-- | Functions to provide mediated access to the SC3 help system.
module Sound.SC3.Server.Help where

import Control.Monad {- base -}
import System.FilePath {- filepath -}
import System.Process {- process -}

import qualified Sound.SC3.UGen.Help as Help

{- | Generate path to indicated SC3 instance method help.  Adds initial
forward slash if not present.

> let r = "./Reference/Server-Command-Reference.html#/b_alloc"
> sc3_server_command_ref "." "b_alloc" == r

sc3_server_command_ref :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
sc3_server_command_ref d c =
    let f = d </> "Reference/Server-Command-Reference.html"
        c' = case c of
               '/':_ -> c
               _ -> '/':c
    in f ++ '#':c'

{- | Lookup @SC3@ help file for server command `c'.

> Sound.SC3.Server.Help.viewServerHelp "/b_allocRead"
> viewServerHelp "done"
viewServerHelp :: String -> IO ()
viewServerHelp c = do
  d <- Help.sc3HelpDirectory
  let nm = sc3_server_command_ref d c
  br <- Help.get_env_default "BROWSER" "x-www-browser"
  void (rawSystem br ["file://" ++ nm])