{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Rqlite
, postQueries
, postQuery
, GetResult(..)
, getQuery
, Level(..)
, RQliteError(..)
, reify
) where
import Control.Exception
import Data.Aeson hiding (Result)
import Data.List (find, intercalate)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Network.HTTP hiding (host)
import Network.Stream
data RQResult a =
RQResults { results :: [a]}
| RQLeaderError Text
deriving (Show, Read, Generic)
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (RQResult a) where
parseJSON j = do
Object o <- parseJSON j
case M.toList (o :: Object) of
[("results", x)] -> do
ls <- parseJSON x
return $ RQResults ls
[("error", String err)] | Text.isPrefixOf "leadership lost" err ->
return $ RQLeaderError err
_ -> throw $ UnexpectedResponse $ concat
["Failed to decode ", show j]
data PostResult
= PostResult { last_insert_id :: Int }
| EmptyPostResult
| PostError Text
deriving (Show, Read, Generic)
instance FromJSON PostResult where
parseJSON j = do
Object o <- parseJSON j
case M.toList (o :: Object) of
[("rows_affected", _), ("last_insert_id", Number n)] ->
return $ PostResult $ base10Exponent n
[("last_insert_id", Number n)] ->
return $ PostResult $ base10Exponent n
[("error", String txt)] ->
return $ PostError txt
[] ->
return EmptyPostResult
_ -> throw $ UnexpectedResponse $ concat
["Failed to decode ", show j, " as PostResult"]
post :: String -> String -> IO (Either (Response String) String)
post request body =
reifyRed $ simpleHTTP $ postRequestWithBody
postQueries :: Bool -> String -> [String] -> IO [PostResult]
postQueries redirect host queries = do
let body = concat
[ "["
, intercalate "," (fmap (\str -> concat [" \"", str, "\" "]) queries)
, "]"
go :: Int -> String -> [Response String] -> IO [PostResult]
go 5 _ acc = throwIO $ MaxNumberOfRedirections $ reverse acc
go n req acc = do
mResp <- post req body
case mResp of
Right resp -> do
let postResults = getLastInsertId resp
if length postResults /= length queries
then throw $ UnexpectedResponse $ concat
["Posted ", show (length queries), " queries, but got ", show (length postResults), " results"]
else return postResults
Left resp ->
if redirect
then case find isLocation (rspHeaders resp) of
Nothing -> throwIO $ FailedRedirection resp
Just (Header _ q') ->
go (n + 1) q' (resp : acc)
else throwIO $ HttpRedirect resp
go 0 (mkPostRequest host) []
mkPostRequest :: String -> String
mkPostRequest host = "http://" ++ host ++ "/db/execute?pretty"
postQuery :: Bool -> String -> String -> IO PostResult
postQuery redirect host body = head <$>
postQueries redirect host [body]
getLastInsertId :: String -> [PostResult]
getLastInsertId str = case eitherDecodeStrict $ Char8.pack $ str of
Left e -> throw $ UnexpectedResponse $ concat
["Got ", e, " while trying to decode ", str, " as PostResult"]
Right (RQResults res) -> res
Right (RQLeaderError err) -> throw $ LeadershipLost err
data GetResult a =
GetResult [a]
| GetError String
deriving (Show, Read, Generic)
data Level = None | Weak | Strong
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (GetResult a) where
parseJSON j = do
Object o <- parseJSON j
case M.toList (o :: Object) of
[("values", v), ("types", _), ("columns", _)] ->
GetResult <$> parseJSON v
[("types", _), ("columns", _)] ->
return $ GetResult []
[("error", String str)] ->
return $ GetError $ Text.unpack str
_ -> throw $ UnexpectedResponse $ concat
["Failed to decode ", show j, " as GetResult"]
mkQuery :: String -> Maybe Level -> String -> String
mkQuery host level q = concat
[ "http://"
, host
, "/db/query?"
, encodeLevel level
, "pretty&q="
, urlEncode q
getQuery :: forall a. FromJSON a => Maybe Level -> String -> Bool -> String -> IO (GetResult a)
getQuery level host redirect q = go 0 (mkQuery host level q) []
go :: Int -> String -> [Response String] -> IO (GetResult a)
go 5 _ acc = throwIO $ MaxNumberOfRedirections $ reverse acc
go n query acc = do
let http = simpleHTTP $ getRequest query
mResp <- if redirect
then reifyRed http
else Right <$> reify http
case mResp of
Right respBody ->
case eitherDecodeStrict $ Char8.pack respBody of
Left e -> throwIO $ UnexpectedResponse $ concat
["Got ", e, " while trying to decode ", respBody, " as GetResult"]
Right (RQResults res) -> return $ head res
Right (RQLeaderError err) -> throwIO $ LeadershipLost err
Left resp ->
case find isLocation (rspHeaders resp) of
Nothing -> throwIO $ FailedRedirection resp
Just (Header _ q') ->
go (n + 1) q' (resp : acc)
isLocation :: Header -> Bool
isLocation (Header HdrLocation _) = True
isLocation _ = False
encodeLevel :: Maybe Level -> String
encodeLevel Nothing = ""
encodeLevel (Just None) = "level=none&"
encodeLevel (Just Weak) = "level=weak&"
encodeLevel (Just Strong) = "level=strong&"
reify ::IO (Result (Response String)) -> IO String
reify = reifyHTTPErrors . reifyStreamErrors . reifyNoSuchThing
reifyRed :: IO (Result (Response String)) -> IO (Either (Response String) String)
reifyRed = reifyHTTPErrorsRed . reifyStreamErrors . reifyNoSuchThing
reifyStreamErrors :: IO (Result a) -> IO a
reifyStreamErrors action = do
res <- action
case res of
Left err -> throwIO $ StreamError err
Right a -> return a
reifyHTTPErrorsRed :: IO (Response String) -> IO (Either (Response String) String)
reifyHTTPErrorsRed action = do
resp <-action
case rspCode resp of
(2,0,0) -> return $ Right $ rspBody resp
(3,_,_) -> return $ Left resp
(5,0,3) | Text.isPrefixOf "not leader" (Text.pack $ rspBody resp) -> throwIO NotLeader
_ -> throwIO $ HttpError resp
reifyHTTPErrors :: IO (Response String) -> IO String
reifyHTTPErrors action = do
mresp <- reifyHTTPErrorsRed action
case mresp of
Left resp -> throwIO $ HttpRedirect resp
Right str -> return str
reifyNoSuchThing :: IO a -> IO a
reifyNoSuchThing action = do
a <- try action
case a of
Right a' -> return a'
Left (e :: IOError) | ioe_type e == NoSuchThing -> throwIO $ NodeUnreachable e 1
Left e -> throwIO e
data RQliteError =
NodeUnreachable IOError Int
| StreamError ConnError
| HttpError (Response String)
| HttpRedirect (Response String)
| MaxNumberOfRedirections [Response String]
| FailedRedirection (Response String)
| LeadershipLost Text
| NotLeader
| UnexpectedResponse String
deriving (Show, Typeable, Exception)