hmt-0.20: Haskell Music Theory
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Basic temporal sequence functions.



type Useq t a = (t, [a]) Source #

Sequence of elements with uniform duration.

type Dseq t a = [(t, a)] Source #

Duration sequence. t indicates the forward duration of the value, ie. the interval to the next value. If there are other durations they must be encoded at a. If the sequence does not begin at time zero there must be an empty value for a.

type Iseq t a = [(t, a)] Source #

Inter-offset sequence. t is the interval before the value. Duration can be encoded at a, or if implicit a must include an end of sequence value.

type Pseq t a = [((t, t, t), a)] Source #

Pattern sequence. The duration is a triple of logical, sounding and forward durations. These indicate the time the value conceptually takes, the time it actually takes, and the time to the next event. If the sequence does not begin at time zero there must be an empty value for a.

type Tseq t a = [(t, a)] Source #

Time-point sequence. t is the start time of the value. To express holes a must have an empty value. Duration can be encoded at a, or if implicit a must include an end of sequence value.

type Wseq t a = [((t, t), a)] Source #

Window sequence. t is a duple of start-time and duration. Holes exist where start-time(n) + duration(n) < start-time(n + 1). Overlaps exist where the same relation is >.

type Eseq t a = [((t, t, t), a)] Source #

Event sequence. t is a triple of start-time, duration and length. length isn't necessarily the time to the next event, though ordinarily it should not be greater than that interval.


pseq_zip :: [t] -> [t] -> [t] -> [a] -> Pseq t a Source #

Construct Pseq.

wseq_zip :: [t] -> [t] -> [a] -> Wseq t a Source #

Construct Wseq.

Time span

seq_tspan :: Num n => (t -> n) -> (t -> n) -> [(t, a)] -> (n, n) Source #

Given functions for deriving start and end times calculate time span of sequence. Requires sequence be finite.

seq_tspan id id [] == (0,0)
seq_tspan id id (zip [0..9] ['a'..]) == (0,9)

tseq_tspan :: Num t => Tseq t a -> (t, t) Source #

wseq_tspan :: Num t => Wseq t a -> (t, t) Source #

wseq_start :: Num t => Wseq t a -> t Source #

Start time of sequence.

wseq_start [((1,2),'a')] == 1
wseq_start [] == 0

wseq_end :: Num t => Wseq t a -> t Source #

End time of sequence.

wseq_end [((1,2),'a')] == 3
wseq_end (useq_to_wseq 0 (1,"linear")) == 6


dseq_dur :: Num t => Dseq t a -> t Source #

Sum durations at Dseq, result is the end time of the last element.

iseq_dur :: Num t => Iseq t a -> t Source #

Sum durations at Iseq, result is the start time of the last element.

pseq_dur :: Num t => Pseq t a -> t Source #

Sum durations at Pseq, result is the end time of the last element.

tseq_dur :: Num t => Tseq t a -> t Source #

The interval of tseq_tspan, ie. from the start of the first element to the start of the last.

tseq_dur (zip [0..] "abcde|") == 5

wseq_dur :: Num t => Wseq t a -> t Source #

The interval of wseq_tspan, ie. from the start of the first element to the end of the last.

wseq_dur (zip (zip [0..] (repeat 2)) "abcde") == 6


wseq_until :: Ord t => t -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Prefix of sequence where the start time precedes or is at the indicated time.

wseq_twindow :: (Num t, Ord t) => (t, t) -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Keep only elements that are entirely contained within the indicated temporal window, which is inclusive at the left & right edges, ie. [t0,t1]. Halts processing at end of window.

let r = [((5,1),'e'),((6,1),'f'),((7,1),'g'),((8,1),'h')]
wseq_twindow (5,9) (zip (zip [1..] (repeat 1)) ['a'..]) == r
wseq_twindow (1,2) [((1,1),'a'),((1,2),'b')] == [((1,1),'a')]

wseq_at :: (Num t, Ord t) => Wseq t a -> t -> Wseq t a Source #

Select nodes that are active at indicated time, comparison is inclusive at left and exclusive at right. Halts processing at end of window.

let sq = [((1,1),'a'),((1,2),'b')]
map (wseq_at sq) [1,2] == [sq,[((1,2),'b')]]
wseq_at (zip (zip [1..] (repeat 1)) ['a'..]) 3 == [((3,1),'c')]

wseq_at_window :: (Num t, Ord t) => Wseq t a -> (t, t) -> Wseq t a Source #

Select nodes that are active within the indicated window, comparison is inclusive at left and exclusive at right. Halts processing at end of window.

let sq = [((0,2),'a'),((0,4),'b'),((2,4),'c')]
wseq_at_window sq (1,3) == sq
wseq_at_window (zip (zip [1..] (repeat 1)) ['a'..]) (3,4) == [((3,1),'c'),((4,1),'d')]


dseq_append :: Dseq t a -> Dseq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

Type specialised ++

iseq_append :: Iseq t a -> Iseq t a -> Iseq t a Source #

Type specialised ++

pseq_append :: Pseq t a -> Pseq t a -> Pseq t a Source #

Type specialised ++


tseq_merge :: Ord t => Tseq t a -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

Merge comparing only on time.

tseq_merge_by :: Ord t => Compare_F a -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

Merge, where times are equal compare values.

tseq_merge_resolve :: Ord t => (a -> a -> a) -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

Merge, where times are equal apply f to form a single value.

let {p = zip [1,3,5] "abc"
    ;q = zip [1,2,3] "ABC"
    ;left_r = [(1,'a'),(2,'B'),(3,'b'),(5,'c')]
    ;right_r = [(1,'A'),(2,'B'),(3,'C'),(5,'c')]}
in tseq_merge_resolve (\x _ -> x) p q == left_r &&
   tseq_merge_resolve (\_ x -> x) p q == right_r

w_compare :: Ord t => ((t, t), a) -> ((t, t), a) -> Ordering Source #

Compare first by start time, then by duration.

wseq_merge :: Ord t => Wseq t a -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Merge considering only start times.

wseq_merge_set :: Ord t => [Wseq t a] -> Wseq t a Source #

Merge set considering both start times & durations.

eseq_merge :: Ord t => Eseq t a -> Eseq t a -> Eseq t a Source #

Merge considering only start times.


tseq_lookup_window_by :: (t -> t -> Ordering) -> Tseq t e -> t -> (Maybe (t, e), Maybe (t, e)) Source #

Locate nodes to the left and right of indicated time.

tseq_lookup_active_by :: (t -> t -> Ordering) -> Tseq t e -> t -> Maybe e Source #

tseq_lookup_active :: Ord t => Tseq t e -> t -> Maybe e Source #

tseq_lookup_active_by_def :: e -> (t -> t -> Ordering) -> Tseq t e -> t -> e Source #

tseq_lookup_active_def :: Ord t => e -> Tseq t e -> t -> e Source #


type Lseq t a = Tseq (t, Interpolation_T) a Source #

Variant of Tseq where nodes have an Intepolation_T value.

lerp :: (Fractional t, Real t, Fractional e) => (t, e) -> (t, e) -> t -> e Source #

Linear interpolation. The Real constraint on t is to allow conversion from t to e (realToFrac).

lseq_tmap :: (t -> t') -> Lseq t a -> Lseq t' a Source #

Temporal map.

lseq_lookup :: (Fractional t, Real t, Fractional e) => (t -> t -> Ordering) -> Lseq t e -> t -> Maybe e Source #

This can give Nothing if t precedes the Lseq or if t is after the final element of Lseq and that element has an interpolation type other than None.

lseq_lookup_err :: (Fractional t, Real t, Fractional e) => (t -> t -> Ordering) -> Lseq t e -> t -> e Source #

erroring variant.

Map, Filter, Find

seq_tmap :: (t1 -> t2) -> [(t1, a)] -> [(t2, a)] Source #

map over time (t) data.

seq_map :: (e1 -> e2) -> [(t, e1)] -> [(t, e2)] Source #

map over element (e) data.

seq_bimap :: (t1 -> t2) -> (e1 -> e2) -> [(t1, e1)] -> [(t2, e2)] Source #

map t and e simultaneously.

seq_bimap negate succ (zip [1..5] [0..4]) == [(-1,1),(-2,2),(-3,3),(-4,4),(-5,5)]

seq_tfilter :: (t -> Bool) -> [(t, a)] -> [(t, a)] Source #

filter over time (t) data.

seq_filter :: (b -> Bool) -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] Source #

filter over element (e) data.

seq_find :: (e -> Bool) -> [(t, e)] -> Maybe (t, e) Source #

find over element (e) data.


seq_map_maybe :: (p -> Maybe q) -> [(t, p)] -> [(t, q)] Source #

mapMaybe variant.

seq_cat_maybes :: [(t, Maybe q)] -> [(t, q)] Source #

Variant of catMaybes.

seq_changed_by :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [(t, a)] -> [(t, Maybe a)] Source #

If value is unchanged at subsequent entry, according to f, replace with Nothing.

seq_changed :: Eq a => [(t, a)] -> [(t, Maybe a)] Source #

seq_changed_by ==.

let r = [(1,'s'),(2,'t'),(4,'r'),(6,'i'),(7,'n'),(9,'g')]
seq_cat_maybes (seq_changed (zip [1..] "sttrrinng")) == r

Specialised temporal maps.

wseq_tmap_st :: (t -> t) -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Apply f at time points of Wseq.

wseq_tmap_dur :: (t -> t) -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Apply f at durations of elements of Wseq.


seq_partition :: Ord v => (a -> v) -> [(t, a)] -> [(v, [(t, a)])] Source #

Given a function that determines a voice for a value, partition a sequence into voices.

tseq_partition :: Ord v => (a -> v) -> Tseq t a -> [(v, Tseq t a)] Source #

Type specialised seq_partition.

let p = zip [0,1,3,5] (zip (repeat 0) "abcd")
let q = zip [2,4,6,7] (zip (repeat 1) "ABCD")
let sq = tseq_merge p q
tseq_partition fst sq == [(0,p),(1,q)]

wseq_partition :: Ord v => (a -> v) -> Wseq t a -> [(v, Wseq t a)] Source #

Type specialised seq_partition.


coalesce_f :: (t -> t -> Bool) -> (t -> t -> t) -> [t] -> [t] Source #

Given a decision predicate and a join function, recursively join adjacent elements.

coalesce_f undefined undefined [] == []
coalesce_f (==) const "abbcccbba" == "abcba"
coalesce_f (==) (+) [1,2,2,3,3,3] == [1,4,6,3]

coalesce_m :: Monoid t => (t -> t -> Bool) -> [t] -> [t] Source #

coalesce_f using mappend for the join function.

coalesce_t :: Num t => ((t, a) -> (t, a) -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> a) -> [(t, a)] -> [(t, a)] Source #

Form of coalesce_t where the join predicate is on the element only, the times are summed.

seq_coalesce :: Num t => (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> a) -> [(t, a)] -> [(t, a)] Source #

Form of coalesce_f where both the decision and join predicates are on theelement, the times are summed.

let r = [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(2,'d'),(1,'e')]
seq_coalesce (==) const (useq_to_dseq (1,"abbcccdde")) == r

dseq_coalesce :: Num t => (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> a) -> Dseq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

dseq_coalesce' :: Num t => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Dseq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

Given equality predicate, simplify sequence by summing durations of adjacent equal elements. This is a special case of dseq_coalesce where the join function is const. The implementation is simpler and non-recursive.

let d = useq_to_dseq (1,"abbcccdde")
let r = dseq_coalesce (==) const d
dseq_coalesce' (==) d == r

iseq_coalesce :: Num t => (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> a) -> Iseq t a -> Iseq t a Source #


seq_tcoalesce :: (t -> t -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> a) -> [(t, a)] -> [(t, a)] Source #

tseq_tcoalesce :: Eq t => (a -> a -> a) -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

wseq_tcoalesce :: ((t, t) -> (t, t) -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> a) -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Type specialised seq_tcoalesce.


group_f :: (Eq t, Num t) => (t -> t -> Bool) -> [(t, a)] -> [(t, [a])] Source #

Post-process groupBy of cmp on fst.

let r = [(0,"a"),(1,"bc"),(2,"de"),(3,"f")]
group_f (==) (zip [0,1,1,2,2,3] ['a'..]) == r

tseq_group :: (Eq t, Num t) => Tseq t a -> Tseq t [a] Source #

Group values at equal time points.

let r = [(0,"a"),(1,"bc"),(2,"de"),(3,"f")]
tseq_group (zip [0,1,1,2,2,3] ['a'..]) == r
tseq_group [(1,'a'),(1,'b')] == [(1,"ab")]
tseq_group [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(2,'c')] == [(1,"a"),(2,"bc")]

iseq_group :: (Eq t, Num t) => Iseq t a -> Iseq t [a] Source #

Group values where the inter-offset time is 0 to the left.

let r = [(0,"a"),(1,"bcd"),(1,"ef")]
iseq_group (zip [0,1,0,0,1,0] ['a'..]) == r


wseq_fill_dur :: Num t => Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Set durations so that there are no gaps or overlaps. For entries with the same start time this leads to zero durations.

let r = wseq_zip [0,3,3,5] [3,0,2,1] "abcd"
wseq_fill_dur (wseq_zip [0,3,3,5] [2,1,2,1] "abcd") == r


dseq_set_whole :: [Dseq Rational e] -> [Dseq Integer e] Source #

Scale by lcm so that all durations are integral.

dseq_end :: Num t => Dseq t a -> t Source #

End-time of sequence (ie. sum of durations).


tseq_latch :: Ord t => a -> Tseq t a -> [t] -> Tseq t a Source #

Given a a default value, a Tseq sq and a list of time-points t, generate a Tseq that is a union of the timepoints at sq and t where times in t not at sq are given the current value, or def if there is no value.

tseq_latch 'a' [(2,'b'),(4,'c')] [1..5] == zip [1..5] "abbcc"

tseq_end :: Tseq t a -> t Source #

End-time of sequence (ie. time of last event).

tseq_add_nil_after :: Num t => a -> t -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

Append the value nil at n seconds after the end of the sequence.


wseq_sort :: Ord t => Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Sort Wseq by start time, Wseq ought never to be out of order.

wseq_sort [((3,1),'a'),((1,3),'b')] == [((1,3),'b'),((3,1),'a')]

wseq_discard_dur :: Wseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

Transform Wseq to Tseq by discarding durations.

wseq_nodes_overlap :: (Ord t, Num t) => (e -> e -> Bool) -> ((t, t), e) -> ((t, t), e) -> Bool Source #

Are e equal and do nodes overlap? Nodes are ascending, and so overlap if: 1. they begin at the same time and the first has non-zero duration, or 2. the second begins before the first ends.

wseq_find_overlap_1 :: (Ord t, Num t) => (e -> e -> Bool) -> ((t, t), e) -> Wseq t e -> Bool Source #

Find first node at sq that overlaps with e0, if there is one. Note: this could, but does not, halt early, ie. when t2 > (t1 + d1).

wseq_has_overlaps :: (Ord t, Num t) => (e -> e -> Bool) -> Wseq t e -> Bool Source #

Determine if sequence has any overlapping equal nodes, stops after finding first instance.

wseq_has_overlaps (==) [] == False
wseq_has_overlaps (==) [((0,1),'x')]

wseq_remove_overlaps_rm :: (Ord t, Num t) => (e -> e -> Bool) -> Wseq t e -> Wseq t e Source #

Remove overlaps by deleting any overlapping nodes.

let sq = [((0,1),'a'),((0,5),'a'),((1,5),'a'),((3,1),'a')]
wseq_has_overlaps (==) sq == True
let sq_rw = wseq_remove_overlaps_rm (==) sq
sq_rw == [((0,1),'a'),((1,5),'a')]
wseq_has_overlaps (==) sq_rw

wseq_remove_overlap_rw_1 :: (Ord t, Num t) => (e -> e -> Bool) -> (t -> t) -> ((t, t), e) -> Wseq t e -> Maybe (Wseq t e) Source #

Find first instance of overlap of e at sq and re-write durations so nodes don't overlap. If equal nodes begin simultaneously delete the shorter node (eithe LHS or RHS). If a node extends into a later node shorten the initial (LHS) duration (apply dur_fn to iot).

wseq_remove_overlaps_rw :: (Ord t, Num t) => (e -> e -> Bool) -> (t -> t) -> Wseq t e -> Wseq t e Source #

Run wseq_remove_overlap_rw_1 until sequence has no overlaps.

let sq = [((0,1),'a'),((0,5),'a'),((1,5),'a'),((3,1),'a')]
wseq_has_overlaps (==) sq == True
let sq_rw = wseq_remove_overlaps_rw (==) id sq
sq_rw == [((0,1),'a'),((1,2),'a'),((3,1),'a')]
wseq_has_overlaps (==) sq_rw == False
import qualified Music.Theory.Array.Csv.Midi.Mnd as T 
let csv_fn = "/home/rohan/uc/the-center-is-between-us/visitants/csv/midi/air.B.1.csv"
sq <- T.csv_midi_read_wseq csv_fn :: IO (Wseq Double (T.Event Double))
length sq == 186
length (wseq_remove_overlaps_rw (==) id sq) == 183

seq_unjoin :: [(t, [e])] -> [(t, e)] Source #

Unjoin elements (assign equal time stamps to all elements).

wseq_unjoin :: Wseq t [e] -> Wseq t e Source #

Type specialised seq_unjoin.

wseq_shift :: Num t => t -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Shift (displace) onset times by i.

wseq_shift 3 [((1,2),'a')] == [((4,2),'a')]

wseq_append :: Num t => Wseq t a -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Shift q to end of p and append.

wseq_append [((1,2),'a')] [((1,2),'b')] == [((1,2),'a'),((4,2),'b')]

wseq_concat :: Num t => [Wseq t a] -> Wseq t a Source #

foldl1 of wseq_append

wseq_concat [[((1,2),'a')],[((1,2),'b')]] == [((1,2),'a'),((4,2),'b')]

wseq_zero :: Num t => Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Transform sequence to start at time zero.


data Begin_End a Source #

Container to mark the begin and end of a value.


Begin a 
End a 


Instances details
Functor Begin_End Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Music.Theory.Time.Seq


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Begin_End a -> Begin_End b #

(<$) :: a -> Begin_End b -> Begin_End a #

Show a => Show (Begin_End a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Music.Theory.Time.Seq

Eq a => Eq (Begin_End a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Music.Theory.Time.Seq


(==) :: Begin_End a -> Begin_End a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Begin_End a -> Begin_End a -> Bool #

begin_end_map :: (t -> u) -> Begin_End t -> Begin_End u Source #

Functor instance.

cmp_begin_end :: Begin_End a -> Begin_End b -> Ordering Source #

Structural comparison at Begin_End, Begin compares less than End.

either_to_begin_end :: Either a a -> Begin_End a Source #

Translate container types.

begin_end_to_either :: Begin_End a -> Either a a Source #

Translate container types.

begin_end_partition :: [Begin_End a] -> ([a], [a]) Source #

Equivalent to partitionEithers.

begin_end_track_by :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Begin_End a -> [a] Source #

Add or delete element from accumulated state given equality function.

wseq_begin_end :: (Num t, Ord t) => Wseq t a -> Tseq t (Begin_End a) Source #

Convert Wseq to Tseq transforming elements to Begin_End. When merging, end elements precede begin elements at equal times.

let sq = [((0,5),'a'),((2,2),'b')]
let r = [(0,Begin 'a'),(2,Begin 'b'),(4,End 'b'),(5,End 'a')]
wseq_begin_end sq == r
let sq = [((0,1),'a'),((1,1),'b'),((2,1),'c')]
let r = [(0,Begin 'a'),(1,End 'a'),(1,Begin 'b'),(2,End 'b'),(2,Begin 'c'),(3,End 'c')]
wseq_begin_end sq == r

wseq_begin_end_f :: (Ord t, Num t) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Wseq t a -> Tseq t b Source #

Variant that applies begin and end functions to nodes.

let sq = [((0,5),'a'),((2,2),'b')]
let r = [(0,'A'),(2,'B'),(4,'b'),(5,'a')]
wseq_begin_end_f Data.Char.toUpper id sq == r

tseq_begin_end_accum :: Eq a => Tseq t [Begin_End a] -> Tseq t ([a], [a], [a]) Source #

Generate for each time-point the triple (begin-list,end-list,hold-list). The elements of the end-list have been deleted from the hold list.

wseq_begin_end_accum :: (Eq e, Ord t, Num t) => Wseq t e -> (Bool, Tseq t ([e], [e], [e])) Source #

Variant that initially transforms Wseq into non-overlapping begin-end sequence. If the sequence was edited for overlaps this is indicated.

tseq_accumulate :: Eq a => Tseq t [Begin_End a] -> Tseq t [a] Source #

wseq_accumulate :: (Eq a, Ord t, Num t) => Wseq t a -> Tseq t [a] Source #

The transition sequence of active elements.

let w = [((0,3),'a'),((1,2),'b'),((2,1),'c'),((3,3),'d')]
wseq_accumulate w == [(0,"a"),(1,"ba"),(2,"cba"),(3,"d"),(6,"")]

tseq_begin_end_to_wseq :: Num t => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Tseq t (Begin_End a) -> Wseq t a Source #

Inverse of wseq_begin_end given a predicate function for locating the end node of a begin node.

let sq = [(0,Begin 'a'),(2,Begin 'b'),(4,End 'b'),(5,End 'a')]
let r = [((0,5),'a'),((2,2),'b')]
tseq_begin_end_to_wseq (==) sq == r


useq_to_dseq :: Useq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

useq_to_wseq :: Num t => t -> Useq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

dseq_to_tseq :: Num t => t -> a -> Dseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

The conversion requires a start time and a nil value used as an eof marker. Productive given indefinite input sequence.

let r = zip [0,1,3,6,8,9] "abcde|"
dseq_to_tseq 0 '|' (zip [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde") == r
let d = zip [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde"
let r = zip [0,1,3,6,8,9,10] "abcdeab"
take 7 (dseq_to_tseq 0 undefined (cycle d)) == r

dseq_to_tseq_last :: Num t => t -> Dseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

Variant where the nil value is taken from the last element of the sequence.

let r = zip [0,1,3,6,8,9] "abcdee"
dseq_to_tseq_last 0 (zip [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde") == r

dseq_to_tseq_discard :: Num t => t -> Dseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

Variant where the final duration is discarded.

dseq_to_tseq_discard 0 (zip [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde") == zip [0,1,3,6,8] "abcde"

iseq_to_tseq :: Num t => t -> Iseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

Iseq to Tseq, requires t0.

let r = zip [1,3,6,8,9] "abcde"
iseq_to_tseq 0 (zip [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde") == r

pseq_to_wseq :: Num t => t -> Pseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

The conversion requires a start time and does not consult the logical duration.

let p = pseq_zip (repeat undefined) (cycle [1,2]) (cycle [1,1,2]) "abcdef"
pseq_to_wseq 0 p == wseq_zip [0,1,2,4,5,6] (cycle [1,2]) "abcdef"

tseq_to_dseq :: (Ord t, Num t) => a -> Tseq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

The last element of Tseq is required to be an eof marker that has no duration and is not represented in the Dseq. A nil value is required in case the Tseq does not begin at 0.

let r = zip [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde"
tseq_to_dseq undefined (zip [0,1,3,6,8,9] "abcde|") == r
let r = zip [1,2,3,2,1] "-abcd"
tseq_to_dseq '-' (zip [1,3,6,8,9] "abcd|") == r

tseq_to_dseq_final_dur :: (Ord t, Num t) => a -> t -> Tseq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

Variant that requires a final duration be provided, and that the Tseq have no end marker.

let r = zip [1,2,3,2,9] "abcde"
tseq_to_dseq_final_dur undefined 9 (zip [0,1,3,6,8] "abcde") == r

tseq_to_dseq_total_dur :: (Ord t, Num t) => a -> t -> Tseq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

Variant that requires a total duration be provided, and that the Tseq have no end marker.

let r = zip [1,2,3,2,7] "abcde"
tseq_to_dseq_total_dur undefined 15 (zip [0,1,3,6,8] "abcde")

tseq_to_wseq :: Num t => Maybe (a -> t) -> Tseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

The last element of Tseq is required to be an eof marker that has no duration and is not represented in the Wseq. The duration of each value is either derived from the value, if a dur function is given, or else the inter-offset time.

let r = wseq_zip [0,1,3,6,8] [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde"
tseq_to_wseq Nothing (zip [0,1,3,6,8,9] "abcde|") == r
let r = wseq_zip [0,1,3,6,8] (map fromEnum "abcde") "abcde"
tseq_to_wseq (Just fromEnum) (zip [0,1,3,6,8,9] "abcde|") == r

tseq_to_wseq_iot :: Num t => t -> Tseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Translate Tseq to Wseq using inter-offset times, up to indicated total duration, as element durations.

let r = [((0,1),'a'),((1,2),'b'),((3,3),'c'),((6,2),'d'),((8,3),'e')]
tseq_to_wseq_iot 11 (zip [0,1,3,6,8] "abcde") == r

tseq_to_iseq :: Num t => Tseq t a -> Iseq t a Source #

Tseq to Iseq.

tseq_to_iseq (zip [0,1,3,6,8,9] "abcde|") == zip [0,1,2,3,2,1] "abcde|"

dseq_to_wseq :: Num t => t -> Dseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Requires start time.

let r = zip (zip [0,1,3,6,8,9] [1,2,3,2,1]) "abcde"
dseq_to_wseq 0 (zip [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde") == r

wseq_to_dseq :: (Num t, Ord t) => a -> Wseq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

Inverse of dseq_to_wseq. The empty value is used to fill holes in Wseq. If values overlap at Wseq durations are truncated.

let w = wseq_zip [0,1,3,6,8,9] [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde"
wseq_to_dseq '-' w == zip [1,2,3,2,1] "abcde"
let w = wseq_zip [3,10] [6,2] "ab"
wseq_to_dseq '-' w == zip [3,6,1,2] "-a-b"
let w = wseq_zip [0,1] [2,2] "ab"
wseq_to_dseq '-' w == zip [1,2] "ab"
let w = wseq_zip [0,0,0] [2,2,2] "abc"
wseq_to_dseq '-' w == zip [0,0,2] "abc"

eseq_to_wseq :: Eseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #


dseql_to_tseql :: Num t => t -> [Dseq t a] -> (t, [Tseq t a]) Source #

Given a list of Dseq (measures) convert to a list of Tseq and the end time of the overall sequence.

let r = [[(0,'a'),(1,'b'),(3,'c')],[(4,'d'),(7,'e'),(9,'f')]]
dseql_to_tseql 0 [zip [1,2,1] "abc",zip [3,2,1] "def"] == (10,r)


wseq_cycle_ls :: Num t => Wseq t a -> [Wseq t a] Source #

List of cycles of Wseq.

wseq_cycle :: Num t => Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Only finite Wseq can be cycled, the resulting Wseq is infinite.

take 5 (wseq_cycle [((0,1),'a'),((3,3),'b')])

wseq_cycle_n :: Num t => Int -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Variant cycling only n times.

wseq_cycle_n 3 [((0,1),'a'),((3,3),'b')]

wseq_cycle_until :: (Num t, Ord t) => t -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Type specialised maps

dseq_tmap :: (t -> t') -> Dseq t a -> Dseq t' a Source #

pseq_tmap :: ((t, t, t) -> (t', t', t')) -> Pseq t a -> Pseq t' a Source #

tseq_tmap :: (t -> t') -> Dseq t a -> Dseq t' a Source #

tseq_bimap :: (t -> t') -> (e -> e') -> Tseq t e -> Tseq t' e' Source #

wseq_tmap :: ((t, t) -> (t', t')) -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t' a Source #

dseq_map :: (a -> b) -> Dseq t a -> Dseq t b Source #

pseq_map :: (a -> b) -> Pseq t a -> Pseq t b Source #

tseq_map :: (a -> b) -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t b Source #

wseq_map :: (a -> b) -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t b Source #

Type specialised filter

dseq_tfilter :: (t -> Bool) -> Dseq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

iseq_tfilter :: (t -> Bool) -> Iseq t a -> Iseq t a Source #

pseq_tfilter :: ((t, t, t) -> Bool) -> Pseq t a -> Pseq t a Source #

tseq_tfilter :: (t -> Bool) -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

wseq_tfilter :: ((t, t) -> Bool) -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

dseq_filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Dseq t a -> Dseq t a Source #

iseq_filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Iseq t a -> Iseq t a Source #

pseq_filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Pseq t a -> Pseq t a Source #

tseq_filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Tseq t a -> Tseq t a Source #

wseq_filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t a Source #

Type specialised maybe

wseq_map_maybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Wseq t a -> Wseq t b Source #


tseq_to_map :: Ord t => Tseq t e -> Map t e Source #

Requires but does not check that there are no duplicate time points in Tseq.

tseq_to_map [(0, 'a'), (0, 'b')] == tseq_to_map [(0, 'b')]