hmt-base-0.20: Haskell Music Theory Base
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Traversable functions.



adopt_shape :: Traversable t => (a -> b -> c) -> [b] -> t a -> ([b], t c) Source #

Replace elements at Traversable with result of joining with elements from list.

let t = Tree.Node 0 [Tree.Node 1 [Tree.Node 2 [],Tree.Node 3 []],Tree.Node 4 []]
putStrLn $ Tree.drawTree (fmap show t)
let (_,u) = adopt_shape (\_ x -> x) "abcde" t
putStrLn $ Tree.drawTree (fmap return u)

adopt_shape_2 :: (Traversable t, Traversable u) => (a -> b -> c) -> [b] -> t (u a) -> ([b], t (u c)) Source #

Two-level variant of adopt_shape.

adopt_shape_2 (,) [0..4] (words "a bc d") == ([4],[[('a',0)],[('b',1),('c',2)],[('d',3)]])

adopt_shape_2_zip_stream :: (Traversable t, Traversable u) => [c] -> t (u a) -> t (u (c, a)) Source #

Adopt stream to shape of traversable and zip elements.

adopt_shape_2_zip_stream [1..] ["a", "list", "of", "strings"]

list_number_2 :: [[x]] -> [[(Int, x)]] Source #

Two-level variant of zip [1..]

list_number_2 ["number","list","two"] == [[(1,'n'),(2,'u'),(3,'m'),(4,'b'),(5,'e'),(6,'r')],[(7,'l'),(8,'i'),(9,'s'),(10,'t')],[(11,'t'),(12,'w'),(13,'o')]]

adopt_shape_m :: Traversable t => (a -> b -> c) -> [b] -> t (Maybe a) -> ([b], t (Maybe c)) Source #

Variant of adopt_shape that considers only Just elements at Traversable.

let s = "a(b(cd)ef)ghi"
let t = group_tree (begin_end_cmp_eq '(' ')') s
adopt_shape_m (,) [1..13] t