http3-0.0.1: HTTP/3 library
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A server library for HTTP/0.9.



run :: Connection -> Config -> Server -> IO () Source #

Running an HQ server.

Runner arguments

data Config Source #

Configuration for HTTP/3 or HQ.

allocSimpleConfig :: IO Config Source #

Allocating a simple configuration with a handle-based position reader and a locally allocated timeout manager.

freeSimpleConfig :: Config -> IO () Source #

Freeing a simple configration.

HQ server

type Server = Request -> Aux -> (Response -> [PushPromise] -> IO ()) -> IO () #

Server type. Server takes a HTTP request, should generate a HTTP response and push promises, then should give them to the sending function. The sending function would throw exceptions so that they can be logged.


data Request #

Request from client.


Instances details
Show Request 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP2.Server.Types

Accessing request

requestPath :: Request -> Maybe Path #

Getting the path from a request.


data Response #

Response from server.


Instances details
Show Response 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP2.Server.Types

Creating response

responseNoBody :: Status -> ResponseHeaders -> Response #

Creating response without body.

responseFile :: Status -> ResponseHeaders -> FileSpec -> Response #

Creating response with file.

responseStreaming :: Status -> ResponseHeaders -> ((Builder -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()) -> Response #

Creating response with streaming.

responseBuilder :: Status -> ResponseHeaders -> Builder -> Response #

Creating response with builder.