Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data KafkaCompressionCodec
- = NoCompression
- | Gzip
- | Snappy
- | Lz4
- data KafkaDebug
- data KafkaError
- data KafkaLogLevel
- newtype Timeout = Timeout {}
- newtype BrokerAddress = BrokerAddress {}
- newtype TopicName = TopicName {
- unTopicName :: Text
- data TopicType
- newtype BatchSize = BatchSize {
- unBatchSize :: Int
- newtype ClientId = ClientId {
- unClientId :: Text
- newtype Millis = Millis {}
- newtype PartitionId = PartitionId {
- unPartitionId :: Int
- newtype BrokerId = BrokerId {
- unBrokerId :: Int
- topicType :: TopicName -> TopicType
- kafkaDebugToText :: KafkaDebug -> Text
- kafkaCompressionCodecToText :: KafkaCompressionCodec -> Text
- data DeliveryReport
- data ProducePartition
- data ProducerRecord = ProducerRecord {}
- kpKafkaPtr :: KafkaProducer -> Kafka
- kpKafkaConf :: KafkaProducer -> KafkaConf
- kpTopicConf :: KafkaProducer -> TopicConf
- errorCallback :: HasKafkaConf k => (KafkaError -> String -> IO ()) -> k -> IO ()
- logCallback :: HasKafkaConf k => (Int -> String -> String -> IO ()) -> k -> IO ()
- statsCallback :: HasKafkaConf k => (String -> IO ()) -> k -> IO ()
- deliveryCallback :: (DeliveryReport -> IO ()) -> KafkaConf -> IO ()
- data ProducerProperties = ProducerProperties {
- ppKafkaProps :: Map Text Text
- ppTopicProps :: Map Text Text
- ppLogLevel :: Maybe KafkaLogLevel
- ppCallbacks :: [KafkaConf -> IO ()]
- brokersList :: [BrokerAddress] -> ProducerProperties
- setCallback :: (KafkaConf -> IO ()) -> ProducerProperties
- logLevel :: KafkaLogLevel -> ProducerProperties
- compression :: KafkaCompressionCodec -> ProducerProperties
- topicCompression :: KafkaCompressionCodec -> ProducerProperties
- sendTimeout :: Timeout -> ProducerProperties
- extraProps :: Map Text Text -> ProducerProperties
- suppressDisconnectLogs :: ProducerProperties
- extraTopicProps :: Map Text Text -> ProducerProperties
- debugOptions :: [KafkaDebug] -> ProducerProperties
- runProducer :: ProducerProperties -> (KafkaProducer -> IO (Either KafkaError a)) -> IO (Either KafkaError a)
- newProducer :: MonadIO m => ProducerProperties -> m (Either KafkaError KafkaProducer)
- produceMessage :: MonadIO m => KafkaProducer -> ProducerRecord -> m (Maybe KafkaError)
- produceMessageBatch :: MonadIO m => KafkaProducer -> [ProducerRecord] -> m [(ProducerRecord, KafkaError)]
- flushProducer :: MonadIO m => KafkaProducer -> m ()
- closeProducer :: MonadIO m => KafkaProducer -> m ()
- data KafkaProducer
- data RdKafkaRespErrT
- = RdKafkaRespErrBegin
- | RdKafkaRespErrBadMsg
- | RdKafkaRespErrBadCompression
- | RdKafkaRespErrDestroy
- | RdKafkaRespErrFail
- | RdKafkaRespErrTransport
- | RdKafkaRespErrCritSysResource
- | RdKafkaRespErrResolve
- | RdKafkaRespErrMsgTimedOut
- | RdKafkaRespErrPartitionEof
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnknownPartition
- | RdKafkaRespErrFs
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnknownTopic
- | RdKafkaRespErrAllBrokersDown
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidArg
- | RdKafkaRespErrTimedOut
- | RdKafkaRespErrQueueFull
- | RdKafkaRespErrIsrInsuff
- | RdKafkaRespErrNodeUpdate
- | RdKafkaRespErrSsl
- | RdKafkaRespErrWaitCoord
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnknownGroup
- | RdKafkaRespErrInProgress
- | RdKafkaRespErrPrevInProgress
- | RdKafkaRespErrExistingSubscription
- | RdKafkaRespErrAssignPartitions
- | RdKafkaRespErrRevokePartitions
- | RdKafkaRespErrConflict
- | RdKafkaRespErrState
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnknownProtocol
- | RdKafkaRespErrNotImplemented
- | RdKafkaRespErrAuthentication
- | RdKafkaRespErrNoOffset
- | RdKafkaRespErrOutdated
- | RdKafkaRespErrTimedOutQueue
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnsupportedFeature
- | RdKafkaRespErrWaitCache
- | RdKafkaRespErrIntr
- | RdKafkaRespErrKeySerialization
- | RdKafkaRespErrValueSerialization
- | RdKafkaRespErrKeyDeserialization
- | RdKafkaRespErrValueDeserialization
- | RdKafkaRespErrPartial
- | RdKafkaRespErrReadOnly
- | RdKafkaRespErrNoent
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnderflow
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidType
- | RdKafkaRespErrRetry
- | RdKafkaRespErrPurgeQueue
- | RdKafkaRespErrPurgeInflight
- | RdKafkaRespErrFatal
- | RdKafkaRespErrInconsistent
- | RdKafkaRespErrGaplessGuarantee
- | RdKafkaRespErrMaxPollExceeded
- | RdKafkaRespErrEnd
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnknown
- | RdKafkaRespErrNoError
- | RdKafkaRespErrOffsetOutOfRange
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidMsg
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnknownTopicOrPart
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidMsgSize
- | RdKafkaRespErrLeaderNotAvailable
- | RdKafkaRespErrNotLeaderForPartition
- | RdKafkaRespErrRequestTimedOut
- | RdKafkaRespErrBrokerNotAvailable
- | RdKafkaRespErrReplicaNotAvailable
- | RdKafkaRespErrMsgSizeTooLarge
- | RdKafkaRespErrStaleCtrlEpoch
- | RdKafkaRespErrOffsetMetadataTooLarge
- | RdKafkaRespErrNetworkException
- | RdKafkaRespErrGroupLoadInProgress
- | RdKafkaRespErrGroupCoordinatorNotAvailable
- | RdKafkaRespErrNotCoordinatorForGroup
- | RdKafkaRespErrTopicException
- | RdKafkaRespErrRecordListTooLarge
- | RdKafkaRespErrNotEnoughReplicas
- | RdKafkaRespErrNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidRequiredAcks
- | RdKafkaRespErrIllegalGeneration
- | RdKafkaRespErrInconsistentGroupProtocol
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidGroupId
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnknownMemberId
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidSessionTimeout
- | RdKafkaRespErrRebalanceInProgress
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidCommitOffsetSize
- | RdKafkaRespErrTopicAuthorizationFailed
- | RdKafkaRespErrGroupAuthorizationFailed
- | RdKafkaRespErrClusterAuthorizationFailed
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidTimestamp
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnsupportedSaslMechanism
- | RdKafkaRespErrIllegalSaslState
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnsupportedVersion
- | RdKafkaRespErrTopicAlreadyExists
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidPartitions
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidReplicationFactor
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidReplicaAssignment
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidConfig
- | RdKafkaRespErrNotController
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidRequest
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnsupportedForMessageFormat
- | RdKafkaRespErrPolicyViolation
- | RdKafkaRespErrOutOfOrderSequenceNumber
- | RdKafkaRespErrDuplicateSequenceNumber
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidProducerEpoch
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidTxnState
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidProducerIdMapping
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidTransactionTimeout
- | RdKafkaRespErrConcurrentTransactions
- | RdKafkaRespErrTransactionCoordinatorFenced
- | RdKafkaRespErrTransactionalIdAuthorizationFailed
- | RdKafkaRespErrSecurityDisabled
- | RdKafkaRespErrOperationNotAttempted
- | RdKafkaRespErrKafkaStorageError
- | RdKafkaRespErrLogDirNotFound
- | RdKafkaRespErrSaslAuthenticationFailed
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnknownProducerId
- | RdKafkaRespErrReassignmentInProgress
- | RdKafkaRespErrDelegationTokenAuthDisabled
- | RdKafkaRespErrDelegationTokenNotFound
- | RdKafkaRespErrDelegationTokenOwnerMismatch
- | RdKafkaRespErrDelegationTokenRequestNotAllowed
- | RdKafkaRespErrDelegationTokenAuthorizationFailed
- | RdKafkaRespErrDelegationTokenExpired
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidPrincipalType
- | RdKafkaRespErrNonEmptyGroup
- | RdKafkaRespErrGroupIdNotFound
- | RdKafkaRespErrFetchSessionIdNotFound
- | RdKafkaRespErrInvalidFetchSessionEpoch
- | RdKafkaRespErrListenerNotFound
- | RdKafkaRespErrTopicDeletionDisabled
- | RdKafkaRespErrFencedLeaderEpoch
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnknownLeaderEpoch
- | RdKafkaRespErrUnsupportedCompressionType
- | RdKafkaRespErrStaleBrokerEpoch
- | RdKafkaRespErrOffsetNotAvailable
- | RdKafkaRespErrMemberIdRequired
- | RdKafkaRespErrPreferredLeaderNotAvailable
- | RdKafkaRespErrGroupMaxSizeReached
- | RdKafkaRespErrEndAll
data KafkaCompressionCodec Source #
Eq KafkaCompressionCodec Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types (==) :: KafkaCompressionCodec -> KafkaCompressionCodec -> Bool # (/=) :: KafkaCompressionCodec -> KafkaCompressionCodec -> Bool # | |
Show KafkaCompressionCodec Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types showsPrec :: Int -> KafkaCompressionCodec -> ShowS # show :: KafkaCompressionCodec -> String # showList :: [KafkaCompressionCodec] -> ShowS # | |
Generic KafkaCompressionCodec Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types type Rep KafkaCompressionCodec :: Type -> Type # | |
type Rep KafkaCompressionCodec Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types type Rep KafkaCompressionCodec = D1 (MetaData "KafkaCompressionCodec" "Kafka.Types" "hw-kafka-client-3.0.0-inplace" False) ((C1 (MetaCons "NoCompression" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "Gzip" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)) :+: (C1 (MetaCons "Snappy" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "Lz4" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type))) |
data KafkaDebug Source #
DebugGeneric | |
DebugBroker | |
DebugTopic | |
DebugMetadata | |
DebugQueue | |
DebugMsg | |
DebugProtocol | |
DebugCgrp | |
DebugSecurity | |
DebugFetch | |
DebugFeature | |
DebugAll |
data KafkaError Source #
Any Kafka errors
KafkaError Text | |
KafkaInvalidReturnValue | |
KafkaBadSpecification Text | |
KafkaResponseError RdKafkaRespErrT | |
KafkaInvalidConfigurationValue Text | |
KafkaUnknownConfigurationKey Text | |
KafkaBadConfiguration |
data KafkaLogLevel Source #
Log levels for librdkafka.
KafkaLogEmerg | |
KafkaLogAlert | |
KafkaLogCrit | |
KafkaLogErr | |
KafkaLogWarning | |
KafkaLogNotice | |
KafkaLogInfo | |
KafkaLogDebug |
Enum KafkaLogLevel Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types succ :: KafkaLogLevel -> KafkaLogLevel # pred :: KafkaLogLevel -> KafkaLogLevel # toEnum :: Int -> KafkaLogLevel # fromEnum :: KafkaLogLevel -> Int # enumFrom :: KafkaLogLevel -> [KafkaLogLevel] # enumFromThen :: KafkaLogLevel -> KafkaLogLevel -> [KafkaLogLevel] # enumFromTo :: KafkaLogLevel -> KafkaLogLevel -> [KafkaLogLevel] # enumFromThenTo :: KafkaLogLevel -> KafkaLogLevel -> KafkaLogLevel -> [KafkaLogLevel] # | |
Eq KafkaLogLevel Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types (==) :: KafkaLogLevel -> KafkaLogLevel -> Bool # (/=) :: KafkaLogLevel -> KafkaLogLevel -> Bool # | |
Show KafkaLogLevel Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types showsPrec :: Int -> KafkaLogLevel -> ShowS # show :: KafkaLogLevel -> String # showList :: [KafkaLogLevel] -> ShowS # |
Timeout in milliseconds
newtype BrokerAddress Source #
Kafka broker address string (e.g. broker1:9092
Eq BrokerAddress Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types (==) :: BrokerAddress -> BrokerAddress -> Bool # (/=) :: BrokerAddress -> BrokerAddress -> Bool # | |
Show BrokerAddress Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types showsPrec :: Int -> BrokerAddress -> ShowS # show :: BrokerAddress -> String # showList :: [BrokerAddress] -> ShowS # | |
Generic BrokerAddress Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types type Rep BrokerAddress :: Type -> Type # from :: BrokerAddress -> Rep BrokerAddress x # to :: Rep BrokerAddress x -> BrokerAddress # | |
type Rep BrokerAddress Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Types type Rep BrokerAddress = D1 (MetaData "BrokerAddress" "Kafka.Types" "hw-kafka-client-3.0.0-inplace" True) (C1 (MetaCons "BrokerAddress" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "unBrokerAddress") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Text))) |
Topic name to be consumed
Wildcard (regex) topics are supported by the librdkafka assignor:
any topic name in the topics list that is prefixed with ^
be regex-matched to the full list of topics in the cluster and matching
topics will be added to the subscription list.
TopicName | a simple topic name or a regex if started with |
User | Normal topics that are created by user. |
System | Topics starting with "" (consumer_offsets, are considered "system" topics |
newtype PartitionId Source #
kafkaDebugToText :: KafkaDebug -> Text Source #
data DeliveryReport Source #
DeliverySuccess ProducerRecord Offset | |
DeliveryFailure ProducerRecord KafkaError | |
NoMessageError KafkaError |
data ProducePartition Source #
data ProducerRecord Source #
Represents messages to be enqueued onto a Kafka broker (i.e. used for a producer)
ProducerRecord | |
kpKafkaPtr :: KafkaProducer -> Kafka Source #
kpKafkaConf :: KafkaProducer -> KafkaConf Source #
kpTopicConf :: KafkaProducer -> TopicConf Source #
errorCallback :: HasKafkaConf k => (KafkaError -> String -> IO ()) -> k -> IO () Source #
deliveryCallback :: (DeliveryReport -> IO ()) -> KafkaConf -> IO () Source #
Sets the callback for delivery reports.
data ProducerProperties Source #
Properties to create KafkaProducer
ProducerProperties | |
Semigroup ProducerProperties Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Producer.ProducerProperties (<>) :: ProducerProperties -> ProducerProperties -> ProducerProperties # sconcat :: NonEmpty ProducerProperties -> ProducerProperties # stimes :: Integral b => b -> ProducerProperties -> ProducerProperties # | |
Monoid ProducerProperties Source # | Right biased so we prefer newer properties over older ones. |
Defined in Kafka.Producer.ProducerProperties |
setCallback :: (KafkaConf -> IO ()) -> ProducerProperties Source #
logLevel :: KafkaLogLevel -> ProducerProperties Source #
Sets the logging level.
Usually is used with debugOptions
to configure which logs are needed.
extraProps :: Map Text Text -> ProducerProperties Source #
Any configuration options that are supported by librdkafka. The full list can be found here
suppressDisconnectLogs :: ProducerProperties Source #
Suppresses producer disconnects logs.
It might be useful to turn this off when interacting with brokers with an aggressive value.
extraTopicProps :: Map Text Text -> ProducerProperties Source #
Any configuration options that are supported by librdkafka. The full list can be found here
debugOptions :: [KafkaDebug] -> ProducerProperties Source #
Sets debug features for the producer
Usually is used with logLevel
runProducer :: ProducerProperties -> (KafkaProducer -> IO (Either KafkaError a)) -> IO (Either KafkaError a) Source #
Deprecated: Use newProducer/closeProducer instead
Runs Kafka Producer.
The callback provided is expected to call produceMessage
or/and produceMessageBatch
to send messages to Kafka.
newProducer :: MonadIO m => ProducerProperties -> m (Either KafkaError KafkaProducer) Source #
Creates a new kafka producer
A newly created producer must be closed with closeProducer
produceMessage :: MonadIO m => KafkaProducer -> ProducerRecord -> m (Maybe KafkaError) Source #
Sends a single message.
Since librdkafka is backed by a queue, this function can return before messages are sent. See
to wait for queue to empty.
:: MonadIO m | |
=> KafkaProducer | |
-> [ProducerRecord] | |
-> m [(ProducerRecord, KafkaError)] | An empty list when the operation is successful, otherwise a list of "failed" messages with corresponsing errors. |
Sends a batch of messages.
Returns a list of messages which it was unable to send with corresponding errors.
Since librdkafka is backed by a queue, this function can return before messages are sent. See
to wait for queue to empty.
flushProducer :: MonadIO m => KafkaProducer -> m () Source #
Drains the outbound queue for a producer.
This function is also called automatically when the producer is closed
with closeProducer
to ensure that all queued messages make it to Kafka.
closeProducer :: MonadIO m => KafkaProducer -> m () Source #
Closes the producer. Will wait until the outbound queue is drained before returning the control.
data KafkaProducer Source #
Main pointer to Kafka object, which contains our brokers
data RdKafkaRespErrT Source #
Bounded RdKafkaRespErrT Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Internal.RdKafka | |
Enum RdKafkaRespErrT Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Internal.RdKafka succ :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> RdKafkaRespErrT # pred :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> RdKafkaRespErrT # toEnum :: Int -> RdKafkaRespErrT # fromEnum :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> Int # enumFrom :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> [RdKafkaRespErrT] # enumFromThen :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> RdKafkaRespErrT -> [RdKafkaRespErrT] # enumFromTo :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> RdKafkaRespErrT -> [RdKafkaRespErrT] # enumFromThenTo :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> RdKafkaRespErrT -> RdKafkaRespErrT -> [RdKafkaRespErrT] # | |
Eq RdKafkaRespErrT Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Internal.RdKafka (==) :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> RdKafkaRespErrT -> Bool # (/=) :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> RdKafkaRespErrT -> Bool # | |
Show RdKafkaRespErrT Source # | |
Defined in Kafka.Internal.RdKafka showsPrec :: Int -> RdKafkaRespErrT -> ShowS # show :: RdKafkaRespErrT -> String # showList :: [RdKafkaRespErrT] -> ShowS # |