-- | The unit-generator graph structure implemented by the SuperCollider synthesis server.
module Sound.SC3.Server.Synthdef where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L {- bytestring -}
import System.FilePath {- filepath -}

import Sound.SC3.UGen.Graph
import Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.Graph
import Sound.SC3.UGen.Type

import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Graphdef as Graphdef
import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Graphdef.Graph as Graph

-- | A named unit generator graph.
data Synthdef = Synthdef {synthdefName :: String
                         ,synthdefUGen :: UGen}
                deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Alias for 'Synthdef'.
synthdef :: String -> UGen -> Synthdef
synthdef = Synthdef

{- | The SC3 /default/ instrument 'Synthdef', see 'default_ugen_graph'.

> import Sound.OSC {- hosc -}
> import Sound.SC3 {- hsc3 -}
> withSC3 (sendMessage (d_recv defaultSynthdef))
> audition defaultSynthdef

defaultSynthdef :: Synthdef
defaultSynthdef = synthdef "default" default_ugen_graph

-- | The SC3 /default/ sample (buffer) playback instrument 'Synthdef',
-- see 'default_sampler_ugen_graph'.
-- > withSC3 (sendMessage (d_recv (defaultSampler False)))
-- > audition (defaultSampler False)
defaultSampler :: Bool -> Synthdef
defaultSampler use_gate =
    let nm = "default-sampler-" ++ if use_gate then "gate" else "fixed"
    in synthdef nm (default_sampler_ugen_graph use_gate)

-- | 'ugen_to_graph' of 'synthdefUGen'.
synthdefGraph :: Synthdef -> U_Graph
synthdefGraph = ugen_to_graph . synthdefUGen

-- | Parameter names at 'Synthdef'.
-- > synthdefParam defaultSynthdef == ["amp","pan","gate","freq","out"]
synthdefParam :: Synthdef -> [String]
synthdefParam = map u_node_k_name . ug_controls . synthdefGraph

-- | 'graph_to_graphdef' at 'Synthdef'.
synthdef_to_graphdef :: Synthdef -> Graphdef.Graphdef
synthdef_to_graphdef (Synthdef nm u) = Graph.graph_to_graphdef nm (ugen_to_graph u)

-- | Encode 'Synthdef' as a binary data stream.
synthdefData :: Synthdef -> L.ByteString
synthdefData = Graphdef.encode_graphdef . synthdef_to_graphdef

-- | Write 'Synthdef' to indicated directory.  The filename is the
-- 'synthdefName' with the appropriate extension (@scsyndef@).
synthdefWrite :: Synthdef -> FilePath -> IO ()
synthdefWrite s dir =
    let nm = dir </> synthdefName s <.> "scsyndef"
    in L.writeFile nm (synthdefData s)

-- | 'graph_stat_ln' of 'synth'.
synthstat_ln :: UGen -> [String]
synthstat_ln = ug_stat_ln . ugen_to_graph

-- | 'unlines' of 'synthstat_ln'.
-- > putStrLn $ synthstat Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.Graph.default_ugen_graph
synthstat :: UGen -> String
synthstat = unlines . synthstat_ln

-- | Variant without UGen sequence.
-- > putStrLn $ synthstat_concise (default_sampler_ugen_graph True)
synthstat_concise :: UGen -> String
synthstat_concise = unlines . reverse . drop 1 . reverse . synthstat_ln