Readme for hpc-coveralls-0.3.0

hpc-coveralls Build Status Gitter chat BSD3 License

hpc-coveralls converts and sends Haskell projects hpc code coverage to

At the moment, only Travis CI has been tested, but hpc-coveralls should be compatible with other CI services (Check HpcCoverallsMain source for the list).

hpc-coveralls is still under development and any contributions are welcome!


Travis CI

Commands to add to your project .travis.yml when using GHC 7.8:

  - cabal install hpc-coveralls
  - cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-library-coverage && cabal build && cabal test
  - hpc-coveralls [options] [test-suite-names]

When using a GHC version prior to 7.8, you have to replace the cabal test command by run-cabal-test, as in the following example:

  - cabal install hpc-coveralls
  - cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-library-coverage && cabal build
  - run-cabal-test [options] [cabal-test-options]
  - hpc-coveralls [options] [test-suite-names]

The reason for this is explained in the next section.

For a real world example usage, please refer to this-project .travis.yml file (result on coveralls). You can also refer to the .travis.yml file of hpc-coveralls itself, which is configured with multi-ghc-travis.

The run-cabal-test command

When using hpc 0.6, cabal test outputs an error message and exits with the error code 1, which results in a build failure.

In order to prevent this from happening, hpc-coveralls provides the run-cabal-test command which runs cabal test and returns with 0 if the regex ^Test suite .*: FAIL$ never matches any line of the output.

As this issue is fixed in the hpc version shipped with GHC 7.8, you don't have to use run-cabal-test when testing with GHC 7.8 and can safely use cabal test.


The --cabal-name option can be used to specify a custom executable name instead of the default cabal when calling cabal test.
Below is an example which can be useful for projects with a Travis configuration based on multi-ghc-travis:

run-cabal-test --cabal-name=cabal-1.18

The hpc-coveralls command

This command parses the hpc generated output, converts its to Coveralls json format and finally sends it to over http.
Multiple test suites can be specified, in which case the coverage report will be made of the merged coverage data generated by the specified test suites.
For example, if your test suite are named test1 and test2, use the command as follows:

hpc-coveralls test1 test2


The --exclude-dir option can be used to exclude source files located under a given directory from the coverage report.
You can exclude source files located under the test/ by using this option as in the following example:

hpc-coveralls --exclude-dir=test [test-suite-names]

You can specify multiple excluded folders by using the following example syntax:

hpc-coveralls --exclude-dir=test1 --exclude-dir=test2 [test-suite-names]


As Coveralls doesn't support yet partial-line coverage, the following convention is used to represent line coverage with line hit counts:

This convention is the same as the one used by cloverage coveralls output for Clojure projects code coverage.

There's an open issue to improve this.


hpc-coveralls is still under development and any contributions are welcome!

Future Plans and Ideas


BSD3 (tl;dr)
