module Nix.Cache where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy          as BS
import           Nix.Expr.Types.Annotated

#if defined (__linux__) && MIN_VERSION_base(4, 10, 0)
#define USE_COMPACT 1

import qualified Data.Compact as C
import qualified Data.Compact.Serialize as C
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_serialise
import qualified Codec.Serialise               as S

readCache :: FilePath -> IO NExprLoc
readCache path = do
    eres <- C.unsafeReadCompact path
    case eres of
        Left err -> error $ "Error reading cache file: " ++ err
        Right expr -> return $ C.getCompact expr
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_serialise
  eres <- S.deserialiseOrFail <$> BS.readFile path
  case eres of
    Left  err  -> error $ "Error reading cache file: " ++ show err
    Right expr -> return expr
    error "readCache not implemented for this platform"

writeCache :: FilePath -> NExprLoc -> IO ()
writeCache path expr =
    C.writeCompact path =<< C.compact expr
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_serialise
  BS.writeFile path (S.serialise expr)
    error "writeCache not implemented for this platform"