- xc_interface_open :: IO CInt
- xc_interface_close :: XCHandle -> IO CInt
- xc_find_device_number :: CString -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_create :: XCHandle -> Word32 -> XenDomainHandleT -> Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_dumpcore :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CString -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_dumpcore_via_callback :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Ptr Word8 -> FunPtr Dumpcore_rtn_t -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_max_vcpus :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CUInt -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_pause :: XCHandle -> DomId -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_unpause :: XCHandle -> DomId -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_destroy :: XCHandle -> DomId -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_resume :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CInt -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_shutdown :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CInt -> IO CInt
- xc_vcpu_setaffinity :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CInt -> Word64 -> IO CInt
- xc_vcpu_getaffinity :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CInt -> Ptr Word64 -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_getinfo :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CUInt -> Ptr XCDomInfo -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_getinfolist :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CUInt -> Ptr XCDomInfo -> CInt
- xc_domain_hvm_getcontext :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Ptr Word8 -> Word32 -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_hvm_setcontext :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Ptr Word8 -> Word32 -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_setcpuweight :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CFloat -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_get_cpu_usage :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CInt -> IO CLLong
- xc_domain_sethandle :: XCHandle -> DomId -> XenDomainHandleT -> IO CInt
- xc_sedf_domain_set :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> IO CInt
- xc_sedf_domain_get :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Ptr Word64 -> Ptr Word64 -> Ptr Word64 -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_send_trigger :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO CInt
- xc_vcpu_getinfo :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Word32 -> Ptr VCPUInfo -> IO CInt
- data VCPUInfo = VCPUInfo {}
- xc_evtchn_alloc_unbound :: XCHandle -> DomId -> DomId -> IO EventChanPortOrError
- xc_evtchn_reset :: XCHandle -> DomId -> IO CInt
- xc_evtchn_open :: IO CInt
- xc_evtchn_close :: XCEHandle -> IO CInt
- xc_evtchn_fd :: CInt -> IO CInt
- xc_evtchn_notify :: XCEHandle -> EventChannelPort -> IO CInt
- xc_evtchn_bind_unbound_port :: XCEHandle -> DomId -> IO EventChanPortOrError
- xc_evtchn_bind_interdomain :: XCEHandle -> DomId -> EventChannelPort -> IO EventChanPortOrError
- xc_evtchn_bind_virq :: XCEHandle -> CUInt -> IO EventChanPortOrError
- xc_evtchn_unbind :: XCEHandle -> EventChannelPort -> IO CInt
- xc_evtchn_pending :: XCEHandle -> IO EventChanPortOrError
- xc_evtchn_unmask :: XCEHandle -> EventChannelPort -> IO CInt
- xc_physdev_pci_access_modify :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Bus -> Dev -> Function -> Enable -> IO CInt
- xc_readconsolering :: XCHandle -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CUInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
- xc_send_debug_keys :: XCHandle -> CString -> IO CInt
- xc_physinfo :: XCHandle -> Ptr XCPhysInfo -> IO CInt
- xc_sched_id :: XCHandle -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
- xc_getcpuinfo :: XCHandle -> CInt -> Ptr XCCPUInfo -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_setmaxmem :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CUInt -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_set_memmap_limit :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_set_time_offset :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Int32 -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_memory_increase_reservation :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> CUInt -> CUInt -> Ptr XenPFN -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_memory_decrease_reservation :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> CUInt -> Ptr XenPFN -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_memory_populate_physmap :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> CUInt -> CUInt -> Ptr XenPFN -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_ioport_permission :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO CInt
- xc_domain_irq_permission :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO CInt
- xc_make_page_below_4G :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> IO CULong
- xc_perfc_control :: XCHandle -> PerfcOp -> Ptr XCperfcDesc -> Ptr XCperfcVal -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
- xc_map_foreign_range :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CInt -> MemoryProtectionFlags -> CULong -> IO ()
- xc_map_foreign_batch :: XCHandle -> DomId -> MemoryProtectionFlags -> Ptr XenPFN -> CInt -> IO ()
- xc_translate_foreign_address :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CInt -> CULLong -> IO CULong
- xc_get_pfn_list :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Ptr Word64 -> CULong -> IO CInt
- xc_copy_to_domain_page :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> CString -> IO CInt
- xc_clear_domain_page :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> IO CInt
- xc_mmuext_op :: XCHandle -> Ptr MMUExtOp -> CUInt -> DomId -> IO CInt
- xc_memory_op :: XCHandle -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
- xc_get_pfn_type_batch :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CInt -> Ptr Word32 -> IO CInt
- xc_get_tot_pages :: XCHandle -> DomId -> IO CLong
- xc_tbuf_enable :: XCHandle -> CULong -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr CULong -> IO CInt
- xc_tbuf_disable :: XCHandle -> IO CInt
- xc_tbuf_get_size :: XCHandle -> Ptr CULong -> IO CInt
- xc_tbuf_set_cpu_mask :: XCHandle -> Word32 -> IO CInt
- xc_tbuf_set_evt_mask :: XCHandle -> Word32 -> IO CInt
- xc_domctl :: XCHandle -> Ptr XenDomCtl -> IO CInt
- xc_sysctl :: XCHandle -> Ptr XenSysCtl -> IO CInt
- xc_version :: XCHandle -> XenVersion -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
- xc_acm_op :: XCHandle -> CInt -> Ptr () -> CULong -> IO CInt
- newtype GTHandle = GTHandle CInt
- xc_gnttab_open :: IO CInt
- xc_gnttab_close :: GTHandle -> IO CInt
- xc_gnttab_map_grant_ref :: GTHandle -> DomId -> Word32 -> CInt -> IO (Ptr a)
- xc_gnttab_map_grant_refs :: GTHandle -> Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> CInt -> IO (Ptr a)
- xc_gnttab_munmap :: GTHandle -> Ptr a -> Word32 -> IO CInt
- type DomId_t = Word16
- xc_hvm_set_pci_intx_level :: XCHandle -> DomId_t -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
- xc_hvm_set_isa_irq_level :: XCHandle -> DomId_t -> Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt
- xc_hvm_set_pci_link_route :: XCHandle -> DomId_t -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO CInt
- data XCErrorCode
- xcMaxErrorMsgLen :: Integer
- data XCError = XCError {}
- xc_get_last_error :: IO (Ptr XCError)
- xc_clear_last_error :: IO ()
- type XCErrorHandler = FunPtr (XCError -> IO ())
- xc_default_error_handler :: Ptr XCErrorHandler -> IO ()
- xc_error_code_to_desc :: XCErrorCode -> IO CString
- xc_set_error_handler :: XCErrorHandler -> IO XCErrorHandler
- xc_set_hvm_param :: XCHandle -> DomId_t -> CInt -> CULong -> IO CInt
- xc_get_hvm_param :: XCHandle -> DomId_t -> CInt -> Ptr CULong -> IO CInt
- xc_CORE_MAGIC :: CInt
- newtype DomId = DomId Word32
- newtype XCHandle = XCHdl CInt
- data XCShutdown
- data XCDomInfo
- type EventChanPortOrError = CInt
- type Dumpcore_rtn_t = Ptr Word8 -> CString -> CUInt -> IO CInt
- newtype XCEHandle = XCEHandle CInt
- newtype EventChannelPort = ECPort Word32
- data XCPhysInfo = XCPhysInfo {}
- data XCCPUInfo = XCCPUInfo {
- ciIdleTime :: Word64
- data XCperfcDesc = XCperfcDesc ByteString Word32
- type XCperfcVal = Word32
- type XenPFN = CULong
- type PerfcOp = Word32
- perfcOpReset :: Integer
- perfcOpQuery :: Integer
- type MemoryProtectionFlags = CInt
- data MMUExtOp = MMUExtOp {}
- type XenDomainHandleT = Ptr Word8
- data XenVersion
- xENVER_extraversion :: XenVersion
- xENVER_compile_info :: XenVersion
- xENVER_capabilities :: XenVersion
- xENVER_changeset :: XenVersion
- xENVER_platform_parameters :: XenVersion
- xENVER_get_features :: XenVersion
- xENVER_pagesize :: XenVersion
- xENVER_guest_handle :: XenVersion
- xENVER_version :: XenVersion
xc_domain_create :: XCHandle -> Word32 -> XenDomainHandleT -> Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> IO CIntSource
xc_domain_dumpcore_via_callback :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Ptr Word8 -> FunPtr Dumpcore_rtn_t -> IO CIntSource
xc_domain_sethandle :: XCHandle -> DomId -> XenDomainHandleT -> IO CIntSource
xc_sedf_domain_set :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> IO CIntSource
xc_sedf_domain_get :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Ptr Word64 -> Ptr Word64 -> Ptr Word64 -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> IO CIntSource
xc_evtchn_close :: XCEHandle -> IO CIntSource
xc_evtchn_fd :: CInt -> IO CIntSource
xc_evtchn_bind_interdomain :: XCEHandle -> DomId -> EventChannelPort -> IO EventChanPortOrErrorSource
xc_physdev_pci_access_modify :: XCHandle -> DomId -> Bus -> Dev -> Function -> Enable -> IO CIntSource
xc_physinfo :: XCHandle -> Ptr XCPhysInfo -> IO CIntSource
xc_domain_memory_increase_reservation :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> CUInt -> CUInt -> Ptr XenPFN -> IO CIntSource
xc_domain_memory_decrease_reservation :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> CUInt -> Ptr XenPFN -> IO CIntSource
xc_domain_memory_populate_physmap :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CULong -> CUInt -> CUInt -> Ptr XenPFN -> IO CIntSource
xc_perfc_control :: XCHandle -> PerfcOp -> Ptr XCperfcDesc -> Ptr XCperfcVal -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CIntSource
Must mlock() the XCperfc data structures after poking and before calling this function.
xc_map_foreign_range :: XCHandle -> DomId -> CInt -> MemoryProtectionFlags -> CULong -> IO ()Source
xc_map_foreign_batch :: XCHandle -> DomId -> MemoryProtectionFlags -> Ptr XenPFN -> CInt -> IO ()Source
xc_tbuf_disable :: XCHandle -> IO CIntSource
xc_version :: XCHandle -> XenVersion -> Ptr () -> IO CIntSource
xc_gnttab_close :: GTHandle -> IO CIntSource
xc_gnttab_map_grant_refs :: GTHandle -> Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> CInt -> IO (Ptr a)Source
xc_hvm_set_pci_intx_level :: XCHandle -> DomId_t -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CIntSource
data XCErrorCode Source
DomId identifies the Xen VM
Xen Control Handle identifies the IO channel through which must functions will pass their messages.
data XCShutdown Source
SHUTDOWN constants matching those found in xen/sched.h
type EventChanPortOrError = CIntSource
newtype EventChannelPort Source
data XCPhysInfo Source
XCPhysInfo | |
type XCperfcVal = Word32Source
type MemoryProtectionFlags = CIntSource
The user of MMUExtOp must perform their own marshaling operations, note the lack of a Storable instance.
type XenDomainHandleT = Ptr Word8Source
data XenVersion Source