hoppy-generator-0.2.1: C++ FFI generator - Code generator

Safe HaskellNone




The primary data types for specifying C++ interfaces.

Show instances in this module produce strings of the form "<TypeOfObject nameOfObject otherInfo...>". They can be used in error messages without specifying a noun separately, i.e. write show cls instead of "the class " ++ show cls.



data Interface Source #

A complete specification of a C++ API. Generators for different languages, including the binding generator for C++, use these to produce their output.

type ErrorMsg = String Source #

Indicates strings that are error messages.

interface Source #

Constructs an Interface from the required parts. Some validation is performed; if the resulting interface would be invalid, an error message is returned instead.

interfaceName :: Interface -> String Source #

The textual name of the interface.

interfaceModules :: Interface -> Map String Module Source #

All of the individual modules, by moduleName.

interfaceNamesToModules :: Interface -> Map ExtName Module Source #

Maps each ExtName exported by some module to the module that exports the name.

interfaceHaskellModuleBase :: Interface -> [String] Source #

The name of the parent Haskell module under which a Haskell module will be generated for a Hoppy Module. This is a list of Haskell module path components, in other words, intercalate "." on the list produces a Haskell module name. Defaults to interfaceDefaultHaskellModuleBase, and may be overridden with interfaceAddHaskellModuleBase.

interfaceDefaultHaskellModuleBase :: [String] Source #

The default Haskell module under which Hoppy modules will be generated. This is Foreign.Hoppy.Generated, that is:

["Foreign", "Hoppy", "Generated"]

interfaceAddHaskellModuleBase :: [String] -> Interface -> Either String Interface Source #

Sets an interface to generate all of its modules under the given Haskell module prefix. See interfaceHaskellModuleBase.

C++ includes

data Include Source #

An #include directive in a C++ file.

includeStd :: String -> Include Source #

Creates an #include <...> directive.

includeLocal :: String -> Include Source #

Creates an #include "..." directive.

includeToString :: Include -> String Source #

Returns the complete #include ... line for an include, including trailing newline.


data Module Source #

A portion of functionality in a C++ API. An Interface is composed of multiple modules. A module will generate a single compilation unit containing bindings for all of the module's exports. The C++ code for a generated module will #include everything necessary for what is written to the header and source files separately. You can declare include dependencies with e.g. addReqIncludes, either for individual exports or at the module level. Dependencies between modules are handled automatically, and circularity is supported to a certain extent. See the documentation for the individual language modules for further details.

moduleName :: Module -> String Source #

The module's name. A module name must identify a unique module within an Interface.

moduleHppPath :: Module -> String Source #

A relative path under a C++ sources root to which the generator will write a header file for the module's C++ bindings.

moduleCppPath :: Module -> String Source #

A relative path under a C++ sources root to which the generator will write a source file for the module's C++ bindings.

moduleExports :: Module -> Map ExtName Export Source #

All of the exports in a module.

moduleReqs :: Module -> Reqs Source #

Module-level requirements.

moduleHaskellName :: Module -> Maybe [String] Source #

The generated Haskell module name, underneath the interfaceHaskellModuleBase. If absent (by default), the moduleName is used. May be modified with moduleAddHaskellName.

makeModule Source #

Creates an empty module, ready to be configured with moduleModify.

moduleModify :: Module -> StateT Module (Either String) () -> Either ErrorMsg Module Source #

Extends a module. To be used with the module state-monad actions in this package.

moduleModify' :: Module -> StateT Module (Either String) () -> Module Source #

Same as moduleModify, but calls error in the case of failure, which is okay in for a generator which would abort in this case anyway.

moduleSetHppPath :: MonadState Module m => String -> m () Source #

Replaces a module's moduleHppPath.

moduleSetCppPath :: MonadState Module m => String -> m () Source #

Replaces a module's moduleCppPath.

moduleAddExports :: (MonadError String m, MonadState Module m) => [Export] -> m () Source #

Adds exports to a module. An export must only be added to any module at most once, and must not be added to multiple modules.

moduleAddHaskellName :: (MonadError String m, MonadState Module m) => [String] -> m () Source #

Changes a module's moduleHaskellName from the default. This can only be called once on a module.


data Reqs Source #

A set of requirements of needed to use an identifier in C++ (function, type, etc.), via a set of Includes. The monoid instance has mempty as an empty set of includes, and mappend unions two include sets.


reqsIncludes :: Reqs -> Set Include Source #

The includes specified by a Reqs.

reqInclude :: Include -> Reqs Source #

Creates a Reqs that contains the given include.

class HasReqs a where Source #

C++ types that have requirements in order to use them in generated bindings.

Minimal complete definition

getReqs, (setReqs | modifyReqs)


getReqs :: a -> Reqs Source #

Returns an object's requirements.

setReqs :: Reqs -> a -> a Source #

Replaces an object's requirements with new ones.

modifyReqs :: (Reqs -> Reqs) -> a -> a Source #

Modifies an object's requirements.

addReqs :: HasReqs a => Reqs -> a -> a Source #

Adds to a object's requirements.

addReqIncludes :: HasReqs a => [Include] -> a -> a Source #

Adds a list of includes to the requirements of an object.

Names and exports

data ExtName Source #

An external name is a string that generated bindings use to uniquely identify an object at runtime. An external name must start with an alphabetic character, and may only contain alphanumeric characters and '_'. You are free to use whatever naming style you like; case conversions will be performed automatically when required. Hoppy does make use of some conventions though, for example with Operators and in the provided bindings for the C++ standard library.

External names must be unique within an interface. They may not be reused between modules. This assumption is used for symbol naming in compiled shared objects and to freely import modules in Haskell bindings.

toExtName :: String -> ExtName Source #

Creates an ExtName that contains the given string, erroring if the string is an invalid ExtName.

fromExtName :: ExtName -> String Source #

Returns the string an an ExtName contains.

data FnName name Source #

The C++ name of a function or method.


FnName name

A regular, "alphanumeric" name. The exact type depends on what kind of object is being named.

FnOp Operator

An operator name.


IsFnName t (FnName t) Source # 


toFnName :: FnName t -> FnName t Source #

Eq name => Eq (FnName name) Source # 


(==) :: FnName name -> FnName name -> Bool #

(/=) :: FnName name -> FnName name -> Bool #

Ord name => Ord (FnName name) Source # 


compare :: FnName name -> FnName name -> Ordering #

(<) :: FnName name -> FnName name -> Bool #

(<=) :: FnName name -> FnName name -> Bool #

(>) :: FnName name -> FnName name -> Bool #

(>=) :: FnName name -> FnName name -> Bool #

max :: FnName name -> FnName name -> FnName name #

min :: FnName name -> FnName name -> FnName name #

Show name => Show (FnName name) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> FnName name -> ShowS #

show :: FnName name -> String #

showList :: [FnName name] -> ShowS #

class IsFnName t a where Source #

Enables implementing automatic conversions to a FnName t.

Minimal complete definition



toFnName :: a -> FnName t Source #


data Operator Source #

Overloadable C++ operators.

data OperatorType Source #

The arity and syntax of an operator.


UnaryPrefixOperator String

Prefix unary operators. Examples: !x, *x, ++x.

UnaryPostfixOperator String

Postfix unary operators. Examples: x--, x++.

BinaryOperator String

Infix binary operators. Examples: x * y, x >>= y.


x(...) with arbitrary arity.


x[y], a binary operator with non-infix syntax.

operatorPreferredExtName :: Operator -> ExtName Source #

Returns a conventional string to use for the ExtName of an operator.

operatorPreferredExtName' :: Operator -> String Source #

Returns a conventional name for an operator, as with operatorPreferredExtName, but as a string.

operatorType :: Operator -> OperatorType Source #

Returns the type of an operator.

data Export Source #

Specifies some C++ object (function or class) to give access to.


ExportVariable Variable

Exports a variable.

ExportEnum CppEnum

Exports an enum.

ExportBitspace Bitspace

Exports a bitspace.

ExportFn Function

Exports a function.

ExportClass Class

Exports a class with all of its contents.

ExportCallback Callback

Exports a callback.


exportExtName :: Export -> ExtName Source #

Returns the external name of an export.

exportAddendum :: Export -> Addendum Source #

Returns the export's addendum. Export doesn't have a HasAddendum instance because you normally wouldn't want to modify the addendum of one.

data Identifier Source #

A path to some C++ object, including namespaces. An identifier consists of multiple parts separated by "::". Each part has a name string followed by an optional template argument list, where each argument gets rendered from a Type (non-type arguments for template metaprogramming are not supported).

identifierParts :: Identifier -> [IdPart] Source #

The separate parts of the identifier, between ::s.

data IdPart Source #

A single component of an Identifier, between ::s.


idPartBase :: IdPart -> String Source #

The name within the enclosing scope.

idPartArgs :: IdPart -> Maybe [Type] Source #

Template arguments, if present.

ident :: String -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a.

ident' :: [String] -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a1::a2::...::aN.

ident1 :: String -> String -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b.

ident2 :: String -> String -> String -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b::c.

ident3 :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b::c::d.

ident4 :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b::c::d::e.

ident5 :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b::c::d::e::f.

identT :: String -> [Type] -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a<...>.

identT' :: [(String, Maybe [Type])] -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier with arbitrary many templated and non-templated parts.

ident1T :: String -> String -> [Type] -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b<...>.

ident2T :: String -> String -> String -> [Type] -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b::c<...>.

ident3T :: String -> String -> String -> String -> [Type] -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b::c::d<...>.

ident4T :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> [Type] -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b::c::d::e<...>.

ident5T :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> [Type] -> Identifier Source #

Creates an identifier of the form a::b::c::d::e::f<...>.

Basic types

normalizeType :: Type -> Type Source #

Canonicalizes a Type without changing its meaning. Multiple nested Internal_TConsts are collapsed into a single one.

stripConst :: Type -> Type Source #

Strips leading Internal_TConsts off of a type.


makeVariable :: Identifier -> Maybe ExtName -> Type -> Variable Source #

Creates a binding for a C++ variable.

varIdentifier :: Variable -> Identifier Source #

The identifier used to refer to the variable.

varExtName :: Variable -> ExtName Source #

The variable's external name.

varType :: Variable -> Type Source #

The type of the variable. This may be constT to indicate that the variable is read-only.

varReqs :: Variable -> Reqs Source #

Requirements for bindings to use this variable.

varIsConst :: Variable -> Bool Source #

Returns whether the variable is constant, i.e. whether its type is constT ....

varGetterExtName :: Variable -> ExtName Source #

Returns the external name of the getter function for the variable.

varSetterExtName :: Variable -> ExtName Source #

Returns the external name of the setter function for the variable.


data CppEnum Source #

A C++ enum declaration. An enum should actually be enumerable (in the sense of Haskell's Enum); if it's not, consider using a Bitspace instead.

makeEnum Source #


:: Identifier


-> Maybe ExtName

An optional external name; will be automatically derived from the identifier if absent.

-> [(Int, [String])]


-> CppEnum 

Creates a binding for a C++ enum.

enumIdentifier :: CppEnum -> Identifier Source #

The identifier used to refer to the enum.

enumExtName :: CppEnum -> ExtName Source #

The enum's external name.

enumValueNames :: CppEnum -> [(Int, [String])] Source #

The numeric values and names of the enum values. A single value's name is broken up into words. How the words and ext name get combined to make a name in a particular foreign language depends on the language.

enumReqs :: CppEnum -> Reqs Source #

Requirements for a Type to reference this enum.


data Bitspace Source #

A C++ numeric space with bitwise operations. This is similar to a CppEnum, but in addition to the extra operations, this differs in that these values aren't enumerable.

Additionally, as a kludge for Qtah, a bitspace may have a C++ type (bitspaceCppTypeIdentifier) separate from its numeric type (bitspaceType). Qt bitspaces aren't raw numbers but are instead type-safe QFlags objects that don't implicitly convert from integers, so we need a means to do so manually. Barring general ad-hoc argument and return value conversion support, we allow this as follows: when given a C++ type, then a bitspace may also have a conversion function between the numeric and C++ type, in each direction. If a conversion function is present, it will be used for conversions in its respective direction. The C++ type is not a full Type, but only an Identifier, since additional information is not needed. See bitspaceAddCppType.

makeBitspace Source #

Creates a binding for a C++ bitspace.

bitspaceExtName :: Bitspace -> ExtName Source #

The bitspace's external name.

bitspaceType :: Bitspace -> Type Source #

The C++ type used for bits values. This should be a primitive numeric type, usually intT.

bitspaceValueNames :: Bitspace -> [(Int, [String])] Source #

The numeric values and names of the bitspace values. See enumValueNames.

bitspaceEnum :: Bitspace -> Maybe CppEnum Source #

An associated enum, whose values may be converted to values in the bitspace.

bitspaceAddEnum :: CppEnum -> Bitspace -> Bitspace Source #

Associates an enum with the bitspace. See bitspaceEnum.

bitspaceCppTypeIdentifier :: Bitspace -> Maybe Identifier Source #

The optional C++ type for a bitspace.

bitspaceFromCppValueFn :: Bitspace -> Maybe String Source #

The name of a C++ function to convert from the bitspace's C++ type to bitspaceType.

bitspaceToCppValueFn :: Bitspace -> Maybe String Source #

The name of a C++ function to convert from bitspaceType to the bitspace's C++ type.

bitspaceAddCppType :: Identifier -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Bitspace -> Bitspace Source #

bitspaceAddCppType cppTypeIdentifier toCppValueFn fromCppValueFn associates a C++ type (plus optional conversion functions) with a bitspace. At least one conversion should be specified, otherwise adding the C++ type will mean nothing. You should also add use requirements to the bitspace for all of these arguments; see HasReqs.

bitspaceReqs :: Bitspace -> Reqs Source #

Requirements for emitting the bindings for a bitspace, i.e. what's necessary to reference bitspaceCppTypeIdentifier, bitspaceFromCppValueFn, and bitspaceToCppValueFn. bitspaceType can take some numeric types that require includes as well, but you don't need to list these here.


data Purity Source #

Whether or not a function may cause side-effects.

Haskell bindings for pure functions will not be in IO, and calls to pure functions will be executed non-strictly. Calls to impure functions will execute in the IO monad.

Member functions for mutable classes should not be made pure, because it is difficult in general to control when the call will be made.



Side-affects are possible.


Side-affects will not happen.


makeFn Source #


:: IsFnName Identifier name 
=> name 
-> Maybe ExtName

An optional external name; will be automatically derived from the identifier if absent.

-> Purity 
-> [Type]

Parameter types.

-> Type

Return type.

-> Function 

Creates a binding for a C++ function.

fnCName :: Function -> FnName Identifier Source #

The identifier used to call the function.

fnExtName :: Function -> ExtName Source #

The function's external name.

fnPurity :: Function -> Purity Source #

Whether the function is pure.

fnParams :: Function -> [Type] Source #

The function's parameter types.

fnReturn :: Function -> Type Source #

The function's return type.

fnReqs :: Function -> Reqs Source #

Requirements for a binding to call the function.


data Class Source #

A C++ class declaration. A class's external name is automatically combined with the external names of things inside the class, by way of HasClassyExtName.

makeClass Source #


:: Identifier 
-> Maybe ExtName

An optional external name; will be automatically derived from the identifier if absent.

-> [Class]


-> [Ctor] 
-> [Method] 
-> Class 

Creates a binding for a C++ class and its contents.

classIdentifier :: Class -> Identifier Source #

The identifier used to refer to the class.

classExtName :: Class -> ExtName Source #

The class's external name.

classSuperclasses :: Class -> [Class] Source #

The class's public superclasses.

classCtors :: Class -> [Ctor] Source #

The class's constructors.

classDtorIsPublic :: Class -> Bool Source #

Whether the class's destructor has public visibility.

classMethods :: Class -> [Method] Source #

The class's methods.

classConversion :: Class -> ClassConversion Source #

Behaviour for converting objects to and from foriegn values.

classReqs :: Class -> Reqs Source #

Requirements for a Type to reference this class.

classAddCtors :: [Ctor] -> Class -> Class Source #

Adds constructors to a class.

classSetDtorPrivate :: Class -> Class Source #

Marks a class's destructor as private, so that a binding for it won't be generated.

classAddMethods :: [Method] -> Class -> Class Source #

Adds methods to a class.

classIsMonomorphicSuperclass :: Class -> Bool Source #

This is true for classes passed through classSetMonomorphicSuperclass.

classSetMonomorphicSuperclass :: Class -> Class Source #

Explicitly marks a class as being monomorphic (i.e. not having any virtual methods or destructors). By default, Hoppy assumes that a class that is derived is also polymorphic, but it can happen that this is not the case. Downcasting with dynamic_cast from such classes is not available. See also classSetSubclassOfMonomorphic.

classIsSubclassOfMonomorphic :: Class -> Bool Source #

This is true for classes passed through classSetSubclassOfMonomorphic.

classSetSubclassOfMonomorphic :: Class -> Class Source #

Marks a class as being derived from some monomorphic superclass. This prevents any downcasting to this class. Generally it is better to use classSetMonomorphicSuperclass on the specific superclasses that are monomorphic, but in cases where this is not possible, this function can be applied to the subclass instead.

class HasClassyExtName a where Source #

Things that live inside of a class, and have the class's external name prepended to their own in generated code. With an external name of "bar" and a class with external name "foo", the resulting name will be "foo_bar".

Minimal complete definition



getClassyExtNameSuffix :: a -> ExtName Source #

Extracts the external name of the object, without the class name added.

getClassyExtName :: Class -> a -> ExtName Source #

Computes the external name to use in generated code, containing both the class's and object's external names.

See also toHsMethodName.

data Ctor Source #

A C++ class constructor declaration.

makeCtor Source #


:: ExtName 
-> [Type]

Parameter types.

-> Ctor 

Creates a Ctor with full generality.

mkCtor Source #


:: String 
-> [Type]

Parameter types.

-> Ctor 

mkCtor name creates a Ctor whose external name is className_name.

ctorExtName :: Ctor -> ExtName Source #

The constructor's external name.

ctorParams :: Ctor -> [Type] Source #

The constructor's parameter types.

data Method Source #

A C++ class method declaration.

Any operator function that can be written as a method may have its binding be written either as part of the associated class or as a separate entity, independently of how the function is declared in C++.

data MethodImpl Source #

The C++ code to which a Method is bound.


RealMethod (FnName String)

The Method is bound to an actual class method.

FnMethod (FnName Identifier)

The Method is bound to a wrapper function. When wrapping a method with another function, this is preferrable to just using a Function binding because a method will still appear to be part of the class in foreign bindings.

constNegate :: Constness -> Constness Source #

Returns the opposite constness value.

makeMethod Source #


:: IsFnName String name 
=> name

The C++ name of the method.

-> ExtName

The external name of the method.

-> MethodApplicability 
-> Purity 
-> [Type]

Parameter types.

-> Type

Return type.

-> Method 

Creates a Method with full generality and manual name specification.

makeFnMethod :: IsFnName Identifier name => name -> String -> MethodApplicability -> Purity -> [Type] -> Type -> Method Source #

Creates a Method that is in fact backed by a C++ non-member function (a la makeFn), but appears to be a regular method. This is useful for wrapping a method on the C++ side when its arguments aren't right for binding directly.

A this pointer parameter is not automatically added to the parameter list for non-static methods created with makeFnMethod.

mkMethod Source #


:: IsFnName String name 
=> name

The C++ name of the method.

-> [Type]

Parameter types.

-> Type

Return type.

-> Method 

Creates a nonconst, nonstatic Method for class::methodName and whose external name is class_methodName. If the name is an operator, then the operatorPreferredExtName will be used in the external name.

For creating multiple bindings to a method, see mkMethod'.

mkMethod' Source #


:: IsFnName String name 
=> name

The C++ name of the method.

-> String

A foreign name for the method.

-> [Type]

Parameter types.

-> Type

Return type.

-> Method 

Creates a nonconst, nonstatic Method for method class::methodName and whose external name is class_methodName. This enables multiple Methods with different foreign names (and hence different external names) to bind to the same method, e.g. to make use of optional arguments or overloading. See mkMethod for a simpler form.

mkConstMethod :: IsFnName String name => name -> [Type] -> Type -> Method Source #

Same as mkMethod, but returns an MConst method.

mkConstMethod' :: IsFnName String name => name -> String -> [Type] -> Type -> Method Source #

Same as mkMethod', but returns an MConst method.

mkStaticMethod :: IsFnName String name => name -> [Type] -> Type -> Method Source #

Same as mkMethod, but returns an MStatic method.

mkStaticMethod' :: IsFnName String name => name -> String -> [Type] -> Type -> Method Source #

Same as mkMethod', but returns an MStatic method.

mkProps :: [[Method]] -> [Method] Source #

Used in conjunction with mkProp and friends, this creates a list of Methods for binding to getter/setter method pairs. This can be used as follows:

myClass =
  makeClass ... $
  [ methods... ] ++
  [ mkBoolIsProp myClass "adjustable"
  , mkProp myClass "maxWidth" intT

mkProp :: String -> Type -> [Method] Source #

Creates a getter/setter binding pair for methods:

T getFoo() const
void setFoo(T)

mkStaticProp :: String -> Type -> [Method] Source #

Creates a getter/setter binding pair for static methods:

static T getFoo() const
static void setFoo(T)

mkBoolIsProp :: String -> [Method] Source #

Creates a getter/setter binding pair for boolean methods, where the getter is prefixed with is:

bool isFoo() const
void setFoo(bool)

mkBoolHasProp :: String -> [Method] Source #

Creates a getter/setter binding pair for boolean methods, where the getter is prefixed with has:

bool hasFoo() const
void setFoo(bool)

methodImpl :: Method -> MethodImpl Source #

The underlying code that the binding calls.

methodExtName :: Method -> ExtName Source #

The method's external name.

methodApplicability :: Method -> MethodApplicability Source #

How the method is associated to its class.

methodPurity :: Method -> Purity Source #

Whether the method is pure.

methodParams :: Method -> [Type] Source #

The method's parameter types.

methodReturn :: Method -> Type Source #

The method's return type.

methodConst :: Method -> Constness Source #

Returns the constness of a method, based on its methodApplicability.

methodStatic :: Method -> Staticness Source #

Returns the staticness of a method, based on its methodApplicability.

Conversion to and from foreign values

data ClassConversion Source #

When a class object is returned from a function or taken as a parameter by value (i.e. with objT), it will be converted to or from a foreign (non-C++) object. Conversion may also be performed explicitly. This data type describes how to perform those conversions. A class may or may not support conversion, for any particular foreign language; what is said below only applies to classes that are convertible for a language.

When converting between a C++ value and a foreign value, a pointer to the object is passed between C++ and the foreign language. Then, for each foreign language, a binding author can provide pieces of code in that language to translate between the pointer and a foreign value (usually by invoking the FFI functions generated by Hoppy), and generated bindings will perform these conversions automatically. The code supplied to convert in each direction should leave the original object unchanged (and alive, in case of manual memory management). (Internally, during a function call in either direction, the side that creates a value is in charge of its lifetime, but this is managed by Hoppy.)

In foreign code, foreign values can be explicitly converted to new C++ (heap) objects, and C++ object pointers can be explicitly converted to foreign values, via special functions generated for the class.




data ClassConversionMode a Source #

Specifies whether (and if so, how) objects of a class get converted to and from values in a specific foreign language.



Indicates that a class is not convertible for a language. Passing raw objT values into and out of C++ is not allowed.

ClassConversionManual a

Indicates that a class is convertible for a language. Passing raw objT values into and out of C++ is allowed, and the attached structure describes how to perform the conversions.


Indicates that a class is not convertible for a language. Nevertheless, passing an object from C++ to the foreign language via a type of objT cls is allowed, and behaves as though the type were objToHeapT cls instead.


Indicates that a class is not convertible for a language. Nevertheless, passing an object from C++ to the foreign language via a type of objT cls is allowed, and behaves as though the type were toGcT (objT cls) instead.

This should be used for value objects so that you can simply use objT cls in return types, and also write on mkProp "..." (objT cls).

classConversionNone :: ClassConversion Source #

Encoding parameters for a class that is not encodable or decodable.

classModifyConversion :: (ClassConversion -> ClassConversion) -> Class -> Class Source #

Modifies a class's ClassConversion structure with a given function.

classSetConversion :: ClassConversion -> Class -> Class Source #

Replaces a class's ClassConversion structure.

classSetConversionToHeap :: Class -> Class Source #

Modifies a class's ClassConversion structure by setting all languages to use ClassConversionToHeap.

classSetConversionToGc :: Class -> Class Source #

Modifies a class's ClassConversion structure by setting all languages that support garbage collection to use ClassConversionToGc.

data ClassHaskellConversion Source #

Controls how conversions between C++ objects and Haskell values happen in Haskell bindings.





makeCallback Source #


:: ExtName 
-> [Type]

Parameter types.

-> Type

Return type.

-> Callback 

Creates a binding for constructing callbacks into foreign code.

callbackExtName :: Callback -> ExtName Source #

The callback's external name.

callbackParams :: Callback -> [Type] Source #

The callback's parameter types.

callbackReturn :: Callback -> Type Source #

The callback's return type.

callbackReqs :: Callback -> Reqs Source #

Requirements for the callback.


data Addendum Source #

A literal piece of code that will be inserted into a generated source file after the regular binding glue. The Monoid instance concatenates code (actions).




addAddendumHaskell :: HasAddendum a => Generator () -> a -> a Source #

Adds a Haskell addendum to an object.

Haskell imports

type HsModuleName = String Source #

A Haskell module name.

data HsImportSet Source #

A collection of imports for a Haskell module. This is a monoid: import Statements are merged to give the union of imported bindings.

This structure supports two specific types of imports: - import Foo (...) - import qualified Foo as Bar Imports with as but without qualified, and qualified imports with a spec list, are not supported. This satisfies the needs of the code generator, and keeps the merging logic simple.

data HsImportKey Source #

References an occurrence of an import statement, under which bindings can be imported. Only imported specs under equal HsImportKeys may be merged.

data HsImportSpecs Source #

A specification of bindings to import from a module. If Nothing, then the entire module is imported. If Just empty, then only instances are imported.

type HsImportName = String Source #

An identifier that can be imported from a module. Symbols may be used here when surrounded by parentheses. Examples are "fmap" and "(++)".

data HsImportVal Source #

Specifies how a name is imported.



The name is imported, and nothing underneath it is.

HsImportValSome [HsImportName]

The name is imported, as are specific names underneath it. This is a X (a, b, c) import.


The name is imported, along with all names underneath it. This is a X (..) import.

hsWholeModuleImport :: HsModuleName -> HsImportSet Source #

An import for the entire contents of a Haskell module.

hsQualifiedImport :: HsModuleName -> HsModuleName -> HsImportSet Source #

A qualified import of a Haskell module.

hsImport1 :: HsModuleName -> HsImportName -> HsImportSet Source #

An import of a single name from a Haskell module.

hsImport1' :: HsModuleName -> HsImportName -> HsImportVal -> HsImportSet Source #

A detailed import of a single name from a Haskell module.

hsImports :: HsModuleName -> [HsImportName] -> HsImportSet Source #

An import of multiple names from a Haskell module.

hsImports' :: HsModuleName -> [(HsImportName, HsImportVal)] -> HsImportSet Source #

A detailed import of multiple names from a Haskell module.

hsImportSetMakeSource :: HsImportSet -> HsImportSet Source #

Sets all of the import specifications in an import set to be {--} imports.

Internal to Hoppy

stringOrIdentifier :: Identifier -> Maybe String -> String Source #

Like extNameOrIdentifier, but works with strings rather than ExtNames.

callbackToTFn :: Callback -> Type Source #

Creates a fnT from a callback's parameter and return types.

Haskell imports

makeHsImportSet :: Map HsImportKey HsImportSpecs -> HsImportSet Source #

Constructor for an import set.

getHsImportSet :: HsImportSet -> Map HsImportKey HsImportSpecs Source #

Returns the import set's internal map from module names to imported bindings.

hsImportForBits :: HsImportSet Source #

Imports Data.Bits qualified as HoppyDB.

hsImportForInt :: HsImportSet Source #

Imports Data.Int qualified as HoppyDI.

hsImportForWord :: HsImportSet Source #

Imports Data.Word qualified as HoppyDW.

hsImportForForeign :: HsImportSet Source #

Imports Foreign qualified as HoppyF.

hsImportForForeignC :: HsImportSet Source #

Imports Foreign.C qualified as HoppyFC.

hsImportForPrelude :: HsImportSet Source #

Imports Prelude qualified as HoppyP.

hsImportForUnsafeIO :: HsImportSet Source #

Imports System.IO.Unsafe qualified as HoppySIU.

Error messages

objToHeapTWrongDirectionErrorMsg :: Maybe String -> Class -> String Source #

Returns an error message indicating that objToHeapT is used where data is going from a foreign language into C++.

tToGcInvalidFormErrorMessage :: Maybe String -> Type -> String Source #

Returns an error message indicating that objToHeapT is used where data is going from a foreign language into C++.

toGcTWrongDirectionErrorMsg :: Maybe String -> Type -> String Source #

Returns an error message indicating that toGcT is used where data is going from a foreign language into C++.