Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Message
- Disconnected (1)
- Ignore (2)
- Unimplemented (3)
- Debug (4)
- ServiceRequest (5)
- ServiceAccept (6)
- KexInit (20)
- KexNewKeys (21)
- KexEcdhInit (30)
- KexEcdhReply (31)
- UserAuthRequest (50)
- UserAuthFailure (51)
- UserAuthSuccess (52)
- UserAuthBanner (53)
- UserAuthPublicKeyOk (60)
- ChannelOpen (90)
- ChannelOpenConfirmation (91)
- ChannelOpenFailure (92)
- ChannelWindowAdjust (93)
- ChannelData (94)
- ChannelExtendedData (95)
- ChannelEof (96)
- ChannelClose (97)
- ChannelRequest (98)
- ChannelSuccess (99)
- ChannelFailure (100)
- Misc
- data HostKeyAlgorithm = SshEd25519
- data KeyExchangeAlgorithm = Curve25519Sha256AtLibsshDotOrg
- data EncryptionAlgorithm = Chacha20Poly1305AtOpensshDotCom
- data CompressionAlgorithm = None
- type Get = Get
- class Encoding a where
- runPut :: ByteArrayBuilder -> ByteString
- runGet :: (MonadFail m, Encoding a) => ByteString -> m a
- putExitCode :: Builder b => ExitCode -> b
- getExitCode :: Get ExitCode
- getFramed :: Get a -> Get a
- putWord8 :: Builder b => Word8 -> b
- getWord8 :: Get Word8
- expectWord8 :: Word8 -> Get ()
- getWord32 :: Get Word32
- putBytes :: Builder b => ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> b
- getBytes :: ByteArray ba => Word32 -> Get ba
- lenByteString :: ByteString -> Word32
- putByteString :: Builder b => ByteString -> b
- getByteString :: Word32 -> Get ByteString
- getRemainingByteString :: Get ByteString
- putString :: (Builder b, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ba -> b
- putShortString :: Builder b => ShortByteString -> b
- getShortString :: Get ShortByteString
- getString :: ByteArray ba => Get ba
- getName :: Get Name
- putName :: Builder b => Name -> b
- putBool :: Builder b => Bool -> b
- getBool :: Get Bool
- getTrue :: Get ()
- getFalse :: Get ()
- putAsMPInt :: (Builder b, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ba -> b
- data Disconnect = Disconnect DisconnectParty DisconnectReason DisconnectMessage
- data DisconnectParty
- data DisconnectReason
- = DisconnectHostNotAllowedToConnect
- | DisconnectProtocolError
- | DisconnectKeyExchangeFailed
- | DisconnectReserved
- | DisconnectMacError
- | DisconnectCompressionError
- | DisconnectServiceNotAvailable
- | DisconnectProtocolVersionNotSupported
- | DisconnectHostKeyNotVerifiable
- | DisconnectConnectionLost
- | DisconnectByApplication
- | DisconnectTooManyConnection
- | DisconnectAuthCancelledByUser
- | DisconnectNoMoreAuthMethodsAvailable
- | DisconnectIllegalUsername
- | DisconnectOtherReason Word32
- newtype DisconnectMessage = DisconnectMessage ByteString
- exceptionProtocolVersionNotSupported :: Disconnect
- exceptionConnectionLost :: Disconnect
- exceptionKexInvalidTransition :: Disconnect
- exceptionKexInvalidSignature :: Disconnect
- exceptionKexNoSignature :: Disconnect
- exceptionKexNoCommonKexAlgorithm :: Disconnect
- exceptionKexNoCommonEncryptionAlgorithm :: Disconnect
- exceptionMacError :: Disconnect
- exceptionInvalidPacket :: Disconnect
- exceptionPacketLengthExceeded :: Disconnect
- exceptionAuthenticationTimeout :: Disconnect
- exceptionAuthenticationLimitExceeded :: Disconnect
- exceptionServiceNotAvailable :: Disconnect
- exceptionInvalidChannelId :: Disconnect
- exceptionInvalidChannelRequest :: Disconnect
- exceptionWindowSizeOverflow :: Disconnect
- exceptionWindowSizeUnderrun :: Disconnect
- exceptionPacketSizeExceeded :: Disconnect
- exceptionDataAfterEof :: Disconnect
- exceptionAlreadyExecuting :: Disconnect
- exceptionUnexpectedMessage :: ByteString -> Disconnect
- data KeyPair = KeyPairEd25519 PublicKey SecretKey
- newKeyPair :: IO KeyPair
- data PublicKey
- decodePrivateKeyFile :: (MonadFail m, ByteArray input, ByteArrayAccess passphrase, ByteArray comment) => passphrase -> input -> m [(KeyPair, comment)]
- toPublicKey :: KeyPair -> PublicKey
- data Message
- = MsgDisconnect Disconnected
- | MsgIgnore Ignore
- | MsgUnimplemented Unimplemented
- | MsgDebug Debug
- | MsgServiceRequest ServiceRequest
- | MsgServiceAccept ServiceAccept
- | MsgKexInit KexInit
- | MsgKexNewKeys KexNewKeys
- | MsgKexEcdhInit KexEcdhInit
- | MsgKexEcdhReply KexEcdhReply
- | MsgUserAuthRequest UserAuthRequest
- | MsgUserAuthFailure UserAuthFailure
- | MsgUserAuthSuccess UserAuthSuccess
- | MsgUserAuthBanner UserAuthBanner
- | MsgUserAuthPublicKeyOk UserAuthPublicKeyOk
- | MsgChannelOpen ChannelOpen
- | MsgChannelOpenConfirmation ChannelOpenConfirmation
- | MsgChannelOpenFailure ChannelOpenFailure
- | MsgChannelWindowAdjust ChannelWindowAdjust
- | MsgChannelData ChannelData
- | MsgChannelExtendedData ChannelExtendedData
- | MsgChannelEof ChannelEof
- | MsgChannelClose ChannelClose
- | MsgChannelRequest ChannelRequest
- | MsgChannelSuccess ChannelSuccess
- | MsgChannelFailure ChannelFailure
- | MsgUnknown Word8
- class MessageStream a where
- sendMessage :: forall msg. Encoding msg => a -> msg -> IO ()
- receiveMessage :: forall msg. Encoding msg => a -> IO msg
- data Disconnected = Disconnected {}
- data DisconnectReason
- = DisconnectHostNotAllowedToConnect
- | DisconnectProtocolError
- | DisconnectKeyExchangeFailed
- | DisconnectReserved
- | DisconnectMacError
- | DisconnectCompressionError
- | DisconnectServiceNotAvailable
- | DisconnectProtocolVersionNotSupported
- | DisconnectHostKeyNotVerifiable
- | DisconnectConnectionLost
- | DisconnectByApplication
- | DisconnectTooManyConnection
- | DisconnectAuthCancelledByUser
- | DisconnectNoMoreAuthMethodsAvailable
- | DisconnectIllegalUsername
- | DisconnectOtherReason Word32
- data Ignore = Ignore
- data Unimplemented = Unimplemented Word32
- data Debug = Debug {}
- data ServiceRequest = ServiceRequest ServiceName
- data ServiceAccept = ServiceAccept ServiceName
- data KexInit = KexInit {
- kexCookie :: Cookie
- kexKexAlgorithms :: [Name]
- kexServerHostKeyAlgorithms :: [Name]
- kexEncryptionAlgorithmsClientToServer :: [Name]
- kexEncryptionAlgorithmsServerToClient :: [Name]
- kexMacAlgorithmsClientToServer :: [Name]
- kexMacAlgorithmsServerToClient :: [Name]
- kexCompressionAlgorithmsClientToServer :: [Name]
- kexCompressionAlgorithmsServerToClient :: [Name]
- kexLanguagesClientToServer :: [Name]
- kexLanguagesServerToClient :: [Name]
- kexFirstPacketFollows :: Bool
- data KexNewKeys = KexNewKeys
- data KexEcdhInit = KexEcdhInit {}
- data KexEcdhReply = KexEcdhReply {}
- data UserAuthRequest = UserAuthRequest UserName ServiceName AuthMethod
- data UserAuthFailure = UserAuthFailure [Name] Bool
- data UserAuthSuccess = UserAuthSuccess
- data UserAuthBanner = UserAuthBanner ShortByteString ShortByteString
- data UserAuthPublicKeyOk = UserAuthPublicKeyOk PublicKey
- data ChannelOpen = ChannelOpen ChannelId ChannelWindowSize ChannelPacketSize ChannelOpenType
- data ChannelOpenType
- data ChannelOpenConfirmation = ChannelOpenConfirmation ChannelId ChannelId ChannelWindowSize ChannelPacketSize
- data ChannelOpenFailure = ChannelOpenFailure ChannelId ChannelOpenFailureReason ShortByteString ShortByteString
- data ChannelOpenFailureReason
- data ChannelWindowAdjust = ChannelWindowAdjust ChannelId ChannelWindowSize
- data ChannelData = ChannelData ChannelId ShortByteString
- data ChannelExtendedData = ChannelExtendedData ChannelId Word32 ShortByteString
- data ChannelEof = ChannelEof ChannelId
- data ChannelClose = ChannelClose ChannelId
- data ChannelRequest = ChannelRequest {}
- data ChannelRequestEnv = ChannelRequestEnv {}
- data ChannelRequestPty = ChannelRequestPty {}
- data ChannelRequestWindowChange = ChannelRequestWindowChange {}
- data ChannelRequestShell = ChannelRequestShell
- data ChannelRequestExec = ChannelRequestExec {}
- data ChannelRequestSignal = ChannelRequestSignal {}
- data ChannelRequestExitStatus = ChannelRequestExitStatus {}
- data ChannelRequestExitSignal = ChannelRequestExitSignal {}
- data ChannelSuccess = ChannelSuccess ChannelId
- data ChannelFailure = ChannelFailure ChannelId
- data AuthMethod
- newtype ChannelId = ChannelId Word32
- newtype ChannelType = ChannelType ShortByteString
- type ChannelPacketSize = Word32
- type ChannelWindowSize = Word32
- data Cookie
- newCookie :: MonadRandom m => m Cookie
- nilCookie :: Cookie
- newtype Password = Password ShortByteString
- data PtySettings = PtySettings {}
- data PublicKey
- newtype SessionId = SessionId ShortByteString
- data Signature
- newtype Version = Version ShortByteString
- type ServiceName = Name
- type UserName = Name
- newtype Name = Name ShortByteString
- class HasName a where
- data Connection identity
- data ConnectionConfig identity = ConnectionConfig {
- onSessionRequest :: identity -> SessionRequest -> IO (Maybe SessionHandler)
- onDirectTcpIpRequest :: identity -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> IO (Maybe DirectTcpIpHandler)
- channelMaxCount :: Word16
- channelMaxQueueSize :: Word32
- channelMaxPacketSize :: Word32
- data SessionRequest = SessionRequest
- newtype SessionHandler = SessionHandler (forall stdin stdout stderr. (InputStream stdin, OutputStream stdout, OutputStream stderr) => Environment -> Maybe TermInfo -> Maybe Command -> stdin -> stdout -> stderr -> IO ExitCode)
- newtype Environment = Environment [(ByteString, ByteString)]
- data TermInfo = TermInfo PtySettings
- newtype Command = Command ByteString
- data DirectTcpIpRequest = DirectTcpIpRequest {}
- newtype DirectTcpIpHandler = DirectTcpIpHandler (forall stream. DuplexStream stream => stream -> IO ())
- data ConnectionMsg
- serveConnection :: forall stream identity. MessageStream stream => ConnectionConfig identity -> stream -> identity -> IO ()
- data UserAuthConfig identity = UserAuthConfig {
- onAuthRequest :: UserName -> ServiceName -> PublicKey -> IO (Maybe identity)
- userAuthMaxTime :: Word16
- userAuthMaxAttempts :: Word16
- withAuthentication :: forall identity stream a. MessageStream stream => UserAuthConfig identity -> stream -> SessionId -> (ServiceName -> Maybe (identity -> IO a)) -> IO a
- verifyAuthSignature :: SessionId -> UserName -> ServiceName -> PublicKey -> Signature -> Bool
- class (InputStream stream, OutputStream stream) => DuplexStream stream
- class OutputStream stream where
- send :: stream -> ByteString -> IO Int
- sendUnsafe :: stream -> MemView -> IO Int
- class InputStream stream where
- peek :: stream -> Int -> IO ByteString
- receive :: stream -> Int -> IO ByteString
- receiveUnsafe :: stream -> MemView -> IO Int
- sendAll :: OutputStream stream => stream -> ByteString -> IO ()
- receiveAll :: InputStream stream => stream -> Int -> IO ByteString
- data Transport
- data TransportConfig = TransportConfig {}
- data Disconnected = Disconnected {}
- withTransport :: (DuplexStream stream, AuthAgent agent) => TransportConfig -> Maybe agent -> stream -> (Transport -> SessionId -> IO a) -> IO (Either Disconnect a)
- plainEncryptionContext :: OutputStream stream => stream -> EncryptionContext
- plainDecryptionContext :: InputStream stream => stream -> DecryptionContext
- newChaCha20Poly1305EncryptionContext :: (OutputStream stream, ByteArrayAccess key) => stream -> key -> key -> IO EncryptionContext
- newChaCha20Poly1305DecryptionContext :: InputStream stream => ByteArrayAccess key => stream -> key -> key -> IO DecryptionContext
- data TStreamingQueue = TStreamingQueue {}
- newTStreamingQueue :: Word32 -> TVar Word32 -> STM TStreamingQueue
- capacity :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32
- getSize :: TStreamingQueue -> STM Word32
- getFree :: TStreamingQueue -> STM Word32
- getWindowSpace :: TStreamingQueue -> STM Word32
- addWindowSpace :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32 -> STM ()
- askWindowSpaceAdjustRecommended :: TStreamingQueue -> STM Bool
- fillWindowSpace :: TStreamingQueue -> STM Word32
- terminate :: TStreamingQueue -> STM ()
- enqueue :: TStreamingQueue -> ByteString -> STM Word32
- dequeue :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32 -> STM ByteString
- dequeueShort :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32 -> STM ShortByteString
- lookAhead :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32 -> STM ByteString
data HostKeyAlgorithm Source #
Eq HostKeyAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms (==) :: HostKeyAlgorithm -> HostKeyAlgorithm -> Bool # (/=) :: HostKeyAlgorithm -> HostKeyAlgorithm -> Bool # | |
Show HostKeyAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms showsPrec :: Int -> HostKeyAlgorithm -> ShowS # show :: HostKeyAlgorithm -> String # showList :: [HostKeyAlgorithm] -> ShowS # | |
HasName HostKeyAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms name :: HostKeyAlgorithm -> Name Source # |
data KeyExchangeAlgorithm Source #
Eq KeyExchangeAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms (==) :: KeyExchangeAlgorithm -> KeyExchangeAlgorithm -> Bool # (/=) :: KeyExchangeAlgorithm -> KeyExchangeAlgorithm -> Bool # | |
Show KeyExchangeAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms showsPrec :: Int -> KeyExchangeAlgorithm -> ShowS # show :: KeyExchangeAlgorithm -> String # showList :: [KeyExchangeAlgorithm] -> ShowS # | |
HasName KeyExchangeAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms name :: KeyExchangeAlgorithm -> Name Source # |
data EncryptionAlgorithm Source #
Eq EncryptionAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms (==) :: EncryptionAlgorithm -> EncryptionAlgorithm -> Bool # (/=) :: EncryptionAlgorithm -> EncryptionAlgorithm -> Bool # | |
Show EncryptionAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms showsPrec :: Int -> EncryptionAlgorithm -> ShowS # show :: EncryptionAlgorithm -> String # showList :: [EncryptionAlgorithm] -> ShowS # | |
HasName EncryptionAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms name :: EncryptionAlgorithm -> Name Source # |
data CompressionAlgorithm Source #
Eq CompressionAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms (==) :: CompressionAlgorithm -> CompressionAlgorithm -> Bool # (/=) :: CompressionAlgorithm -> CompressionAlgorithm -> Bool # | |
Show CompressionAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms showsPrec :: Int -> CompressionAlgorithm -> ShowS # show :: CompressionAlgorithm -> String # showList :: [CompressionAlgorithm] -> ShowS # | |
HasName CompressionAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms name :: CompressionAlgorithm -> Name Source # |
class Encoding a where Source #
runPut :: ByteArrayBuilder -> ByteString Source #
putExitCode :: Builder b => ExitCode -> b Source #
expectWord8 :: Word8 -> Get () Source #
putBytes :: Builder b => ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> b Source #
lenByteString :: ByteString -> Word32 Source #
putByteString :: Builder b => ByteString -> b Source #
getByteString :: Word32 -> Get ByteString Source #
putString :: (Builder b, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ba -> b Source #
putShortString :: Builder b => ShortByteString -> b Source #
putAsMPInt :: (Builder b, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ba -> b Source #
data Disconnect Source #
Eq Disconnect Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception (==) :: Disconnect -> Disconnect -> Bool # (/=) :: Disconnect -> Disconnect -> Bool # | |
Ord Disconnect Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception compare :: Disconnect -> Disconnect -> Ordering # (<) :: Disconnect -> Disconnect -> Bool # (<=) :: Disconnect -> Disconnect -> Bool # (>) :: Disconnect -> Disconnect -> Bool # (>=) :: Disconnect -> Disconnect -> Bool # max :: Disconnect -> Disconnect -> Disconnect # min :: Disconnect -> Disconnect -> Disconnect # | |
Show Disconnect Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception showsPrec :: Int -> Disconnect -> ShowS # show :: Disconnect -> String # showList :: [Disconnect] -> ShowS # | |
Exception Disconnect Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception toException :: Disconnect -> SomeException # fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe Disconnect # displayException :: Disconnect -> String # |
data DisconnectParty Source #
Eq DisconnectParty Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception (==) :: DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty -> Bool # (/=) :: DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty -> Bool # | |
Ord DisconnectParty Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception compare :: DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty -> Ordering # (<) :: DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty -> Bool # (<=) :: DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty -> Bool # (>) :: DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty -> Bool # (>=) :: DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty -> Bool # max :: DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty # min :: DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty -> DisconnectParty # | |
Show DisconnectParty Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception showsPrec :: Int -> DisconnectParty -> ShowS # show :: DisconnectParty -> String # showList :: [DisconnectParty] -> ShowS # |
data DisconnectReason Source #
Eq DisconnectReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception (==) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # (/=) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # | |
Ord DisconnectReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception compare :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Ordering # (<) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # (<=) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # (>) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # (>=) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # max :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason # min :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason # | |
Show DisconnectReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception showsPrec :: Int -> DisconnectReason -> ShowS # show :: DisconnectReason -> String # showList :: [DisconnectReason] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding DisconnectReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => DisconnectReason -> b Source # |
newtype DisconnectMessage Source #
newKeyPair :: IO KeyPair Source #
decodePrivateKeyFile :: (MonadFail m, ByteArray input, ByteArrayAccess passphrase, ByteArray comment) => passphrase -> input -> m [(KeyPair, comment)] Source #
toPublicKey :: KeyPair -> PublicKey Source #
class MessageStream a where Source #
sendMessage :: forall msg. Encoding msg => a -> msg -> IO () Source #
receiveMessage :: forall msg. Encoding msg => a -> IO msg Source #
MessageStream Transport Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Transport |
Disconnected (1)
data Disconnected Source #
Eq Disconnected Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: Disconnected -> Disconnected -> Bool # (/=) :: Disconnected -> Disconnected -> Bool # | |
Show Disconnected Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> Disconnected -> ShowS # show :: Disconnected -> String # showList :: [Disconnected] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding Disconnected Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => Disconnected -> b Source # get :: Get Disconnected Source # |
data DisconnectReason Source #
Eq DisconnectReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception (==) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # (/=) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # | |
Ord DisconnectReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception compare :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Ordering # (<) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # (<=) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # (>) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # (>=) :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> Bool # max :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason # min :: DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason -> DisconnectReason # | |
Show DisconnectReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Exception showsPrec :: Int -> DisconnectReason -> ShowS # show :: DisconnectReason -> String # showList :: [DisconnectReason] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding DisconnectReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => DisconnectReason -> b Source # |
Ignore (2)
Unimplemented (3)
data Unimplemented Source #
Eq Unimplemented Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: Unimplemented -> Unimplemented -> Bool # (/=) :: Unimplemented -> Unimplemented -> Bool # | |
Show Unimplemented Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> Unimplemented -> ShowS # show :: Unimplemented -> String # showList :: [Unimplemented] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding Unimplemented Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => Unimplemented -> b Source # get :: Get Unimplemented Source # |
Debug (4)
ServiceRequest (5)
data ServiceRequest Source #
Eq ServiceRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ServiceRequest -> ServiceRequest -> Bool # (/=) :: ServiceRequest -> ServiceRequest -> Bool # | |
Show ServiceRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ServiceRequest -> ShowS # show :: ServiceRequest -> String # showList :: [ServiceRequest] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ServiceRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ServiceRequest -> b Source # get :: Get ServiceRequest Source # |
ServiceAccept (6)
data ServiceAccept Source #
Eq ServiceAccept Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ServiceAccept -> ServiceAccept -> Bool # (/=) :: ServiceAccept -> ServiceAccept -> Bool # | |
Show ServiceAccept Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ServiceAccept -> ShowS # show :: ServiceAccept -> String # showList :: [ServiceAccept] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ServiceAccept Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ServiceAccept -> b Source # get :: Get ServiceAccept Source # |
KexInit (20)
KexNewKeys (21)
data KexNewKeys Source #
Eq KexNewKeys Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: KexNewKeys -> KexNewKeys -> Bool # (/=) :: KexNewKeys -> KexNewKeys -> Bool # | |
Show KexNewKeys Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> KexNewKeys -> ShowS # show :: KexNewKeys -> String # showList :: [KexNewKeys] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding KexNewKeys Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => KexNewKeys -> b Source # get :: Get KexNewKeys Source # |
KexEcdhInit (30)
data KexEcdhInit Source #
Eq KexEcdhInit Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: KexEcdhInit -> KexEcdhInit -> Bool # (/=) :: KexEcdhInit -> KexEcdhInit -> Bool # | |
Show KexEcdhInit Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> KexEcdhInit -> ShowS # show :: KexEcdhInit -> String # showList :: [KexEcdhInit] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding KexEcdhInit Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => KexEcdhInit -> b Source # get :: Get KexEcdhInit Source # |
KexEcdhReply (31)
data KexEcdhReply Source #
Eq KexEcdhReply Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: KexEcdhReply -> KexEcdhReply -> Bool # (/=) :: KexEcdhReply -> KexEcdhReply -> Bool # | |
Show KexEcdhReply Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> KexEcdhReply -> ShowS # show :: KexEcdhReply -> String # showList :: [KexEcdhReply] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding KexEcdhReply Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => KexEcdhReply -> b Source # get :: Get KexEcdhReply Source # |
UserAuthRequest (50)
data UserAuthRequest Source #
Eq UserAuthRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: UserAuthRequest -> UserAuthRequest -> Bool # (/=) :: UserAuthRequest -> UserAuthRequest -> Bool # | |
Show UserAuthRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> UserAuthRequest -> ShowS # show :: UserAuthRequest -> String # showList :: [UserAuthRequest] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding UserAuthRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => UserAuthRequest -> b Source # get :: Get UserAuthRequest Source # |
UserAuthFailure (51)
data UserAuthFailure Source #
Eq UserAuthFailure Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: UserAuthFailure -> UserAuthFailure -> Bool # (/=) :: UserAuthFailure -> UserAuthFailure -> Bool # | |
Show UserAuthFailure Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> UserAuthFailure -> ShowS # show :: UserAuthFailure -> String # showList :: [UserAuthFailure] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding UserAuthFailure Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => UserAuthFailure -> b Source # get :: Get UserAuthFailure Source # |
UserAuthSuccess (52)
data UserAuthSuccess Source #
Eq UserAuthSuccess Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: UserAuthSuccess -> UserAuthSuccess -> Bool # (/=) :: UserAuthSuccess -> UserAuthSuccess -> Bool # | |
Show UserAuthSuccess Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> UserAuthSuccess -> ShowS # show :: UserAuthSuccess -> String # showList :: [UserAuthSuccess] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding UserAuthSuccess Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => UserAuthSuccess -> b Source # get :: Get UserAuthSuccess Source # |
UserAuthBanner (53)
data UserAuthBanner Source #
Eq UserAuthBanner Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: UserAuthBanner -> UserAuthBanner -> Bool # (/=) :: UserAuthBanner -> UserAuthBanner -> Bool # | |
Show UserAuthBanner Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> UserAuthBanner -> ShowS # show :: UserAuthBanner -> String # showList :: [UserAuthBanner] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding UserAuthBanner Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => UserAuthBanner -> b Source # get :: Get UserAuthBanner Source # |
UserAuthPublicKeyOk (60)
data UserAuthPublicKeyOk Source #
Eq UserAuthPublicKeyOk Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: UserAuthPublicKeyOk -> UserAuthPublicKeyOk -> Bool # (/=) :: UserAuthPublicKeyOk -> UserAuthPublicKeyOk -> Bool # | |
Show UserAuthPublicKeyOk Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> UserAuthPublicKeyOk -> ShowS # show :: UserAuthPublicKeyOk -> String # showList :: [UserAuthPublicKeyOk] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding UserAuthPublicKeyOk Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => UserAuthPublicKeyOk -> b Source # |
ChannelOpen (90)
data ChannelOpen Source #
Eq ChannelOpen Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelOpen -> ChannelOpen -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelOpen -> ChannelOpen -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelOpen Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelOpen -> ShowS # show :: ChannelOpen -> String # showList :: [ChannelOpen] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelOpen Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelOpen -> b Source # get :: Get ChannelOpen Source # |
data ChannelOpenType Source #
Eq ChannelOpenType Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelOpenType -> ChannelOpenType -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelOpenType -> ChannelOpenType -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelOpenType Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelOpenType -> ShowS # show :: ChannelOpenType -> String # showList :: [ChannelOpenType] -> ShowS # |
ChannelOpenConfirmation (91)
data ChannelOpenConfirmation Source #
Eq ChannelOpenConfirmation Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message | |
Show ChannelOpenConfirmation Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelOpenConfirmation -> ShowS # show :: ChannelOpenConfirmation -> String # showList :: [ChannelOpenConfirmation] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelOpenConfirmation Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelOpenConfirmation -> b Source # |
ChannelOpenFailure (92)
data ChannelOpenFailure Source #
Eq ChannelOpenFailure Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelOpenFailure -> ChannelOpenFailure -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelOpenFailure -> ChannelOpenFailure -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelOpenFailure Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelOpenFailure -> ShowS # show :: ChannelOpenFailure -> String # showList :: [ChannelOpenFailure] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelOpenFailure Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelOpenFailure -> b Source # |
data ChannelOpenFailureReason Source #
ChannelOpenAdministrativelyProhibited | |
ChannelOpenConnectFailed | |
ChannelOpenUnknownChannelType | |
ChannelOpenResourceShortage | |
ChannelOpenOtherFailure Word32 |
Eq ChannelOpenFailureReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message | |
Show ChannelOpenFailureReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelOpenFailureReason -> ShowS # show :: ChannelOpenFailureReason -> String # showList :: [ChannelOpenFailureReason] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelOpenFailureReason Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelOpenFailureReason -> b Source # |
ChannelWindowAdjust (93)
data ChannelWindowAdjust Source #
Eq ChannelWindowAdjust Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelWindowAdjust -> ChannelWindowAdjust -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelWindowAdjust -> ChannelWindowAdjust -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelWindowAdjust Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelWindowAdjust -> ShowS # show :: ChannelWindowAdjust -> String # showList :: [ChannelWindowAdjust] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelWindowAdjust Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelWindowAdjust -> b Source # |
ChannelData (94)
data ChannelData Source #
Eq ChannelData Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelData -> ChannelData -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelData -> ChannelData -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelData Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelData -> ShowS # show :: ChannelData -> String # showList :: [ChannelData] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelData Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelData -> b Source # get :: Get ChannelData Source # |
ChannelExtendedData (95)
data ChannelExtendedData Source #
Eq ChannelExtendedData Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelExtendedData -> ChannelExtendedData -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelExtendedData -> ChannelExtendedData -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelExtendedData Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelExtendedData -> ShowS # show :: ChannelExtendedData -> String # showList :: [ChannelExtendedData] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelExtendedData Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelExtendedData -> b Source # |
ChannelEof (96)
data ChannelEof Source #
Eq ChannelEof Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelEof -> ChannelEof -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelEof -> ChannelEof -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelEof Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelEof -> ShowS # show :: ChannelEof -> String # showList :: [ChannelEof] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelEof Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelEof -> b Source # get :: Get ChannelEof Source # |
ChannelClose (97)
data ChannelClose Source #
Eq ChannelClose Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelClose -> ChannelClose -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelClose -> ChannelClose -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelClose Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelClose -> ShowS # show :: ChannelClose -> String # showList :: [ChannelClose] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelClose Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelClose -> b Source # get :: Get ChannelClose Source # |
ChannelRequest (98)
data ChannelRequest Source #
ChannelRequest | |
Eq ChannelRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelRequest -> ChannelRequest -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelRequest -> ChannelRequest -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelRequest -> ShowS # show :: ChannelRequest -> String # showList :: [ChannelRequest] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelRequest -> b Source # get :: Get ChannelRequest Source # |
data ChannelRequestEnv Source #
Eq ChannelRequestEnv Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelRequestEnv -> ChannelRequestEnv -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelRequestEnv -> ChannelRequestEnv -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelRequestEnv Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelRequestEnv -> ShowS # show :: ChannelRequestEnv -> String # showList :: [ChannelRequestEnv] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelRequestEnv Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelRequestEnv -> b Source # |
data ChannelRequestPty Source #
Eq ChannelRequestPty Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelRequestPty -> ChannelRequestPty -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelRequestPty -> ChannelRequestPty -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelRequestPty Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelRequestPty -> ShowS # show :: ChannelRequestPty -> String # showList :: [ChannelRequestPty] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelRequestPty Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelRequestPty -> b Source # |
data ChannelRequestWindowChange Source #
ChannelRequestWindowChange | |
Eq ChannelRequestWindowChange Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message | |
Show ChannelRequestWindowChange Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelRequestWindowChange -> ShowS # show :: ChannelRequestWindowChange -> String # showList :: [ChannelRequestWindowChange] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelRequestWindowChange Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelRequestWindowChange -> b Source # |
data ChannelRequestShell Source #
Eq ChannelRequestShell Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelRequestShell -> ChannelRequestShell -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelRequestShell -> ChannelRequestShell -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelRequestShell Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelRequestShell -> ShowS # show :: ChannelRequestShell -> String # showList :: [ChannelRequestShell] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelRequestShell Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelRequestShell -> b Source # |
data ChannelRequestExec Source #
Eq ChannelRequestExec Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelRequestExec -> ChannelRequestExec -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelRequestExec -> ChannelRequestExec -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelRequestExec Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelRequestExec -> ShowS # show :: ChannelRequestExec -> String # showList :: [ChannelRequestExec] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelRequestExec Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelRequestExec -> b Source # |
data ChannelRequestSignal Source #
Eq ChannelRequestSignal Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelRequestSignal -> ChannelRequestSignal -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelRequestSignal -> ChannelRequestSignal -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelRequestSignal Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelRequestSignal -> ShowS # show :: ChannelRequestSignal -> String # showList :: [ChannelRequestSignal] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelRequestSignal Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelRequestSignal -> b Source # |
data ChannelRequestExitStatus Source #
Eq ChannelRequestExitStatus Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message | |
Show ChannelRequestExitStatus Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelRequestExitStatus -> ShowS # show :: ChannelRequestExitStatus -> String # showList :: [ChannelRequestExitStatus] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelRequestExitStatus Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelRequestExitStatus -> b Source # |
data ChannelRequestExitSignal Source #
Eq ChannelRequestExitSignal Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message | |
Show ChannelRequestExitSignal Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelRequestExitSignal -> ShowS # show :: ChannelRequestExitSignal -> String # showList :: [ChannelRequestExitSignal] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelRequestExitSignal Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelRequestExitSignal -> b Source # |
ChannelSuccess (99)
data ChannelSuccess Source #
Eq ChannelSuccess Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelSuccess -> ChannelSuccess -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelSuccess -> ChannelSuccess -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelSuccess Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelSuccess -> ShowS # show :: ChannelSuccess -> String # showList :: [ChannelSuccess] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelSuccess Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelSuccess -> b Source # get :: Get ChannelSuccess Source # |
ChannelFailure (100)
data ChannelFailure Source #
Eq ChannelFailure Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelFailure -> ChannelFailure -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelFailure -> ChannelFailure -> Bool # | |
Show ChannelFailure Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelFailure -> ShowS # show :: ChannelFailure -> String # showList :: [ChannelFailure] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelFailure Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelFailure -> b Source # get :: Get ChannelFailure Source # |
data AuthMethod Source #
AuthNone | |
AuthHostBased | |
AuthPassword Password | |
AuthPublicKey PublicKey (Maybe Signature) | |
AuthOther Name |
Eq AuthMethod Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: AuthMethod -> AuthMethod -> Bool # (/=) :: AuthMethod -> AuthMethod -> Bool # | |
Show AuthMethod Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> AuthMethod -> ShowS # show :: AuthMethod -> String # showList :: [AuthMethod] -> ShowS # | |
HasName AuthMethod Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message name :: AuthMethod -> Name Source # | |
Encoding AuthMethod Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => AuthMethod -> b Source # get :: Get AuthMethod Source # |
newtype ChannelType Source #
Eq ChannelType Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> Bool # (/=) :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> Bool # | |
Ord ChannelType Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message compare :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> Ordering # (<) :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> Bool # (<=) :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> Bool # (>) :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> Bool # (>=) :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> Bool # max :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> ChannelType # min :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> ChannelType # | |
Show ChannelType Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelType -> ShowS # show :: ChannelType -> String # showList :: [ChannelType] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ChannelType Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => ChannelType -> b Source # get :: Get ChannelType Source # |
type ChannelPacketSize = Word32 Source #
type ChannelWindowSize = Word32 Source #
newCookie :: MonadRandom m => m Cookie Source #
data PtySettings Source #
Eq PtySettings Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: PtySettings -> PtySettings -> Bool # (/=) :: PtySettings -> PtySettings -> Bool # | |
Show PtySettings Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> PtySettings -> ShowS # show :: PtySettings -> String # showList :: [PtySettings] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding PtySettings Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => PtySettings -> b Source # get :: Get PtySettings Source # |
type ServiceName = Name Source #
class HasName a where Source #
HasName PublicKey Source # | |
HasName Signature Source # | |
HasName AuthMethod Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message name :: AuthMethod -> Name Source # | |
HasName CompressionAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms name :: CompressionAlgorithm -> Name Source # | |
HasName EncryptionAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms name :: EncryptionAlgorithm -> Name Source # | |
HasName KeyExchangeAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms name :: KeyExchangeAlgorithm -> Name Source # | |
HasName HostKeyAlgorithm Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Algorithms name :: HostKeyAlgorithm -> Name Source # |
data Connection identity Source #
data ConnectionConfig identity Source #
ConnectionConfig | |
Default (ConnectionConfig identity) Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection def :: ConnectionConfig identity # |
data SessionRequest Source #
Information associated with the session request.
Might be exteded in the future.
Eq SessionRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection (==) :: SessionRequest -> SessionRequest -> Bool # (/=) :: SessionRequest -> SessionRequest -> Bool # | |
Ord SessionRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection compare :: SessionRequest -> SessionRequest -> Ordering # (<) :: SessionRequest -> SessionRequest -> Bool # (<=) :: SessionRequest -> SessionRequest -> Bool # (>) :: SessionRequest -> SessionRequest -> Bool # (>=) :: SessionRequest -> SessionRequest -> Bool # max :: SessionRequest -> SessionRequest -> SessionRequest # min :: SessionRequest -> SessionRequest -> SessionRequest # | |
Show SessionRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection showsPrec :: Int -> SessionRequest -> ShowS # show :: SessionRequest -> String # showList :: [SessionRequest] -> ShowS # |
newtype SessionHandler Source #
The session handler contains the application logic that serves a client's shell or exec request.
- The
parameter will be present if this is an exec request and absent for shell requests. - The
parameter will be present if the client requested a pty. - The
parameter contains the set of all env requests the client issued before the actual shell or exec request. stdin
are streams. The former can only be read from while the latter can only be written to. After the handler has gracefully terminated, the implementation assures that all bytes will be sent before sending an eof and actually closing the channel. has gracefully terminated. The client will then receive an eof and close.- A
exit signal will be sent if the handler terminates with an exception. Otherwise the client will receive the returned exit code.
handler :: SessionHandler handler = SessionHandler $ \env mterm mcmd stdin stdout stderr -> case mcmd of Just "echo" -> do bs <-receive
stdin 1024sendAll
stdout bs pureExitSuccess
Nothing -> pure (ExitFailure
SessionHandler (forall stdin stdout stderr. (InputStream stdin, OutputStream stdout, OutputStream stderr) => Environment -> Maybe TermInfo -> Maybe Command -> stdin -> stdout -> stderr -> IO ExitCode) |
newtype Environment Source #
The Environment
is list of key-value pairs.
Environment [ ("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8") ]
Eq Environment Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection (==) :: Environment -> Environment -> Bool # (/=) :: Environment -> Environment -> Bool # | |
Ord Environment Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection compare :: Environment -> Environment -> Ordering # (<) :: Environment -> Environment -> Bool # (<=) :: Environment -> Environment -> Bool # (>) :: Environment -> Environment -> Bool # (>=) :: Environment -> Environment -> Bool # max :: Environment -> Environment -> Environment # min :: Environment -> Environment -> Environment # | |
Show Environment Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection showsPrec :: Int -> Environment -> ShowS # show :: Environment -> String # showList :: [Environment] -> ShowS # |
The Command
is what the client wants to execute when making an exec request
(shell requests don't have a command).
data DirectTcpIpRequest Source #
When the client makes a DirectTcpIpRequest
it requests a TCP port forwarding.
DirectTcpIpRequest | |
Eq DirectTcpIpRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection (==) :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> Bool # (/=) :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> Bool # | |
Ord DirectTcpIpRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection compare :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> Ordering # (<) :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> Bool # (<=) :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> Bool # (>) :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> Bool # (>=) :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> Bool # max :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest # min :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> DirectTcpIpRequest # | |
Show DirectTcpIpRequest Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection showsPrec :: Int -> DirectTcpIpRequest -> ShowS # show :: DirectTcpIpRequest -> String # showList :: [DirectTcpIpRequest] -> ShowS # |
newtype DirectTcpIpHandler Source #
The DirectTcpIpHandler
contains the application logic
that handles port forwarding requests.
There is of course no need to actually do a real forwarding - this mechanism might also be used to give access to process internal services like integrated web servers etc.
- When the handler exits gracefully, the implementation assures that all bytes will be sent to the client before terminating the stream with an eof and actually closing the channel.
DirectTcpIpHandler (forall stream. DuplexStream stream => stream -> IO ()) |
data ConnectionMsg Source #
Eq ConnectionMsg Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection (==) :: ConnectionMsg -> ConnectionMsg -> Bool # (/=) :: ConnectionMsg -> ConnectionMsg -> Bool # | |
Show ConnectionMsg Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection showsPrec :: Int -> ConnectionMsg -> ShowS # show :: ConnectionMsg -> String # showList :: [ConnectionMsg] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding ConnectionMsg Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.Connection put :: Builder b => ConnectionMsg -> b Source # get :: Get ConnectionMsg Source # |
serveConnection :: forall stream identity. MessageStream stream => ConnectionConfig identity -> stream -> identity -> IO () Source #
data UserAuthConfig identity Source #
Configuration for the user authentication layer.
After a successful key exchange the client will usually
request the user-auth
service to authenticate against.
In this implementation, the user-auth
service is the
only service available after key exchange and the client
must request the connection layer through the authentication
layer. Except for transport messages, all other message types
will result in a disconnect as long as user authentication
is in progress (looking at you, libssh ;-)
UserAuthConfig | |
Default (UserAuthConfig identity) Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Server.Service.UserAuth def :: UserAuthConfig identity # |
withAuthentication :: forall identity stream a. MessageStream stream => UserAuthConfig identity -> stream -> SessionId -> (ServiceName -> Maybe (identity -> IO a)) -> IO a Source #
verifyAuthSignature :: SessionId -> UserName -> ServiceName -> PublicKey -> Signature -> Bool Source #
class (InputStream stream, OutputStream stream) => DuplexStream stream Source #
A DuplexStream
is an abstraction over all things that
behave like file handles or sockets.
DuplexStream TStreamingQueue Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.TStreamingQueue |
class OutputStream stream where Source #
An OutputStream
is something that chunks of bytes can be written to.
send :: stream -> ByteString -> IO Int Source #
Send a chunk of bytes into the stream.
- This method shall block until at least one byte could be sent or the connection got closed.
- Returns the number of bytes sent or 0 if the other side closed the connection. The return value must be checked when using a loop for sending or the program will get stuck in endless recursion!
sendUnsafe :: stream -> MemView -> IO Int Source #
Like send
, but allows for more efficiency with less memory
allocations when working with builders and re-usable buffers.
OutputStream TStreamingQueue Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.TStreamingQueue send :: TStreamingQueue -> ByteString -> IO Int Source # sendUnsafe :: TStreamingQueue -> MemView -> IO Int Source # |
class InputStream stream where Source #
An InputStream
is something that bytes can be read from.
peek :: stream -> Int -> IO ByteString Source #
Like receive
, but does not actually remove anything
from the input buffer.
- Use with care! There are very few legitimate use cases for this.
receive :: stream -> Int -> IO ByteString Source #
Receive a chunk of bytes from the stream.
- This method shall block until at least one byte becomes available or the connection got closed.
- As with sockets, the chunk boundaries are not guaranteed to be preserved during transmission although this will be most often the case. Never rely on this behaviour!
- The second parameter determines how many bytes to receive at most,
but the
returned might be shorter. - Returns a chunk which is guaranteed to be shorter or equal than the given limit. It is empty when the connection got closed and all subsequent attempts to read shall return the empty string. This must be checked when collecting chunks in a loop or the program will get stuck in endless recursion!
receiveUnsafe :: stream -> MemView -> IO Int Source #
Like receive
, but allows for more efficiency with less memory
allocations when working with builders and re-usable buffers.
InputStream TStreamingQueue Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.TStreamingQueue peek :: TStreamingQueue -> Int -> IO ByteString Source # receive :: TStreamingQueue -> Int -> IO ByteString Source # receiveUnsafe :: TStreamingQueue -> MemView -> IO Int Source # |
sendAll :: OutputStream stream => stream -> ByteString -> IO () Source #
Try to send the complete ByteString
- Blocks until either the
has been sent or throws an exception when the connection got terminated while sending it.
receiveAll :: InputStream stream => stream -> Int -> IO ByteString Source #
Try to receive a ByteString
of the designated length in bytes.
- Blocks until either the complete
has been received or throws an exception when the connection got terminated before enough bytes arrived.
MessageStream Transport Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Transport |
data TransportConfig Source #
Default TransportConfig Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Transport def :: TransportConfig # |
data Disconnected Source #
Eq Disconnected Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message (==) :: Disconnected -> Disconnected -> Bool # (/=) :: Disconnected -> Disconnected -> Bool # | |
Show Disconnected Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message showsPrec :: Int -> Disconnected -> ShowS # show :: Disconnected -> String # showList :: [Disconnected] -> ShowS # | |
Encoding Disconnected Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.Message put :: Builder b => Disconnected -> b Source # get :: Get Disconnected Source # |
withTransport :: (DuplexStream stream, AuthAgent agent) => TransportConfig -> Maybe agent -> stream -> (Transport -> SessionId -> IO a) -> IO (Either Disconnect a) Source #
plainEncryptionContext :: OutputStream stream => stream -> EncryptionContext Source #
plainDecryptionContext :: InputStream stream => stream -> DecryptionContext Source #
newChaCha20Poly1305EncryptionContext :: (OutputStream stream, ByteArrayAccess key) => stream -> key -> key -> IO EncryptionContext Source #
newChaCha20Poly1305DecryptionContext :: InputStream stream => ByteArrayAccess key => stream -> key -> key -> IO DecryptionContext Source #
data TStreamingQueue Source #
InputStream TStreamingQueue Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.TStreamingQueue peek :: TStreamingQueue -> Int -> IO ByteString Source # receive :: TStreamingQueue -> Int -> IO ByteString Source # receiveUnsafe :: TStreamingQueue -> MemView -> IO Int Source # | |
OutputStream TStreamingQueue Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.TStreamingQueue send :: TStreamingQueue -> ByteString -> IO Int Source # sendUnsafe :: TStreamingQueue -> MemView -> IO Int Source # | |
DuplexStream TStreamingQueue Source # | |
Defined in Network.SSH.TStreamingQueue |
newTStreamingQueue :: Word32 -> TVar Word32 -> STM TStreamingQueue Source #
capacity :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32 Source #
addWindowSpace :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32 -> STM () Source #
terminate :: TStreamingQueue -> STM () Source #
enqueue :: TStreamingQueue -> ByteString -> STM Word32 Source #
dequeue :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32 -> STM ByteString Source #
dequeueShort :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32 -> STM ShortByteString Source #
lookAhead :: TStreamingQueue -> Word32 -> STM ByteString Source #