Haskell Xml Toolbox 7.1: The complete APISource codeContentsIndex
MaintainerUwe Schmidt (uwe\@fh-wedel.de)
Data Types
Running Arrows
User State Manipulation
Global System State Access
Error Message Handling
Document Base
URI Manipulation

Version : $Id: XmlIOStateArrow.hs,v 1.39 20061109 20:27:42 hxml Exp $

the basic state arrows for XML processing

A state is needed for global processing options, like encoding options, document base URI, trace levels and error message handling

The state is separated into a user defined state and a system state. The system state contains variables for error message handling, for tracing, for the document base for accessing XML documents with relative references, e.g. DTDs, and a global key value store. This assoc list has strings as keys and lists of XmlTrees as values. It is used to store arbitrary XML and text values, e.g. user defined global options.

The user defined part of the store is in the default case empty, defined as (). It can be extended with an arbitray data type

data XIOState us = XIOState {
xio_sysState :: !XIOSysState
xio_userState :: !us
data XIOSysState = XIOSys {
xio_trace :: !Int
xio_errorStatus :: !Int
xio_errorModule :: !String
xio_errorMsgHandler :: (String -> IO ())
xio_errorMsgCollect :: !Bool
xio_errorMsgList :: !XmlTrees
xio_baseURI :: !String
xio_defaultBaseURI :: !String
xio_attrList :: !(AssocList String XmlTrees)
type IOStateArrow s b c = IOSLA (XIOState s) b c
type IOSArrow b c = IOStateArrow () b c
initialState :: us -> XIOState us
initialSysState :: XIOSysState
runX :: IOSArrow XmlTree c -> IO [c]
getUserState :: IOStateArrow s b s
setUserState :: IOStateArrow s s s
changeUserState :: (b -> s -> s) -> IOStateArrow s b b
withExtendedUserState :: s1 -> IOStateArrow (s1, s0) b c -> IOStateArrow s0 b c
withOtherUserState :: s1 -> IOStateArrow s1 b c -> IOStateArrow s0 b c
getSysParam :: (XIOSysState -> c) -> IOStateArrow s b c
changeSysParam :: (b -> XIOSysState -> XIOSysState) -> IOStateArrow s b b
setParamList :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTrees XmlTree
setParam :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
unsetParam :: String -> IOStateArrow s b b
getParam :: String -> IOStateArrow s b XmlTree
getAllParams :: IOStateArrow s b (AssocList String XmlTrees)
setParamString :: String -> String -> IOStateArrow s b b
getParamString :: String -> IOStateArrow s b String
setParamInt :: String -> Int -> IOStateArrow s b b
getParamInt :: Int -> String -> IOStateArrow s b Int
clearErrStatus :: IOStateArrow s b b
setErrStatus :: IOStateArrow s Int Int
getErrStatus :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree Int
setErrMsgStatus :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
setErrorMsgHandler :: Bool -> (String -> IO ()) -> IOStateArrow s b b
errorMsgStderr :: IOStateArrow s b b
errorMsgCollect :: IOStateArrow s b b
errorMsgStderrAndCollect :: IOStateArrow s b b
errorMsgIgnore :: IOStateArrow s b b
getErrorMessages :: IOStateArrow s b XmlTree
filterErrorMsg :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
issueWarn :: String -> IOStateArrow s b b
issueErr :: String -> IOStateArrow s b b
issueFatal :: String -> IOStateArrow s b b
setDocumentStatus :: Int -> String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
setDocumentStatusFromSystemState :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
documentStatusOk :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
setBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s String String
getBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s b String
changeBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s String String
setDefaultBaseURI :: String -> IOStateArrow s b String
getDefaultBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s b String
runInLocalURIContext :: IOStateArrow s b c -> IOStateArrow s b c
setTraceLevel :: Int -> IOStateArrow s b b
getTraceLevel :: IOStateArrow s b Int
withTraceLevel :: Int -> IOStateArrow s b c -> IOStateArrow s b c
trace :: Int -> IOStateArrow s b String -> IOStateArrow s b b
traceMsg :: Int -> String -> IOStateArrow s b b
traceString :: Int -> (String -> String) -> IOStateArrow s String String
traceSource :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
traceTree :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
traceDoc :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
traceState :: IOStateArrow s b b
expandURIString :: String -> String -> Maybe String
expandURI :: ArrowXml a => a (String, String) String
mkAbsURI :: IOStateArrow s String String
getFragmentFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
getPathFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
getPortFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
getQueryFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
getRegNameFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
getSchemeFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
getUserInfoFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
Data Types
data XIOState us
state datatype consists of a system state and a user state the user state is not fixed
xio_sysState :: !XIOSysState
xio_userState :: !us
show/hide Instances
data XIOSysState
predefined system state data type with all components for the system functions, like trace, error handling, ...
xio_trace :: !Int
xio_errorStatus :: !Int
xio_errorModule :: !String
xio_errorMsgHandler :: (String -> IO ())
xio_errorMsgCollect :: !Bool
xio_errorMsgList :: !XmlTrees
xio_baseURI :: !String
xio_defaultBaseURI :: !String
xio_attrList :: !(AssocList String XmlTrees)
show/hide Instances
type IOStateArrow s b c = IOSLA (XIOState s) b c
The arrow type for stateful arrows
type IOSArrow b c = IOStateArrow () b c
The arrow for stateful arrows with no user defined state
Running Arrows
initialState :: us -> XIOState us
the default global state, used as initial state when running an IOSArrow with runIOSLA or runX
initialSysState :: XIOSysState
runX :: IOSArrow XmlTree c -> IO [c]

apply an IOSArrow to an empty root node with initialState () as initial state

the main entry point for running a state arrow with IO

when running runX f an empty XML root node is applied to f. usually f will start with a constant arrow (ignoring the input), e.g. a readDocument arrow.

for usage see examples with writeDocument

if input has to be feed into the arrow use runIOSLA like in runIOSLA f emptyX inputDoc

User State Manipulation
getUserState :: IOStateArrow s b s
read the user defined part of the state
setUserState :: IOStateArrow s s s
set the user defined part of the state
changeUserState :: (b -> s -> s) -> IOStateArrow s b b
change the user defined part of the state
withExtendedUserState :: s1 -> IOStateArrow (s1, s0) b c -> IOStateArrow s0 b c

extend user state

Run an arrow with an extended user state component, The old component is stored together with a new one in a pair, the arrow is executed with this extended state, and the augmented state component is removed form the state when the arrow has finished its execution

withOtherUserState :: s1 -> IOStateArrow s1 b c -> IOStateArrow s0 b c

change the type of user state

This conversion is useful, when running a state arrow with another structure of the user state, e.g. with () when executing some IO arrows

Global System State Access
getSysParam :: (XIOSysState -> c) -> IOStateArrow s b c
changeSysParam :: (b -> XIOSysState -> XIOSysState) -> IOStateArrow s b b
setParamList :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTrees XmlTree
store a list of XML trees in global system state under a given attribute name
setParam :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
store a single XML tree in global state under a given attribute name
unsetParam :: String -> IOStateArrow s b b
remove an entry in global state, arrow input remains unchanged
getParam :: String -> IOStateArrow s b XmlTree
read an attribute value from global state
getAllParams :: IOStateArrow s b (AssocList String XmlTrees)
read all attributes from global state
setParamString :: String -> String -> IOStateArrow s b b
getParamString :: String -> IOStateArrow s b String
read a string value from global state, if parameter not set "" is returned
setParamInt :: String -> Int -> IOStateArrow s b b
store an int value in global state
getParamInt :: Int -> String -> IOStateArrow s b Int

read an int value from global state

 getParamInt 0 myIntAttr
Error Message Handling
clearErrStatus :: IOStateArrow s b b
setErrStatus :: IOStateArrow s Int Int
set global error variable
getErrStatus :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree Int
read current global error status
setErrMsgStatus :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
raise the global error status level to that of the input tree
setErrorMsgHandler :: Bool -> (String -> IO ()) -> IOStateArrow s b b
set the error message handler and the flag for collecting the errors
errorMsgStderr :: IOStateArrow s b b
the default error message handler: error output to stderr
errorMsgCollect :: IOStateArrow s b b
error message handler for collecting errors
errorMsgStderrAndCollect :: IOStateArrow s b b
error message handler for output to stderr and collecting
errorMsgIgnore :: IOStateArrow s b b
error message handler for ignoring errors
getErrorMessages :: IOStateArrow s b XmlTree
if error messages are collected by the error handler for processing these messages by the calling application, this arrow reads the stored messages and clears the error message store
filterErrorMsg :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
filter error messages from input trees and issue errors
issueWarn :: String -> IOStateArrow s b b
generate a warnig message
issueErr :: String -> IOStateArrow s b b
generate an error message
issueFatal :: String -> IOStateArrow s b b
generate a fatal error message, e.g. document not found
setDocumentStatus :: Int -> String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
add the error level and the module where the error occured to the attributes of a document root node and remove the children when level is greater or equal to c_err. called by setDocumentStatusFromSystemState when the system state indicates an error
setDocumentStatusFromSystemState :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
check whether the error level attribute in the system state is set to error, in this case the children of the document root are removed and the module name where the error occured and the error level are added as attributes with setDocumentStatus else nothing is changed
documentStatusOk :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
check whether tree is a document root and the status attribute has a value less than c_err
Document Base
setBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s String String
set the base URI of a document, used e.g. for reading includes, e.g. external entities, the input must be an absolute URI
getBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s b String
read the base URI from the globale state
changeBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s String String

change the base URI with a possibly relative URI, can be used for evaluating the xml:base attribute. Returns the new absolute base URI. Fails, if input is not parsable with parseURIReference

see also: setBaseURI, mkAbsURI

setDefaultBaseURI :: String -> IOStateArrow s b String
set the default base URI, if parameter is null, the system base ( file:///<cwd>/ ) is used, else the parameter, must be called before any document is read
getDefaultBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s b String
get the default base URI
runInLocalURIContext :: IOStateArrow s b c -> IOStateArrow s b c
remember base uri, run an arrow and restore the base URI, used with external entity substitution
setTraceLevel :: Int -> IOStateArrow s b b
set the global trace level
getTraceLevel :: IOStateArrow s b Int
read the global trace level
withTraceLevel :: Int -> IOStateArrow s b c -> IOStateArrow s b c
run an arrow with a given trace level, the old trace level is restored after the arrow execution
trace :: Int -> IOStateArrow s b String -> IOStateArrow s b b
apply a trace arrow and issue message to stderr
traceMsg :: Int -> String -> IOStateArrow s b b
issue a string message as trace
traceString :: Int -> (String -> String) -> IOStateArrow s String String
issue the string input of an arrow
traceSource :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree

issue the source representation of a document if trace level >= 3

for better readability the source is formated with indentDoc

traceTree :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
issue the tree representation of a document if trace level >= 4
traceDoc :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
trace a main computation step issue a message when trace level >= 1, issue document source if level >= 3, issue tree when level is >= 4
traceState :: IOStateArrow s b b
trace the global state
URI Manipulation
expandURIString :: String -> String -> Maybe String
compute the absolut URI for a given URI and a base URI
expandURI :: ArrowXml a => a (String, String) String
arrow variant of expandURIString, fails if expandURIString returns Nothing
mkAbsURI :: IOStateArrow s String String
arrow for expanding an input URI into an absolute URI using global base URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getFragmentFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
arrow for computing the fragment component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getPathFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
arrow for computing the path component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getPortFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
arrow for selecting the port number of the URI without leading ':', fails if input is not a legal URI
getQueryFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
arrow for computing the query component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getRegNameFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
arrow for selecting the registered name (host) of the URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getSchemeFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String

arrow for selecting the scheme (protocol) of the URI, fails if input is not a legal URI.

See Network.URI for URI components

getUserInfoFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
arrow for selecting the user info of the URI without trailing '@', fails if input is not a legal URI
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