hsc3-process-0.2.1: Create and control scsynth processes





Server options

data ServerOptions Source

Specify general server options used both in realtime and non-realtime mode.




serverProgram :: FilePath

Path to the scsynth program

numberOfControlBusChannels :: Int

Number of allocated control bus channels

numberOfAudioBusChannels :: Int

Number of allocated audio bus channels

numberOfInputBusChannels :: Int

Number of physical input channels

numberOfOutputBusChannels :: Int

Number of physical output channels

blockSize :: Int

Synthesis block size

numberOfSampleBuffers :: Int

Number of allocated sample buffers

maxNumberOfNodes :: Int

Maximum number of synthesis nodes

maxNumberOfSynthDefs :: Int

Maximum number of synth definitions

realtimeMemorySize :: Int

Realtime memory size in bytes

numberOfWireBuffers :: Int

Number of unit generator connection buffers

numberOfRandomSeeds :: Int

Number of random number generator seeds

loadSynthDefs :: Bool

If True, load synth definitions from synthdefs directory on startup

verbosity :: Verbosity

Verbosity level

ugenPluginPath :: Maybe [FilePath]

List of UGen plugin search paths

restrictedPath :: Maybe FilePath

Sandbox path to restrict OSC command filesystem access

defaultServerOptions :: ServerOptionsSource

Default server options.

Realtime options

data RTOptions Source

Realtime server options, parameterized by the OpenSoundControl Transport to be used.




udpPortNumber :: Int

UDP port number (one of udpPortNumber and tcpPortNumber must be non-zero)

tcpPortNumber :: Int

TCP port number (one of udpPortNumber and tcpPortNumber must be non-zero)

useZeroconf :: Bool

If True, publish scsynth service through Zeroconf

maxNumberOfLogins :: Int

Max number of supported logins if sessionPassword is set

sessionPassword :: Maybe String

Session password Audio device control

hardwareDeviceName :: Maybe String

Hardware device name (JACK client:server name on Linux)

hardwareBufferSize :: Int

Hardware buffer size (no effect with JACK)

hardwareSampleRate :: Int

Hardware buffer size (no effect with JACK)

inputStreamsEnabled :: Maybe Int

Enabled input streams (CoreAudio only)

outputStreamsEnabled :: Maybe Int

Enabled output streams (CoreAudio only)

defaultRTOptions :: RTOptionsSource

Default realtime server options.

defaultRTOptionsUDP :: RTOptionsSource

Default realtime server options (UDP transport).

defaultRTOptionsTCP :: RTOptionsSource

Default realtime server options (TCP transport).

Non-Realtime options

data NRTOptions Source

Non-realtime server options.




commandFilePath :: Maybe FilePath

Path to OSC command file (Nothing for stdin)

inputFilePath :: Maybe FilePath

Path to input sound file (Nothing for no audio input)

outputFilePath :: FilePath

Path to output sound file

outputSampleRate :: Int

Output sound file sample rate

outputHeaderFormat :: String

Output sound file header format

outputSampleFormat :: String

Output sound file sample format

defaultNRTOptions :: NRTOptionsSource

Default non-realtime server options.