{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- Calls to the hsinspect binary must have some context, which typically must be
-- discovered from the file that the user is currently visiting.
-- This module gathers the definition of the context and the logic to infer it,
-- which assumes that .cabal (or package.yaml) and .ghc.flags files are present.
module HsInspect.LSP.Context where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), throwE)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import HsInspect.LSP.Util
import System.Directory (findExecutablesInDirectories)
import System.FilePath

-- TODO replace String with Text
data Context = Context
  { hsinspect :: FilePath
  , package_dir :: FilePath
  , ghcflags :: [String]
  , ghcpath :: String
  , srcdir :: FilePath

findContext :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO Context
findContext src = do
  ghcflags' <- discoverGhcflags src
  ghcpath' <- discoverGhcpath src
  let readWords file = words <$> readFile' file
      readFile' = liftIO . readFile
  ghcpath <- readFile' ghcpath'
  Context <$> discoverHsInspect ghcpath <*> discoverPackageDir src <*> readWords ghcflags' <*> pure ghcpath <*> pure (takeDirectory ghcflags')

discoverHsInspect :: String -> ExceptT String IO FilePath
discoverHsInspect path = do
  let dirs = splitSearchPath path
  found <- liftIO $ findExecutablesInDirectories dirs "hsinspect"
  case found of
    [] -> throwE help_hsinspect
    exe : _ -> pure exe

-- c.f. haskell-tng--compile-dominating-package
discoverPackageDir :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO FilePath
discoverPackageDir file = do
  let dir = takeDirectory file
      isCabal = (".cabal" `isSuffixOf`)
      isHpack = ("package.yaml" ==)
  failWithM "There must be a .cabal or package.yaml" $
    locateDominatingDir (\f -> isCabal f || isHpack f) dir

discoverGhcflags :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO FilePath
discoverGhcflags file = do
  let dir = takeDirectory file
  failWithM ("There must be a .ghc.flags file. " ++ help_ghcflags) $
   locateDominatingFile (".ghc.flags" ==) dir

discoverGhcpath :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO FilePath
discoverGhcpath file = do
  let dir = takeDirectory file
  failWithM ("There must be a .ghc.path file. " ++ help_ghcflags) $
    locateDominatingFile (".ghc.path" ==) dir

-- note that any formatting in these messages are stripped
help_ghcflags :: String
help_ghcflags = "The cause of this error could be that this package has not been compiled yet, \
                \or the ghcflags compiler plugin has not been installed for this package. \
                \See https://gitlab.com/tseenshe/hsinspect#installation for more details."

help_hsinspect :: String
help_hsinspect = "The hsinspect binary has not been installed for this package. \
                 \See https://gitlab.com/tseenshe/hsinspect#installation for more details."

-- from Control.Error.Util
failWithM :: Applicative m => e -> m (Maybe a) -> ExceptT e m a
failWithM e ma = ExceptT $ (maybe (Left e) Right) <$> ma