{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TupleSections, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Text.HTML.TagStream
  ( Token (..)
  , tokenStream
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad (unless)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow)
import           Data.Char
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL

import           Data.Attoparsec.Text
import           Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Attoparsec as CA
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import qualified Text.XML.Stream.Parse as XML
import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import           Control.Arrow (first)

data Token
  = TagOpen Text (Map Text Text) Bool
  | TagClose Text
  | Text Text
  | Comment Text
  | Special Text Text
  | Incomplete Text
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data TagType
  = TagTypeClose
  | TagTypeSpecial
  | TagTypeNormal

 - match quoted string, can fail.
quoted :: Char -> Parser Text
quoted q = T.append <$> takeTill (in2 ('\\',q))
                    <*> ( char q *> pure ""
                      <|> char '\\' *> atLeast 1 (quoted q) )

quotedOr :: Parser Text -> Parser Text
quotedOr p = maybeP (satisfy (in2 ('"','\''))) >>=
             maybe p quoted

 - attribute value, can't fail.
attrValue :: Parser Text
attrValue = quotedOr $ takeTill ((=='>') ||. isSpace)

 - attribute name, at least one char, can fail when meet tag end.
 - might match self-close tag end "/>" , make sure match `tagEnd' first.
attrName :: Parser Text
attrName = quotedOr $
             T.cons <$> satisfy (/='>')
                    <*> takeTill (in3 ('/','>','=') ||. isSpace)

 - tag end, return self-close or not, can fail.
tagEnd :: Parser Bool
tagEnd = char '>' *> pure False
     <|> string "/>" *> pure True

 - attribute pair or tag end, can fail if tag end met.
attr :: Parser (Text, Text)
attr = (,) <$> attrName <* skipSpace
           <*> ( boolP (char '=') >>=
                 cond (skipSpace *> attrValue)
                      (pure "")

 - all attributes before tag end. can't fail.
attrs :: Parser (Map Text Text, Bool)
attrs = loop Map.empty
    loop acc = skipSpace *> (Left <$> tagEnd <|> Right <$> attr) >>=
                 (return . (acc,))
                 (\(key, value) -> loop $ Map.insert key value acc)

 - comment tag without prefix.
comment :: Parser Token
comment = Comment <$> comment'
  where comment' = T.append <$> takeTill (=='-')
                            <*> ( string "-->" *> return ""
                              <|> atLeast 1 comment' )

 - tags begine with <! , e.g. <!DOCTYPE ...>
special :: Parser Token
special = Special
          <$> ( T.cons <$> satisfy (not . ((=='-') ||. isSpace))
                       <*> takeTill ((=='>') ||. isSpace)
                       <* skipSpace )
          <*> takeTill (=='>') <* char '>'

 - parse a tag, can fail.
tag :: Parser Token
tag = do
    t <-     string "/" *> return TagTypeClose
         <|> string "!" *> return TagTypeSpecial
         <|> return TagTypeNormal
    case t of
        TagTypeClose ->
            TagClose <$> takeTill (=='>')
            <* char '>'
        TagTypeSpecial -> boolP (string "--") >>=
                          cond comment special
        TagTypeNormal -> do
            name <- takeTill (in3 ('<','>','/') ||. isSpace)
            (as, close) <- attrs
            return $ TagOpen name (Map.map decodeString as) close

 - record incomplete tag for streamline processing.
incomplete :: Parser Token
incomplete = Incomplete . T.cons '<' <$> takeText

 - parse text node. consume at least one char, to make sure progress.
text :: Parser Token
text = Text <$> atLeast 1 (takeTill (=='<'))

decodeEntity :: MonadThrow m => Text -> m Text
decodeEntity entity =
           $ CL.sourceList ["&",entity,";"]
#if MIN_VERSION_xml_conduit(1,9,0)
          .| XML.parseText XML.def { XML.psDecodeEntities = XML.decodeHtmlEntities }
          .| XML.parseText' XML.def { XML.psDecodeEntities = XML.decodeHtmlEntities }
          .| XML.content

token :: Parser Token
token = char '<' *> (tag <|> incomplete)
    <|> text

 - treat script tag specially, can't fail.
tillScriptEnd :: Token -> Parser [Token]
tillScriptEnd open =
    loop mempty
    loop acc = do
      chunk <- takeTill (== '<')
      let acc' = acc <> B.fromText chunk
          finish = pure [open, Text $ L.toStrict $ B.toLazyText acc', TagClose "script"]
          hasContent = (string "/script>" *> finish) <|> loop (acc' <> "<")
      (char '<' *> hasContent) <|> finish

tokens :: Parser [Token]
tokens = do
  t <- token
  case t of
    TagOpen "script" _ False -> tillScriptEnd t
    Text text0 -> do
      let parseText = do
            Text text <- token
            pure text
      texts <- many parseText
      pure [Text $ decodeString $ T.concat $ text0 : texts]
    _ -> pure [t]

 - Utils {{{

atLeast :: Int -> Parser Text -> Parser Text
atLeast 0 p = p
atLeast n p = T.cons <$> anyChar <*> atLeast (n-1) p

cond :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
cond a1 a2 b = if b then a1 else a2

(||.) :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f Bool -> f Bool
(||.) = liftA2 (||)

in2 :: Eq a => (a,a) -> a -> Bool
in2 (a1,a2) a = a==a1 || a==a2

in3 :: Eq a => (a,a,a) -> a -> Bool
in3 (a1,a2,a3) a = a==a1 || a==a2 || a==a3

boolP :: Parser a -> Parser Bool
boolP p = p *> pure True <|> pure False

maybeP :: Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a)
maybeP p = Just <$> p <|> return Nothing
-- }}}

-- {{{ Stream
tokenStream :: Monad m
            => ConduitT Text Token m ()
tokenStream =
    CL.filter (not . T.null) .| CA.conduitParserEither tokens .| CL.concatMap go
    go (Left e) = error $ "html-conduit: parse error that should never happen occurred! " ++ show e
    go (Right (_, tokens')) = tokens'

splitAccum :: [Token] -> (Text, [Token])
splitAccum [] = (mempty, [])
splitAccum (reverse -> (Incomplete s : xs)) = (s, reverse xs)
splitAccum tokens = (mempty, tokens)

-- Entities

-- | A conduit to decode entities from a stream of tokens into a new stream of tokens.
decodeEntities :: Monad m => ConduitT Token Token m ()
decodeEntities =
    start = await >>= maybe (return ()) (\token' -> start' token' >> start)
    start' (Text t) = (yield t >> yieldWhileText) .| decodeEntities' .| CL.mapMaybe go
    start' (TagOpen name attrs' bool) = yield (TagOpen name (Map.map decodeString attrs') bool)
    start' token' = yield token'

    go t
        | t == ""   = Nothing
        | otherwise = Just (Text t)

-- | Decode entities in a complete string.
decodeString :: Text -> Text
decodeString input =
  case makeEntityDecoder input of
    (value', remainder)
      | value' /= mempty -> value' <> decodeString remainder
      | otherwise -> input

decodeEntities' :: Monad m => ConduitT Text Text m ()
decodeEntities' =
    loop id
    loop accum = do
        mchunk <- await
        let chunk = accum $ fromMaybe mempty mchunk
            (newStr, remainder) = makeEntityDecoder chunk
        yield newStr
        if isJust mchunk
            then loop (mappend remainder)
            else yield remainder

-- | Yield contiguous text tokens as strings.
yieldWhileText :: Monad m => ConduitT Token Text m ()
yieldWhileText =
    loop = await >>= maybe (return ()) go
    go (Text t) = yield t >> loop
    go token' = leftover token'

-- | Decode the entities in a string type with a decoder.
makeEntityDecoder :: Text -> (Text, Text)
makeEntityDecoder = first (L.toStrict . B.toLazyText) . go
    go s =
      case T.break (=='&') s of
        (_,"") -> (B.fromText s, "")
        (before,restPlusAmp@(T.drop 1 -> rest)) ->
          case T.break (not . (\c -> isNameChar c || c == '#')) rest of
            (_,"") -> (B.fromText before, restPlusAmp)
            (entity,after) -> (before1 <> before2, after')
                before1 = B.fromText before
                (before2, after') =
                  case mdecoded of
                    Nothing -> first (("&" <> B.fromText entity) <>) (go after)
                    Just (B.fromText -> decoded) ->
                      case T.uncons after of
                        Just (';',validAfter) -> first (decoded <>) (go validAfter)
                        Just (_invalid,_rest) -> first (decoded <>) (go after)
                        Nothing -> (mempty, s)
                mdecoded =
                  if entity == mempty
                     then Nothing
                     else decodeEntity entity

-- | Is the character a valid Name starter?
isNameStart :: Char -> Bool
isNameStart c =
  c == ':' ||
  c == '_' ||
  isAsciiUpper c ||
  isAsciiLower c ||
  (c >= '\xC0' && c <= '\xD6') ||
  (c >= '\xD8' && c <= '\xF6') ||
  (c >= '\xF8' && c <= '\x2FF') ||
  (c >= '\x370' && c <= '\x37D') ||
  (c >= '\x37F' && c <= '\x1FFF') ||
  (c >= '\x200C' && c <= '\x200D') ||
  (c >= '\x2070' && c <= '\x218F') ||
  (c >= '\x2C00' && c <= '\x2FEF') ||
  (c >= '\x3001' && c <= '\xD7FF') ||
  (c >= '\xF900' && c <= '\xFDCF') ||
  (c >= '\xFDF0' && c <= '\xFFFD') ||
  (c >= '\x10000' && c <= '\xEFFFF')

-- | Is the character valid in a Name?
isNameChar :: Char -> Bool
isNameChar c =
  c == '-' ||
  c == '.' ||
  c == '\xB7' ||
  isDigit c ||
  isNameStart c ||
  (c >= '\x0300' && c <= '\x036F') ||
  (c >= '\x203F' && c <= '\x2040')