Module: Sudoku.Type
Description :  Data types and constructors regarding sudokus.
Copyright: (c) Marcel Moosbrugger, 2017
License     : MIT

Defines the data types and constructors regarding sudokus.
module Sudoku.Type(
    , Difficulty(..)
    , boardsize
    , boxsize
    , cellvals
    , blankval
    , fromString
    , toString
) where

import           Util

-- Data types
-- ----------

-- | The data type representing a single sudoku board.
newtype Sudoku = Sudoku String

-- | Representing the difficulty level of a sudoku.
data Difficulty = Easy | Medium | Hard | Evil deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Enum)

instance Show Sudoku where
    -- | Turns the sudoku into a pretty string representation of a board.
    show (Sudoku s) = "\n" ++ (concat $ map showThird grouped) ++ line
        where grouped     = groupBy boxsize . map (groupBy boxsize) . groupBy boardsize $ s
              showThird t = line ++ (concat $ map showRow t)
              showRow r   = (concat $ map showRowThird r) ++ "|\n"
              showRowThird rt = "|" ++ (concat $ map showCell rt)
              showCell c  = " " ++ (c : " ")
              line        = (concat $ replicate boardsize "---") ++ (concat $ replicate boxsize "-") ++ "-\n"

-- Parameters
-- ----------

-- | The side-length of the sudoku.
boardsize :: Int
boardsize = 9

-- | The side-length of boxes in the sudokus.
boxsize :: Int
boxsize = 3

-- | The symbols which can be inserted into sudokus.
cellvals :: [Char]
cellvals = "123456789"

-- | The symbol representing an empty field.
blankval :: Char
blankval = ' '

-- Constructors
-- ------------

-- | True iff from a given string a sudoku can be created.
valid :: String -> Bool
valid s = (length s == (boardsize * boardsize)) &&
          (all (`elem` blankval:cellvals) s)

-- | Creates a sudoku from a valid string.
fromString :: String -> Maybe Sudoku
fromString s
    | valid s   = Just $ Sudoku s
    | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Returns the string representation of a sudoku.
toString :: Sudoku -> String
toString (Sudoku s) = s