module Data.Time.Hora.Type
    (-- * DatePart  
    -- * UTCTimeBin
    -- * Tz
    -- * TimeSpan 
    TwoInt(..)) where

import Data.Binary
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.LocalTime.TimeZone.Series
import GHC.Generics

{- | serializeable structure for essential Date, Time parts

may also be used to construct 'UTCTime'     

see "Data.Time.Hora.Part" for conversion between 'UTCTime' and 'DatePart'   -}
data DatePart a = DatePart {
    pico::a     -- ^ excludes seconds. Just fraction as Num    
    } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance Functor DatePart where
    fmap f0 d0 = d0 {
            day = f0 (day d0),
            month = f0 (month d0),
            year = f0 (year d0),
            hour = f0 (hour d0),
            minute = f0 (minute d0),
            second = f0 (second d0),
            pico = f0 (pico d0)
-- ^ for ease of conversion

instance Binary (DatePart Int)
-- ^ serializeable   

instance Binary (DatePart Integer)
-- ^ serializeable

instance Binary (DatePart String)
-- ^ serializeable

deriving instance Eq a => Eq (DatePart a)

instance Ord a => Ord (DatePart a) where
    (<=) a0 b0 =
        let y1 = (year a0, year b0)
            m1 = (month a0, month b0)
            d1 = (day a0, day b0)
            h1 = (hour a0, hour b0)
            min1 = (minute a0, minute b0)
            s1 = (second a0, second b0)
            p1 = (pico a0, pico b0)
            l1 = [y1,m1,d1,h1,min1,s1,p1]
            f1 (Stop bo1) _ = Stop bo1
            f1 Continue (a1, b1)
                | a1 < b1 = Stop True
                | a1 == b1 = Continue
                | a1 > b1 = Stop False
            res2 = foldl f1 Continue l1
        in case res2 of
            Continue -> True
            (Stop b2) -> b2

-- private
data Ord_ = Stop Bool | Continue

{- | 'UTCTimeBin' closely mimicks UTCTime.

'UTCTimeBin' has 'Binary' instance. The only purpose of 'UTCTimeBin' is to offer faster conversion and more compact  serialization of 'UTCTime' compared with 'DatePart'.

see "Data.Time.Hora.Part" for conversion between 'UTCTime' and 'UTCTimeBin'      -}
data UTCTimeBin = UTCTimeBin {
            modifiedJulianDay::Integer,    -- ^ The Modified Julian Day is a standard count of days, with zero being the day 1858-11-17
            diffTimeAsPicoseconds::Integer   -- ^ 'DiffTime' expressed as picoseconds
        deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance Binary UTCTimeBin
-- ^ serializeable

{-| 'Tz' ('DatePart' a)  parts show local date & time
for conversions between timezones see "Data.Time.Hora.Zone"     -}
data Tz a = Tz TimeZone a  deriving (Show,Functor)

deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Tz a)
deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Tz a)

-- | 'TimeZone' | 'TimeZoneSeries'
class Tz' tz where
    tz'::tz -> UTCTime -> TimeZone

instance Tz' TimeZone where
    tz' tz0 _ = tz0

instance Tz' TimeZoneSeries where
    tz' = timeZoneFromSeries
{- ^ see "Data.Time.Hora.Zone" re: 'TimeZoneSeries'

use of 'TimeZoneSeries' is preferred when converting from 'UTCTime' to 'DatePart' -}

{- | second and fractions

see "Data.Time.Hora.Span" for conversion    -}
data TimeSpan a = Sec a
                | Pico a
                | Milli a deriving (Show, Functor)

-- | constraint
type TwoInt a b = (Integral a, Integral b)

{- | ! fromInteger returns 'Pico'. assumes the value is Pico seconds

>>> Milli 397100 + (Sec 2) + 37891470000
Pico 399137891470000
>>> Milli 397100 + (Sec 2) + (Pico 37891470000)
Pico 399137891470000
>>> 3 * (Sec 10) == (Sec 30)
>>> 3 * (Pico 10) == (Pico 30)
>>> 300 * (Milli 1000) == (Milli 300000)
True    -}
instance Integral a => Num (TimeSpan a) where
    (+) = withPico (+)
    (*) = withPico (*)
    abs a0 = if a0 > Pico 0 then a0 else - a0
    signum a0
        | a0 > Pico 0 = 1
        | a0 < Pico 0 = - 1
        | otherwise = 0
    fromInteger i0 = Pico $ fromIntegral i0
    (-) = withPico (-)

{- | >>> Sec 1 == Milli 1000
True    -}
instance (Eq a, Integral a) => Eq (TimeSpan a) where
    (==) (Sec a0) (Sec b0) = a0 == b0
    (==) (Milli a0) (Milli b0) = a0 == b0
    (==) (Pico a0) (Pico b0) = a0 == b0
    (==) a0 b0 = a1 == b1
        where a1 = toPico a0::Integer
              b1 = toPico b0::Integer

{- | >>> Sec 1 > Milli 500
True        -}
instance (Ord a, Integral a) => Ord (TimeSpan a) where
    (<=) (Sec a0) (Sec b0) = a0 <= b0
    (<=) (Milli a0) (Milli b0) = a0 <= b0
    (<=) (Pico a0) (Pico b0) = a0 <= b0
    (<=) a0 b0 = a1 <= b1
        where a1 = toPico a0::Integer
              b1 = toPico b0::Integer

withPico::Integral a => (a -> a -> a) ->
    TimeSpan a -> TimeSpan a -> TimeSpan a
withPico fn0 a0 b0 = Pico $ fn0 a1 b1
        where a1 = toPico a0
              b1 = toPico b0

{- | >>> toPico (Milli 1) 
    1000000000 -}
toPico::TwoInt a b => TimeSpan a -> b
toPico (Pico i0) = fromIntegral i0
toPico (Milli i0) = fromIntegral $ i0 * picoMs
toPico (Sec i0) = fromIntegral $ i0 * picoSec

-- | pico in 1 second
picoSec::Integral a => a
picoSec = 1000000000000     --  12

-- | pico in 1 milli
picoMs::Integral a => a
picoMs = 1000000000         --  9