Changelog for hs-twitter-0.2.8

Version 0.2.8 - released 2009-05-27; changes from 0.2.7 * remove default passing of 'source=hs-twitter' argument to all API actions. The default argument list is now empty. If you want to configure the 'source=' argument, now use Web.Twitter.Monad.fromSource :: String -> TM a -> TM a Web.Twitter.Monad.getSource :: String -> TM (Maybe String) (Passing in source= to the search APIs causes problems.) Version 0.2.6/0.2.7 - released 2009-05-20; changes from 0.2.4 * Added social graph API additions (getUserFollowers / getUserFollowing ) * support for default arguments via Web.Twitter.Monad.getDefArgs / withDefaultArgs Version 0.2.5 - released 2009-02-05; changes from 0.2.4 * Fix bug in percent-encoding UTF-8 content. (Bug reported by Ilya Kuznetsov; thanks.)