hopfield- Hopfield Networks, Boltzmann Machines and Clusters

Safe HaskellNone




Base Hopfield model, providing training and running.



type Pattern = Vector IntSource

type Weights = Vector (Vector Double)Source

data LearningType Source




Hopfield data structure

data HopfieldData Source

Encapsulates the network weights together with the patterns that generate it with the patterns which generate it


weights :: HopfieldData -> WeightsSource

the weights of the network

patterns :: HopfieldData -> [Pattern]Source

the patterns which were used to train it

buildHopfieldData :: LearningType -> [Pattern] -> HopfieldDataSource

buildHopfieldData patterns: Takes a list of patterns and builds a Hopfield network (by training) in which these patterns are stable states. The result of this function can be used to run a pattern against the network, by using matchPattern.


update :: MonadRandom m => Weights -> Pattern -> m (Maybe Pattern)Source

update weights pattern: Applies the update rule on pattern for the first updatable neuron given the Hopfield network (represented by weights).

Pre: length weights == length pattern

addPatterns :: LearningType -> HopfieldData -> [Pattern] -> HopfieldDataSource

Stores patterns in an already trained network. One has to ensure that this function is not over used, as this will decrease the capacity of the network.

repeatedUpdate :: MonadRandom m => Weights -> Pattern -> m PatternSource

repeatedUpdate weights pattern: Performs repeated updates on the given pattern until it reaches a stable state with respect to the Hopfield network (represented by weights). Pre: length weights == length pattern

updateChain :: MonadRandom m => HopfieldData -> Pattern -> m [Pattern]Source

Like repeatedUpdate, but collecting all patterns until convergence. The last pattern in the list is the converged pattern. The argument pattern is NOT prepended to the result list.

POST: The returned list is not empty.

matchPattern :: MonadRandom m => HopfieldData -> Pattern -> m (Either Pattern Int)Source

matchPatterns hopfieldData pattern: Computes the stable state of a pattern given a Hopfield network(represented by weights) and tries to find a match in a list of patterns which are stored in hopfieldData. Returns:

The index of the matching pattern in patterns, if a match exists The converged pattern (the stable state), otherwise

Pre: length weights == length pattern

computeH :: Weights -> Pattern -> Int -> IntSource

Computes the weighted sum of current neuron values, which will give us the value of the neuron (by taking the sign)


energy :: Weights -> Pattern -> DoubleSource

energy weights pattern: Computes the energy of a pattern given a Hopfield network (represented by weights). Pre: length weights == length pattern