hs-fltk-0.2.5: Binding to GUI library FLTK




begin :: Group_C g => g -> IO ()Source

Begin a group for layout. FIXME not thread safe.

end :: Group_C g => g -> IO ()Source

End a group for layout. FIXME not thread safe.

resizable :: (Group_C g, Widget_C w) => g -> w -> IO ()Source

Mark a widget resizable in the group. Fixme => accessor?

newGroup :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Prop Group] -> IO GroupSource

Create a new Group widget

class Group_C a whereSource

Class for Groups.


_group :: a -> Ptr GroupSource

data Group Source

Group widgets.

data Tabs Source

Tabs Group allows one to display several tabs of widgets.

newTabs :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Prop Tabs] -> IO TabsSource

Create a new Tabs widget