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Description | |||||||||||||
Version : $Id: XPathEval.hs,v 1.8 20061012 11:51:29 hxml Exp $ The core functions for evaluating the different types of XPath expressions. Each Expr-constructor is mapped to an evaluation function. | |||||||||||||
Synopsis | |||||||||||||
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Documentation | |||||||||||||
getXPath :: String -> XmlFilter | |||||||||||||
Select parts of a document by an XPath expression. The main filter for selecting parts of a document via XPath. The string argument must be a XPath expression with an absolute location path, the argument tree must be a complete document tree. Result is a possibly empty list of XmlTrees forming the set of selected XPath values. XPath values other than XmlTrees (numbers, attributes, tagnames, ...) are convertet to text nodes. | |||||||||||||
getXPathWithNsEnv :: NsEnv -> String -> XmlFilter | |||||||||||||
Select parts of a document by a namespace aware XPath expression. Works like getXPath but the prefix:localpart names in the XPath expression are interpreted with respect to the given namespace environment | |||||||||||||
getXPathSubTrees :: String -> XmlFilter | |||||||||||||
Select parts of an XML tree by a XPath expression. The main filter for selecting parts of an arbitrary XML tree via XPath. The string argument must be a XPath expression with an absolute location path, There are no restrictions on the arument tree. No canonicalization is performed before evaluating the query Result is a possibly empty list of XmlTrees forming the set of selected XPath values. XPath values other than XmlTrees (numbers, attributes, tagnames, ...) are convertet to text nodes. | |||||||||||||
getXPathSubTreesWithNsEnv :: NsEnv -> String -> XmlFilter | |||||||||||||
Same as getXPathSubTrees but with namespace aware XPath expression | |||||||||||||
getXPathNodeSet :: String -> XmlTree -> XmlNodeSet | |||||||||||||
compute the node set of an XPath query | |||||||||||||
getXPathNodeSetWithNsEnv :: NsEnv -> String -> XmlTree -> XmlNodeSet | |||||||||||||
compute the node set of a namespace aware XPath query | |||||||||||||
evalExpr :: Env -> Context -> Expr -> XPathFilter | |||||||||||||
The main evaluation entry point. Each XPath-Expr is mapped to an evaluation function. The Env-parameter contains the set of global variables for the evaluator, the Context-parameter the root of the tree in which the expression is evaluated. | |||||||||||||
Produced by Haddock version 0.8 |