b = 2; c = 3} -- ???
{-# ANN main "HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" #-}; main = do a; a; a; a; a; a -- @Ignore ???
{-# HLINT ignore main "Reduce duplication" #-}; main = do a; a; a; a; a; a -- @Ignore ???
{- HLINT ignore main "Reduce duplication" -}; main = do a; a; a; a; a; a -- @Ignore ???

module Hint.Duplicate(duplicateHint) where

import Hint.Type (CrossHint, ModuleEx(..), Idea(..),rawIdeaN',Severity(Suggestion,Warning),showSrcLoc,ghcSrcLocToHSE)
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.List hiding (find)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import SrcLoc
import HsSyn
import Outputable
import Bag
import GHC.Util

duplicateHint :: CrossHint
duplicateHint ms =
   -- Do expressions.
   dupes [ (m, d, y)
         | (m, d, x) <- ds
         , HsDo _ _ (LL _ y) :: HsExpr GhcPs <- universeBi x
         ] ++
  -- Bindings in a 'let' expression or a 'where' clause.
   dupes [ (m, d, y)
         | (m, d, x) <- ds
         , HsValBinds _ (ValBinds _ b _ ) :: HsLocalBinds GhcPs <- universeBi x
         , let y = bagToList b
      ds = [(modName m, fromMaybe "" (declName d), unLoc d)
           | ModuleEx _ _ m _ <- map snd ms
           , d <- hsmodDecls (unLoc m)]

dupes :: (Outputable e, Data e) => [(String, String, [Located e])] -> [Idea]
dupes ys =
        (if length xs >= 5 then Hint.Type.Warning else Suggestion)
        "Reduce duplication" p1
        (unlines $ map unsafePrettyPrint xs)
        (Just $ "Combine with " ++
         showSrcLoc (ghcSrcLocToHSE (srcSpanStart p2))) []
     ){ideaModule = [m1, m2], ideaDecl = [d1, d2]}
    | ((m1, d1, SrcSpanD p1), (m2, d2, SrcSpanD p2), xs) <- duplicateOrdered 3 $ map f ys]
      f (m, d, xs) =
        [((m, d, SrcSpanD (getLoc x)), extendInstances' (stripLocs' x)) | x <- xs]


-- | The position to return if we match at this point, and the map of where to go next
--   If two runs have the same vals, always use the first pos you find
data Dupe pos val = Dupe pos (Map.Map val (Dupe pos val))

find :: Ord val => [val] -> Dupe pos val -> (pos, Int)
find (v:vs) (Dupe p mp) | Just d <- Map.lookup v mp = second (+1) $ find vs d
find _ (Dupe p mp) = (p, 0)

add :: Ord val => pos -> [val] -> Dupe pos val -> Dupe pos val
add pos [] d = d
add pos (v:vs) (Dupe p mp) = Dupe p $ Map.insertWith f v (add pos vs $ Dupe pos Map.empty) mp
    where f new = add pos vs

duplicateOrdered :: forall pos val.
  (Ord pos, Default pos, Ord val) => Int -> [[(pos,val)]] -> [(pos,pos,[val])]
duplicateOrdered threshold xs = concat $ concat $ snd $ mapAccumL f (Dupe def Map.empty) xs
        f :: Dupe pos val -> [(pos, val)] -> (Dupe pos val, [[(pos, pos, [val])]])
        f d xs = second overlaps $ mapAccumL (g pos) d $ takeWhile ((>= threshold) . length) $ tails xs
            where pos = Map.fromList $ zip (map fst xs) [0..]

        g :: Map.Map pos Int -> Dupe pos val -> [(pos, val)] -> (Dupe pos val, [(pos, pos, [val])])
        g pos d xs = (d2, res)
                res = [(p,pme,take mx vs) | i >= threshold
                      ,let mx = maybe i (\x -> min i $ (pos Map.! pme) - x) $ Map.lookup p pos
                      ,mx >= threshold]
                vs = map snd xs
                (p,i) = find vs d
                pme = fst $ head xs
                d2 = add pme vs d

        overlaps (x@((_,_,n):_):xs) = x : overlaps (drop (length n - 1) xs)
        overlaps (x:xs) = x : overlaps xs
        overlaps [] = []