-- This file is part of Hoppy.
-- Copyright 2015-2020 Bryan Gardiner <bog@khumba.net>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


-- | A driver for a command-line interface to a generator.
-- A simple @Main.hs@ for a generator can simply be:
-- @
-- import "Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Main" ('defaultMain')
-- import "Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec" ('ErrorMsg', 'Interface', 'interface')
-- interfaceResult :: Either 'ErrorMsg' 'Interface'
-- interfaceResult = 'interface' ...
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = 'defaultMain' interfaceResult
-- @
module Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Main (
  Action (..),
  ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, modifyMVar, modifyMVar_, newMVar, readMVar)
import Control.Monad ((<=<), forM, unless, when)
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Common (fromMaybeM, writeFileIfDifferent)
import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Hook (internalEvaluateEnumsForInterface)
import qualified Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Language.Cpp as Cpp
import qualified Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Language.Cpp.Internal as Cpp
import qualified Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Language.Haskell.Internal as Haskell
import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)

-- | Actions that can be requested of the program.
data Action =
    SelectInterface String
    -- ^ Sets the interface that will be used for subsequent actions.
  | ListInterfaces
    -- ^ Lists the interfaces compiled into the generator.
  | ListCppFiles
    -- ^ Lists the generated files in C++ bindings.
  | ListHsFiles
    -- ^ Lists the generated files in Haskell bindings.
  | GenCpp FilePath
    -- ^ Generates C++ wrappers for an interface in the given location.
  | GenHaskell FilePath
    -- ^ Generates Haskell bindings for an interface in the given location.
  | KeepTempOutputsOnFailure
    -- ^ Instructs the generator to keep on disk any temporary programs or files
    -- created, in case of failure.
  | DumpExtNames
    -- ^ Dumps to stdout information about all external names in the current
    -- interface.
  | DumpEnums
    -- ^ Dumps to stdout information about all enums in the current interface.

data AppState = AppState
  { appInterfaces :: Map String Interface
  , appCurrentInterfaceName :: String
  , appCaches :: Caches
  , appKeepTempOutputsOnFailure :: Bool

appCurrentInterface :: AppState -> Interface
appCurrentInterface state =
  let name = appCurrentInterfaceName state
  in case M.lookup name $ appInterfaces state of
       Just iface -> iface
       Nothing ->
         error $
         "Main.appCurrentInterface: Internal error, couldn't find current interface " ++
         show name ++ "."

initialAppState :: [Interface] -> AppState
initialAppState ifaces = AppState
  { appInterfaces = M.fromList $ map (interfaceName &&& id) ifaces
  , appCurrentInterfaceName = interfaceName $ head ifaces
  , appCaches = M.empty
  , appKeepTempOutputsOnFailure = False

type Caches = Map String InterfaceCache

data InterfaceCache = InterfaceCache
  { generatedCpp :: Maybe Cpp.Generation
  , generatedHaskell :: Maybe Haskell.Generation

emptyCache :: InterfaceCache
emptyCache = InterfaceCache Nothing Nothing

getGeneratedCpp ::
  -> Interface
  -> InterfaceCache
  -> IO (Interface, InterfaceCache, Either String Cpp.Generation)
getGeneratedCpp state iface cache = case generatedCpp cache of
  Just gen -> return (iface, cache, Right gen)
  _ -> do
    iface' <- evaluateEnums state iface
    case Cpp.generate iface' of
      l@(Left _) -> return (iface', cache, l)
      r@(Right gen) -> return (iface', cache { generatedCpp = Just gen }, r)

getGeneratedHaskell ::
  -> Interface
  -> InterfaceCache
  -> IO (Interface, InterfaceCache, Either String Haskell.Generation)
getGeneratedHaskell state iface cache = case generatedHaskell cache of
  Just gen -> return (iface, cache, Right gen)
  _ -> do
    iface' <- evaluateEnums state iface
    case Haskell.generate iface' of
      l@(Left _) -> return (iface', cache, l)
      r@(Right gen) -> return (iface', cache { generatedHaskell = Just gen }, r)

evaluateEnums :: AppState -> Interface -> IO Interface
evaluateEnums state iface =
  internalEvaluateEnumsForInterface iface $
  appKeepTempOutputsOnFailure state

-- | This provides a simple @main@ function for a generator.  Define your @main@
-- as:
-- @
-- main = defaultMain $ 'interface' ...
-- @
-- Refer to 'run' for how to use the command-line interface.  Use 'defaultMain''
-- if you want to include multiple interfaces in your generator.
defaultMain :: Either String Interface -> IO ()
defaultMain interfaceResult = defaultMain' [interfaceResult]

-- | This is a version of 'defaultMain' that accepts multiple interfaces.
defaultMain' :: [Either String Interface] -> IO ()
defaultMain' interfaceResults = do
  interfaces <- forM interfaceResults $ \case
    Left errorMsg -> do
      hPutStrLn stderr $ "Error initializing interface: " ++ errorMsg
    Right iface -> return iface

  args <- getArgs
  _ <- run interfaces args
  return ()

-- | @run interfaces args@ runs the driver with the command-line arguments from
-- @args@ against the listed interfaces, and returns the list of actions
-- performed.
-- The recognized arguments are listed below.  The exact forms shown are
-- required; the @--long-arg=value@ style is not supported.
-- - __@--help@:__ Displays a menu listing the valid commands.
-- - __@--list-interfaces@:__ Lists the interfaces compiled into the generator.
-- - __@--interface \<iface\>@:__ Sets the interface that will be used for
--   subsequent arguments.
-- - __@--gen-cpp \<outdir\>@:__ Generates C++ bindings in the given directory.
-- - __@--gen-hs \<outdir\>@:__ Generates Haskell bindings under the given
--   top-level source directory.
run :: [Interface] -> [String] -> IO [Action]
run interfaces args = do
  stateVar <- newMVar $ initialAppState interfaces
  when (null args) $ do
    putStrLn "This is a Hoppy interface generator.  Use --help for options."
    putStrLn ""
    putStrLn $ "Interfaces: " ++ unwords (map interfaceName interfaces)
  when ("--help" `elem` args) $ usage stateVar >> exitSuccess
  processArgs stateVar args

usage :: MVar AppState -> IO ()
usage stateVar = do
  interfaceNames <- map interfaceName <$> getInterfaces stateVar
  mapM_ putStrLn
    [ "Hoppy binding generator"
    , ""
    , "Interfaces: " ++ intercalate ", " interfaceNames
    , ""
    , "Supported options:"
    , "  --help                      Displays this menu."
    , "  --interface <iface>         Sets the interface used for subsequent options."
    , "  --list-interfaces           Lists the interfaces compiled into this binary."
    , "  --list-cpp-files            Lists generated file paths in C++ bindings."
    , "  --list-hs-files             Lists generated file paths in Haskell bindings."
    , "  --gen-cpp <outdir>          Generate C++ bindings in a directory."
    , "  --gen-hs <outdir>           Generate Haskell bindings under the given"
    , "                              top-level source directory."
    , "  --keep-temp-outputs-on-failure"
    , "                              Keeps on disk any temporary programs that fail"
    , "                              to build.  Pass this before --gen-* commands."
    , "  --dump-ext-names            Lists the current interface's external names."
    , "  --dump-enums                Lists the current interface's enum data."
    , ""
    , "Arguments are processed in the order seen."

processArgs :: MVar AppState -> [String] -> IO [Action]
processArgs stateVar args =
  case args of
    [] -> return []

    "--interface":name:rest -> do
      modifyMVar_ stateVar $ \state ->
        case M.lookup name $ appInterfaces state of
          Nothing -> do
            hPutStrLn stderr $
              "--interface: Interface '" ++ name ++ "' doesn't exist in this generator."
            _ <- exitFailure
            return state
          Just _ -> return state { appCurrentInterfaceName = name }
      (SelectInterface name:) <$> processArgs stateVar rest

    "--list-interfaces":rest -> do
      listInterfaces stateVar
      (ListInterfaces:) <$> processArgs stateVar rest

    "--list-cpp-files":rest -> do
      genResult <- withCurrentCache stateVar getGeneratedCpp
      case genResult of
        Left errorMsg -> do
          hPutStrLn stderr $ "--list-cpp-files: Failed to generate: " ++ errorMsg
        Right gen -> do
          mapM_ putStrLn $ M.keys $ Cpp.generatedFiles gen
          (ListCppFiles:) <$> processArgs stateVar rest

    "--list-hs-files":rest -> do
      genResult <- withCurrentCache stateVar getGeneratedHaskell
      case genResult of
        Left errorMsg -> do
          hPutStrLn stderr $ "--list-hs-files: Failed to generate: " ++ errorMsg
        Right gen -> do
          mapM_ putStrLn $ M.keys $ Haskell.generatedFiles gen
          (ListHsFiles:) <$> processArgs stateVar rest

    "--gen-cpp":baseDir:rest -> do
      baseDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist baseDir
      unless baseDirExists $ do
        hPutStrLn stderr $
          "--gen-cpp: Please create this directory so that I can generate files in it: " ++
      genResult <- withCurrentCache stateVar getGeneratedCpp
      case genResult of
        Left errorMsg -> do
          hPutStrLn stderr $ "--gen-cpp: Failed to generate: " ++ errorMsg
        Right gen -> do
          forM_ (M.toList $ Cpp.generatedFiles gen) $
            uncurry $ writeGeneratedFile baseDir
          (GenCpp baseDir:) <$> processArgs stateVar rest

    "--gen-hs":baseDir:rest -> do
      baseDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist baseDir
      unless baseDirExists $ do
        hPutStrLn stderr $
          "--gen-hs: Please create this directory so that I can generate files in it: " ++
      genResult <- withCurrentCache stateVar getGeneratedHaskell
      case genResult of
        Left errorMsg -> do
          hPutStrLn stderr $ "--gen-hs: Failed to generate: " ++ errorMsg
        Right gen -> do
          forM_ (M.toList $ Haskell.generatedFiles gen) $
            uncurry $ writeGeneratedFile baseDir
          (GenHaskell baseDir:) <$> processArgs stateVar rest

    "--dump-ext-names":rest -> do
      withCurrentCache stateVar $ \_ iface cache -> do
        forM_ (interfaceModules iface) $ \m ->
          forM_ (moduleExports m) $ \export ->
          forM_ (getAllExtNames export) $ \extName ->
          putStrLn $ "extname module=" ++ moduleName m ++ " name=" ++ fromExtName extName
        return (iface, cache, ())
      (DumpExtNames:) <$> processArgs stateVar rest

    "--dump-enums":rest -> do
      withCurrentCache stateVar $ \state iface cache -> do
        iface' <- evaluateEnums state iface
        allEvaluatedData <- flip fromMaybeM (interfaceEvaluatedEnumData iface') $ do
          hPutStrLn stderr $ "--dump-enums expected to have evaluated enum data, but doesn't."
        forM_ (M.toList allEvaluatedData) $ \(extName, evaluatedData) -> do
          m <- flip fromMaybeM (M.lookup extName $ interfaceNamesToModules iface) $ do
            hPutStrLn stderr $
              "--dump-enums couldn't find module for enum " ++ show extName ++ "."
          let typeStr =
                Cpp.chunkContents $ Cpp.execChunkWriter $
                Cpp.sayType Nothing $ evaluatedEnumType evaluatedData
          putStrLn $ "enum name=" ++ fromExtName extName ++ " module=" ++ moduleName m ++
            " type=" ++ typeStr
          forM_ (M.toList $ evaluatedEnumValueMap evaluatedData) $ \(words', number) ->
            putStrLn $ "entry value=" ++ show number ++ " name=" ++ show words'
        return (iface', cache, ())
      (DumpEnums:) <$> processArgs stateVar rest

    "--keep-temp-outputs-on-failure":rest -> do
      modifyMVar_ stateVar $ \state -> return $ state { appKeepTempOutputsOnFailure = True }
      (KeepTempOutputsOnFailure:) <$> processArgs stateVar rest

    arg:_ -> do
      hPutStrLn stderr $ "Invalid option or missing argument for '" ++ arg ++ "'."

writeGeneratedFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
writeGeneratedFile baseDir subpath contents = do
  let path = baseDir </> subpath
  createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory path
  writeFileIfDifferent path contents

withCurrentCache ::
  MVar AppState
  -> (AppState -> Interface -> InterfaceCache -> IO (Interface, InterfaceCache, a))
  -> IO a
withCurrentCache stateVar fn = modifyMVar stateVar $ \state -> do
  let iface = appCurrentInterface state
      name = interfaceName iface
  let cache = fromMaybe emptyCache $ M.lookup name $ appCaches state
  (iface', cache', result) <- fn state iface cache
  return ( state { appInterfaces = M.insert name iface' $ appInterfaces state
                 , appCaches = M.insert name cache' $ appCaches state
         , result

listInterfaces :: MVar AppState -> IO ()
listInterfaces = mapM_ (putStrLn . interfaceName) <=< getInterfaces

getInterfaces :: MVar AppState -> IO [Interface]
getInterfaces = fmap (M.elems . appInterfaces) . readMVar