hsoptions- Haskell library that supports command-line flag processing

MaintainerJose Raymundo Cruz (jose.r.cruz01@gmail.com)
Safe HaskellNone



Core HsOptions library source.



flagError :: String -> String -> StringSource

Takes a flag's name and an error message and builds a proper error for the flag.


  • flag_name: the name of the flag
  • error: the error message


  • A pretty error message for the flag name.

usingFileKw :: (String, [String])Source

The keyword for the usingFile flag and its aliases.

This flag is used to include a configuration text file for flag parsing.

helpKw :: (String, [String])Source

The keyword for the help flag and its aliases.

When the user pass in this flag the display error function is called.

inheritKw :: StringSource

The keyword for the inherit feature.

This keyword allows the user to set a flag's value based on it's previous value.

inheritRegex :: StringSource

Regex used to match the inheritKw.

reservedWords :: [String]Source

Holds all words that are reserved on by the library and cannot be used as flag names.

isOptional :: FlagConf (Maybe a)Source

Creates a flag configuration that makes the flag as optional.

Since the flag is optional then it's type must bet Flag (Maybe a), so that it can be Nothing if the flag was not provided by the user or Just value if it was provided.


  • A flag configuration that marks the flag as optional. This method is a specification of the requiredIf method. Is is equivalent to:
>>> requiredIf (const False)

emptyValueIs :: a -> FlagConf aSource

Creates a flag configuration that defines the default value when the flag is empty.

Sets the value a flag should take if it is the case that this flag was provided by the user but not it's value (i.e. runhaskell Program.hs --user_id).


  • empty_value: the value to use if the flag value is empty.


  • A flag configuration that sets the flag's empty value.

defaultIs :: a -> FlagConf aSource

Creates a flag configuration that sets sets the default value for a flag if the flag is not provided by the user.


  • default value: the default value of the flag.


  • A flag configuration that sets the flag's default value. This method is a specification of the defaultIs method. Is is equivalent to:
>>> defaultIf a (const True)

defaultIf :: (FlagResults -> Maybe a) -> FlagConf aSource

Creates a flag configuration that sets a dependent default value for a flag.

This configuration requires a function that takes in a FlagResults as argument and returns a `Maybe a` value, Nothing says that there is no default value and `Just something` says that there is a default value.


  • default_getter: function that given a FlagResults returns the default value (Just) or Nothing if no default value exist;


  • A flag configuration that sets the dependent default value for the flag.

aliasIs :: [String] -> FlagConf aSource

Creates a flag configuration for the aliases of the flag.

Sets multiple alias for a single flag. (i.e. --user_id alias: ["u", "uid","user_identifier"]). These aliases can be used to set the flag value, so --user_id = 8 is equivalent to -u = 8.


  • aliases: the alias list for the flag.


  • A flag configuration that sets the aliases for a given flag.

requiredIf :: (FlagResults -> Bool) -> FlagConf (Maybe a)Source

Creates a flag configuration that marks a flag as conditionally required.

The flag will be required from the user if the condition returns True and the user does not provides the flag in the input stream, a "flag is required" error is displayed in this scenario.

The flag type must be Maybe a, if the condition returns False and the flag is not provided then it's value is Nothing. On the other hand if the flag is provided it's value will be Just value.


  • condition: the condition to determine if the flag is required.


  • A flag configuration that sets the conditional flag required constraint.

parser :: (FlagArgument -> Maybe a) -> FlagConf aSource

Sets the flag's parser configuration.

It takes the function that will parse the string input to the corresponding flag type value. A set of this functions, such as intParser, was created to provide a basic set of parsers.


  • parser_function: a function that takes a flag argument and returns Nothing if the argument can not be parsed or the parsed value (Just) if the argument can be parsed correctly.


  • A flag configuration that defines how to parse the string input.

maybeParser :: (FlagArgument -> Maybe a) -> FlagConf (Maybe a)Source

Combination of the parser and toMaybeParser for syntactic sugar since this is a very common scenario.

Basically is defined as:

 maybeParser = parser . toMaybeParser

So instead of always doing:

>>> user_id = make ("user_id", "help", [parser $ toMaybeParser intParser])

You can do:

>>> user_id = make ("user_id", "help", [maybePaser intParser])


  • parser_function: parser function that defines how to parse the string input to the flag's value.


  • A flag configuration that sets how to parse the string input.

operation :: OperationToken -> FlagConf aSource

Creates a flag configuration for the default operation of the flag.

Defines the default operation for the flag if no operation is made explicit by the user. If this method is not called then the default operation is always assign.

>>> runhaskell Program.hs --user_name += batman
Operation was explicit: Operation = "Append operation"
>>> runhaskell Program.hs --user_name batman
Operation not specified: Operation = @default_operation@


  • default_operation: operation to use if no operation is provided for the flag in the input stream.


  • A flag configuration that sets the default operation of the flag.

append :: OperationTokenSource

Append operation (+=). One of the available flag operations.

The flag value is appended with it's previous value using a space in between values. It is used as the argument of operation function:

>>> operation append
Sets the default operation for the flag to append


  • Append flag operation.

append' :: OperationTokenSource

Append' operation (+=!). One of the available flag operations.

Same as append but appends with no space in between. It is used as the argument of operation function:

>>> operation append'
Sets the default operation for the flag to append'


  • Append' flag operation.

prepend :: OperationTokenSource

Prepend operation (=+). One of the available flag operations.

The flag value is prepended with it's previous value using a space in between values. It is used as the argument of operation function:

>>> operation prepend
Sets the default operation for the flag to prepend


  • Prepend flag operation.

prepend' :: OperationTokenSource

Prepend' operation (=+!). One of the available flag operations.

Same as prepend but appends with no space in between. It is used as the argument of operation function:

>>> operation prepend'
Sets the default operation for the flag to prepend'


  • Prepend' flag operation.

assign :: OperationTokenSource

Assign operation (=). Default flag operation if no operation is set.

Sets the flag value to the current value, overwriting any previous value the flag may have.

>>> operation assign
Sets the default operation for the flag to assign


  • Assign flag operation.

toMaybeParser :: (FlagArgument -> Maybe a) -> FlagArgument -> Maybe (Maybe a)Source

Wraps a parser function that takes a FlagArgument and returns a "Maybe a" and converts it to a function that returns a "Maybe (Maybe a)".

This new function does will never fail if the argument is missing or if the argument value is missing (FlagMissing or FlagValueMissing), instead this function maps any of these two to a Nothing value.

If the flag argument is of type FlagValue then the original parser is used.

It is a convenient way to reuse current parsers, like intParser, without having to redefine them. For instance "intParser" is of type FlagArgument -> (Maybe Int), but "toMaybeParser intParser" is of type FlagArgument -> (Maybe (Maybe Int)).

Usage example:

 user_id :: Flag (Maybe Int)
 user_id = make ("user_id", "help", [parser (toMaybeParser intParser)])

As you can observe intParser was reused.


  • original_parser: the original parser to be wrapped.


  • A new parser that changes the result type to an optional type.

get :: FlagResults -> Flag a -> aSource

Method to get a flag value out of a FlagResults.

This is the method used to get the proper value for each flag after the input stream has been processed. The processMain method will create the FlagResults data structure for a set of defined flags.

This is an example on how to use this method:

 user_id :: Flag Int
 user_id = make ("user_id", "help", [parser intParser]

 main_success :: (FlagResults, ArgsResults) -> IO ()
 main_success (flags, _) = putStrLn ("Next user id: " ++
                                    show ((get flags user_id) + 1)))


  • flag_results: the FlagResults created from the input stream.


  • The value of the given flag.


  • An exception is raised if flag does not exist in the FlagResults. At this point, the get method should always succeed parsing a flag value. If the flag is not found then that means that the flag was not processed by the parser, possibly because the flag was not added to the FlagData sent to the processor.

flagDefault :: FlagResults -> [FlagConf a] -> Maybe aSource

Finds the default value from a flag's list of configurations if the default value was configured for the flag.

If a dependent default value was configured for the flag then it is matched agains the flag_results, if the match returns True then the default value is returned, otherwise Nothing is returned.


  • flag_results: the current FlagResults.
  • configurations: the list of configurations for the flag.


  • Nothing: if there is no dependent default configuration.
  • Nothing: if the depedent default configuration predicate returns False
  • Just defaultValue: if the dependent default configuration predicate returns True

flagAlias :: [FlagConf a] -> [String]Source

Returns the list of flag alias configured for the flag.


  • configurations: the list of configurations for the flag.


  • A list of all the flag alias configured for the flag.

flagDAlias :: [FlagDataConf] -> [String]Source

Returns the list of flag alias configured for the flag.

Similar to flagAlias but for FlagDataConf instead.


  • configurations: the list of configurations for the flag.


  • A list of all the flag alias configured for the flag.

flagDDefaultOperation :: [FlagDataConf] -> OperationTokenSource

Finds the default operation for the flag.

If the default operation is not found the the assign operation is used as the default.


  • configurations: the list of configurations for the flag.


  • The default operation for the flag.

flagEmptyValue :: [FlagConf a] -> Maybe aSource

Finds the value to use if the flag value is empty.


  • configurations: the list of configurations for the flag.


  • Nothing: if there is no empty value configured for the flag * Just value: if the empty value is found.

runRealParser :: [FlagConf a] -> FlagArgument -> Maybe aSource

Finds the parser for the flags and runs it against the flag argument.


  • configurations: the list of configurations for the flag.
  • flag_argument: the argument of the flag.


  • The parsed value of the flag_argument by using the original flag parser


  • An exception if no parser is found. This method depend on previous validation that the parser was configured for the flag.

runParser :: FlagResults -> [FlagConf a] -> FlagArgument -> Maybe aSource

Runs the parser for the flag depending on the type of FlagArgument.

Takes into considerations scenarios where the flag argument is missing but the user defined a default value for the flag or if the flag argument is empty and the user defined an empty value for the flag.


  • flag_results: the current FlagResults.
  • configurations: the list of configurations for the flag.
  • flag_argument: the argument of the flag.


  • The default value for the flag: if a default value was configured and the flag argument is FlagMissing.
  • The empty value for the flag: if an empty value was configured and the flag argument is FlagValueMissing
  • Otherwise: The result of the real parser configured for the flag.

combine :: [FlagData] -> FlagDataSource

Takes a list of FlagData and combines them together into a single FlagData.

Validates that a flag name is not repeated in the incoming list of flag data.

Usage example:

 flagData = combine [ flagToData user_id
                    , flagToData user_name,
                    , flagToData database


  • flag_data_list: list of flag data to combine.



  • An exception if any two flag names are duplicated in the input flag_data_list.

validate :: GlobalRule -> FlagDataSource

Constructs a FlagData out of a GlobalRule.

This global rule will be used in the last validation stage of the process method.

Usage example:

 flagData = combine [ flagToData user_id
                     , validate (\fr -> if get fr user_id < 0
                                       then Just "user id negative error"
                                       else Nothing)

Multiple validation rules can exist.


  • global_rule: global validation rule


  • A FlagData representation of the global_rule.

flagToData :: Flag a -> FlagDataSource

Converts a Flag to a FlagData.

FlagData is the general form of the flag that is not bounded by the type "a" of the "Flag a" input, thus it can be added to a collection of flags later.


  • flag: the flag to be mapped.


  • A corresponding FlagData for the flag.

fConfToFDataConf :: FlagConf a -> FlagDataConfSource

Maps a FlagConf a to a FlagDataConf data type.


  • flag_conf: the flag configuration to be mapped to a FlagDataConf.


invalidFlag :: (String, [FlagConf a]) -> Maybe StringSource

Checks if a flag is invalid.

Among the validation rules checks that the file name follows the correct convention, as well as all the flag's aliases.


  • (flag_name, flag_configuration): the data of the flag required to validate it.


  • Nothing if the flag is valid.
  • An error message (Just) if the flag failed.

invalidFlagName :: String -> BoolSource

Returns True if the flag name is value, False otherwise.

Enforces the convention for the flag name: "Letter followed by many ( Letters - Numbers - Dashes (-) - Underscores (_) ).


  • flag_name: the name of the flag.


  • True if the flag name follows the convention, False otherwise.

mapAlias :: FlagAliasMap -> String -> StringSource

Maps a flag alias to the real flag name.

For example if the flag --user_id has the -uid alias configured in the flag_alias_map then:

>>> mapAlias flag_alias_map "uid"
will return "user_id"

If the alias is not found in the flag_alias_map then the flag_alias argument is returned unmodified.


  • flag_alias_map: the map of flag alias to flag name.
  • flag_alias: the alias to be mapped to the real flag name.


  • The real flag name for the flag_alias if found or the same argument unmodified if not found.

replaceStr :: String -> (String, String) -> StringSource

Replaces the sub_string with the replacement_string in the input input_string.

>>> replaceStr "One two three@" ("two", "four")
"One four three"


  • input_string: the string to be searched.
  • sub_string: the string to be replaced in the input_string.
  • replacement_string: the string to be used as a replacement of sub_string.


  • The input_string with any sub_string replaced for replacement_string.

executeOp :: ParseResults -> (String, OperationToken, FlagValueToken) -> FlagArgumentSource

Creates the flag argument from the parser results for a given flag based on the operation performed on the flag.

Maps the flag opereration to the respective method that will produce the flag value, such as execAppend (that produces the flag value by appending the current value with the previous value).


  • parse_results: the current state of the parse process.
  • (flag_name, operation, flag_value): flag and flag value information, as well as the operation being performed to the flag.


  • A flag argument containing the final value for the flag after the operation was performed.

execAssign :: ParseResults -> (String, FlagValueToken) -> FlagArgumentSource

Performs the assign flag operation.

Assigns the current value to the flag disregarding any previous state of the flag.


  • parse_results: the current state of the parse process.
  • (flag_name, flag_value): name and value of the current operation.


execAppend :: ParseResults -> (String, FlagValueToken) -> FlagArgumentSource

Performs the append flag operation.

Appends the current value of the flag to the previous value of the flag. A space is used as a separator between the two values.

If the current value for the flag is empty then the previous value is taken as the new flag value.


  • parse_results: the current state of the parse process.
  • (flag_name, flag_value): name and value of the current operation.


  • The current value of the flag appended to the previous value of the flag using a space as separator.

execAppend' :: ParseResults -> (String, FlagValueToken) -> FlagArgumentSource

Performs the append' flag operation.

Similar to append but does not use a space as separator.

If the current value for the flag is empty then the previous value is taken as the new flag value.


  • parse_results: the current state of the parse process.
  • (flag_name, flag_value): name and value of the current operation.


  • The current value of the flag appended to the previous value of the flag without using any in between separator.

execPrepend :: ParseResults -> (String, FlagValueToken) -> FlagArgumentSource

Performs the prepend flag operation.

Prepends the current value of the flag to the previous value of the flag. A space is used as a separator between the two values.

If the current value for the flag is empty then the previous value is taken as the new flag value.


  • parse_results: the current state of the parse process.
  • (flag_name, flag_value): name and value of the current operation.


  • The current value of the flag prepended to the previous value of the flag using a space as separator.

execPrepend' :: ParseResults -> (String, FlagValueToken) -> FlagArgumentSource

Performs the prepend' flag operation.

Similar to prepend but does not use a space as separator.

If the current value for the flag is empty then the previous value is taken as the new flag value.


  • parse_results: the current state of the parse process.
  • (flag_name, flag_value): name and value of the current operation.


  • The current value of the flag prepend to the previous value of the flag without using any in between separator.

previousOrEmpty :: FlagResults -> String -> FlagArgumentSource

Tries to find the previous result of a flag in the FlagResults.


  • parse_results: the current parsed flags.
  • flag_name: flag name used to find the flag's value.


  • The value of the flag inside the parse_results if it exists or FlagValueMissing otherwise.

applyInherit :: ParseResults -> FlagArgument -> FlagArgumentSource

Checks if the value for the flag includes the $(inherit) keyword and replaces this keyword by the previous value of the flag.

It is a generalization of the append or prepend features, you can insert the previous value of the flag in any position of the new value.

For example, if the previous flag value was "batman" and the new value was "a-$(inherit)-z" then the new value will be expanded to "a-batman-z".


  • parse_results: the current parsed flags.
  • argument: the value of the flag.


  • A new flag value by expanding any $(inherit) keyword with the previous value of the flag.

parseToken :: (ParseResults, Token) -> ParseResultsSource

Takes a Token and produces a ParseResults.

ParseResults contains the final result of the flag after being analysed.

If the token is an ArgToken then it is mapped unmodified to a ParseResults. If the token is a FlagToken then the flag operation is performed and the inherit keyword is expanded, then a ParseResults is created with this final flag value.


  • (parse_results, token): the parse results so far and the current token to parse.


  • A parse results after evaluating the current token.

parseArgs :: [Token] -> ParseResults -> ParseResultsSource

Takes a list of tokens, an initial ParseResults and returns a complete merge ParsedResults after parsing each token in order.

Every token is parsed using the parseToken and it's result is continuously merged until all tokens are consumed.


  • tokens: the list of tokens to parse.
  • initial_parse_result: the initial state of the parse process.


  • A complete ParseResults after parsing all of the input tokens in order.

concatToks :: TokenizeResult -> TokenizeResult -> TokenizeResultSource

Concatenates two TokenizeResult together.

If both are errors (Left) then the errors are concatenated.

If only one of them is errors (Left) then that result is returned.

If non are errors, but tokens (Right), then the tokens are concatenated and returned.


  • tokenize_result1: first result.
  • tokenize_result2: second result.


  • tokenize_result1 concatenated with tokenize_result2

readFile' :: String -> IO (Either SomeException String)Source

Reads a file from disk and returns the file content or an error.


  • filename: the filename of the file to be opened.


  • Either an exception (Left) or the file content (Right).

parseConfFile :: ([String], FlagData) -> String -> IO TokenizeResultSource

Parses the content of a configuration file.

If there is an error reading the file then that error is returned, otherwise the file content is processed and tokenized.

A preprocessor stage is performed on the content to remove the comments in the text file (comments starts with a hash (#) ).


  • (parents, flag_data): the parents is the tree of configuraiton file parents of this current configuration file. The flag_data is the information about the flags defined in the code.
  • configuration_filename: the path of the configuration file to include.


  • The tokenized version of the content of the configuration file or an error (Left) if any errors found during the process.

removeComments :: String -> StringSource

Removes all the comments of the input_text.

A comment is a string that begins with hash symbol (#) and ends with a line change ('\n').


  • input_text: the input text.


  • The same input text but with all comments removed.

isUsingConfFlag :: Token -> IO (Maybe String)Source

Checks if the token is the flag '--usingFile'.


  • token: the token to evaluate.


  • Nothing if the token is not for the --usingFile flag.
  • The canonical path of the configuration file (Just) if the token is for the flag --usingFile.

includeConfig :: ([String], FlagData) -> [Token] -> IO TokenizeResultSource

Recursively expands all the configuration file includes from the input token stream.

It takes the input tokens and searches for any instance of the --usingFile flag. If this flag is found then that flag is consumed, the configuration file defined by that flag is tokenized and these new tokens are inserted in the current spot of the input token stream.

This is a recurvise process that will stop once all the --usingFile have been consumed and we got a stream of pure flag tokens.

If a circular dependency is detected then an error is reported to user. parents has the current tree of parents so we can check if we are including one parent configuration file, which will cause an infinite loop.


  • (parents, flag_data): the parents is the tree of configuraiton file parents of this current configuration file. The flag_data is the information about the flags defined in the code.
  • input_tokens: the input token stream.


  • A new token stream with all the configuration file includes expanded, or an error if any error is found (either with circular dependency or invalid flag values).

reportCircularDependency :: [String] -> IO TokenizeResultSource

Creates an error message when a circular dependency is found.

Creates a pretty error highlighting the circular dependency.


  • tree: the tree of configuration files that caused the problem.


  • An error showing the problem.

tokenize :: ([String], FlagData) -> String -> IO TokenizeResultSource

Takes an input string and creates a stream of tokens after parsing the input with the parseInput.

After the initial token stream is created all the configuration files includes are expanded to create a clean token stream.


  • (parents, flag_data): the parents is the tree of configuraiton file parents of this current configuration file. The flag_data is the information about the flags defined in the code.
  • input_string: the input string to tokenize.


  • A tokenized stream processed from the input string.

mkDefaultOp :: [(String, (String, [FlagDataConf]))] -> DefaultOpSource

Creates a map of flag name to flag default operation.

This map is used in the parser to correctly retrieve which is the default operation for each flag when the user does not explicitly specifies the flag operation.


  • flag_list: all the flags in the code (including the flag configuration).


  • A map from flag to default operation.

process :: FlagData -> [String] -> IO (Either [FlagError] ProcessResults)Source

Does the actual flag parsing.

It begins by parsing the entire input stream and creating a tokenized input stream. A recursive search is done in these tokens to find any configuration files includes. Each conf file include is expanded until the tokenized stream is just composed of flags and positional arguments.

This tokenized stream is validated then by the rules of each flag, such as type validation, required flags, constraints, etc.

This method is an IO action because it needs to expand the configuration file includes (open the file and get it's content). When the stream is tokenized and no more IO is needed the 'process\'' method is called.

The validation is divided in two, local validation and global validation.

Local validation handled things like reserved words, unknown flags and correct flag types.

Global validation happens at the end and does all the validation that needs a context, such as global validation constraints, conditionally required flags and dependent default. Global validation only happens if the local validation succeeds.


  • flag_data: a set of all the flags to process.
  • input_stream: the command line input stream.


  • Either a list of errors (Left) or a successful result (Right).

process' :: FlagData -> [Token] -> Either [FlagError] ProcessResultsSource

Does the actual flag parsing after the input stream have been tokenized and the configuration files have been expanded.

Updates the tokenized input stream and changes any flag alias set by the user to the actual name of the flag, meaning if the user sent --uid = 8 then the token is changed to --user_id = 8 (considering uid is an alias for user_id). This means from this point forward the flag name is used as the flag identifier (any alias was mapped to the flag name).

Performs local validation:

  • Verifies that no reserved words was used for the flag's name.
  • Validates that no unknown flag was sent by the user.
  • Validates that for every value set to a flag this value can be parsed to the type the flag is expecting. (i.e. checks the string value of an Int flag can be parsed from string to Int correctly).

Performs global validation:

  • Validates the requiredIf constraints.
  • Validates the defaultIf constraints.
  • Validates all global validation rules are passing (rules created by using the validate function)


  • flag_data: a set of all the flags to process.
  • tokenized_input_stream: the complete input stream after tokenized.

Returns: * Either a list of errors (Left) or a successful result (Right).

updateFlagAlias :: FlagData -> [Token] -> [Token]Source

Maps the flag alias to the real flag name for each of the input tokens.

The alias is mapped using the mapAlias method.


  • flag_data: contains information for the configured aliases.
  • tokens: the list of tokens.


  • An update list of tokens with each flag alias replaced with the real name of the flag.

getFlagName :: Token -> Maybe StringSource

Gets the flag name from a token if the token is a flag.


  • token: the token.


updateName :: Token -> String -> TokenSource

Replaces the name of a flag with a new name.


  • token: the token.
  • name: the new name for the flag.


  • An updated token with the name replaced with the new name if the token is a FlagToken. The unmodified token otherwise.

anyArgIsHelp :: [String] -> BoolSource

Checks if the help flag was sent by the user.


  • arguments: the arguments from the user.


  • True if the user sent the --help or the -h flags.

processMain :: String -> FlagData -> (ProcessResults -> IO ()) -> ([FlagError] -> IO ()) -> (String -> [(String, [String], String)] -> IO ()) -> IO ()Source

Processes the input arguments and parses all the flags.

Starts the process flags pipeline. First checks if the user wants to display the help text of the program. This is done by looking for the flag "--help" or "-h" flag in the input stream. If this flag is found then the display_help function is called with all the compiled helptext and the program description.

If the user does not wants to display the help then the process function is called to do the actual flag parsing. This function can return errors or a success result (FlagResults, ArgsResults). If any error is found then the failure function is called with the list of errors, otherwise the success function is called with the results.

See the process documentation to see the rules and conditions of flag parsing.


  • description: the description of the program. Sent to the display_help function.
  • flag_data: a collection of all the flags defined in the code.
  • success: a success callback function. Called if no errors were found while parsing the flags from the input.
  • failure: a failure callback function. Called if some errors were found while parsing the input.
  • display_help: a display help callback function. Called when the "--help" or "-h" flag was sent by the user.


  • An IO action.

getQuotedArgs :: IO [String]Source

Returns the arguments sent by the user.

Double quote any argument that contains whitespace.


  • The list of the command line arguments quoting any argument with whitespace.

hasFatalError :: [FlagError] -> BoolSource

Checks if a fatal error occurred.


  • errors: all flag errors.


pipelines :: [[PipelineFunction]] -> PipelineFunctionSource

Merges a list of pipelines.

If any pipeline returns an error then the error is returned without processing the remaining pipelines.


  • pipelines: a list of pipelines.


  • A pipeline function that merges a list of pipelines.

pipeline :: [PipelineFunction] -> PipelineFunctionSource

Executes the pipeline functions in order.

The result of the current pipeline function is sent to the next function in the list.

The functions are evaluated until the list is consumed or any function returns a fatal error.


  • pipelines: the list of pipeline functions


  • A pipeline function that executes the list of pipelines in order.

validateReservedWords :: PipelineFunctionSource

Pipeline function that validates no flag is using a reserved word as it's name.


  • (flag_data, flag_results): the flag data and the current flag results.


  • An error if any flag is using a reserved word as it's name. The flag_results is not modified for the next pipeline function.

ifIsJust :: Maybe a -> (a -> Bool) -> BoolSource

Applies the predicate if the value is Just.


  • value: value to apply the predicate
  • predicate: the predicate to apply.


  • True if the value is Nothing.
  • The predicate applied to the internal value if is Just.

addMissingFlags :: PipelineFunctionSource

Pipeline function that modifies the results by inserting all missing flags into it.

At this point the flags have been processed by the parser, so the FlagResults will have only the flags sent by the user. The remaining flags are inserted into the FlagResults with a FlagMissing value.

This is useful so that future pipeline functions don't need to worry about any flag not present in the flag results, as all defined flags will be there, and missing flags will be there with the FlagMissing value.


  • (flag_data, flag_results): the flag data and the current flag results.


  • The modified flag_results.

validateUnknownFlags :: PipelineFunctionSource

Pipeline function that checks if any unknown flag was sent by the user.

If a flag exists in the flag_results that does not exist in the flag_data then an error is returned.


  • (flag_data, flag_results): the flag data and the current flag results.


  • An error if an unknown flag is found.

validateFlagParsers :: PipelineFunctionSource

Pipeline function that runs the checkValidator on all the define flags on flag_data.


  • (flag_data, flag_results): the flag data and the current flag results.


  • An error if the flag validator fails.

validateRequiredIf :: PipelineFunctionSource

Pipeline function that runs the requiredIfValidator on all the define flags on flag_data.


  • (flag_data, flag_results): the flag data and the current flag results.

Returns: * An error if the flag is required.

validateDependentDefault :: PipelineFunctionSource

Pipeline function that runs the defaultIfValidator on all the define flags on flag_data.


  • (flag_data, flag_results): the flag data and the current flag results.

Returns: * An error if the flag is required.

validateGlobalRules :: PipelineFunctionSource

Pipeline function that runs all the global rules defined in the flag_data.


  • (flag_data, flag_results): the flag data and the current flag results.

Returns: * An error if any validation rules fails.

requiredIfValidator :: [FlagDataConf] -> FlagResults -> FlagArgument -> ValidationResultSource

Validates if the flag should be conditionally required.

If the flag is missing, was marked as conditionally required (using requiredIf) and the required predicate returns true then a "flag required" error is reported.

In any other condition a success validation result is returned.


  • flag_configurations: the configurations for a flag.
  • flag_results: current state of the flags.
  • flag_argument: the flag argument.


defaultIfValidator :: [FlagDataConf] -> FlagResults -> FlagArgument -> ValidationResultSource

Validates if the flag has a default value or the flag is optional when the flag is missing.

If the flag is missing and it is not optional or it does not have a default value configured then a "flag required" error is reported.

In any other condition a success validation result is returned.


  • flag_configurations: the configurations for a flag.
  • flag_results: current state of the flags.


make :: (String, String, [FlagConf a]) -> Flag aSource

Defines a flag.

A defined flag consist of a name, a helptext and a list of flag configurations. The name is the flag identifier, it must be unique among all other defined flags.

The name must follow the pattern " 'Letter' followed by many 'Letters || Numbers || Dashes (-) || Underscores (_)' ". If the name of the flag is invalid an exception is thrown.

A parser for the flag must be set in the configuration by using parser or maybeParser. If a parser is not found an exception is thrown.


  • (name, helptext, configurations): A triple containing the flag name, the helptext and the flag configurations.


  • A flag.


  • An exception if the name is invalid (does not follows the pattern).
  • An exception if the parser was not set in the configurations.

defaultDisplayHelp :: String -> [(String, [String], String)] -> IO ()Source

Prints the help text to the screen using an standard format.


  • description: the description of the program.
  • flag_helptexts: A list of triples (name, aliases, helptext) that contains an entry for each flag, with the flag's name, aliases and helptext.

mapOptOption :: [String] -> String -> OptDescr StringSource

Creates an option description from the names and helptext.


  • names: the names for the flag.
  • helptext: the helptext for the flag.


splitShortName :: [String] -> (String, [String])Source

Takes the single character strings from the input_list and separates them from the list.

>>> splitShortName ["one", "a", "two","b"]
("ab", ["one", "two"])


  • input_list: a list of strings.


  • A tuple where the first element is a list of the single character strings from the input_list and the second if the remaining strings from the input_list.

defaultDisplayErrors :: [FlagError] -> IO ()Source

Displaye the list of errors to the screen.


  • errors: list of errors to display.

getFlagHelp :: FlagData -> [(String, [String], String)]Source

Creates a data structure with all the flag helptext information.


  • flag_data: all configured flags in the system.


  • A list of triples. Each triple contains (flag_name, [flag_alias], flag_helptext). After all flags in flag_data are processed the two system flags (help and usingFile) are appended to the end of the list.

flagDIsOptional :: [FlagDataConf] -> BoolSource

Returns whether the flag configuration marked this flag as optional.


  • flag_configurations: the configurations for a flag.


  • True if the flag is an optional flag. False otherwise.

flagDIsRequiredIf :: [FlagDataConf] -> FlagResults -> BoolSource

Returns whether the flag should be required to the user based on the current results.

First checks if the flag was configured as conditionally required (with the use of the requiredIf function).

If it was, this required condition is checked against the current state.


  • flag_configurations: the configurations for a flag.
  • flag_results: current state of the flags.


  • True if the flag should be required to the user.

flagDHasDefaultForResults :: [FlagDataConf] -> FlagResults -> BoolSource

Returns True if any of the FlagDataConf_HasDefault returns True.

For all the configured default values of the flag (like when using defaultIs or defaultIf checks if any of the predicates returns true for the given FlagResults.


  • flag_configurations: the configurations for a flag.
  • flag_results: current state of the flags.


  • True if there is any default value configured for the flag. False otherwise.

flagDHasDefault :: [FlagDataConf] -> BoolSource

Checks if a dependent default value was configured for the flag, like when the defaultIf or defaultIs functions are used.


  • flag_configurations: the configurations for a flag.


  • True if a dependent default was configured for the flag. False otherwise.

flagDHasEmptyValue :: [FlagDataConf] -> BoolSource

Checks if an empty value was configured for the flag, like when the emptyValueIs function is used.


  • flag_configurations: the configurations for a flag.


  • True if an empty value was configured for the flag. False otherwise.

runDValidator :: [FlagDataConf] -> FlagArgument -> BoolSource

Finds the flag validator (FlagDataConf_Validator) in the list of flag configurations and runs it against the flag argument.


  • flag_configurations: the configurations for a flag.
  • flag_argument: the argument for the flag.


  • The result of the validator when run against the flag argument.

validationError :: String -> String -> ValidationResultSource

Creates a failed validation result for a flag.

Constructor method to easily created a failed validation result (ValidationError).


  • flag_name: flag name that caused the error.
  • error_message: error message.


  • A validation result for a flag error.

checkValidator :: [FlagDataConf] -> FlagArgument -> ValidationResultSource

Checks if the flag value provided in FlagArgument is valid by using the validation found in the flag_configurations.

The configured flag validator will only be used if required.

Under these conditions the flag is considered valid, and a ValidationSuccess is returned, without the need to use the flag validator:

  • The flag is missing but was marked as optional.
  • The flag is missing but has a default value.
  • The flag is empty but has an empty value configured.

If none of the above applies, then this is the expected results:

  • The flag is missing: A "flag is required" error is reported.
  • The flag is empty: A "flag value is empty" error is reported.
  • The flag has a value: The configured flag validator is run with this value. If it fails a "flag value invalid" error is reported.


  • flag_configurations: the configurations for a flag.
  • flag_argument: the argument for the flag.


valueParser :: Read a => FlagArgument -> Maybe aSource

Helper parser function.

Parses any type that is instance of the Read class.


  • argument: the input argument.


  • Nothing if the argument is missing or if it's value is missing.
  • Otherwise it calls read on the argument value and returns a " Maybe a" with the result of read.

intParser :: FlagArgument -> Maybe IntSource

Parses an Int from the input FlagArgument


  • argument: the input argument


  • Nothing if the argument cannot be parsed to the type or the parsed value (Just) if it can.

doubleParser :: FlagArgument -> Maybe DoubleSource

Parses an Double from the input FlagArgument


  • argument: the input argument


  • Nothing if the argument cannot be parsed to the type or the parsed value (Just) if it can.

floatParser :: FlagArgument -> Maybe FloatSource

Parses an Float from the input FlagArgument


  • argument: the input argument


  • Nothing if the argument cannot be parsed to the type or the parsed value (Just) if it can.

arrayParser :: Read a => FlagArgument -> Maybe [a]Source

Parses an Array from the input FlagArgument


  • argument: the input argument


  • Nothing if the argument cannot be parsed to the type or the parsed value (Just) if it can.

charParser :: FlagArgument -> Maybe CharSource

Parses a Char from the input FlagArgument


  • argument: the input argument


  • Nothing if the argument cannot be parsed to the type or the parsed value (Just) if it can.

stringParser :: FlagArgument -> Maybe StringSource

Parses a String from the input FlagArgument


  • argument: the input argument


  • Nothing if the argument cannot be parsed to the type or the parsed value (Just) if it can.

boolParser :: FlagArgument -> Maybe BoolSource

Parses a Bool from the input FlagArgument


  • argument: the input argument


  • False (Just) if the flag is missing.
  • True (Just) if the flag value is missing.
  • Nothing if the argument cannot be parsed to the type or the parsed value (Just) if it can.

boolFlag :: [FlagConf Bool]Source

A predefined set of flag configurations for a boolean flag.

Defines a set of configurations that specifies:

This defines a default boolean flag behavior such that if the flag is missing then it is treated as False, if the flag is present (i.e --help) then it is True.