{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module GHC.Util (
    module GHC.Util.View
  , module GHC.Util.FreeVars
  , module GHC.Util.ApiAnnotation
  , module GHC.Util.HsDecl
  , module GHC.Util.HsExpr
  , module GHC.Util.Module
  , module GHC.Util.SrcLoc
  , module GHC.Util.DynFlags
  , module GHC.Util.Scope
  , module GHC.Util.RdrName
  , module GHC.Util.Unify
  , parsePragmasIntoDynFlags
  , fileToModule
  , pattern SrcSpan, srcSpanFilename, srcSpanStartLine', srcSpanStartColumn, srcSpanEndLine', srcSpanEndColumn
  , pattern SrcLoc, srcFilename, srcLine, srcColumn
  , showSrcSpan',
  ) where

import GHC.Util.View
import GHC.Util.FreeVars
import GHC.Util.ApiAnnotation
import GHC.Util.HsExpr
import GHC.Util.HsDecl
import GHC.Util.Module
import GHC.Util.SrcLoc
import GHC.Util.DynFlags
import GHC.Util.RdrName
import GHC.Util.Scope
import GHC.Util.Unify

import Language.Haskell.GhclibParserEx.GHC.Parser (parseFile)
import Language.Haskell.GhclibParserEx.GHC.Driver.Session (parsePragmasIntoDynFlags)
import Language.Haskell.GhclibParserEx.GHC.Utils.Outputable

import GHC.Hs
import Lexer
import SrcLoc
import DynFlags
import FastString

import System.FilePath
import Language.Preprocessor.Unlit

fileToModule :: FilePath -> String -> DynFlags -> ParseResult (Located (HsModule GhcPs))
fileToModule filename str flags =
  parseFile filename flags
    (if takeExtension filename /= ".lhs" then str else unlit filename str)

{-# COMPLETE SrcSpan #-}
-- | The \"Line'\" thing is because there is already e.g. 'SrcLoc.srcSpanStartLine'
pattern SrcSpan :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SrcSpan
pattern SrcSpan
  { srcSpanFilename
  , srcSpanStartLine'
  , srcSpanStartColumn
  , srcSpanEndLine'
  , srcSpanEndColumn
    (toOldeSpan ->
      ( srcSpanFilename
      , srcSpanStartLine'
      , srcSpanStartColumn
      , srcSpanEndLine'
      , srcSpanEndColumn

toOldeSpan :: SrcSpan -> (String, Int, Int, Int, Int)
toOldeSpan (RealSrcSpan span) =
  ( unpackFS $ srcSpanFile span
  , srcSpanStartLine span
  , srcSpanStartCol span
  , srcSpanEndLine span
  , srcSpanEndCol span
-- TODO: the bad locations are all (-1) right now
-- is this fine? it should be, since noLoc from HSE previously also used (-1) as an invalid location
toOldeSpan (UnhelpfulSpan str) =
  ( unpackFS str
  , -1
  , -1
  , -1
  , -1

{-# COMPLETE SrcLoc #-}
pattern SrcLoc :: String -> Int -> Int -> SrcLoc
pattern SrcLoc
  { srcFilename
  , srcLine
  , srcColumn
    (toOldeLoc ->
      ( srcFilename
      , srcLine
      , srcColumn

toOldeLoc :: SrcLoc -> (String, Int, Int)
toOldeLoc (RealSrcLoc loc) =
  ( unpackFS $ srcLocFile loc
  , srcLocLine loc
  , srcLocCol loc
toOldeLoc (UnhelpfulLoc str) =
  ( unpackFS str
  , -1
  , -1

showSrcSpan' :: SrcSpan -> String
showSrcSpan' = unsafePrettyPrint