Haskell Xml Toolbox 7.1: The complete APISource codeContentsIndex
relaxSchemaFile :: String
relaxSchemaGrammarFile :: String
a_numberOfErrors :: String
a_relaxSimplificationChanges :: String
defineOrigName :: String
type Env = [(String, XmlTree)]
contextAttributes :: String
contextBaseAttr :: String
type OldName = String
type NewName = String
type NamePair = (OldName, NewName)
type RefList = [NamePair]
type DatatypeEqual = DatatypeName -> String -> Context -> String -> Context -> Maybe String
type DatatypeAllows = DatatypeName -> ParamList -> String -> Context -> Maybe String
type DatatypeLibraries = [DatatypeLibrary]
type DatatypeLibrary = (Uri, DatatypeCheck)
type DatatypeName = String
type ParamName = String
type AllowedParams = [ParamName]
type AllowedDatatypes = [(DatatypeName, AllowedParams)]
data DatatypeCheck = DTC {
dtAllowsFct :: DatatypeAllows
dtEqualFct :: DatatypeEqual
dtAllowedTypes :: AllowedDatatypes
type Uri = String
type LocalName = String
type ParamList = [(LocalName, String)]
type Prefix = String
type Context = (Uri, [(Prefix, Uri)])
type Datatype = (Uri, LocalName)
data NameClass
= AnyName
| AnyNameExcept NameClass
| Name Uri LocalName
| NsName Uri
| NsNameExcept Uri NameClass
| NameClassChoice NameClass NameClass
| NCError String
data Pattern
= Empty
| NotAllowed String
| Text
| Choice Pattern Pattern
| Interleave Pattern Pattern
| Group Pattern Pattern
| OneOrMore Pattern
| List Pattern
| Data Datatype ParamList
| DataExcept Datatype ParamList Pattern
| Value Datatype String Context
| Attribute NameClass Pattern
| Element NameClass Pattern
| After Pattern Pattern
data ContentType
= CTEmpty
| CTComplex
| CTSimple
| CTNone
relaxSchemaFile :: String
relaxSchemaGrammarFile :: String
a_numberOfErrors :: String
a_relaxSimplificationChanges :: String
defineOrigName :: String
type Env = [(String, XmlTree)]
contextAttributes :: String

Start of a context attribute value (see also: simplificationStep1)

The value is always followed by the original attribute name and value

contextBaseAttr :: String
Start of base uri attribute value (see also: simplificationStep1 in Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Simplification)
type OldName = String
type NewName = String
type NamePair = (OldName, NewName)
type RefList = [NamePair]
type DatatypeEqual = DatatypeName -> String -> Context -> String -> Context -> Maybe String

Type of all datatype libraries functions that tests whether a XML instance value matches a value-pattern.

Returns Just "errorMessage" in case of an error else Nothing.

type DatatypeAllows = DatatypeName -> ParamList -> String -> Context -> Maybe String

Type of all datatype libraries functions that tests whether a XML instance value matches a data-pattern.

Returns Just "errorMessage" in case of an error else Nothing.

type DatatypeLibraries = [DatatypeLibrary]
List of all supported datatype libraries
type DatatypeLibrary = (Uri, DatatypeCheck)
Each datatype library is identified by a URI.
type DatatypeName = String
type ParamName = String
type AllowedParams = [ParamName]
List of all supported params for a datatype
type AllowedDatatypes = [(DatatypeName, AllowedParams)]
List of all supported datatypes and there allowed params
data DatatypeCheck
The Constructor exports the list of supported datatypes for a library. It also exports the specialized datatype library functions to validate a XML instance value with respect to a datatype.
dtAllowsFct :: DatatypeAllowsfunction to test whether a value matches a data-pattern
dtEqualFct :: DatatypeEqualfunction to test whether a value matches a value-pattern
dtAllowedTypes :: AllowedDatatypeslist of all supported params for a datatype
type Uri = String
type LocalName = String
type ParamList = [(LocalName, String)]
List of parameters; each parameter is a pair consisting of a local name and a value.
type Prefix = String
type Context = (Uri, [(Prefix, Uri)])
A Context represents the context of an XML element. It consists of a base URI and a mapping from prefixes to namespace URIs.
type Datatype = (Uri, LocalName)
A Datatype identifies a datatype by a datatype library name and a local name.
data NameClass
Represents a name class
AnyNameExcept NameClass
Name Uri LocalName
NsName Uri
NsNameExcept Uri NameClass
NameClassChoice NameClass NameClass
NCError String
show/hide Instances
data Pattern
Represents a pattern after simplification
NotAllowed StringString represents the error message
Choice Pattern Pattern
Interleave Pattern Pattern
Group Pattern Pattern
OneOrMore Pattern
List Pattern
Data Datatype ParamList
DataExcept Datatype ParamList Pattern
Value Datatype String Context
Attribute NameClass Pattern
Element NameClass Pattern
After Pattern Pattern
show/hide Instances
Show Pattern
data ContentType
Possible content types of a Relax NG pattern. (see also chapter 7.2 in Relax NG specification)
show/hide Instances
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