hmt-0.14: Haskell Music Theory

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




Notation of a sequence of RQ values as annotated Duration values.

  1. Separate input sequence into measures, adding tie annotations as required (see to_measures_ts). Ensure all RQ_T values can be notated as common music notation durations.
  2. Separate each measure into pulses (see m_divisions_ts). Further subdivides pulses to ensure cmn tuplet notation. See to_divisions_ts for a composition of to_measures_ts and m_divisions_ts.
  3. Simplify each measure (see m_simplify and default_rule). Coalesces tied durations where appropriate.
  4. Notate measures (see m_notate or mm_notate).
  5. Ascribe values to notated durations, see ascribe.



all_just :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a]Source

Variant of catMaybes. If all elements of the list are Just a, then gives Just [a] else gives Nothing.

 all_just (map Just [1..3]) == Just [1..3]
 all_just [Just 1,Nothing,Just 3] == Nothing

all_right :: [Either a b] -> Either a [b]Source

Variant of rights that preserves first Left.

 all_right (map Right [1..3]) == Right [1..3]
 all_right [Right 1,Left 'a',Left 'b'] == Left 'a'

coalesce :: (a -> a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> [a]Source

Applies a join function to the first two elements of the list. If the join function succeeds the joined element is considered for further coalescing.

 coalesce (\p q -> Just (p + q)) [1..5] == [15]
 let jn p q = if even p then Just (p + q) else Nothing
 in coalesce jn [1..5] == map sum [[1],[2,3],[4,5]]

coalesce_accum :: (b -> a -> a -> Either a b) -> b -> [a] -> [(b, a)]Source

Variant of coalesce with accumulation parameter.

 coalesce_accum (\i p q -> Left (p + q)) 0 [1..5] == [(0,15)]
 let jn i p q = if even p then Left (p + q) else Right (p + i)
 in coalesce_accum jn 0 [1..7] == [(0,1),(1,5),(6,9),(15,13)]
 let jn i p q = if even p then Left (p + q) else Right [p,q]
 in coalesce_accum jn [] [1..5] == [([],1),([1,2],5),([5,4],9)]

coalesce_sum :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> (b -> a -> a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> [a]Source

Variant of coalesce_accum that accumulates running sum.

 let f i p q = if i == 1 then Just (p + q) else Nothing
 in coalesce_sum (+) 0 f [1,1/2,1/4,1/4] == [1,1]


either_to_maybe :: Either a b -> Maybe bSource

Lower Either to Maybe by discarding Left.


take_sum_by :: (Ord n, Num n) => (a -> n) -> n -> [a] -> ([a], n, [a])Source

Take elements while the sum of the prefix is less than or equal to the indicated value. Returns also the difference between the prefix sum and the requested sum. Note that zero elements are kept left.

 take_sum_by id 3 [2,1] == ([2,1],0,[])
 take_sum_by id 3 [2,2] == ([2],1,[2])
 take_sum_by id 3 [2,1,0,1] == ([2,1,0],0,[1])
 take_sum_by id 3 [4] == ([],3,[4])
 take_sum_by id 0 [1..5] == ([],0,[1..5])

take_sum :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> [a] -> ([a], a, [a])Source

Variant of take_sum_by with id function.

take_sum_by_eq :: (Ord n, Num n) => (a -> n) -> n -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], [a])Source

Variant of take_sum that requires the prefix to sum to value.

 take_sum_by_eq id 3 [2,1,0,1] == Just ([2,1,0],[1])
 take_sum_by_eq id 3 [2,2] == Nothing

split_sum_by_eq :: (Ord n, Num n) => (a -> n) -> [n] -> [a] -> Maybe [[a]]Source

Recursive variant of take_sum_by_eq.

 split_sum_by_eq id [3,3] [2,1,0,3] == Just [[2,1,0],[3]]
 split_sum_by_eq id [3,3] [2,2,2] == Nothing

split_sum :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], [a], Maybe (a, a))Source

Split sequence such that the prefix sums to precisely m. The third element of the result indicates if it was required to divide an element. Not that zero elements are kept left. If the required sum is non positive, or the input list does not sum to at least the required sum, gives nothing.

 split_sum 5 [2,3,1] == Just ([2,3],[1],Nothing)
 split_sum 5 [2,1,3] == Just ([2,1,2],[1],Just (2,1))
 split_sum 2 [3/2,3/2,3/2] == Just ([3/2,1/2],[1,3/2],Just (1/2,1))
 split_sum 6 [1..10] == Just ([1..3],[4..10],Nothing)
 fmap (\(a,_,c)->(a,c)) (split_sum 5 [1..]) == Just ([1,2,2],Just (2,1))
 split_sum 0 [1..] == Nothing
 split_sum 3 [1,1] == Nothing
 split_sum 3 [2,1,0] == Just ([2,1,0],[],Nothing)
 split_sum 3 [2,1,0,1] == Just ([2,1,0],[1],Nothing)

_t :: BoolSource

Alias for True, used locally for documentation.

_f :: BoolSource

Alias for False, used locally for documentation.

rqt_split_sum :: RQ -> [RQ_T] -> Maybe ([RQ_T], [RQ_T])Source

Variant of split_sum that operates at RQ_T sequences.

 let r = Just ([(3,_f),(2,_t)],[(1,_f)])
 in rqt_split_sum 5 [(3,_f),(2,_t),(1,_f)] == r
 let r = Just ([(3,_f),(1,_t)],[(1,_t),(1,_f)])
 in rqt_split_sum 4 [(3,_f),(2,_t),(1,_f)] == r

rqt_separate :: [RQ] -> [RQ_T] -> Either String [[RQ_T]]Source

Separate RQ_T values in sequences summing to RQ values. This is a recursive variant of rqt_split_sum. Note that is does not ensure cmn notation of values.

 let d = [(2,_f),(2,_f),(2,_f)]
 in rqt_separate [3,3] d == Right [[(2,_f),(1,_t)]
 let d = [(5/8,_f),(1,_f),(3/8,_f)]
 in rqt_separate [1,1] d == Right [[(5/8,_f),(3/8,_t)]
 let d = [(4/7,_t),(1/7,_f),(1,_f),(6/7,_f),(3/7,_f)]
 in rqt_separate [1,1,1] d == Right [[(4/7,_t),(1/7,_f),(2/7,_t)]

rqt_separate_tuplet :: RQ -> [RQ_T] -> Either String [[RQ_T]]Source

If the input RQ_T sequence cannot be notated (see rqt_can_notate) separate into equal parts, so long as each part is not less than i.

 rqt_separate_tuplet undefined [(1/3,_f),(1/6,_f)]
 rqt_separate_tuplet undefined [(4/7,_t),(1/7,_f),(2/7,_f)]
 let d = map rq_rqt [1/3,1/6,2/5,1/10]
 in rqt_separate_tuplet (1/8) d == Right [[(1/3,_f),(1/6,_f)]
 let d = [(1/5,True),(1/20,False),(1/2,False),(1/4,True)]
 in rqt_separate_tuplet (1/16) d
 let d = [(2/5,_f),(1/5,_f),(1/5,_f),(1/5,_t),(1/2,_f),(1/2,_f)]
 in rqt_separate_tuplet (1/2) d
 let d = [(4/10,True),(1/10,False),(1/2,True)]
 in rqt_separate_tuplet (1/2) d

rqt_tuplet_subdivide :: RQ -> [RQ_T] -> [[RQ_T]]Source

Recursive variant of rqt_separate_tuplet.

 let d = map rq_rqt [1,1/3,1/6,2/5,1/10]
 in rqt_tuplet_subdivide (1/8) d == [[(1/1,_f)]

rqt_tuplet_subdivide_seq :: RQ -> [[RQ_T]] -> [[RQ_T]]Source

Sequence variant of rqt_tuplet_subdivide.

 let d = [(1/5,True),(1/20,False),(1/2,False),(1/4,True)]
 in rqt_tuplet_subdivide_seq (1/2) [d]

rqt_tuplet_sanity_ :: [RQ_T] -> [RQ_T]Source

If a tuplet is all tied, it ought to be a plain value?!

 rqt_tuplet_sanity_ [(4/10,_t),(1/10,_f)] == [(1/2,_f)]


to_measures_rq :: [RQ] -> [RQ] -> Either String [[RQ_T]]Source

Separate RQ sequence into measures given by RQ length.

 to_measures_rq [3,3] [2,2,2] == Right [[(2,_f),(1,_t)],[(1,_f),(2,_f)]]
 to_measures_rq [3,3] [6] == Right [[(3,_t)],[(3,_f)]]
 to_measures_rq [1,1,1] [3] == Right [[(1,_t)],[(1,_t)],[(1,_f)]]
 to_measures_rq [3,3] [2,2,1]
 to_measures_rq [3,2] [2,2,2]
 let d = [4/7,33/28,9/20,4/5]
 in to_measures_rq [3] d == Right [[(4/7,_f),(33/28,_f),(9/20,_f),(4/5,_f)]]

to_measures_rq_cmn :: [RQ] -> [RQ] -> Either String [[RQ_T]]Source

Variant of to_measures_rq that ensures RQ_T are cmn durations. This is not a good composition.

 to_measures_rq_cmn [6,6] [5,5,2] == Right [[(4,_t),(1,_f),(1,_t)]
 let r = [[(4/7,_t),(1/7,_f),(1,_f),(6/7,_f),(3/7,_f)]]
 in to_measures_rq_cmn [3] [5/7,1,6/7,3/7] == Right r
 to_measures_rq_cmn [1,1,1] [5/7,1,6/7,3/7] == Right [[(4/7,_t),(1/7,_f),(2/7,_t)]

to_measures_ts :: [Time_Signature] -> [RQ] -> Either String [[RQ_T]]Source

Variant of to_measures_rq with measures given by Time_Signature values. Does not ensure RQ_T are cmn durations.

 to_measures_ts [(1,4)] [5/8,3/8] /= Right [[(1/2,_t),(1/8,_f),(3/8,_f)]]
 to_measures_ts [(1,4)] [5/7,2/7] /= Right [[(4/7,_t),(1/7,_f),(2/7,_f)]]
 let {m = replicate 18 (1,4)
     ;x = [3/4,2,5/4,9/4,1/4,3/2,1/2,7/4,1,5/2,11/4,3/2]}
 in to_measures_ts m x == Right [[(3/4,_f),(1/4,_t)],[(1/1,_t)]
 to_measures_ts [(3,4)] [4/7,33/28,9/20,4/5]
 to_measures_ts (replicate 3 (1,4)) [4/7,33/28,9/20,4/5]

to_measures_ts_by_eq :: (a -> RQ) -> [Time_Signature] -> [a] -> Maybe [[a]]Source

Variant of to_measures_ts that allows for duration field operation but requires that measures be well formed. This is useful for re-grouping measures after notation and ascription.

m_divisions_rq :: [RQ] -> [RQ_T] -> Either String [[RQ_T]]Source

Divide measure into pulses of indicated RQ durations. Measure must be of correct length but need not contain only cmn durations. Pulses are further subdivided if required to notate tuplets correctly, see rqt_tuplet_subdivide_seq.

 let d = [(1/4,_f),(1/4,_f),(2/3,_t),(1/6,_f),(16/15,_f),(1/5,_f)
 in m_divisions_rq [1,1,1,1] d
 m_divisions_rq [1,1,1] [(4/7,_f),(33/28,_f),(9/20,_f),(4/5,_f)]

m_divisions_ts :: Time_Signature -> [RQ_T] -> Either String [[RQ_T]]Source

Variant of m_divisions_rq that determines pulse divisions from Time_Signature.

 let d = [(4/7,_t),(1/7,_f),(2/7,_f)]
 in m_divisions_ts (1,4) d == Just [d]
 let d = map rq_rqt [1/3,1/6,2/5,1/10]
 in m_divisions_ts (1,4) d == Just [[(1/3,_f),(1/6,_f)]
 let d = map rq_rqt [4/7,33/28,9/20,4/5]
 in m_divisions_ts (3,4) d == Just [[(4/7,_f),(3/7,_t)]

to_divisions_rq :: [[RQ]] -> [RQ] -> Either String [[[RQ_T]]]Source

Composition of to_measures_rq and m_divisions_rq, where measures are initially given as sets of divisions.

 let m = [[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]
 in to_divisions_rq m [2,2,2] == Just [[[(1,_t)],[(1,_f)],[(1,_t)]]
 let d = [2/7,1/7,4/7,5/7,8/7,1,1/7]
 in to_divisions_rq [[1,1,1,1]] d == Just [[[(2/7,_f),(1/7,_f),(4/7,_f)]
 let d = [5/7,1,6/7,3/7]
 in to_divisions_rq [[1,1,1]] d == Just [[[(4/7,_t),(1/7,_f),(2/7,_t)]
 let d = [2/7,1/7,4/7,5/7,1,6/7,3/7]
 in to_divisions_rq [[1,1,1,1]] d == Just [[[(2/7,_f),(1/7,_f),(4/7,_f)]
 let d = [4/7,33/28,9/20,4/5]
 in to_divisions_rq [[1,1,1]] d == Just [[[(4/7,_f),(3/7,_t)]

to_divisions_ts :: [Time_Signature] -> [RQ] -> Either String [[[RQ_T]]]Source

Variant of to_divisions_rq with measures given as set of Time_Signature.

 let d = [3/5,2/5,1/3,1/6,7/10,17/15,1/2,1/6]
 in to_divisions_ts [(4,4)] d == Just [[[(3/5,_f),(2/5,_f)]
 let d = [3/5,2/5,1/3,1/6,7/10,29/30,1/2,1/3]
 in to_divisions_ts [(4,4)] d == Just [[[(3/5,_f),(2/5,_f)]
 let d = [3/5,2/5,1/3,1/6,7/10,4/5,1/2,1/2]
 in to_divisions_ts [(4,4)] d == Just [[[(3/5,_f),(2/5,_f)]
 let d = [4/7,33/28,9/20,4/5]
 in to_divisions_ts [(3,4)] d == Just [[[(4/7,_f),(3/7,_t)]


p_tuplet_rqt :: [RQ_T] -> Maybe ((Integer, Integer), [RQ_T])Source

Pulse tuplet derivation.

 p_tuplet_rqt [(2/3,_f),(1/3,_t)] == Just ((3,2),[(1,_f),(1/2,_t)])
 p_tuplet_rqt (map rq_rqt [1/3,1/6]) == Just ((3,2),[(1/2,_f),(1/4,_f)])
 p_tuplet_rqt (map rq_rqt [2/5,1/10]) == Just ((5,4),[(1/2,_f),(1/8,_f)])
 p_tuplet_rqt (map rq_rqt [1/3,1/6,2/5,1/10])

p_notate :: Bool -> [RQ_T] -> Either String [Duration_A]Source

Notate pulse, ie. derive tuplet if neccesary. The flag indicates if the initial value is tied left.

 p_notate False [(2/3,_f),(1/3,_t)]
 p_notate False [(2/5,_f),(1/10,_t)]
 p_notate False [(1/4,_t),(1/8,_f),(1/8,_f)]
 p_notate False (map rq_rqt [1/3,1/6])
 p_notate False (map rq_rqt [2/5,1/10])
 p_notate False (map rq_rqt [1/3,1/6,2/5,1/10]) == Nothing

m_notate :: Bool -> [[RQ_T]] -> Either String [Duration_A]Source

Notate measure.

 m_notate True [[(2/3,_f),(1/3,_t)],[(1,_t)],[(1,_f)]]
 let f = m_notate False . concat
 fmap f (to_divisions_ts [(4,4)] [3/5,2/5,1/3,1/6,7/10,17/15,1/2,1/6])
 fmap f (to_divisions_ts [(4,4)] [3/5,2/5,1/3,1/6,7/10,29/30,1/2,1/3])

mm_notate :: [[[RQ_T]]] -> Either String [[Duration_A]]Source

Multiple measure notation.

 let d = [2/7,1/7,4/7,5/7,8/7,1,1/7]
 in fmap mm_notate (to_divisions_ts [(4,4)] d)
 let d = [2/7,1/7,4/7,5/7,1,6/7,3/7]
 in fmap mm_notate (to_divisions_ts [(4,4)] d)
 let d = [3/5,2/5,1/3,1/6,7/10,4/5,1/2,1/2]
 in fmap mm_notate (to_divisions_ts [(4,4)] d)


type Simplify_T = (Time_Signature, RQ, (RQ, RQ))Source

Structure given to Simplify_P to decide simplification. The structure is (ts,start-rq,(left-rq,right-rq)).

type Simplify_P = Simplify_T -> BoolSource

Predicate function at Simplify_T.

type Simplify_M = ([Time_Signature], [RQ], [(RQ, RQ)])Source

Variant of Simplify_T allowing multiple rules.

default_table :: Simplify_PSource

The default table of simplifiers.

 default_table ((3,4),1,(1,1)) == True

default_8_rule :: Simplify_PSource

The default eighth-note pulse simplifier rule.

 default_8_rule ((3,8),0,(1/2,1/2)) == True
 default_8_rule ((3,8),1/2,(1/2,1/2)) == True
 default_8_rule ((3,8),1,(1/2,1/2)) == True
 default_8_rule ((2,8),0,(1/2,1/2)) == True
 default_8_rule ((5,8),0,(1,1/2)) == True
 default_8_rule ((5,8),0,(2,1/2)) == True

default_4_rule :: Simplify_PSource

The default quarter note pulse simplifier rule.

 default_4_rule ((3,4),0,(1,1/2)) == True
 default_4_rule ((3,4),0,(1,3/4)) == True
 default_4_rule ((4,4),1,(1,1)) == False
 default_4_rule ((4,4),2,(1,1)) == True
 default_4_rule ((4,4),2,(1,2)) == True
 default_4_rule ((4,4),0,(2,1)) == True
 default_4_rule ((3,4),1,(1,1)) == False

default_rule :: [Simplify_T] -> Simplify_PSource

The default simplifier rule. To extend provide a list of Simplify_T.

m_simplify :: Simplify_P -> Time_Signature -> [Duration_A] -> [Duration_A]Source

Measure simplifier. Apply given Simplify_P.

p_simplify_rule :: Simplify_PSource

Pulse simplifier predicate, which is const True.

p_simplify :: [Duration_A] -> [Duration_A]Source

Pulse simplifier.

 import Music.Theory.Duration.Name.Abbreviation
 p_simplify [(q,[Tie_Right]),(e,[Tie_Left])] == [(q',[])]
 p_simplify [(e,[Tie_Right]),(q,[Tie_Left])] == [(q',[])]
 p_simplify [(q,[Tie_Right]),(e',[Tie_Left])] == [(q'',[])]
 p_simplify [(q'',[Tie_Right]),(s,[Tie_Left])] == [(h,[])]
 p_simplify [(e,[Tie_Right]),(s,[Tie_Left]),(e',[])] == [(e',[]),(e',[])]
 let f = rqt_to_duration_a False
 in p_simplify (f [(1/8,_t),(1/4,_t),(1/8,_f)]) == f [(1/2,_f)]



zip_hold_lhs :: (x -> Bool) -> [x] -> [t] -> ([t], [(x, t)])Source

Variant of zip that retains elements of the right hand (rhs) list where elements of the left hand (lhs) list meet the given lhs predicate. If the right hand side is longer the remaining elements to be processed are given. It is an error for the right hand side to be short.

 zip_hold_lhs even [1..5] "abc" == ([],zip [1..6] "abbcc")
 zip_hold_lhs odd [1..6] "abc" == ([],zip [1..6] "aabbcc")
 zip_hold_lhs even [1] "ab" == ("b",[(1,'a')])
 zip_hold_lhs even [1,2] "a" == undefined

zip_hold_lhs_err :: (x -> Bool) -> [x] -> [a] -> [(x, a)]Source

Variant of zip_hold that requires the right hand side to be precisely the required length.

 zip_hold_lhs_err even [1..5] "abc" == zip [1..6] "abbcc"
 zip_hold_lhs_err odd [1..6] "abc" == zip [1..6] "aabbcc"
 zip_hold_lhs_err id [False,False] "a" == undefined
 zip_hold_lhs_err id [False] "ab" == undefined

zip_hold :: (x -> Bool) -> (t -> Bool) -> [x] -> [t] -> ([t], [(x, t)])Source

Variant of zip that retains elements of the right hand (rhs) list where elements of the left hand (lhs) list meet the given lhs predicate, and elements of the lhs list where elements of the ths meet the rhs predicate. If the right hand side is longer the remaining elements to be processed are given. It is an error for the right hand side to be short.

 zip_hold even (const False) [1..5] "abc" == ([],zip [1..6] "abbcc")
 zip_hold odd (const False) [1..6] "abc" == ([],zip [1..6] "aabbcc")
 zip_hold even (const False) [1] "ab" == ("b",[(1,'a')])
 zip_hold even (const False) [1,2] "a" == undefined
 zip_hold odd even [1,2,6] [1..5] == ([4,5],[(1,1),(2,1),(6,2),(6,3)])

m_ascribe :: [Duration_A] -> [x] -> ([x], [(Duration_A, x)])Source

Zip a list of Duration_A elements duplicating elements of the right hand sequence for tied durations.

 let {Just d = to_divisions_ts [(4,4),(4,4)] [3,3,2]
     ;f = map snd . snd . flip m_ascribe "xyz"}
 in fmap f (notate d) == Just "xxxyyyzz"

mm_ascribe :: [[Duration_A]] -> [x] -> [[(Duration_A, x)]]Source

Variant of m_ascribe for a set of measures.

group_chd :: (x -> Bool) -> [x] -> [[x]]Source

Group elements as chords where a chord element is inidicated by the given predicate.

 group_chd even [1,2,3,4,4,5,7,8] == [[1,2],[3,4,4],[5],[7,8]]

ascribe_chd :: (x -> Bool) -> [Duration_A] -> [x] -> [(Duration_A, x)]Source

Variant of ascribe that groups the rhs elements using group_chd and with the indicated chord function, then rejoins the resulting sequence.

mm_ascribe_chd :: (x -> Bool) -> [[Duration_A]] -> [x] -> [[(Duration_A, x)]]Source

Variant of mm_ascribe using group_chd