Metadata revisions for hw-json-

Package maintainers and Hackage trustees are allowed to edit certain bits of package metadata after a release, without uploading a new tarball. Note that the tarball itself is never changed, just the metadata that is stored separately. For more information about metadata revisions, please refer to the Hackage Metadata Revisions FAQ.

No. Time User SHA256
-r2 (hw-json- 2018-10-02T06:50:57Z GeorgeWilson 9821721b86c980f750866bd5cc26cf836570798790e746c064dbac816abfe382
  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'hw-parser' from

    >= && <0.1

-r1 (hw-json- 2018-06-14T01:04:56Z GeorgeWilson d2c56fa06f03bf416194389b9c2c490a4e011d0b76f6cff6ddbac3989c8291b1
  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'hw-rankselect' from

    >= && <0.11

  • Changed the executable 'hw-json-example' component's library dependency on 'hw-rankselect' from

    >= && <0.11

  • Changed the test suite 'hw-json-test' component's library dependency on 'hw-rankselect' from

    >= && <0.11

  • Changed the benchmark 'bench' component's library dependency on 'hw-rankselect' from

    >= && <0.11

-r0 (hw-json- 2017-08-24T23:02:27Z haskellworks 4312d927a8e3864d73112d52241c41bb3681d7f911c621a96f72a3448d4225f5