{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module General.Timing(Timing, withTiming, timed, timedOverwrite) where

import Data.List.Extra
import System.Time.Extra
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad.Extra
import System.IO
import General.Util
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

data Timing = Timing
    {timingOffset :: IO Seconds
    ,timingStore :: IORef [(String, Seconds)] -- records for writing to a file
    ,timingOverwrite :: IORef (Maybe (Seconds, Int)) -- if you are below T you may overwrite N characters
    ,timingTerminal :: Bool -- is this a terminal

withTiming :: Maybe FilePath -> (Timing -> IO a) -> IO a
withTiming file f = do
    timingOffset <- offsetTime
    timingStore <- newIORef []
    timingOverwrite <- newIORef Nothing
    timingTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout

    res <- f Timing{..}
    total <- timingOffset
    whenJust file $ \file -> do
        xs <- readIORef timingStore
        -- Expecting unrecorded of ~2s
        -- Most of that comes from the pipeline - we get occasional 0.01 between items as one flushes
        -- Then at the end there is ~0.5 while the final item flushes
        xs <- return $ reverse $ sortOn snd $ ("Unrecorded", total - sum (map snd xs)) : xs
        writeFile file $ unlines $ prettyTable 2 "Secs" xs
    putStrLn $ "Took " ++ showDuration total
    return res

-- skip it if have written out in the last 1s and takes < 0.1

timed :: MonadIO m => Timing -> String -> m a -> m a
timed = timedEx False

timedOverwrite :: MonadIO m => Timing -> String -> m a -> m a
timedOverwrite = timedEx True

timedEx :: MonadIO m => Bool -> Timing -> String -> m a -> m a
timedEx overwrite Timing{..} msg act = do
    start <- liftIO timingOffset
    liftIO $ whenJustM (readIORef timingOverwrite) $ \(t,n) ->
        if overwrite && start < t then
            putStr $ replicate n '\b' ++ replicate n ' ' ++ replicate n '\b'
            putStrLn ""

    let out msg = liftIO $ putStr msg >> return (length msg)
    undo1 <- out $ msg ++ "... "
    liftIO $ hFlush stdout

    res <- act
    end <- liftIO timingOffset
    let time = end - start
    liftIO $ modifyIORef timingStore ((msg,time):)

    s <- maybe "" (\x -> " (" ++ x ++ ")") <$> liftIO getStatsPeakAllocBytes
    undo2 <- out $ showDuration time ++ s

    old <- liftIO $ readIORef timingOverwrite
    let next = maybe (start + 1.0) fst old
    liftIO $ if timingTerminal && overwrite && end < next then
        writeIORef timingOverwrite $ Just (next, undo1 + undo2)
     else do
        writeIORef timingOverwrite Nothing
        putStrLn ""
    return res